What’s the BEST Fat Loss Diet?
How did the simple task of eating food become so complicated and controversial? In this article you’re going to learn the PROS and CONS of the various bodybuilding and weight loss diet trends. Plus find out the best way to structure your diet to lose fat and build a lean muscular physique.

Vitamin & Mineral Guide To Boost Your Immune System
When it comes to meeting your vitamin and mineral needs, you can’t rely on the RDA (recommended daily allowance) that is set forth by the government. They are antiquated and way too low in many cases. In fact, the RDA is being revised based on recent research showing that daily dietary needs for vitamins and…

How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories
Calorie counting works when you do it consistently. You just have to figure out your numbers and stick to them… All that’s required for this approach to work, is for you to have the discipline to stick to the numbers… And that’s where the problem lies… because most people suck at discipline when it comes to dieting. Thankfully there’s an easier way to “Diet” and it doesn’t involve counting calories.

Sample Lean Muscle Building Diet Plan
What you eat on a daily basis has a HUGE impact on your muscle building progress. Many experts say that nutrition accounts for 80% of your gains in the gym. Bottom line, if you don’t provide your body with the raw materials it needs for optimal growth than you are short changing your muscle growth and hindering fat loss.

The BEST Protein Shake for Bulking Up!
What is the BEST Protein Shake for gaining weight? If you are skinny and need to bulk up with solid muscular bodyweight, than you’ll want to check this out because it plays a major role in your muscle building diet plan.

Bulking Diet for Skinny Guys
Bulking up and gaining muscular bodyweight is actually very simple. But most guys over think things and make the process more complicated than it needs to be. In this blog post you’re going to get a simple to follow bulk up diet plan that really works

Total Fitness Bodybuilding App
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding Workout Gym App is like having your very own Personal Trainer & Muscle Building Coach with you 24/7 right on your smart phone. You’ll get proven muscle building workouts and bodybuilding nutrition programs for all fitness levels from; Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced

Body Composition 101: Using Old School Techniques To Beat Genetic Limitations
Old School Bodybuilders knew exactly how to craft their bodies into masterpiece physiques using good nutrition and hard work. Vince Gironda was one such bodybuilder who was ahead of his time for unique ideas about building muscle, losing fat, and getting ripped and many of his methods have been validated today by current scientific research

Healthy Fast Food Meals for a Bodybuilding Diet
Every now and then you’re going to find yourself in a jam and needing to eat in a hurry. Most people usually resort to fast food, junk food, or some other NOT very healthy foods. But there are Healthy Fast Food Options available if you just look for them.

Protein Powders vs. Weight Gainers… (which one should you use?)
What’s the difference between protein powders and weight gainers? What’s the best value for your money? Which one should YOU use to help achieve your muscle building goals?

The Missing Link in Your Bodybuilding Nutrition Program
When it comes to bodybuilding nutrition most people think in terms of the 3 big macro nutrients – protein, carbs, and fat. But there is a MISSING LINK to bodybuilding nutrition that often gets swept under the rug

Steeve Reeves Old School Bodybuilding Workout
Old-School Bodybuilders were a completely different breed from the monstrous figures which take to Mr Olympia stage today. They built physiques that were chiseled from raw athleticism, cardiovascular fitness and pure functional strength. Old school bodybuilding placed just as much emphasis on health, vitality and well being as it did on muscle size

How Old School Bodybuilders Got Big & Strong!
The Old-School Bodybuilder’s from the 1960’s and 1970’s had some of the most impressive muscular physiques the world has ever seen. The classic physiques from the Pumping Iron days were a completely different breed compared to the monstrous behemoths which take to Mr Olympia stage today.

How much sodium should you have per day?
Salt is not the bad guy that the media makes it out to be. In this blog you’ll learn how proper salt intake can help maximize your strength, energy, and muscle gains in the gym.

The Best Foods To Eat After A Workout For Building Muscle
We’ve all been told from a young age that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But for a hard training bodybuilder or athlete your post workout meal is actually the most important food you eat in terms of maximizing muscle recovery and growth

Valentine’s Day Dark Chocolate Recipe
Valentines Day is the perfect time to express your love in a romantic way. But please don’t be plain, boring, and predictable. Instead show that special someone you really care by making her a batch of healthy, sexy, and seductive valentines day chocolates

Why Am I Not Getting Any Bigger?
A LOT of skinny guys are desperately trying to put some solid muscle mass on their bones. And very often the reason for their lack of results is NOT with the workout program they are following, but rather what’s fueling their workouts
How Fast Can You Lose Bodyfat?
When it comes to dieting for fat loss you’re going to hear all kinds of different numbers with regards to how fast you can lose weight. Everything from the 48 hour Hollywood Miracle Diet claiming that you can lose 10 pounds in 2 days, to a very conservative 1 pound per week, and everything in between
How To Keep Your Waist Small While Bulking Up
When it comes to bulking one of the biggest problems that most guys experience is that they gain weight alright, but a lot of the weight gained is just excess bodyfat right around the belly. This blog post covers 3 killer tips to help you make leaner muscle gains
Can You Drink ALCOHOL Without Getting Fat ?
Drinking alcohol is a well-established part of human culture. It’s at the center of practically every social gathering. Alcohol is by far the most acceptable feel good drug in the world. In fact, you’re in the minority if you don’t drink alcohol
Counting Your Macros & Calories
Do you have to count your macros and calories? Tracking your daily diet and measuring out your food is certainly a good thing, but it can be a pain in the ass to record every morsel of food you eat when ever you sit down to the table for a meal. Is there a better way
Are You Drinking Enough Water?
There are a lot of different guidelines for recommended water intake. The old school recommendation was to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Now while that may be enough water for a sedentary individual, it’s not enough for active people who are involved in exercise and fitness
The 5 WORST protein bar ingredients… (Do YOUR bars have these?)
Do you eat protein bars?
I mean they so convenient, yet so full of garbage!
They hold the promise of being healthy, easy and full of life-giving, muscle-building protein.
But have you ever taken a minute to look actually look at what’s Really IN them?
I think you’re going to be in for a shock when you read the TRUTH about the ingredients in some of the most popular protein bars on the market right now.
The BEST Peanut Butter for Bodybuilders
Natural peanut butter is pretty much a staple part of any bodybuilding diet. I like to consider myself somewhat of a nut butter connoisseur. I’m on a quest to find the best peanut butter for bodybuilders. This journey is going to take me through a whole heap of tubs of yummy peanut butter
Post-Workout Nutrition on “Steroids”
Today you’re going to learn a sneaky trick that will help you take your muscular development to the NEXT LEVEL with one simple addition to your post workout protein shake. This tip will be like putting your post-workout shake on Steroids
Low Carb FAST Food Meal Idea
It can be quite a challenge trying to eat healthy when you are away from home. But there is a healthy Low Carb FAST Food option that you have available that will fit in with pretty much any bodybuilding / fat loss diet plan
Caffeine Increases Testosterone…
Looking for a pre-workout energy boost that can also help jack up your natural testosterone levels? Well just reach for a cup of Joe before you hit the gym
Top 5 Diet Foods for Feeling Full
If you have trouble controlling your hunger when dieting, than you’ll want to include the Top 5 Diet Foods To Satisfy Your Hunger When Following A Fat Loss Cutting Diet. These foods will help keep you on track for a ripped physique while killing those late night cravings
Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for Skinny Guys
Just a few years ago Adam was a typical teenager, out of shape, ate too much junk food, and enjoyed too many video games. But in the matter of 5 short years he transformed himself into a ripped muscular bodybuilder who has competed at the British Bodybuilding Championships
Low Carbs = Low Energy? (Myth…)
When it comes to building a lean muscular physique there are times when you need to tip the scales in favor of building maximum muscle mass. And other times when you need to change focus and tip the scales in favor of burning maximum bodyfat.