How To Build BIGGER Pecs
Do you want to build a big set of muscular pecs? When your goal is to pack and muscle and fill out your t-shirt with slabs of thick massive chest meat, then you need to train your pecs from top to bottom with a complete chest workout
How To Build BIGGER Quads
When your goal is to build big muscular legs with defined quads, full hamstrings, and firm buttocks… Can’t forget the firm buttocks LOL… Then you need to train your legs from all angles – squats, leg presses, leg extensions, etc. You can’t leave anything out if you want to build powerful thighs
How To Build BIGGER Lats
When your goal is to pack on muscular mass and build a wide V-shaped back, then you need to train your back from all angles… Rows, Pull Downs, Wide Grip, Narrow Grip, etc. You can’t leave anything out if you want to build an impressive back. So If You’re Looking To Build Wide muscular Lats With A Nice V-Taper, Try This Back Workout
How To Build BIGGER Delts
Do you want to build big round cannon ball delts? When your goal is to pack and muscular mass and fill out your t-shirt with big muscular shoulders, then you need to train all 3 heads of the deltoids, front delts, side delts, and rear delts. You can’t leave anything out if you want to build big deltoids
Low Carb FAST Food Meal Idea
It can be quite a challenge trying to eat healthy when you are away from home. But there is a healthy Low Carb FAST Food option that you have available that will fit in with pretty much any bodybuilding / fat loss diet plan
Caffeine Increases Testosterone…
Looking for a pre-workout energy boost that can also help jack up your natural testosterone levels? Well just reach for a cup of Joe before you hit the gym
How To Build Killer Calves Workout Program
The calves are a very dense muscle, there are literally more muscle fibers in the calves than any other muscle group in the body. They also have a very high work capacity from having to carry heavy weight for high reps all throughout the day. Because of this it’s much harder to push the calves into the GROWTH ZONE compared to other muscle groups.
Stretching Routine For Bodybuilders
Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored by the majority of people. It is just one of those things that seems to get pushed off to the side as not that important. You probably say to yourself in the back of your mind. However, when stretching is properly integrated into a weight training program it can actually speed up your muscle growth
Sick Of Eating Plain Chicken? TRY THIS…
It’s no surprise that chicken breasts are staple bodybuilding food. After all, they are a good source of high quality protein and low in fat. And unfortunately they are also Low In Taste especially the way that most bodybuilders cook them. But I’ve got an awesome recipe for Baked Crispy Chicken Nuggets that is both HEALTHY and DELICIOUS!
Injury Treatment – Should you use ICE or HEAT ?
There’s nothing worse than being on a role with your training routine, making good gains in the gym, and then getting side tracked with an injury. When this happens you need to know what to do to speed up recovery and prevent causing further damage. In this blog post you’ll learn the pros and cons of using Heat & Ice for injury treatment
Top 5 Diet Foods for Feeling Full
If you have trouble controlling your hunger when dieting, than you’ll want to include the Top 5 Diet Foods To Satisfy Your Hunger When Following A Fat Loss Cutting Diet. These foods will help keep you on track for a ripped physique while killing those late night cravings
Deadlift Workout for a BIGGER Back
Today you’re going to get a full back workout that focuses on training the deadlift and various assistance exercises to build mass, strength and power throughout the lats, traps, and spinal erectors
6 Exercises for BIGGER Biceps & Triceps
In this blog post you’re going to get a full arm workout routine that will pump up your biceps and triceps. If you are looking to fill out your shirt sleeves, then give this arm routine a try for yourself
Uneven Muscle Development
Do you experience uneven muscle pumps between your left and right sides? For example, does one arm pump up more than the other? Does one lat, pec, shoulder, etc. get a better pump than the other? In this blog post you’re going to learn a quick training tip that can use to help fix these uneven muscle pumps
Lee’s Complete Shoulder Workout
In this blog post you’re going to get a killer shoulder workout that will train all 3 heads of the deltoids – front delts, side delts, rear delts, and traps for a complete muscle pumping shoulder routine
Anabolic Cardio? – just add BCAA’s
Cardio. Some Love It. Some Hate It. But regardless of how you feel, it’s a must in order to get ultra lean and ripped. Practically every bodybuilder and fitness competitor that I know of does cardio (and lots of it) in order to get ripped for competition.
Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for Skinny Guys
Just a few years ago Adam was a typical teenager, out of shape, ate too much junk food, and enjoyed too many video games. But in the matter of 5 short years he transformed himself into a ripped muscular bodybuilder who has competed at the British Bodybuilding Championships
Alternatives To Doing Squats
Of all the exercises out there I think I get more e-mails asking for variations to squatting than anything else. People will complain that squats hurt their knees, hurt their back, hurt their shoulders, or that they are just plain scared of doing squats.
And you know what, I think every single bodybuilder, weightlifter, or powerlifter out there has felt all these things to some degree or another.
Total Fitness Bodybuilding Spotlight – “Joe Lewis”
This Total Fitness Bodybuilding spotlight is on Joe Lewis. Joe lives in Australia and has been working out and following Total Fitness Bodybuilding for the past year. During this time he has lost 49 kilograms (107 pounds) and totally transformed his health and fitness
Vince Gironda’s 8 Sets of 8 Reps Workout
Vince Gironda’s 8 sets of 8 might be the most effective set and rep combination ever developed for rapidly building muscle fiber size while simultaneously shedding body fat
4 Day Bodybuilding Workout Plan
In this blog post you’re going to get a complete 4-Day Bodybuilding Split Routine that focuses on building size and strength throughout all your major muscle groups. This workout routine can be used by intermediate to advanced lifters
The #1 Muscle Building Mistake…
Ok, before I get into this blog post I’ve got a confession to make… “The #1 Muscle Building Mistake” could cover A LOT of different factors; from training – to nutrition – to mindset – to being consistent, etc… But this particular blog is a guest post from IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski and it…
How To Use The AfterBurn Effect For Faster Fat Loss
Whenever you do any form of exercise your body burns calories during the exercise itself. But the exercise also raises your metabolism and this will continue burning even more calories at a higher rate afterwards. This is known as the AfterBurn Effect
Cycle Your Workouts For Size & Strength
When it comes to muscle and strength. You can’t really build one without the other. A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle vice versa. In this blog post you’re going to learn how to get the The Best of Both Worlds with Power Bodybuilding Training
Build Massive Quads With This Pre-Exhaust Leg Workout!
Do you find it hard to isolate and get a good pump throughout your quadriceps when training legs? A lot of people find it difficult to feel their quads working when doing leg exercises like squats and leg presses. But there is killer trick you can use to help bring up those stubborn quads
Low Carbs = Low Energy? (Myth…)
When it comes to building a lean muscular physique there are times when you need to tip the scales in favor of building maximum muscle mass. And other times when you need to change focus and tip the scales in favor of burning maximum bodyfat.
High Protein Cup Cake Recipe!
Everyone loves chocolate cup cakes and brownies (me included). But we don’t want to consume all those fattening empty calories that go right to the waistline.
So in this blog post I’m going to show you how to make high protein low carb cup cakes that taste really good
4 SHOCKING Tricks for BIGGER Arms!
21 Days To Bigger Arms. Are you tired of busting your butt only to see your arms the same size as last month? Well this is the same workout that allowed Ben to pack TWO INCHES of solid muscular mass on his arms! Heck, I would be happy with just 1/2 an inch
The Truth About Pre-Workout Supplements
Hands down the most popular category of supplements to hit the market in recent years are Energy Boosters. Just go visit your local supplement store and the shelves will be lined off with Pre-Workout drinks, powders, and stimulants all claiming to get you Jacked, make you Explode, go Crazy, Scream, Expand, Rage, and blow your freakin mind
The Real Purpose Of Bodybuilding – Becoming The Best Version Of YOU
Why Do You Go To The Gym and Workout? What’s The REAL Reason Behind It? Most likely you want to build muscle and/or lose fat, get in better shape, get stronger, look better, and all that stuff. But ultimately I think the real reason for bodybuilding is to become the best version of YOU.