Top 3 Muscle Building Mistakes Bodybuilders Make…
21 Day Fast Mass Building Update #3: Top 3 Muscle Building Mistakes Bodybuilders Make… By Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte Your muscles grow on calories, correct? Of course. We all know you’re not going to pack on serious muscle size without an ideal consumption of muscle-building foods. In fact, without a certain amount of…
The Anabolic Amplifier Effect: What it is & How it works…
21 Day Fast Mass Building Update #2: The Anabolic Amplifier Effect: What it is & How it works… By Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte I’ve got a question for you… What’s The Most Anabolic Muscle Building Substance You Can Get Your Hands On? …Is It A Black Market Steroid ? Nope. …Is It The…
FREE MP3 Interview: How To Gain 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In 21 Days!
21 Day Fast Mass Building Update #1: FREE MP3 Audio Interview! By Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte Fitness authority John Romaniello interviews Lee Hayward and Vince Del Monte on the secret technique behind their new 21 Day Fast Mass Building Program. This is the same technique that competitive bodybuilders have been using for decades…
21 Day Fast Mass Building
This is a sneak peak at my latest Muscle-Building Breakthrough… 21 Day Fast Mass Building Program! How To Gain Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle Mass In Just 21 Days… Without The Unhealthy & Unnecessary Fat Gain Now I realize that you are probably skeptical of the claim of gaining up to 12 pounds…
2 FREE Hardcore Muscle Building Reports
I trust you had a fun and enjoyable Christmas with your family and friends, I know I did. In fact I actually took a little break from the gym over the holidays. The rest and recuperation did my body good and now I’m ready to kick my workouts into high gear. My goal is to…
Holiday Muscle-Building Giveaway Winners Are…
Wow, what an inspirational morning I’ve just had… I just spend the last couple hours reading through all of your posts in reply to the Holiday Muscle Building Combo Giveaway Contest (all 300+ of them!) Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to share your goals and stories with me. It’s awesome…
Holiday Muscle Building Combo Giveaway Contest
I’ve got something really cool to share with you today. It’s a chance for you to get a “head start” on your New Year’s resolution bodybuilding and fitness goals! You see I’ve teamed up with my friends Joey Vaillancourt and Dave Ruel to deliver an absolute killer Muscle Building Combo Holiday Giveaway Contest where you…
Last Bodybuilding Talk Show For 2010
LIVE Bodybuilding Talk Show Tonight Thursday December 16 @ 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time at: Tune in tonight Thursday December 16 as Lee Hayward (Your Muscle Building Coach) shares some killer workout and nutrition tips that will help you build lean muscle, burn off stubborn bodyfat, and get in your personal best shape ever!…
Negative Reps Workout For Bigger Biceps!
Blast Your Biceps With Negative Reps… Click PLAY To Watch The Video… A great way that you can help spur on new muscle growth in your biceps is by including negative rep training in your workouts. Studies have shown that the eccentric (or lowering) portion of the exercise is often what’s responsible for breaking down…
Awesome Leg Routine – 100 Rep Squat Workout!
Yesterday I trained legs and did something totally out of the norm that I’m not accustomed to doing… I did a 100 Rep Squat Workout! And let me tell you I’m feeling the after effects right now… I’m literally sore right from right my ass to my ankles. (And just to make sure we’re all…
Build Wide Lats with “Swinger Pull Ups”
Hey I got a question for ya… Are you a “Swinger” ? Now get your mind out of the gutter… I don’t mean THAT kind of swinger… 😉 I’m talking about swinging your way to a wider more muscular back with a killer pull up variation. This one really stretches out your lats and builds…
The Perfect Bodybuilding & Fitness Christmas Gift
Are you looking for the “Perfect” Christmas gift for the Bodybuilding & Fitness Enthusiast on your list? Well, I’ve got a great idea for you… For the next 48 hours my good friend and fellow muscle building coach Vince Del Monte is having a mega discount promotion to celebrate his 31st Birthday. This is your…
Can You Gain Muscle Weight Without Getting Fat?
Gaining Muscle Without Getting Fat… Guest Post By: Vince DelMonte There are two common fitness goals – to gain muscle mass and to lose body fat. Unfortunately, for the most part, the two goals are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Building muscle mass is going to require you to take in a surplus of…
Sky Diving… My Biggest Adrenaline Rush EVER!
This was the biggest adrenaline rush of my entire life! My girlfriend Trish and I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane at 15,000 feet and fell to the ground at 130 mph… That’s 208 km per hour for the metric folks 😉 Life’s Short… Live It Up! So what do you think? Pretty insane…

Total Fitness Bodybuilding’s Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale
Save Big with our Black Friday / Cyber Monday Muscle SALE! All this week you can save up to 75% off the regular price of all my best bodybuilding, muscle building, and fat loss programs.
How To Plan Out Your Yearlong Workout Training Cycle Program
Bodybuilding basically comes down to 2 things… 1) Building Muscle Mass 2) Losing Bodyfat It’s very simple when you think about it, but the problem is how do we go about modifying our training and nutritional programs to achieve these goals. When ever you focus on gaining muscular mass you need to be in a…
7 Ways To Bust Out Of A Plateau
When you start going to the gym and working out your muscle gains come very quickly. Practically every single exercise you do provides brand new muscle stimulation that your body hasn’t experienced before. At the beginning all you have to do is be consistent with your workouts and you’ll make steady gains from week to…
Surfing In Mexico…
I’m writing this blog post from a little tropical Paradise in Mexico, sitting at a peaceful beach bar with a beautiful view of the ocean, and sipping on a cup of freshly ground Mexican coffee. But yesterday afternoon myself and fellow online muscle building coach Jeff Anderson tried our best to battle the waves. This…
21 Day Extreme Lean Mass Building System!
Are You Ready To Take It To The Extreme? Check out the video clip below to find out how you can be apart of my killer new 21 Day Extreme Lean Mass Building System! If you would like to be chosen as one of my personal coaching “guinea pigs” test subjects for this Lean MASS…
“Healthy” Version of KFC’s Double Down!
This past weekend while I was kicking back on the couch and flipping through the channels on the TV I happened to see an advertisement for the KFC Double Down. Now I have to admit this unique fast food item caught my attention and fired up my appetite… KFC Double Down – (Now Available In…
How to jack up GH for 300% more muscle…
If your goal is to lose fat and build muscle, it’s absolutely critical to maximize your body’s natural production of anabolic hormones. After all, isn’t this how the juicked-up beasts of the IFBB got to be so huge? By while the pros have built mass… um… let’s just say “artificially”, there’s a way that YOU…
Post Your Questions For Tonights Live Talk Show
LIVE Bodybuilding & Fitness Talk Show Tonight! Thursday October 21th @ 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Tune in every Thursday night as Lee Hayward (Your Muscle Building Coach) shares some killer workout and nutrition tips that will help you build lean muscle, burn off stubborn bodyfat, and get in your personal best shape ever! The…
Urgent: FREE Coaching Call For TODAY Only!
I’ve got something really cool that I want to share with you, but it’s urgent that you stop what you are doing and take a few minutes to check this out now because it’s very time sensitive… Urgent: For TODAY Only <<– Click Now: Expires Tonight! Now unless you’ve been disconnected from the Internet over…
Advanced Fat Loss Tricks: “Spot Reduction”
The “Spot Reduction” Myth… (True or False?) I’ve always heard that you can’t “spot reduce” stubborn bodyfat and that the whole idea of spot reduction fat loss is just a bunch of BS non-sense. No doubt if you have done any reading on the topic of fat loss, you’ve heard that there is NO such…
Don’t Make This “Newbie” Workout Mistake…
A HUGE Mistake that a lot of guys make with their workout programs is they neglect to train their legs. (Or they don’t train them to the degree that they should be training them.) Generally the primary motivating factor for the average guy to start hitting the gym and working out in the first place…
What’s The Best Cardio To Burn Fat?
The debate over what’s the best form of cardio for burning bodyfat has been going on for years. Everyone is going to have their own opinion on what form of cardio is the best for maximum fat loss. Now if you are familiar with my methods and philosophy’s on training and nutrition you know that…
Live Bodybuilding Talk Show Tonight!
LIVE Bodybuilding Talk Show Tonight Thursday December 9 @ 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Tune in every Thursday night as Lee Hayward (Your Muscle Building Coach) shares some killer workout and nutrition tips that will help you build lean muscle, burn off stubborn bodyfat, and get in your personal best shape ever! Lee will…
FREE Bodybuilding Nutrition e-Book
Are you confused when it comes to proper bodybuilding nutrition? If so I can’t blame you! There is so much conflicting crap out there these days that it can be mind boggling… (high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat, high protein, vegetarian, fasting, cheating, & you name it.) But don’t worry because I have…
Training at Wanderlei Silva’s Gym Las Vegas
I just got back from Las Vegas yesterday and I have to say it was an absolute blast! I didn’t get much sleep because the entire trip was jam packed with action and adventure! Here’s just a quick re-cap of some of the crazy fun cool stuff that went down: 1) Checked out the Mr.…
Swallow Your Fear and JUMP!
Today I had the opportunity to check off a major goal of mine. This one was on my “Bucket List” of things that I MUST DO for quite a while now, and today I swallowed my fear and went Sky Diving! If you’ve ever went sky diving before than you already know what an insane…