100 Rep Bicep Workout Finisher

This is a killer workout finisher that you can use to really fry your biceps and help spur on some new muscle growth… After you finish your arm workout go to a bicep curl machine, doesn’t have to be any particular one, but you want a bicep machine for this exercise because you are going…

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Progress Video: posing 10 1/2 weeks out from competition…

This is a progress video clip that I shot this past Wednesday after my workout at Global Gym. Yes, I’m back posing in the can at the gym… You wouldn’t believe all the e-mails and comments I got about the last video I posted up when I was posing in front of the crapper. Some…

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Live Bodybuilding Q&A Talk Show Tonight…

Tonight, Thursday February 4th, at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time I’m going to be doing a Live Bodybuilding Q&A Talk Show at: http://www.leehayward.com/tv So if you have any questions about building muscle, losing bodyfat, training, nutrition, or any other bodybuilding related topic be sure to tune in tonight because for a full hour I’ll be…

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Building The Biceps: straight bar vs ez bar

When it comes to building the biceps a lot of people are confused as to which bar they should use for their curls… The EZ Curl Bar is popular because it tends to feel more natural and more comfortable on the wrists and elbows. So a lot of people will opt for that when doing…

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Complete Back Workout Video

This is a complete back workout that I did a few weeks ago, but I’m only getting around to posting it up now… This workout hits the entire back from top to bottom. I start off with good mornings to really work the spinal erectors and add thickness and strength to the back. Then I…

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Carl added 77 pounds to his squat in 5 weeks!

This is an e-mail that I got the other day from one of my website followers and I wanted to share it with you here because it’s a pretty awesome success story… Hi Lee, It’s one of your fans Carl. I just finished the 20 rep squat program that you posted, and I felt like…

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Live Bodybuilding Talk Show Tonight!

I’m going to be doing a live bodybuilding talk show tonight @ 9:00 pm EST If you have any questions about building muscle, losing fat, etc. then you can tune in and ask your questions live on the show at: http://www.leehayward.com/tv

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Posing Practice 11 Weeks Out…

This is a posing practice at 11 weeks out from the 2010 Atlantic Canadian Bodybuilding Championships. I’m currently 208 pounds and plan to diet down and compete somewhere in the low 190’s. And just as a comparison, this is a posing practice at 13 weeks out at 216 pounds. So far so good I’m quite…

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Good Lower Back Exercises…

One of my personal favorite exercises to finish off a back workout is the hyper extension. This really targets the lower back and will both stretch and strengthen the entire prosterior chain. This is critical for preventing back related injuries that are so common these days. There are 2 variations of the hyper extension that…

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Cardio For Fat Loss…

What is the best form of cardio for fat loss? Is it low intensity, high intensity, interval training, long duration, short duration, etc. ? Just like there is no one “best” weight training workout. There is no one “best” cardio workout either. There are pros and cons to all the different variations. But if fat…

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Blog Spam…

Those friggen spam bots are everywhere… Every single day I’ve had to go in a delete 50+ spam bot comments on my blog. They’ve been posting everything from viagra, to online gambling, to penis enlargement, and you name it… Those friggen bots have been cluttering the place up. Anyway, I just installed a new plugin…

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Lying Cable Curls: awesome bicep exercise!

If you are looking for an awesome bicep blasting, muscle pumping variation to regular standing curls, then give the the lying cable curls a try. This move really isolates the biceps, totally eliminates any body momentum, and provides constant resistance throughout the entire range of motion. If you’d like more tips to help pack on…

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Posing practice 11 and 1/2 weeks out…

This is a quick post workout posing session in the locker room at the gym. Gotta love it posing in front of the toilet, just gives such a nice ambience and really sets the mood LOL If you’d like to know more about the kind of diet, training, cardio, etc. that I’m doing to prepare…

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A days worth of low carb meals…

Since I’ve started dieting for my next bodybuilding competition I’ve been getting asked A LOT of questions regarding my diet. And they say a picture is worth a 1000 words, so to save myself some typing and to save you some reading, I decided to post pics of a typical days eating for me when…

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Progress pics taken 12 weeks out…

These are some progress pics that I took 12 weeks out from the 2010 Atlantics. So far so good. I’ve been eating a low carb diet and it’s working really well for me. I can see my definition improving. After taking a couple years away from the contest stage I’m super motivated to really hit…

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How To Instantly Add 50 Pounds To Your Tricep Push Downs!

Andy Pratt showing his “insider” trick for INSTANTLY adding 50 pounds to your tricep push downs. You gotta try this one for yourself. I guarantee it will work hands down! If there was ever a proven method of increasing the weights you lift ASAP, this is it, trust me šŸ™‚ Give it a try in…

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Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show Replay Posted…

I just posted up the replay of last nights Bodybuilding Talk Show at: http://www.LeeHayward.com/tv During last nights show I covered a lot of killer tips and strategies for blasting away stubborn bodyfat and getting ripped. Which is appropriate, as the whole January / New Years resolution fitness theme is generally focused around fat loss. I…

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High Protein Egg White And Veggie Omelette Recipe

I’ve been getting a lot of video requests lately for more tasty meals, especially fat loss meal ideas with regards to pre-contest dieting for a bodybuilding competition. So that’s exactly what I’ve put together for you here! This is what I eat for breakfast every morning now during my pre-contest fat loss diet. This is…

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Bodybuilding Posing Practice 13 Weeks Out…

Bodybuilding Posing Practice 13 Weeks Out… This is a video clip I took last night during my posing practice. I’m currently 13 weeks out from the 2010 Atlantic Canadian Bodybuilding Championships. I’m 216 pounds right now and plan on dieting down to about 195 pounds for the show. I’m going to be posting up progress…

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3 Workout Myths BUSTED!

There is so many myths and contradictions within the bodybuilding and fitness world that it can be overwhelming at times. It’s hard to know what to believe anymore because everywhere you look you’re going to find different people with drastically diverse views on how to go about building muscle, losing bodyfat, and getting in shape.…

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What’s Your Biggest Fat Loss Frustration?

What’s the biggest problem or frustration you have when it comes to getting lean and ripped? Give it some thought and then post it in the comment section below because tomorrow night (Thursday January 7th at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time) we are going to be having a true master of fat loss, Andy Pratt,…

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The 5 Things You MUST Do To Get Ripped

Are you frustrated with your lack of results when it comes to getting lean and ripped? Have you tried everything that you are “supposed” to do… (i.e. eating 6 small meals per day, working out consistently, and all that stuff) But still not getting the results you want? Well guess what… you are NOT alone!…

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Warrior Built Fat Blasting System…

If you are looking to make 2010 the year that you once and for all shed that pudgy bellyroll and get in your most ripped to the bone bad ass shape ever, then I’ve got a killer fat-blasting, muscle-building workout program that you just have to try for yourself… http://www.WarriorBuiltDVD.com You see I’ve teamed up…

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3 Keys To Success…

As we begin a new year a lot of people are setting goals for themselves and being very optimistic about what the future will bring. Some people want to transform their physiques, others want to succeed in sports and athletics, some want to become more financially successful, start a new career, build a business, and…

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What are your goals for 2010?

As 2009 draws to a close it’s nice to look back and see what you’ve accomplished over the past year and set some goals for what you want to achieve in the coming year… 2009 has been a really good year for me, in fact it was the most successful year ever for www.LeeHayward.com and…

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Do You Workout In A Home Gym?

Home gym workouts areĀ convenient, but you are very limited in the exercises you can do.Ā A barbell and dumbbell set along with an adjustable bench will cover a lot of the basic free weight exercises, but you are kind of screwed when it comes to cable and machine exercises. One option is to purchase a big…

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Leg Workout Exercise Routine

I hope you had a great holiday. I certainly did… Got to spend some quality time with family and friends. That’s the stuff that really matters the most. I did “cheat” on my diet a little, but nothing too drastic. A second helping here, and a bit of dessert there, but I never gained any…

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Happy Holidays From Lee Hayward…

Here’s a little holiday greeting from your muscle building coach. Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday and all the best in 2010!

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Christmas Holiday Eating Survival Guideā€¦

On average, people gain 5 pounds of blubber during the Christmas holiday period. But it doesn’t have to be this way. When you step back and take a look at the Big Picture it’s actually easy to see how you can maintain, or even lose bodyfat during this time of year if you plan things…

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Cardio Can Help You Build Muscle

Regular cardio has been shown to improve digestion, strengthen bones, improve sleep, increase energy levels, strengthen the heart and lungs, and improve circulation. Cardio also helps to rid the body of lactic acid build up. Lactic acid is what causes the burn that you feel after a hard set. It slows recovery and can contribute…

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