Belly Fat Bull Sh!t…

Chances are you’ve probably heard some of the fitness gurus talking a lot about these “Belly Fat Diet Plans” lately… Especially this new one called: 7 Day Belly Blast Diet Now I can see where they are coming from, because a lot of people who are relatively new to working out would like to lose…

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Real Muscle Building Motivation

Saturday night I had the opportunity to watch the 2010 Mr. Olympia competition live in Las Vegas. And as I’m sure you probably know by now, Jay Cutler took the title for the 4th time. If you are a bodybuilding fan, I’d highly recommend attending the Mr. Olympia competition and expo at least once. It’s…

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Mr. Olympia Predictions…

Well I’m off to sunny Las Vegas to check out the Mr. Olympia competition. My early prediction is that if Jay Cutler hits his peak just right, he’ll walk away as the champ. But that’s all speculation, you never know what’s going to happen until show day. The cool thing about the Olympia competition now…

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100 Rep Abdominal Workout Program

One of my personal favorite ab workouts is simply taking 4 different abdominal exercises and banging out 25 reps for each exercise. It’s quick, simple, and it works great for training the abs. Just check out the ab workout video below for all the details… While this workout is great for training the abdominal muscles,…

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The Easiest Fat Loss Diet EVER!

I was “googling” some nutritional info the other day for one of my personal coaching students, and I came across the Easiest Fat Loss Diet EVER! This is a no-brainer approach to fat loss nutrition that’s so simple and easy that I just had to share it with you. And here it is… Ta Da!…

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Replay Posted: Lee Hayward’s Live Muscle TV

The replay of Thursday nights Live Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show has been posted up for you to download at:

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Best Bicep Workout: straight bar OR ez bar?

When it comes to building the biceps what’s better, doing curls with the “Straight Bar” or the “EZ Curl Bar” ? Well, like most things there is no “right” or “wrong” choice… It really depends on the individual and their unique training situation. However, I posted up a new YouTube video showing the pro’s and…

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Homemade High Protein Meal Replacement Shake

No doubt you’ve seen these individually packaged high protein meal replacement shakes on the supplement store shelves. They are great for quick convenient meals on the run. You can pack them in your gym bag, in your brief case, travel bag, etc. and always have a high protein meal anywhere you go. The draw back…

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Basic Bodybuilding Nutrition

The Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show airs tonight September 9th at 9:00 pm eastern time at: Tonight I’m going to focus our show on the topic of basic bodybuilding nutrition. This is a very critical piece of the whole muscle building puzzle. Most people struggle with following a sound nutritional program that will support…

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New DVD – The Progressive Pull Up Program

I’ve recently created a brand new workout training DVD… “The Progressive Pull Up Program” How To Master The Pull Up & Build A Massive Muscular Back! I made this DVD because I’m constantly getting questions from folks all the time asking me how they can improve their Pull Up strength. It’s no secret that the…

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New Video – Advanced Bodybuilding Supplements

Hey it’s Lee Hayward here and I just posted up the 5th part of my on going “Bodybuilding Supplements Review Guide Video Series” In this 5th video I’m going to focus on covering some advanced muscle building and fat loss supplements. These are things you can use to help maximize your gains in the gym,…

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August 26 Talk Show…

The Next Live Show Will Be Thursday August 26 at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Tune in every Thursday night as Lee Hayward (Your Muscle Building Coach) shares some killer workout and nutrition tips that will help you build lean muscle, burn off stubborn bodyfat, and get in your personal best shape ever!Lee will…

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How Much Can Ya Bench?

————————————————————————————————————— Have you ever wondered why people are so obsessed with the bench press? It doesn’t matter if you are at school with your friends… On the job with your co-workers… Or at the gym with your lifting buddies… Everyone want’s to know: “How Much Can Ya Bench?” I used to wonder what was the…

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Available For 36 HOURS ONLY!

I have something really cool to share with you at: You see my good friend Mike Westerdal and I are hosting a special VIP “Mass & Strength Building” phone coaching call this Tuesday @ 9:00 pm Eastern Time and we want you to join us! Now just in case you’re not familiar with Mike…

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Live Q and A Talk Show Tonight!

Thursday night has rolled around again so you know what that means… The Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show airs tonight August 19 at 9:00 pm eastern time at: Tonight I’m going to continue on with the whole bodybuilding supplement theme that I’ve been using with my most recent YouTube videos. In case you haven’t…

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Bodybuilding Supplement Review Guide – Part 4 “Must Have” Supplements…

I’m continuing on with my very popular “Bodybuilding Supplement Review Guide” video series. In this 4th video I’m going to focus on covering the essential and foundational supplements that you NEED to take for your overall health and fitness. These are what I consider to be “must have” supplements that everyone should take, even if…

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Bodybuilding Supplements Review Guide – Part 3 – Creatine Side Effects…

This is the 3rd part of my Bodybuilding Supplements Review Guide Video Series. This one covers one of the most talked about supplements in the entire bodybuilding and fitness world and that’s “Creatine”. Particularly with regards to what is creatine, creatine side effects, creatine health benefits, how to take creatine, what’s the best value for…

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Hanging Out With My Dad…

I just spent 8 days with my dad doing a motorcycle road trip around our home province of Newfoundland. And it was an absolute blast! The weather was sunny and warm for the most part and we only had to put on our rain gear twice in 8 days. Newfoundland has some of the best…

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Is Your Protein Powder Toxic?

I just posted up the second part of my Bodybuilding Supplement Video Review Guide below: One of the main issues that I cover in this video is with regards to protein powder safety. Especially with the recent uproar over certain protein powders containing toxic levels of Heavy Metals. This is a serious topic and it…

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Bodybuilding Supplements Guide

Are you confused and unsure what to take when it comes to muscle building and fat loss supplements? If so, then welcome to the club because I’m confused about supplements as well. In fact I think if anyone tells you that they AREN’T confused about supplements, either they couldn’t care less about them, or they…

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Hardcore bodyweight workouts

I get a lot of e-mail from folks looking for alternatives to the typical “gym workouts”. They want more practical bodyweight style conditioning workouts. Now while I’ll be the first to admit that training in a serious gym is absolutely critical to building a thick muscular “Bodybuilders” physique. There are benefits to including bodyweight conditioning…

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Prowler High Intensity Muscular Endurance Workout

The Prowler is a killer workout for building up muscular endurance in the legs, hips, arms, and shoulders. This video is of my initial trial of the prowler and I was impressed by just how hard this machine really is. If you have access to one, I highly recommend incorporating it as part of your…

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Bicep Blasting MP3 Audio Replay

For our July 15 Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show I was joined by FAME Fitness Model Competitor and Author of The “Bones To Buff” program, Joey Vaillancourt. Joey and I did a tele-conference call and discussed a lot of the unique arm specialization workouts that I have covered in my “Blast Your Biceps” program as…

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Bodybuilding Talk Show Tonight!

For our July 15 Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show I’m going to be joined by FAME Fitness Model Competitor and Author of The “Bones To Buff” program; Joey Vaillancourt. Tonight’s show is going to be a bit different than our normal routine. Rather then doing a typical ustream video show, I’m going to do a…

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FREE Blast Your Biceps Trial Program

I have a question for you… What’s the one muscle group that gets more attention then any other and instantly let’s everyone know whether you are strong and muscular – or weak and puny? If you said “The Arms” then you are right on the money. What makes having big muscular arms so desirable? Well,…

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Elbow Tendonitis Exercises

One of the root causes of elbow tendonitis (i.e. tennis elbow or golfers elbow) is having a muscle imbalance in your forearms. Very often the muscles that grip and close the hand (forearm flexors) are over worked compared to the muscles that open the hand (forearm extensors) and this causes the tendons to pull unevenly…

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Bodybuilding Workout & Nutrition Questions and Answers

The replay of last nights Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show has been posted up for you at: This show covered viewer questions with regards to Mass Building Training, Nutrition, and Supplementation… I dedicated the entire talk show to answering your questions and we covered some very important ones such as: – How do you…

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For TODAY Only!

I just wanted to send you a friendly reminder about a killer discount sale promotion that my buddy Dave “The Muscle Cook” Ruel is having on his best selling Bodybuilding Nutritional System “Anabolic Cooking”! For *Today Only* he is slashing the price of his best selling “Anabolic Cooking” Cookbook & Bodybuilding Nutritional System and…

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Upper Body Circuit Workout Routine

This is an upper body circuit workout that my good friend Dave Ruel (aka “The Muscle Cook”) and I did while we were on vacation in Cuba a couple months ago. We made the most of the little resort gym, granted it was small, but it served our needs. By doing a fast paced, high…

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The “Inner Game” To Bodybuilding Success…

During last nights Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show I covered the mental mindset, motivation, and “Inner Game” that goes into achieving bodybuilding success. Now don’t worry I never got into any funky new age voodoo mediation “dream your way big” hocus pocus crap 😉 The stuff that I covered is real world actionable things that…

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