Are You OVER TRAINING ? (easy way to find out)
Over Training is when the volume and intensity of a workout routine exceeds the individual’s recovery capacity. But unfortunately there is no universal guideline for “Over Training” because we all have different fitness levels, work capacities, and other factors that can affect your recovery.

Blood Flow Restriction Arm Workouts
Blood Flow Restriction (also known as occlusion) involves wrapping a strap, band, or wrap around the top portion of a limb (i.e. your arms or legs) to restrict blood flow from leaving the working muscles. The result is that you’ll get a “super pump” by forcing more blood volume into the muscle cells.

Should You Train To Failure? (the pros & cons)
To stimulate muscle growth you need to push your limits and train hard in the gym with progressive overload. But does that mean you have to push it to failure on every single exercise that you do? Find out when it’s ok to train to failure and when you should back off.

How Old School Bodybuilders Got Big & Strong!
The Old-School Bodybuilder’s from the 1960’s and 1970’s had some of the most impressive muscular physiques the world has ever seen. The classic physiques from the Pumping Iron days were a completely different breed compared to the monstrous behemoths which take to Mr Olympia stage today.

How much sodium should you have per day?
Salt is not the bad guy that the media makes it out to be. In this blog you’ll learn how proper salt intake can help maximize your strength, energy, and muscle gains in the gym.

I’m Working Out Consistently, But Not Gaining Any Muscle… What’s Wrong?
Help, I’ve been lifting weights for 5 years but don’t have much to show for it. Simply lifting heavy and eating more doesn’t work for me… What am I doing wrong? When it comes to building muscle there are 3 key components that need to be addressed – 1) Weight Training – 2) Nutrition – and the biggest one… 3) Genetics!

The Best Foods To Eat After A Workout For Building Muscle
We’ve all been told from a young age that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But for a hard training bodybuilder or athlete your post workout meal is actually the most important food you eat in terms of maximizing muscle recovery and growth

The Best Muscle Building Exercises
What Are The Best Exercises For Building Muscle?
to a certain degree all strength training exercises that you do can be beneficial. But there is a specific way to rank exercises from those that provide the lowest level of muscle stimulation, to the those that provide the highest level of muscle stimulation.

How Many Reps Should You Do To Build Muscle?
High Reps VS Low Reps. Some people say “high reps for cutting” and “low reps for bulking”. But is this really the best approach? Click the link below to find out the truth about how many reps you should do to build muscle. But the question is which rep range is the best one and which one should you use in your workouts?

Ideal Measurements for a Bodybuilding Physique
What Are The Body Measurements For The Ideal Muscular Physique? Many bodybuilding historians regard Steve Reeves as being one of the most symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing bodybuilders of all time. Reeves was one of the early proponents of training for balance and proportion, rather than simply trying to get big

Creatine Supplement Information 101
Of all the bodybuilding and nutritional supplements on the market, one of the most talked about products is Creatine. And there is a good reason for that because creatine is one of the few supplements on the market that can produce a noticeable enhancement in strength and lean muscle gains in a relatively short period of time.

How To Prevent Getting A Hernia When Lifting Weights
In this blog post you’re going to learn about the different types of hernias. Plus get some simple action steps that you can can start taking now to help avoid getting a hernia when working out and lifting weights

Back To The Basics – Mass & Power Barbell Workout
A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle (and vice versa). When you are at the gym just look around at the regular members. I’m willing to bet that the guys who are the biggest and the most muscular are also the ones who are lifting the heaviest weights

Do You Even Lift? why you don’t look like a bodybuilder…
You’re going to the gym, you’re eating right, taking your protein shakes, getting 8 hours of sleep a night… Basically doing everything that you should be doing… But you don’t look like a bodybuilder… here’s why

Deadlifting 101 – How To Do The Deadlift
In this blog post you are going to get a complete deadlift workout program that will help increase your deadlift poundages, allowing you increase your overall strength, and pack on slabs of thick dense muscle mass to your frame.

How To Use Lifting Straps To Re-Enforce Your Grip.
Straps or No Straps. A question that I’m often asked by my followers is about lifting straps to re-enforce your grip when lifting weights. How do you use them? When should you use them? etc.

How To Lose Weight – FAST!
Are you desperate to lose weight? Would you do almost anything to quickly shed those unwanted pounds and get a lean trim body? If so, this is a Must Read blog post because it reveals real world weight loss advice for both men and women on how to lose weight and keep it off

Strict Form VS. Cheating Reps (what’s best for muscle growth?)
To Cheat Or Not To Cheat… How Strict Should Your Exercise Form Be? When it comes to weight training there are generally 2 schools of thought when it comes to exercise form. First you have the typical personal trainer “fitness experts” who say you should perform all lifts with light to moderate weights and use…

How Being Acidic Can Kill Your Precious Gains in the Gym
You’re doing everything right. You’re eating clean, following a workout program but you are plateauing. You just can’t seem to get the results you are wanting. There can be many a reason for this, but one such cause is little known and for the most part easy to overcome. Biochemical acidosis is a common disorder…

Valentine’s Day Dark Chocolate Recipe
Valentines Day is the perfect time to express your love in a romantic way. But please don’t be plain, boring, and predictable. Instead show that special someone you really care by making her a batch of healthy, sexy, and seductive valentines day chocolates

Why Am I Not Getting Any Bigger?
A LOT of skinny guys are desperately trying to put some solid muscle mass on their bones. And very often the reason for their lack of results is NOT with the workout program they are following, but rather what’s fueling their workouts

10 Tips to Improve Your Power Lifts
Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Power Lifts – Guest Blog Post by Elite Level Powerlifter Chris Ruden. Powerlifting is one of the most popular strength sports which combines three lifts with maximum weight – squat, bench press, and deadlift. Exercised in gyms all over the world by both men and women, these three power…
How Fast Can You Lose Bodyfat?
When it comes to dieting for fat loss you’re going to hear all kinds of different numbers with regards to how fast you can lose weight. Everything from the 48 hour Hollywood Miracle Diet claiming that you can lose 10 pounds in 2 days, to a very conservative 1 pound per week, and everything in between
Not Motivated To Workout Anymore
Not Motivated To Workout Anymore? Are you find it hard to drag yourself to the gym? Maybe you used to workout in the past, but now it seems like a big chore to get your butt off the sofa… If so here’s some practical real world advice to help get back on track
Legal STEROID Scams – The Truth About Steroid Alternatives
Have you seen the ads in bodybuilding magazines and online selling Legal Steroids? They certainly get your attention with the promise of a Safe, Natural, and Legal alternative to Anabolic Steroids. Now you can finally build slabs of Massive, Ripped, Rock Hard, Muscle Mass without resorting to illegal means… But do they actually work
How To Build A BIG Muscular Back
Bodybuilding Back Workout. The old saying in bodybuilding competitions over the last 20+ years has been that the contest is won from the back. And with very few exceptions most bodybuilding contests are won by the competitor with the best back development
How To Bulk Up Like a Baby
In this blog post I’m going to cover 3 habits that can help you build a bigger, stronger, and more muscular physique. These 3 habits come naturally to newborn baby’s and if you follow them yourself you will be able to “Bulk Up Like a Baby”
Squat Form Critique – detailed exercise technique breakdown…
Just recently one of my subscribers sent me a video of himself doing the squat and he asked for my opinion, insights, and some constructive criticism of his lifting form. So that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this squat technique video breakdown
How To Do Pull Ups for Beginners
Pull Ups are one of the best exercises you can do for building up your upper body. The only problem is that they are hard as heck! So if you suck at doing Pull Ups & Chins Ups, then you should give these assisted pull up variations a try
20 Rep Squat Routine
One of the fastest ways to gain size and strength in the entire body is by following the squats and milk program. This is an old time routine that has been around for over 75 years, but it works awesome for fast gains. Even if you are a hard gainer