Lose Your Gut Challenge

Lose Your Gut Challenge – Get Lean For Summer!

If you want to get lean for the summer and not be ashamed to take your shirt off at the beach or the pool… Then you need to training for that NOW…

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What’s the BEST Fat Loss Diet?

How did the simple task of eating food become so complicated and controversial? In this article you’re going to learn the PROS and CONS of the various bodybuilding and weight loss diet trends. Plus find out the best way to structure your diet to lose fat and build a lean muscular physique.

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How To Get Ripped For Summer

How To Get a Ripped “Beach Body” for Summer – (the truth about fat loss)

The spring time is when many guys come out of winter hibernation and start thinking about losing the gut and getting ripped for summer. And I wish I could tell you that there was some magic short cut to getting six pack abs and a ripped “Beach Body” fast… Like do 100 sit ups a…

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Lee's Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

How To Survive The Holidays Without Getting Fat – Lee’s Top 5 Fat Loss Tips!

There are some simple strategies that you can use – My Top 5 Fat Loss Tips – that will help prevent you from gaining fat and actually get leaner over the holidays… Without feeling like you’re suffering it out on an extreme diet or avoiding holiday meals.

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Fit or Fat - your habits decide

Don’t Focus On Your Results! Focus On Your Habits & The Results Will Take Care Of Themselves…

One of the biggest mindset shifts that can literally “make” or “break” your fat loss success is to stop obsessing about your short term results (or lack there of) – and just focus on mastering your daily habits. If you consistently follow proper nutritional habits along with doing some form of daily exercise, even if…

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NOT Motivated To Lose Weight

How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight – The 5 Whys…

Most people today are what I call Comfortably Overweight. While they may not like being fat – they can live with it. And that’s the reason why most people never lose weight and keep it off long term.

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You've Got Less Muscle Than You Think

You’ve Got LESS Muscle Than You Think…

Chances are that you may have LESS Muscle Mass on your body than you think you do. I’m not trying to be negative or put you down. I’m just telling it like it is so that you can use this information to your advantage, and actually reach your personal muscle building and fat loss goals

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Lose the flab and get abs

How Jacob lost 42 pounds and Got Ripped in just 5 months!

In just 5 months Jacob went from 231 pounds and feeling fat, depressed, and embarrassed about his body… To now weighing 189 pounds and feeling confident, looking lean, healthy, and ripped.

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How To Lose Weight After 40

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off For Men After 40

It’s no fun having a gut that sticks out further than your chest, or getting out of breath just to bend over and tie your own shoes, or feeling so embarrassed about your body that you go to bed with a t-shirt on because you don’t want your wife to see your fat pudgy belly sticking out.

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Fit Over 50 – How This 58 Year Old Went From Fat To Ripped!

Feeling fat, old, and scared for his health – Trevor decided enough was enough and he needed to make a change. Not just for himself, but for his wife and daughter. Within 2 years of making that decision, Trevor turned his life around, lost 74 pounds, and is now in the best shape of his life at 58 years young!

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Paul Miller - Starting Again After Age 60

Exercise for a 60+ Year Old Man – is it even worth it?

Do you ever feel that you’re too old to workout? Is there any point to even trying to get back in shape when you’re already “Over The Hill?” Unfortunately, as men get older – into their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond – most just give up on their health and fitness. When it should be…

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Stop Counting Calories

How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Calorie counting works when you do it consistently. You just have to figure out your numbers and stick to them… All that’s required for this approach to work, is for you to have the discipline to stick to the numbers… And that’s where the problem lies… because most people suck at discipline when it comes to dieting. Thankfully there’s an easier way to “Diet” and it doesn’t involve counting calories.

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Cardio For Fat Loss

Do You NEED To Do Cardio For Fat Loss? (the truth)

Should you do cardio when you want to lose weight and get lean? Well it depends on your individual situation and body type. You’re going to hear mixed reviews and opinions on whether or not you should do cardio for fat loss. Some trainers say cardio is a waste of time and that you should only focus on strength training workouts. While other trainers recommend doing cardio on a regular basis.

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How Fast Can You Lose Fat? …The Truth…

Losing Weight Is Relatively Easy… Keeping It Off Is The Hard Part. Pretty much everyone who follows a fat loss diet is going to be successful to some degree in losing weight initially. But problems arise when people get impatient and push themselves to do too much, too soon, burn themselves out, and quit in frustration…

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Body Types 101

Body Composition 101: Using Old School Techniques To Beat Genetic Limitations

Old School Bodybuilders knew exactly how to craft their bodies into masterpiece physiques using good nutrition and hard work. Vince Gironda was one such bodybuilder who was ahead of his time for unique ideas about building muscle, losing fat, and getting ripped and many of his methods have been validated today by current scientific research

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Why New Year’s Resolution Goals FAIL

The harsh reality is that less than 10% of people will achieve their New Year’s resolution goals. Over 90% of them will quit and fail in frustration. In this blog post you’re going to learn how to avoid the common mistakes and pitfalls so that you can join the successful few who actually achieve their fitness goals

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How To Lose Weight – FAST!

Are you desperate to lose weight? Would you do almost anything to quickly shed those unwanted pounds and get a lean trim body? If so, this is a Must Read blog post because it reveals real world weight loss advice for both men and women on how to lose weight and keep it off

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How Fast Can You Lose Bodyfat?

When it comes to dieting for fat loss you’re going to hear all kinds of different numbers with regards to how fast you can lose weight. Everything from the 48 hour Hollywood Miracle Diet claiming that you can lose 10 pounds in 2 days, to a very conservative 1 pound per week, and everything in between

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Can You Drink ALCOHOL Without Getting Fat ?

Drinking alcohol is a well-established part of human culture. It’s at the center of practically every social gathering. Alcohol is by far the most acceptable feel good drug in the world. In fact, you’re in the minority if you don’t drink alcohol

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New Years Diet & Training Program

To help you kick your new year off on the right track I’m going to put together a series of “Get Back In Shape Videos” that cover practical diet and training tips that you can start using ASAP to lose fat, build lean muscle, and get in your best shape for 2016

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How To Get The Veins To Show In Your Arms (vascularity)

Have you ever seen jacked up guys at the gym, or in pictures, with ripped veins running through their arms and chest? Would you like to know how to get that same kind of ripped hard body vascular look for yourself? Well that’s what you’re going to find out in this blog post

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What is your body type: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph?

When you know what body type you have and then train and eat properly for your body type, you will make much better progress with your workouts.

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Awesome Ab Exercise – Pull Down Cable Crunch

This is an awesome Abdominal Exercise that allows you to work your abs with progressive overload. You can start off light, get the technique down pat, and then gradually increase the weight as your core gets stronger.

The Pull Down Cable Crunch hits the abs from a unique angle because it’s one of the few ab exercises that allow you to train your mid-section from the standing position.

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Low Carb FAST Food Meal Idea

It can be quite a challenge trying to eat healthy when you are away from home. But there is a healthy Low Carb FAST Food option that you have available that will fit in with pretty much any bodybuilding / fat loss diet plan

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Top 5 Diet Foods for Feeling Full

If you have trouble controlling your hunger when dieting, than you’ll want to include the Top 5 Diet Foods To Satisfy Your Hunger When Following A Fat Loss Cutting Diet. These foods will help keep you on track for a ripped physique while killing those late night cravings

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Total Fitness Bodybuilding Spotlight – “Joe Lewis”

This Total Fitness Bodybuilding spotlight is on Joe Lewis. Joe lives in Australia and has been working out and following Total Fitness Bodybuilding for the past year. During this time he has lost 49 kilograms (107 pounds) and totally transformed his health and fitness

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How To Use The AfterBurn Effect For Faster Fat Loss

Whenever you do any form of exercise your body burns calories during the exercise itself. But the exercise also raises your metabolism and this will continue burning even more calories at a higher rate afterwards. This is known as the AfterBurn Effect

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Low Carbs = Low Energy? (Myth…)

When it comes to building a lean muscular physique there are times when you need to tip the scales in favor of building maximum muscle mass. And other times when you need to change focus and tip the scales in favor of burning maximum bodyfat.

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What’s the BEST Cardio for Fat Loss?

What’s the BEST Cardio for Bodybuilders trying to lose fat? The cardio question has been debated in every possible direction and there are pros and cons to virtually every point of view. The hot topic in the fitness media these days is to do high intensity cardio workouts. But is this the BEST option

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Gaining Muscle (without the fat)

If you are like most people I know, than you probably have 2 fitness goals – to GAIN MUSCLE and to LOSE BODYFAT. Unfortunately, for most people, the two goals are at opposite ends of the spectrum

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