Blast Your Biceps Workout: Power Barbell Curls
Blast Your Biceps Workout: Power Barbell Curls In this video I’m training with my good friend Dave Ruel, and Dave shares a unique workout tip that you can use when curling that will allow you to lift more weight, use better lifting form, and stimulate more muscle growth. To get more unique arm building exercises…
Atomic Tricep Blaster Push Ups
This is a killer tricep push up exercise that will help pack on some serious size to your tris. It’s kind of like a doing a bodyweight skull crusher tricep extension. Give it a try in your next arm workout! To get more unique arm building exercises check out my brand new website
Does Acai Berry Really Work?
I posted up a whole rant about Acai Berry on my old blog back in November. But I’m still getting several e-mail on a daily basis from guys asking me: “Does Acai Berry Really Work?” So that’s why I’m sharing this info again here. Please read it and then forward it on to your friends…
2 Cardio Workout Mistakes You’re Still Making
This is a guest post Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto The controversies over cardio for fat loss are endless: steady state versus intervals, fed versus fasted, long and easy versus short and intense, and so on. Obviously there is a lot of interest in cardio training and how to do it right. Sadly, most people…
20 Minute Bodyweight Circuit Workout Routine
This is a quick upper body circuit routine that I did the other day. The entire workout uses just bodyweight exercises. We go through a circuit of chin ups, dips, hyper extensions, and hanging leg raises.
Squat and Deadlift Workout
Max Effort Squat Workout Warm up with 10 minutes on the concept 2 rowing machine (ergometer). Low box squats pyramiding up in weight to a max effort heavy set of 3 reps. Lying leg curls 5 sets of 5 reps. High rep partial deadlifts 2 sets of 20 reps. Pull Down Abs 5 sets of…
The Best Ab Exercises To Get Six Pack Abs
In this ab workout video I share some of my favorite abdominal exercises for getting six pack abs. However, the real key to building a shredded 6 pack is simply losing all the excess bodyfat that is covering your abs. Everyone has ab muscles, the only problem is that for 99.9% of the population those…
Bodybuilding Talk Show Replay Posted…
You can watch the replay of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding talk show at: You can also download the MP3 audio and subscribe to the RSS Podcast feed so you can listen to the talk show on your MP3 player or mobile device. Click Here To Download The MP3 Audio File.
The Toughest Competitor I Have To Face…
When I’m preparing for a bodybuilding competition I like to compare myself to the toughest and fiercest competitor that I’m going to have to face and see how well I stack up to him. Now my toughest competition is a seasoned bodybuilding competitor who knows how to get in top shape. He’s going to be…
Lee Hayward got a make over…
Well, I didn’t get a make over myself… but the Total Fitness Bodybuilding website did… has been online since January 1999 and during that time we’ve changed A LOT. From the simple cheesy HTML pages of the 1990’s, to the not so cheesy HTML pages of the 2000’s, and now we’re moving right along…
How Strict Should Your Exercise Form Be?
When it comes to weight training there are generally 2 schools of thought when it comes to exercise form. First you have the typical personal trainer “fitness experts” who say you should perform all lifts with light to moderate weights and use very slow and controlled movements. Then you have the power and strength athletes…
Dumbbell Pullovers – A Forgotten Chest Exercise
Dumbbell Pullovers (A Forgotten Exercise That Can Add Inches Of Solid Mass To Your Chest) The pullover is an exercise you seldom see done in the gym anymore. Yet back in the “Pumping Iron” days of bodybuilding it was a staple in almost everyone’s routine. In fact, way back in the old days before the…
Bodybuilding for Beginners
I’m a complete beginner to weight training. I’d like to make gains as fast as possible, but when I ask people how I should go about it all I keep getting different answers. Please help me, I need advice on all areas: diet, routine, exercises, supplements, etc. This is one of the most common questions…
Supplements To Help Relieve Joint Pain Naturally
Do you have problems with sore joints? Do you sometimes find your elbows, knees, shoulders, hips, etc. hurt? Do these aches and pains limit your strength and mobility? Overtime weight training can put a lot of stress on your joints, tendons, and ligaments. This can really slow down your workouts and progress in the gym.…
Bodybuilding Terms & Definitions Explained
AEROBIC EXERCISE Prolonged, moderate-intensity work that uses up oxygen at or below the level at which your cardiorespiratory (heart-lung) system can replenish oxygen in the working muscles. Aerobic literally means with oxygen, and it is the only type of exercise which burns body fat to meet its energy needs. Bodybuilders engage in aerobic workouts to…
The Best Bodybuilding Nutritional Supplements
I’m often asked what are the best bodybuilding supplements to take. Let’s face it supplements can be a very confusing topic because there is so much crap being pushed at you. You see every single magazine out there is owned by, or affiliated with, a supplement company. That’s why virtually everything they publish is geared…