Build Bigger Biceps Peak with Single Arm Cable Curls
The single arm bicep cable curl is a killer bicep isolation exercise that works the biceps through a full range of motion and can help add more size, shape and peak to your biceps. Now a lot of people already include low pulley cable curls in their workouts, but the kicker that can really take…
Pull Up Challenge @ the 2011 Arnold Classic
At the Arnold Classic Bodybuilding & Fitness Expo there are several strength challenges going on all weekend long… From push up and pull up contests, bench your body weight for reps contests, various grip strength challenges, and even one booth had a mini football combine test set up. Now normally I like to jump in…
Hardcore Deadlift Workout – 535 pounds for reps!
Here’s a killer video clip that I shot last weekend in the Animal Cage at the 2011 Arnold Classic Expo. If you’ve ever been to the Arnold before than you know that the guys in the Animal Cage really live up to their name. They are friggen insane with the hardcore lifting they do. I…
2011 Arnold Classic Expo Pictures
What a weekend… I’m writing this blog post while sitting in Toronto airport and waiting for my connecting flight back home to Newfoundland. I just spent the last few days hanging out at the 2011 Arnold Classic Bodybuilding & Fitness Expo with the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Transformation Challenge winners. As you may recall, back…
2011 Arnold Classic Bodybuilding & Fitness Expo
Tomorrow morning I’m going to be flying down to Columbus Ohio to join the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Transformation Contest Winners for the 2011 Arnold Classic Bodybuilding & Fitness Expo! I’m really looking forward to it. This is going to be an awesome weekend, I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures and videos for…
The 21-Day Fast Mass Building Winners!
This past weekend we voted for the top 3 finalists for the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Physique Transformation Challenge! These guys will be joining us in attending the largest bodybuilding and fitness event in the world, The Arnold Classic Sports Festival in Columbus Ohio this March 3-6. Click Here To See Our Top Transformation Finalists!
Simple “Protein Trick” For More Muscle Mass!
You’ve probably heard the term “you are what you eat”, right? But it’s not exactly what you EAT that counts, but what you USE from what you eat. And this couldn’t be more true for those of you who have a hard time growing muscle! Why? Because you can eat all the protein you want,…
ASK LEE… If you got questions, I may have answers
Hey there, It’s your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and every single day I get hundreds of questions from my online followers asking me all kinds of bodybuilding and nutrition related questions… Now while I try my best to personally respond to as many questions as I can via comment reply’s, posting articles, hosting…
2 Killer Tricks For Building More Lean Muscle Mass…
Question: What’s the best way to Incinerate “Spongy Fat Weight” & Build Rock Hard Lean Muscle At The Same Time? Answer: Watch this brand new video presentation to find out how you can achieve 173% faster results compared to traditional weight training and cardio workouts… Click Play To Watch The Free Video Presentation. Have you…
How To Build Old Man Strength!
Note: This is a guest Blog Post by my good friend Mike Westerdal (Mike is the creator of Critical Bench and the Co-Author of Lean Hybrid Muscle.) You know, going to the gym and working out isn’t the only way to get strong. There’s actually a huge difference between being gym strong versus real-life strong.…
WARNING: Bulking Up Causes P.M.S. For Guys!
Hey it’s Lee Hayward here and I’ve got some bad news. You maybe suffering from P.M.S. and not even know it! P = Puffy M = Muscle S = Syndrome In fact my friend & professional strongman Elliott Hulse used to suffer from a bad case of P.M.S. as you can see in the picture…
Muscle Specialization Workouts
Last week I was hanging out with Elliott Hulse from Elliott is a professional strongman competitor and one hell of a strength and conditioning coach. He works with a lot of amateur and professional athletes who are looking for that extra edge, as well as average guys who just want to get in their…
Eating Out Without Pigging Out…
I’m writing to you today from Miami Beach. I’m here with my girlfriend Trish and our friends Dave “The Muscle Cook” Ruel and his girlfriend Karine. We’ve been traveling all over Florida for the past week and a half. Now while it has been an absolute blast and we’ve had lots of fun, it can…
Muscle Head’s Fishing Trip In Florida!
Last Friday the muscle heads went fishing in Florida. Dave Ruel, Mike Westerdal, Eric Wong, myself and a few of our friends went out on a deep sea fishing trip looking for snapper. My girlfriend Trish kicked all of our asses with by catching 6 snapper. Eric was in close second with 5. Dave got…
Lean Hybrid Training @ Elliott’s Strength Camp Gym
This is a “Lean Hybrid” workout that was shot at Elliott Hulse’s Strength Camp Gym in St. Petersburg Florida. Elliott puts Vince Del Monte, Dave Ruel, and Mike Westerdal through a kick ass training session! You’ll also hear the story of how I Got Beat Up In A Fight With A 600 Pound Tire! Just…
Training at The Elite Strength & Conditioning Gym in Tampa Florida
Just a couple days ago I had the opportunity to train with the creators of the Lean Hybrid Muscle Building System Elliott Hulse & Mike Westerdal at The Elite Strength & Conditioning Gym in Tampa Florida. These guys are friggen animals and strong as hell (as you’ll see in the video). And they all use…
Work Hard… Play Harder!
This morning I’m up bright and early… Well, that’s not totally true because it’s still dark outside, but it is early 😉 I’m flying down to Florida today to get a mini-escape from this cold Canadian winter. It’s perfect timing too because we just had a snow storm yesterday and that added to my motivation…
Low Carb / High Protein Frozen Dessert Recipe
This is a tasty low carb / high protein meal that you can have when you are watching your calorie / carb intake during a fat loss diet, or during the low calorie Primer Phase of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program. Or anytime you want to enjoy a tasty low carb & high protein…
21-Day Fast Mass Building Mini-Kit Special
Last week the 21-Day Fast Mass Building program was grabbed by over 2,000 people and became a #1 online bestseller muscle-building program in just 3 days! Ambitious muscle & fitness enthusiasts from all around the world have been emailing us all weekend saying: “I’m going to win the transformation contest! Count on seeing me in…
New Chest Workout Video Posted
Hey it’s your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and I just posted up a new workout training video for you to check out. In the video I’m working out with my friend Brent, he was one of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building test subjects. We go over a big basic chest building power move…
Did you ever watch a porno video?
I’ve got an interesting question for you… “Did you ever watch a porno video?” What The…??? You probably think I’ve just lost my marbles right? Well, I actually used this as an analogy last night during my Live Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show to explain a point… ————————– Note: You can go and watch the…
LIVE Muscle TV – TONIGHT @ 9:00 pm EST
Show Starts Tonight July 21 @ 9:00 PM EST Chat With Lee Hayward During The Live Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show at: Note: To check and see what time this will be in your area, you can visit: Lee Hayward (Your Muscle Building Coach) shares some killer workout and nutrition tips that will…
Sorry, Vince and I SCREWED up…
I’ve got to apologize because Vince and I screwed up. What I have to tell you is the God’s honest truth – not some cheesy made up story… And it’s kinda embarrassing as well… Yesterday, we waaayyy underestimated how many visitors our new website would receive during the OFFICIAL RELEASE of our 21-Day Fast Mass…
21 Day Fast Mass Building Is LIVE!!!
We Are LIVE! – Come Check It Out… I want to thank you for all your support and feedback on the blog over the past couple weeks while we have been gearing up for the release of quite possibly one of our BIGGEST and BEST muscle building-break through training & nutritional system EVER! The 21-Day…
Fast Action Bonus for Day 1 Orders ONLY!
FINAL Fast Mass Building Update! Fast Action Bonus: Day 1 Orders Only! The Bonus – If you order Tuesday January 11th (1 Day Only), you will be given access to a 12-Month Periodization (Planning) Calendar where Lee Hayward and Vince Del Monte will layout your next 12-months of workouts! We’ll teach you how to space…
The Fast Mass Building Winners Are…
Fast Mass Building Update! Get Your Questions Answered… And Of Course: The Blog Contest Winners! In the last 48-hours we have had over ONE THOUSAND & TWO HUNDRED inspiring replies that come in before we shut it down Saturday at midnight. We can’t tell you how amazed and PUMPED we were to see your express…
Win a FREE 21-Day Fast Mass Building Package!
Note: We’ve Just Changed Our Original Offer… We’re not giving away 10 Free Copies Anymore… Instead We Are GIVING AWAY 20 FREE COPIES of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program! (This is HUGE and the biggest Give-A-Way we’ve ever done!) Click Here To Submit Your Entry… Note: To keep all contest entries in one place…
Here’s What Included With The 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program!
Here’s What Included With The 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program! Part 1: The 21-Day Fast Mass Building Manual ($97 Value) Learn the exact number of calories you’ll be eating during the one-week Primer Phase and the exact number of calories you’ll be eating during the two-week Overload Phase. You’ll also receive three different training programs…
21 Day Fast Mass Building Results…
Here’s PROOF That The 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program Will Help You Pack On Up To 12 Pounds Of Pure Muscle In Only 21-Days! They Did It and So Will You! By Lee Hayward and Vince Del Monte Creators of 21-Day Fast Mass Building Three months ago we knew that any promise of a significant…
5 Killer Tricks For Fast Muscle Gains…
21 Day Fast Mass Building Update #4: 5 Killer Tricks For Fast Muscle Gains… By Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte Building muscle it is NOT about stuffing your face and eating until you are ready to puke. It’s NOT simply “Lifting Big To Get Big”. These are old out-dated concepts that ONLY work for…