How To Customize YOUR Workouts for Maximum Gains

If you blindly copy someone else’s workout program it may not work as well for you as it does for them. Knowing what your pre-dominate muscle fiber type is will allow you to determine how your body is going to respond to different weight training programs, because Not Every Workout Program Works For Every Body

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The STUPID Workout (Please Don’t Do This)

The next time you are at the gym, just take notice of how many guys are doing the “STUPID WORKOUT” as outlined in this video… A Huge Workout Fail… It has got to be the most common workout mistake among young guys in the gym. Watch this video, but please don’t do this workout

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“No Squat” Leg Workout

The barbell squat is one of the best leg exercises you can do. In fact, it’s arguably the single best exercise you can do for building muscle throughout the entire body. However, there are times when you’ll need to train your legs without squatting

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How To Keep Your Waist Small While Bulking Up

When it comes to bulking one of the biggest problems that most guys experience is that they gain weight alright, but a lot of the weight gained is just excess bodyfat right around the belly. This blog post covers 3 killer tips to help you make leaner muscle gains

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3 “Must Do” Exercises for Building Muscle & Strength

You can build a lot of muscle mass on your frame with just a few basic exercises, as long as you train them consistently and with progressive overload. In this blog post you’re going to get 3 of the best muscle building exercises that should be apart of your workout program if your goal is to get bigger and stronger

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Can You Drink ALCOHOL Without Getting Fat ?

Drinking alcohol is a well-established part of human culture. It’s at the center of practically every social gathering. Alcohol is by far the most acceptable feel good drug in the world. In fact, you’re in the minority if you don’t drink alcohol

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How Can You Tell If You Are Overtraining?

The whole topic of Overtraining is surrounded by myths and misconceptions in bodybuilding circles. Some fitness gurus believe that everyone is overtraining, and then some other fitness gurus believe it’s impossible to overtrain.
Obviously, the truth of the matter lies somewhere in between these two extremes

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Counting Your Macros & Calories

Do you have to count your macros and calories? Tracking your daily diet and measuring out your food is certainly a good thing, but it can be a pain in the ass to record every morsel of food you eat when ever you sit down to the table for a meal. Is there a better way

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Should You Do Behind The Neck Shoulder Press ?

Behind The Neck Press – is it GOOD or BAD??? The behind the neck shoulder press is a controversial exercise… Some people love it & some people hate it. In this blog post we’ll discuss the pros and cons of doing shoulder presses behind the head

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Proper Way To Breathe When Lifting Weights

What Is The Proper Way To Breath When Working Out? The general rule of thumb to breathing when working out is to breath in while you lower the weights and breath out as you lift the weights. However, this changes when you are doing higher intensity lifts with heavier weights

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Deadlift Form Critique – detailed exercise technique breakdown…

Just recently one of my Inner Circle Coaching Club members sent me a video of himself doing the deadlift and he asked for my opinion, insights, and some constructive criticism of his lifting form. So that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this deadlift technique video breakdown

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New Years Diet & Training Program

To help you kick your new year off on the right track I’m going to put together a series of “Get Back In Shape Videos” that cover practical diet and training tips that you can start using ASAP to lose fat, build lean muscle, and get in your best shape for 2016

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Single LEG Press – Get Twice The Workout With Half The Weight!

The Leg Press is an awesome mass building compound leg exercise. Now most folks will use the leg press in the traditional fashion with 2 legs at the same time, but a harder variation that you can perform is the Single Leg Press, this one has some unique benefits

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Are You Drinking Enough Water?

There are a lot of different guidelines for recommended water intake. The old school recommendation was to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Now while that may be enough water for a sedentary individual, it’s not enough for active people who are involved in exercise and fitness

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What are Amino Acids and should you take them?

Amino acids are basically the building blocks of proteins. There are approximately 500 known amino acids. They all play numerous roles in the body, everything from aiding with metabolism to performing critical biological roles as neurotransmitters

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Healthy Chicken Pizza Recipe! (eat pizza and get lean)

Every time I think about pizza, my stomach starts to rumble. There is nothing quite like a hot slice of pizza oozing with cheese and your favorite toppings. And with this Healthy Pizza Recipe you can actually lose weight and get 6 pack abs

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The Best Gym Sneakers for Lifting Weights

When it comes to workout sneakers you have a lot of choices. And each style of sneaker has it’s own specific purpose that it was intended for. But unfortunately many people choose the wrong sneaker for their weight training workouts

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The 5 WORST protein bar ingredients… (Do YOUR bars have these?)

Do you eat protein bars?
I mean they so convenient, yet so full of garbage!
They hold the promise of being healthy, easy and full of life-giving, muscle-building protein.
But have you ever taken a minute to look actually look at what’s Really IN them?
I think you’re going to be in for a shock when you read the TRUTH about the ingredients in some of the most popular protein bars on the market right now.

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Are You Jealous of Muscular Guys at the Gym?

Do you ever feel jealous over guys who seem to gain muscle easily? This is a very common issue, but one that’s rarely talked about. But the truth of the matter is that there is a lot of jealousy and envy in the bodybuilding world

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How To Get The Veins To Show In Your Arms (vascularity)

Have you ever seen jacked up guys at the gym, or in pictures, with ripped veins running through their arms and chest? Would you like to know how to get that same kind of ripped hard body vascular look for yourself? Well that’s what you’re going to find out in this blog post

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Should You Workout Everyday?

A lot of people pride themselves on working out every single day. They will brag about how dedicated they are with sticking to a strict regimen of daily exercise. But is working out everyday the best way to build muscle? Should you take days off from the gym or are rest days over rated

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What is your body type: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph?

When you know what body type you have and then train and eat properly for your body type, you will make much better progress with your workouts.

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Home Ab Workout Routine

Complete Home Ab Workout that will allow you to build strength and definition throughout the entire core – abdominals, lower abs, obliques, and lower back. And the best part, this workout doesn’t require any exercise equipment

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Do You Have To Get Sore To Build Muscle?

Do You Have To Get Sore To Build Muscle? Many people think muscle soreness equals muscle growth. But that’s just not the case. Believe it or not, you can build muscle regardless if you get sore or not

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What Women Want…

Trying to figure out the complexities of a modern woman is about as futile as searching for the meaning of life, or trying to understand the ingredients on a package of hot dogs. But I did discover 1 thing in particular that maybe of interest to muscle building fitness fanatics.

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Can’t Sleep? – Try These Natural Sleep Supplements

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Maybe you have a lot of things on your mind and can’t stop thinking about them when it’s time to go to bed?
If so you’ll want to try these 2 supplements which can help you relax and get a good nights sleep

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Awesome Ab Exercise – Pull Down Cable Crunch

This is an awesome Abdominal Exercise that allows you to work your abs with progressive overload. You can start off light, get the technique down pat, and then gradually increase the weight as your core gets stronger.

The Pull Down Cable Crunch hits the abs from a unique angle because it’s one of the few ab exercises that allow you to train your mid-section from the standing position.

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How Bruno Gained 45 Pounds Of Muscle

Bruno totally transformed his body by gaining 45 pounds of muscular body weight through smart training and proper muscle building nutrition. Click here to read his story and find out how he went from a skinny teenager to get ripped and muscular

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The BEST Peanut Butter for Bodybuilders

Natural peanut butter is pretty much a staple part of any bodybuilding diet. I like to consider myself somewhat of a nut butter connoisseur. I’m on a quest to find the best peanut butter for bodybuilders. This journey is going to take me through a whole heap of tubs of yummy peanut butter

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Post-Workout Nutrition on “Steroids”

Today you’re going to learn a sneaky trick that will help you take your muscular development to the NEXT LEVEL with one simple addition to your post workout protein shake. This tip will be like putting your post-workout shake on Steroids

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