Follow Along Home Workouts
I know you are probably overwhelmed with all the talk about Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and how the world is in a panic right now. Things are changing by the day… The Gyms have all closed, schools are closed, day cares are closed, community centers are closed, etc. So to help you continue making progress with…
How To Do Pull Ups for Beginners
Pull Ups are one of the best exercises you can do for building up your upper body. The only problem is that they are hard as heck! So if you suck at doing Pull Ups & Chins Ups, then you should give these assisted pull up variations a try
Stretching Routine For Bodybuilders
Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored by the majority of people. It is just one of those things that seems to get pushed off to the side as not that important. You probably say to yourself in the back of your mind. However, when stretching is properly integrated into a weight training program it can actually speed up your muscle growth
100 Rep Pull Up / Dip Workout!
I did something interesting during my “weight training” workout yesterday… And I’m using the term “weight training” loosely because I never actually touched a weight per say. My entire workout consisted entirely of just 2 body weight exercises: – 100 total pull ups – 100 total dips Now while I’m a big fan of including…
Camping Trip Workout Routine
If you are going on a camping trip and do not want to time off from lifting. Than this is an ideal workout program to help you maintain your fitness level while enjoying the great outdoors
Total Body Dumbbell Workout
When I was a kid my dad had a York Barbell & Dumbbell set down in our basement and that’s how I got started with weight training. These days I do most of my weight training in a well equipped commercial gym. But every once in a while I’ll find myself stuck in a situation with only very basic equipment and I have to make due.
Killer Trick To Burn More Fat During Your Workouts
If you are looking to speed up your metabolism, burn more calories, and lose that stubborn bodyfat without spending more time in the gym then you really need to check this out.
This is a killer fat burning training strategy that I got from Scott Abel. It’s called MET Training or Metabolic Training
Bodyweight Home Gym LEG Workout
This video covers a quick and easy bodyweight leg workout that you do at home without any exercise equipment what so ever!
What we’re doing to do is a circuit routine of bodyweight squats, walking lunges, and standing calve raises. This will target all the major muscles of the lower body.
Complete Push Up Workout That You Can Do At Home…
Push ups are great extra exercise that you can add to any workout routine to help speed up growth in the chest. So if you find that your chest is a stubborn muscle group for you, then simply doing a couple sets of push ups everyday can help spur on new muscle growth because you are regularly flushing blood and nutrients into your pectoral muscles.
Do you SUCK at pull ups & chin ups?
It’s no secret that the key to building a huge V-shaped back is mastering pull ups and chin ups. Show me a guy who is really good at pull ups and you’ll show me a guy who has a HUGE muscular back!
If you struggle with performing pull ups and chin ups then you need this
Tarzan’s “JUNGLE MUSCLE” Workout!
Picture this… You are out in the middle of a lush green jungle, you are totally relaxed and asleep in a little thatched palm roof villa just off the beach, the soft gentle breeze is blowing in off the water, the sun is rising over the horizon, and you are gently awaken to the beautiful…
Advanced Push Up Workout
I’m a huge fan of doing push ups in my workouts… They help to build up the chest, increase strength in all your pressing exercises (i.e. bench press, shoulder press, etc.), and they also help to strengthen your core from balancing and holding your body in position. However, as you get more advanced in your…
My Very First Muscle Up!
I just set a new personal record in the gym the other day! You see I’ve been working on doing a “Muscle Up” for quite a while now. And just the other day I finally was able to do my very first Muscle Up! If you are not familiar with a “Muscle Up”, it’s basically…
The “Best” Tricep Exercise – Atomic Triceps Blaster Push Ups!
How To Build Big Muscular Triceps With Atomic Tricep Push Ups! When it comes to building Big Muscular Arms you need to focus on building up the Triceps! The triceps make up 2/3’s of your upper arm development. So if you want to stretch the tape measure and get Bigger More Muscular Guns than you…
Time-Volume Training…
Guest Blog Post From Nick Nilsson – The “Mad Scientist” Of Bodybuilding. Time-Volume Training is one of my favorite “no brains required” methods for building muscle and strength like clockwork. When you do this style of training, you know EXACTLY what weight to use, how many reps to do, how long to do it for…
Give Yourself Permission To Exercise
A question I’m often asked by my online followers is: “Lee, is it ok to add in extra exercise such as cardio, bodyweight workouts, ab work, etc.” And the answer is YES! When it comes to exercise there are no “set rules” that you have to follow. If you want to do some extra exercise…
Extra Workouts = Extra Muscle!
As we get more advanced in our workouts we tend to look “Outside The Box” for unique methods for building muscle, increasing strength, and improving our athletic performance. Now chances are if you’ve been working out for any length of time then you already know (and hopefully follow) all “The Basic” stuff like: Working out…
What’s the BEST workout? – Bodyweight VS. Weight Training
What do you think of my new cartoon image? Your Muscle Building Coach has gotten a new makeover… Granted the proportions maybe a tad bit exaggerated, but that’s what I’m striving to achieve with my own workouts. And speaking of workouts… One question that I often get from my online followers is: What’s the BEST…
“You Don’t Look Like Bruce Lee…”
I got an interesting comment to one of my YouTube videos the other day… ========== “Lee, I don’t think you look good, your too big you don’t look like Bruce Lee. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s my view.” ========== To which I replied… ========== Wow, that’s very observant of you… I’m so glad you realized…
Pull Up Challenge @ the 2011 Arnold Classic
At the Arnold Classic Bodybuilding & Fitness Expo there are several strength challenges going on all weekend long… From push up and pull up contests, bench your body weight for reps contests, various grip strength challenges, and even one booth had a mini football combine test set up. Now normally I like to jump in…
2 Killer Tricks For Building More Lean Muscle Mass…
Question: What’s the best way to Incinerate “Spongy Fat Weight” & Build Rock Hard Lean Muscle At The Same Time? Answer: Watch this brand new video presentation to find out how you can achieve 173% faster results compared to traditional weight training and cardio workouts… Click Play To Watch The Free Video Presentation. Have you…
How To Build Old Man Strength!
Note: This is a guest Blog Post by my good friend Mike Westerdal (Mike is the creator of Critical Bench and the Co-Author of Lean Hybrid Muscle.) You know, going to the gym and working out isn’t the only way to get strong. There’s actually a huge difference between being gym strong versus real-life strong.…
Muscle Specialization Workouts
Last week I was hanging out with Elliott Hulse from http://www.LeanHybridMuscle.net Elliott is a professional strongman competitor and one hell of a strength and conditioning coach. He works with a lot of amateur and professional athletes who are looking for that extra edge, as well as average guys who just want to get in their…
Lean Hybrid Training @ Elliott’s Strength Camp Gym
This is a “Lean Hybrid” workout that was shot at Elliott Hulse’s Strength Camp Gym in St. Petersburg Florida. Elliott puts Vince Del Monte, Dave Ruel, and Mike Westerdal through a kick ass training session! You’ll also hear the story of how I Got Beat Up In A Fight With A 600 Pound Tire! Just…
Awesome Leg Routine – 100 Rep Squat Workout!
Yesterday I trained legs and did something totally out of the norm that I’m not accustomed to doing… I did a 100 Rep Squat Workout! And let me tell you I’m feeling the after effects right now… I’m literally sore right from right my ass to my ankles. (And just to make sure we’re all…
Build Wide Lats with “Swinger Pull Ups”
Hey I got a question for ya… Are you a “Swinger” ? Now get your mind out of the gutter… I don’t mean THAT kind of swinger… 😉 I’m talking about swinging your way to a wider more muscular back with a killer pull up variation. This one really stretches out your lats and builds…
Training at Wanderlei Silva’s Gym Las Vegas
I just got back from Las Vegas yesterday and I have to say it was an absolute blast! I didn’t get much sleep because the entire trip was jam packed with action and adventure! Here’s just a quick re-cap of some of the crazy fun cool stuff that went down: 1) Checked out the Mr.…
Hardcore bodyweight workouts
I get a lot of e-mail from folks looking for alternatives to the typical “gym workouts”. They want more practical bodyweight style conditioning workouts. Now while I’ll be the first to admit that training in a serious gym is absolutely critical to building a thick muscular “Bodybuilders” physique. There are benefits to including bodyweight conditioning…
Killer Bodyweight Leg Workout… “No Gym Required!”
No Gym? No Problem! You can still get a killer workout using no equipment at all. Just last month my good friend Dave Ruel and I did this awesome bodyweight leg workout while we were on vacation in Cuba and it was a totally spur of the moment, made up on the spot type of…
Warrior Built Fat Blasting System…
If you are looking to make 2010 the year that you once and for all shed that pudgy bellyroll and get in your most ripped to the bone bad ass shape ever, then I’ve got a killer fat-blasting, muscle-building workout program that you just have to try for yourself… http://www.WarriorBuiltDVD.com You see I’ve teamed up…