HELP, I Can’t Gain Muscle No Matter What I Do…
Lee, I have followed you for a few years. I have attempted every possible avenue to build muscle but I have seen no change. I have added calories, added weights and consumed a ton of protein. Still, no results. I have gained no muscle of any kind. Should I give up or is there another option?

The BEST Protein Shake for Bulking Up!
What is the BEST Protein Shake for gaining weight? If you are skinny and need to bulk up with solid muscular bodyweight, than you’ll want to check this out because it plays a major role in your muscle building diet plan.

Bulking Diet for Skinny Guys
Bulking up and gaining muscular bodyweight is actually very simple. But most guys over think things and make the process more complicated than it needs to be. In this blog post you’re going to get a simple to follow bulk up diet plan that really works

Body Composition 101: Using Old School Techniques To Beat Genetic Limitations
Old School Bodybuilders knew exactly how to craft their bodies into masterpiece physiques using good nutrition and hard work. Vince Gironda was one such bodybuilder who was ahead of his time for unique ideas about building muscle, losing fat, and getting ripped and many of his methods have been validated today by current scientific research

Protein Powders vs. Weight Gainers… (which one should you use?)
What’s the difference between protein powders and weight gainers? What’s the best value for your money? Which one should YOU use to help achieve your muscle building goals?

Steeve Reeves Old School Bodybuilding Workout
Old-School Bodybuilders were a completely different breed from the monstrous figures which take to Mr Olympia stage today. They built physiques that were chiseled from raw athleticism, cardiovascular fitness and pure functional strength. Old school bodybuilding placed just as much emphasis on health, vitality and well being as it did on muscle size

How Old School Bodybuilders Got Big & Strong!
The Old-School Bodybuilder’s from the 1960’s and 1970’s had some of the most impressive muscular physiques the world has ever seen. The classic physiques from the Pumping Iron days were a completely different breed compared to the monstrous behemoths which take to Mr Olympia stage today.

I’m Working Out Consistently, But Not Gaining Any Muscle… What’s Wrong?
Help, I’ve been lifting weights for 5 years but don’t have much to show for it. Simply lifting heavy and eating more doesn’t work for me… What am I doing wrong? When it comes to building muscle there are 3 key components that need to be addressed – 1) Weight Training – 2) Nutrition – and the biggest one… 3) Genetics!

How Many Reps Should You Do To Build Muscle?
High Reps VS Low Reps. Some people say “high reps for cutting” and “low reps for bulking”. But is this really the best approach? Click the link below to find out the truth about how many reps you should do to build muscle. But the question is which rep range is the best one and which one should you use in your workouts?

Ideal Measurements for a Bodybuilding Physique
What Are The Body Measurements For The Ideal Muscular Physique? Many bodybuilding historians regard Steve Reeves as being one of the most symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing bodybuilders of all time. Reeves was one of the early proponents of training for balance and proportion, rather than simply trying to get big

Do You Even Lift? why you don’t look like a bodybuilder…
You’re going to the gym, you’re eating right, taking your protein shakes, getting 8 hours of sleep a night… Basically doing everything that you should be doing… But you don’t look like a bodybuilder… here’s why

Strict Form VS. Cheating Reps (what’s best for muscle growth?)
To Cheat Or Not To Cheat… How Strict Should Your Exercise Form Be? When it comes to weight training there are generally 2 schools of thought when it comes to exercise form. First you have the typical personal trainer “fitness experts” who say you should perform all lifts with light to moderate weights and use…

Why Am I Not Getting Any Bigger?
A LOT of skinny guys are desperately trying to put some solid muscle mass on their bones. And very often the reason for their lack of results is NOT with the workout program they are following, but rather what’s fueling their workouts
How To Bulk Up Like a Baby
In this blog post I’m going to cover 3 habits that can help you build a bigger, stronger, and more muscular physique. These 3 habits come naturally to newborn baby’s and if you follow them yourself you will be able to “Bulk Up Like a Baby”
20 Rep Squat Routine
One of the fastest ways to gain size and strength in the entire body is by following the squats and milk program. This is an old time routine that has been around for over 75 years, but it works awesome for fast gains. Even if you are a hard gainer
How To Customize YOUR Workouts for Maximum Gains
If you blindly copy someone else’s workout program it may not work as well for you as it does for them. Knowing what your pre-dominate muscle fiber type is will allow you to determine how your body is going to respond to different weight training programs, because Not Every Workout Program Works For Every Body
How To Keep Your Waist Small While Bulking Up
When it comes to bulking one of the biggest problems that most guys experience is that they gain weight alright, but a lot of the weight gained is just excess bodyfat right around the belly. This blog post covers 3 killer tips to help you make leaner muscle gains
3 “Must Do” Exercises for Building Muscle & Strength
You can build a lot of muscle mass on your frame with just a few basic exercises, as long as you train them consistently and with progressive overload. In this blog post you’re going to get 3 of the best muscle building exercises that should be apart of your workout program if your goal is to get bigger and stronger
What is your body type: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph?
When you know what body type you have and then train and eat properly for your body type, you will make much better progress with your workouts.
Do You Have To Get Sore To Build Muscle?
Do You Have To Get Sore To Build Muscle? Many people think muscle soreness equals muscle growth. But that’s just not the case. Believe it or not, you can build muscle regardless if you get sore or not
Stretching Routine For Bodybuilders
Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored by the majority of people. It is just one of those things that seems to get pushed off to the side as not that important. You probably say to yourself in the back of your mind. However, when stretching is properly integrated into a weight training program it can actually speed up your muscle growth
Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for Skinny Guys
Just a few years ago Adam was a typical teenager, out of shape, ate too much junk food, and enjoyed too many video games. But in the matter of 5 short years he transformed himself into a ripped muscular bodybuilder who has competed at the British Bodybuilding Championships
The #1 Muscle Building Mistake…
Ok, before I get into this blog post I’ve got a confession to make… “The #1 Muscle Building Mistake” could cover A LOT of different factors; from training – to nutrition – to mindset – to being consistent, etc… But this particular blog is a guest post from IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski and it…
Cycle Your Workouts For Size & Strength
When it comes to muscle and strength. You can’t really build one without the other. A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle vice versa. In this blog post you’re going to learn how to get the The Best of Both Worlds with Power Bodybuilding Training
The Power-Bodybuilding Method
There seems to be an accepted notion that aesthetic bodybuilding techniques can’t be integrated within the structure of an empirical powerlifting workout program. I firmly believe otherwise. It has been my observation upon viewing the iron game there are two types of people. First there are those who are pumpers and toners and secondly there are those who concentrate on the brute power of heavy lifting alone.
Tips for Accelerating Muscle Growth
Working out and improving the state of your physique takes, you guessed it, a lot of hard work. There are people that have the misguided notion that they can go from a scrawny little person to a man with bulging muscles by lifting weights a few times a week
Gaining Muscle (without the fat)
If you are like most people I know, than you probably have 2 fitness goals – to GAIN MUSCLE and to LOSE BODYFAT. Unfortunately, for most people, the two goals are at opposite ends of the spectrum
Gaining Muscle & Losing Fat at the Same Time
Can You Gain Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time? Some people say it’s impossible. While others say that you CAN build muscle while losing fat at the same time with proper diet and exercise. Which One Is Correct ? Well, they BOTH are because it really depends on the fitness level of the individual
3 Testosterone Killers
Are you unknowingly ingesting these 3 things that are destroying your testosterone levels? The things listed below are ridden with toxic chemicals that will do nothing more then strip you of your manhood
6 Muscle-Building Strategies (FREE PDF)
Download Your FREE Bodybuilding e-Book. The 6 Forgotten Factors of Hypertrophy Report. This 54-page muscle-building report that reveals 6 killer tricks for igniting serious gains in size and strength.