The Power of Vitamin D
Vitamin D impacts exercise performance by increasing the size and number of Type II (fast twitch) muscle fibers. It is well known that physical and athletic performance is seasonal in that it follows natural levels of vitamin D, peaking during the summer months and declining during the fall and winter months.
91 Year Old Man Sets World Bench Press Record
The 91-year-old World War II veteran just recently set the bench press world record in the over 90 class of the World Association Of Benchers & Deadlifters with a 187.2 pound bench press.
6 Muscle-Building Strategies (FREE PDF)
Download Your FREE Bodybuilding e-Book. The 6 Forgotten Factors of Hypertrophy Report. This 54-page muscle-building report that reveals 6 killer tricks for igniting serious gains in size and strength.
Intermittent Fasting – Good OR Bad?
Intermittent Fasting is a hot nutrition topic and a lot of people think that this is something new. But when you look deeper you’ll see that the whole idea of intermittent fasting is as old as eating itself. Back in our caveman hunter gatherer days we never had the luxury of eating meal every 3 hours during the day
Upper Chest Workout Routine
In this workout we’re going to focus on training the upper chest with a complete workout routine that will work the mid-range, fully stretched, and peak contraction ranges of motion
Save Time By Cooking In Bulk
Preparing meals and eating several times a day is the hardest part about bodybuilding. But a simple tip that you use to make it a little bit easier, is to prepare your meals in bulk. Rather than cooking and preparing for 1 meal at a time, prepare and cook for several meals in advance
How To Prepare For a “CHEAT Day”
The truth is that no one can stick to a strict bodybuilding diet plan perfectly without getting off track at some point. Sooner or later you will cheat on your diet. But the good news is that with a little planning you can use cheat days or cheat meals to your advantage
Bicep & Tricep Workout With Dumbbells
One of the keys to building up a stubborn muscle group is to incorporate more frequent workouts for that muscle group in your routine. And the arms work great for doing frequent workouts for 2 reasons: First, it is easy to train the arms with very little equipment. In this workout here all you need is a set of dumbbells
Single Leg Workouts
The first step to a great physique is simply training all your major muscle groups equally from top to bottom. But you can step things up and strive to develop balance and symmetry from left to right with single limb training
The Importance of Testosterone
Attention Men – This is a “Must Read” blog post because it contains some very important information about Testosterone, Sex Drive, and How To Preserve Both
Safe Upright Row Variation To Eliminate Shoulder Pain
Upright Rows are a great exercise to work the traps, side, and rear deltoids. But the way most people do them can cause a lot of discomfort. In this blog post you’re going to learn a safe variation that will allow you to perform the upright row pain free and allow you to maximize muscle activation
5 Hour Energy… Yay or Nay?
These days we are bombarded with energy boosters. It’s almost to the point where you are expected to be buzzed out of your head on stimulants just to get through your day. I mean who goes to the gym sober anymore LOL
Pec Pumping Chest Workout
Do you want to build a BIG Muscular Chest? If so you’re in luck because in the video clip that I have for you today you’ll get a complete Pec Pumping Chest Workout Routine that you can follow the next time you are at the gym
3 Exercises To Help Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
In this blog post you’re going to learn some simple stretches and exercises that you can do at home to help treat carpal tunnel syndrome. I’ve been using these exercises myself to keep my CTS under control without having to resort to medication or surgery
NEVER use Splenda (health warning!)
Do you use Splenda? If so you may want to reconsider it after reading this. Despite advertisements stating “Made from Sugar, so it Tastes like Sugar” Which attempt to confuse consumers, Splenda® is NOT natural and contains no elements of natural sugar
Home Gym Upper Body Workout
Do you workout at home? If so you’ll want to check out this blog post that I have for you today because it shows a complete upper body workout program that you can do at home. And I’ll be posting the home gym leg workout very soon.
Squat Technique Tip – Strengthen Weak Hips
Most guys naturally have weak hips because we rarely focus on training them. One way to tell if you have weak hips is by your squatting form, if your knees buckle in as you squat down, especially as you work up to lifting heavy weight, than that’s a sure sign that you need to strengthen your hips
Bench Press “Suicide Grip” – Thumbless Grip VS. Regular Grip
How should you grip the barbell when doing bench presses? Meaning do do you use a Regular Grip or a False Grip? In this blog post we’re going to cover the pros and cons of both the regular thumb grip and the false thumbless grip (aka: suicide grip bench press)
FREE Bodybuilding Quick Start Kit
Learn The “Short-Cut” To Quickly Building
A Ripped Muscular Physique… If you are looking to get in your Best Shape Ever, then you’ve come to the right place. Let me be YOUR Muscle Building Coach who helps you build a stronger, leaner, more athletic physique!
Cheesy Hotel Gym Workout
Every once in a while you may find yourself working out in some pretty cheesy hotel gyms. But any workout is better than no workout. And I actually think that it’s a good idea to workout in a crappy gym from time to time because it makes you appreciate a proper gym all that much more
Easy High Protein Oatmeal Recipe
One of my all time favorite bodybuilding meals is high protein oatmeal. I often have this for breakfast as well as for my post workout meal. The thing I like about it the most is that it’s quick and easy to make, it’s tasty, and provides your body with some high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber.
When Should You Use A Weight Lifting Belt?
Wearing a lifting belt ALL The Time is a mistake. You should only use it when you really need it. Over using things like belts, wraps, and straps will actually make you weaker and increase your risk of injury, rather than protecting you. There is a RIGHT and a WRONG time to use a belt
The BEST Fat Loss Tip for 2013
As we embark on another New Year many people are setting goals and New Year’s Resolutions for 2013. And one of the most popular goals that people set is to lose weight (i.e. lose bodyfat)
High Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies
If you could have been at my house this past Saturday evening your mouth would have been watering from the smell of freshly baked cookies in the oven.
But these are not just any ordinary cookies…They Are High Protein Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, & Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Hypertrophy MAX Review
I’m sure you’ve heard quite about the Hypertrophy MAX Program that my good friends Ben Pakulski (IFBB Pro Bodybuilder) and Vince DelMonte (WBFF Pro Fitness Model) have released. And you are probably wondering if this program is something you should look into for yourself
Healthy Hot Cocoa Recipe!
Stay Warm & Cozy This Winter With A Tasty Cup Of Hot Cocoa! That deliciously warm and comforting drink is a Christmas tradition in our house. But unfortunately it can also contribute to the “holiday weight gain” that so many folks experience. However, today you’re going to learn how to make a High Protein Hot Cocoa Recipe
Build The Upper Chest With The Guillotine Press!
Get Ready To Build A Bigger Upper Chest With The Guillotine Press. The guillotine press is an old school upper chest exercise that was made popular by Vince Gironda (aka The Iron Guru)
When Should You Have Your Post Workout Shake?
Now this may seem pretty obvious. You should have your post workout shake after you finish your workout. But the confusion comes about when people are doing a weight training workout and then immediately following it up with a cardio workout
Stay Warm To Prevent Injuries In The Gym
As the weather gets cooler outside you need to take some extra precautions when planning out your workouts. You are more likely to pull a muscle, tendon, or ligament and get injured when you are cold compared to when you are warm.
Home Gym Arm Workout With Dumbbells
There are few things in bodybuilding that are as desirable as big muscular arms. In the video clip below you’ll get a complete Arm Workout (i.e. biceps, triceps, and forearms) that you can do at home using nothing more than a set of adjustable dumbbells.