The Easiest Fat Loss Diet EVER!

I was “googling” some nutritional info the other day for one of my personal coaching students, and I came across the Easiest Fat Loss Diet EVER!

This is a no-brainer approach to fat loss nutrition that’s so simple and easy that I just had to share it with you.

And here it is…

Easy Fat Loss Diet Food Pyramid

Ta Da!

If you just reduced your intake of starchy carbohydrate foods (i.e. bread, pasta, rice, cereal, etc.) like this food pyramid diagram shows. And then based your eating around lean protein, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats you would pretty much have the perfect fat loss diet!

In fact, that’s the foundation of what I did to get ripped to the bone shredded for my most recent bodybuilding competition.

Way too often people make fat loss nutrition more difficult than it needs to be. The simplest approach that you “actually follow” will work 10 times better than a super duper complex diet plan that leaves you frustrated and confused.

In my Extreme Fat Loss DVD I cover in detail exactly how to go about following a low carb eating plan, meal by meal, so that you can easily see how to plan out your day to maximize fat loss. And I also cover how to incorporate strategic “High Carb” re-feed meals throughout the week as well, so that you can actually gain lean muscle mass while losing bodyfat at the same time.

So if you are ready to step up your game and finally get a lean, ripped, muscular physique… 
I highly recommend you pick up your own copy of the Extreme Fat Loss DVD.

Extreme Fat Loss

Put an end to your fat loss confusion right here and right now with a simple easy to follow meal-by-meal Extreme Fat Loss program.

This is a complete DVD program plus printable diet and workout “cheat sheets”. Just print them off, stick’em on your fridge, and follow it. It’s really as easy as that, no thinking required!

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


  • Otherguy

    Yeah but lee, in my tradition, rice is my main diet. im only 15, and for most of my life ive been eating rice. For my school lunch i like my tuna bread.

  • Anthony Myers

    Yeah but lee, in my tradition, rice is my main diet. im only 15, and for most of my life ive been eating rice. For my school lunch i like my tuna bread.  

    Try brown rice, other than that… is it a tradition in your Family to be muscular and lean? If not, time to break tradition 🙂

    If you want to look out-of-the-norm, you’ve got to do things that are out-of-the-norm.

    If you can’t get use to brown rice, try baby steps. A friend of mine couldn’t stand brown rice, so he started cooking his brown rice with just a hint of chicken seasoning to add a bit of flavor. He slowly started using less and less, and now he is just fine with brown rice.

  • Yeah but lee, in my tradition, rice is my main diet. im only 15, and for most of my life ive been eating rice. For my school lunch i like my tuna bread.  

    This blog post is geared towards people who are living on their own and making their own food choices. I would assume as a 15 year old that you are living at home, eating whatever your family does, and chances are at your age you don’t need to worry about dieting for fat loss just yet…

    As you get older and start preparing your own meals you will need to prioritize your eating to focus on fueling your body, and not so much for family or traditional reasons.

    Now that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy an nice traditional meal with your family once in a while. Heck, everyone loves a good meal, myself included!

    But if you want to get in your best shape ever than the majority of your eating will have to prioritized for your nutritional needs first, family and social needs second.

  • Dave

    Lee, that is simple, (and I have done it for quite some time) but it is truly brilliant. All I have to really say, is Epic Win.

  • Lee you are right on the money when you say ‘Way too often people make fat loss nutrition more difficult than it needs to be.”

    I can see when you cut for a show and want to look the best you can there is more too it. But To look good I like what you say.

  • Sherry Dashiell

    I don’t eat the starchy carbs I do my cardio everyday 30 mins or better. I have leaned out in my arms and chest but I have some belly fat that i been trying to get rid of do i keep doing what I am doing ?

  • jordan

    is brown rice ok when dieting for fat loss? at the moment im having a cup of cooked brown rice with 2 to 3 of my daily meals?

  • Anthony Myers

    is brown rice ok when dieting for fat loss? at the moment im having a cup of cooked brown rice with 2 to 3 of my daily meals?  (Quote)

    Hey Jordan,

    Lee might have a different answer, he’s the expert, but here’s what I have to say:

    You could eat brown rice 2-3x daily and still lose fat, if at the end of the day you were burning more calories than you consume, but it would be boring!

    Lees post has taught us that losing fat requires us to limit our carb intake, so why in the world would we want nearly 100% of our daily carbns to be from brown rice? Or any other 1 source for that matter. Why not mized vegetables, baked potatoe, oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat toast, etc. Don’t limit yourself to consuming brown rice as your only carbohydrate source

  • Sam

    Lee, what about having brown rice and wheat pasta instead of eliminating pastas all together???

  • The simple answer to eating carbs while dieting for fat loss is to save your carb meals for post workout. This way you’ll be consuming your carbs at a time when they will be used for growth and recovery and less likely to get stored as bodyfat.

  • FRED


  • jordan

    ok thanks guys. im eating 3 servings of oatmeal a day, 2 servings of brown rice and one serving of kumera with my six daily meals. my body fat is still decreasing, ive got it to 8 at the moment. these carb servings arnt big tho, a cup of cooked brown rice is all im having, no dairy at all. i may change this soon tho cause i want to get to 6-6.5% body fat

  • Sam

    lee, I have 2 herniated discs L4 and L5. Squatting inflames my back really bad. I need a leg workout that I can do without squatting.

  • Totally agree with this post, having trapped a nerve in my leg and being unable to train for 3 months, I stuck religiously to this type of eating and the weight and fat fell off.

    Luckily the chiropractor released the nerve out but unfortunately my will power went with it.

    Need to refocus on this