The TRUTH About Fat Loss (and Why You’re Not Losing Fat)

If you’re struggling with losing fat and shedding those extra pounds. Then you’ll want to listen in to this podcast because you’ll discover the TRUTH about fat loss dieting that many people overlook!

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Lose Your Gut Challenge

Lose Your Gut “Start Again” Fall Challenge

Now that summer is over, we’re getting back on track with a “Start Again” Lose Your Gut Fall Challenge!

If you have fallen off the bandwagon, packed on a few extra pounds of body fat over the summer, and would like to lose your gut…

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Optimize Your Environment for Faster Fat Loss!

In this podcast Jeff and myself talk about how to Optimize Your Environment for Faster Fat Loss! We’ll dive deep into real world strategies that you can implement in your day to day routine to enhance your weight loss efforts so you can get lean and stay lean for life while enjoying the process.

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The ONE Trait All Successful Athletes Share

The ONE Trait ALL Athletes, Trainers, and Fitness Enthusiasts Share

In today’s episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding podcast we delve into the ONE trait that unites all successful athletes, trainers, and sports enthusiasts. Regardless of their sport or level of experience, this common characteristic is what drives them to excel and achieve their goals more than anything else.

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Real Fitness Is More Than Losing Weight

Real Fitness is More Than Just Losing Weight…

One of the biggest draws to get involved with fitness for a lot of people is to lose weight. Which is understandable as over half of the population these days is overweight. I’m sure everyone reading this knows of at least 1 person who is trying to lose weight – and maybe you are trying…

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Muscle After 40 Blueprint – How To Maximize Muscularity, Leanness & Testosterone!

If you’re ready to rewind the hand of Father Time on your physique and look and feel invincible, then download a copy of the Muscle After 40 Blueprint PDF e-book… Because you’ll be shocked to learn how doing popular mainstream diet and workout programs are actually DESTROYING your body! You’re going to discover some simple…

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What’s the BEST Fat Loss Diet?

How did the simple task of eating food become so complicated and controversial? In this article you’re going to learn the PROS and CONS of the various bodybuilding and weight loss diet trends. Plus find out the best way to structure your diet to lose fat and build a lean muscular physique.

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Amino Acids Supplements – are they a waste of money?

– A common question that I get from my online followers is about Amino Acids supplements… Are they any good, or are they just a waste of money? Well, before we dive into that – we first need to know exactly what we’re talking about… “Amino Acids” are molecules that combine to form protein. When…

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How To Get Ripped For Summer

How To Get a Ripped “Beach Body” for Summer – (the truth about fat loss)

The spring time is when many guys come out of winter hibernation and start thinking about losing the gut and getting ripped for summer. And I wish I could tell you that there was some magic short cut to getting six pack abs and a ripped “Beach Body” fast… Like do 100 sit ups a…

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I have no time to exercise (12-hour days, 2-hour commute, four kids, home chores). Looking for suggestions?

No Time to Exercise? Start with 10 minutes…

Question:I have no time to exercise (12-hour days, 2-hour commute, four kids, home chores). I just don’t have time to go to the gym and I’m looking for suggestions? Answer:I can totally relate to not having enough time to workout. I admit that just a few years ago I fell into the same trap myself.…

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Lee's Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

How To Survive The Holidays Without Getting Fat – Lee’s Top 5 Fat Loss Tips!

There are some simple strategies that you can use – My Top 5 Fat Loss Tips – that will help prevent you from gaining fat and actually get leaner over the holidays… Without feeling like you’re suffering it out on an extreme diet or avoiding holiday meals.

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What's the BEST Workout Frequency?

The BEST Workout Training Frequency for YOU

All workout splits work – as long as you’re consistent enough to actually let the program work for you. But how you personally structure YOUR WORKOUTS really depends on you, your fitness level, your goals, your schedule, etc. It’s not as simple as having everyone follow a one size fits all “Cookie Cutter” approach, like some gurus preach.

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Fat – To – Fit “Grandpa”

Fitness is a lot more than having ripped Six Pack Abs and setting PR’s in the gym. Granted, those things are “nice”, but that’s not what real fitness is about. It’s much bigger and more important than that… Being fit means that you are strong, healthy, and have energy to burn so you can be…

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This is WHY You Will FAIL...

Why you will FAIL to achieve your Fitness & Fat Loss Goals

😳 Here’s the harsh truth… 97% of people will NEVER succeed in reaching their fitness and fat loss goals – Ouch! In the video below you’re going to learn EXACTLY what the top 3% of achievers do differently than most people who struggle… Back in 2000 Microsoft did a study measuring how long the average…

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Why You're NOT Losing Weight

Why You’re NOT Losing Fat… And How To Fix It!

A lot of people are stuck in a rut when it comes to fat loss… Even though they maybe exercising regularly and eating well – they just can’t seem to lose that last bit of stubborn weight right around the middle… If you’re frustrated by your lack of progress and have hit a fat loss…

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Fit or Fat - your habits decide

Don’t Focus On Your Results! Focus On Your Habits & The Results Will Take Care Of Themselves…

One of the biggest mindset shifts that can literally “make” or “break” your fat loss success is to stop obsessing about your short term results (or lack there of) – and just focus on mastering your daily habits. If you consistently follow proper nutritional habits along with doing some form of daily exercise, even if…

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NOT Motivated To Lose Weight

How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight – The 5 Whys…

Most people today are what I call Comfortably Overweight. While they may not like being fat – they can live with it. And that’s the reason why most people never lose weight and keep it off long term.

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Follow Along Home Workouts

Follow Along Home Workouts

I know you are probably overwhelmed with all the talk about Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and how the world is in a panic right now. Things are changing by the day… The Gyms have all closed, schools are closed, day cares are closed, community centers are closed, etc. So to help you continue making progress with…

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Vitamins & Minerals Guide To Boost Your Immune System

Vitamin & Mineral Guide To Boost Your Immune System

When it comes to meeting your vitamin and mineral needs, you can’t rely on the RDA (recommended daily allowance) that is set forth by the government. They are antiquated and way too low in many cases. In fact, the RDA is being revised based on recent research showing that daily dietary needs for vitamins and…

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How Bill Lost 116 pounds

How Bill Lost 116 Pounds and Turned His Life Around

Today I have an inspirational story to share with you. It’s about a man named Bill Moore who turned his life around and lost 116 pounds in 2 years. I think Bill’s story will really hit home for a lot of middle age folks who get caught up with the details of day to day life – advancing in your career, raising a family, etc. and when this happens very often our health and fitness fall to the wayside

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You've Got Less Muscle Than You Think

You’ve Got LESS Muscle Than You Think…

Chances are that you may have LESS Muscle Mass on your body than you think you do. I’m not trying to be negative or put you down. I’m just telling it like it is so that you can use this information to your advantage, and actually reach your personal muscle building and fat loss goals

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Lose the flab and get abs

How Jacob lost 42 pounds and Got Ripped in just 5 months!

In just 5 months Jacob went from 231 pounds and feeling fat, depressed, and embarrassed about his body… To now weighing 189 pounds and feeling confident, looking lean, healthy, and ripped.

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How To Lose Weight After 40

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off For Men After 40

It’s no fun having a gut that sticks out further than your chest, or getting out of breath just to bend over and tie your own shoes, or feeling so embarrassed about your body that you go to bed with a t-shirt on because you don’t want your wife to see your fat pudgy belly sticking out.

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Fit Over 50 – How This 58 Year Old Went From Fat To Ripped!

Feeling fat, old, and scared for his health – Trevor decided enough was enough and he needed to make a change. Not just for himself, but for his wife and daughter. Within 2 years of making that decision, Trevor turned his life around, lost 74 pounds, and is now in the best shape of his life at 58 years young!

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Paul Miller - Starting Again After Age 60

Exercise for a 60+ Year Old Man – is it even worth it?

Do you ever feel that you’re too old to workout? Is there any point to even trying to get back in shape when you’re already “Over The Hill?” Unfortunately, as men get older – into their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond – most just give up on their health and fitness. When it should be…

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Stop Counting Calories

How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Calorie counting works when you do it consistently. You just have to figure out your numbers and stick to them… All that’s required for this approach to work, is for you to have the discipline to stick to the numbers… And that’s where the problem lies… because most people suck at discipline when it comes to dieting. Thankfully there’s an easier way to “Diet” and it doesn’t involve counting calories.

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Bench Press Workout + Build Bulletproof Shoulders!

If you want to continue gaining strength on the bench press, try this Dynamic Effort Bench Press workout. It’s a great way of not only building explosive power but also introducing accommodating resistance into your training – while bulletproofing your shoulders at the same time!

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Can't Build Muscle

HELP, I Can’t Gain Muscle No Matter What I Do…

Lee, I have followed you for a few years. I have attempted every possible avenue to build muscle but I have seen no change. I have added calories, added weights and consumed a ton of protein. Still, no results. I have gained no muscle of any kind. Should I give up or is there another option?

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Triceps Workout

How To Build Bigger TRICEPS – Dumbbell Tricep Workout

When most people think of building up muscular arms, they tend to focus on the biceps. However, the triceps make up 2/3’s of your upper arm mass. So if you want to build bigger arms – you need to focus on growing the triceps just as much, if not more, than the biceps.

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Biceps Workout

How To Build Bigger BICEPS – Dumbbell Bicep Workout

Everyone loves big muscular arms and in this home gym bicep workout you’ll learn how to train all aspects of your biceps for complete muscle development. Build bigger biceps using nothing more than a set of dumbbells and an adjustable bench.

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