Eating Out Without Pigging Out…

I’m writing to you today from Miami Beach. I’m here with my girlfriend Trish and our friends Dave “The Muscle Cook” Ruel and his girlfriend Karine. We’ve been traveling all over Florida for the past week and a half.

Now while it has been an absolute blast and we’ve had lots of fun, it can be quite challenging trying to stick to a sensible eating plan when you are away from your home base. So in this blog post I’m going to share some eating tips that we’ve been using to help minimize the damage of eating while traveling.

Prepare Your Own Food… (if you can)

If at all possible I’d recommend staying in a hotel that has an efficiency unit (i.e. mini kitchen with fridge, stove, microwave, etc.) This is what we did during the first week of our trip and it allowed up to buy our own food and prepare it the same as if we were home. Plus it saves you a ton of money from having to eat out for every meal.

Hotel Room With Kitchen
Staying at a hotel with an efficiency unit makes eating healthy while traveling super easy!

Now obviously staying in an efficiency unit isn’t always possible when traveling. And there will be times when you want to go out to a restaurant and enjoy a good meal. So here are some tips you can use for those situations…

Pig Out In Moderation…

First off, it’s totally cool to “occasionally” let yourself go and literally pig out and and eat whatever you want. Heck I’ll admit that I’ve done it on numerous occasions. I’m not one of those stuck up health gurus who pretends to eat perfect all the time. I love to indulge in a good meal. But the key is to keep those crazy indulgences down to once a week.

Now for those times when you are forced to eat out for several days in a row (as you often are when traveling) you have to use a bit of planning and strategy or else you’ll end up bulking up in all the wrong places 😉

Eat Your Veggies…

One of the things I like to do is start each meal with a large garden salad. This way you get get some fresh veggies in your meal and pre-fill your belly before the main course arrives.
(Note: ask for the salad dressing on the side and use it in moderation.)

Now I know some of you are probably saying:
“But Lee, I don’t like to eat vegetables…”
And my response to that is Man Up & Eat Them!

One thing you’ll find with eating veggies is that the more you eat them, the more you’ll like them. It just takes a little bit of will power to get the ball rolling. I personally love eating salads and I strive to eat at least 1 garden salad every single day.

Start Your Meal With A Garden Salad
Start Your Meal With A Garden Salad

Eat REAL FOOD… Not Processed Crap…

When you order your main course try to order “Real Food” and what I mean by that is food that is as close to it’s natural state as possible. Heavily processed foods and deep fried foods are just stripped of their nutrients and loaded up with empty unhealthy calories.

To give you some ideas of Real Food meals last night I had Asian stir-fried shrimp and vegetables served over rice. The night before I had steak and lobster with steamed asparagus and a baked potato. The night before that I had a grilled grouper sandwich on whole wheat bread.

Try your best to order natural foods that are grilled, baked, or stir-fried rather than deep fried. This will go a long way towards keeping your meals healthy and nutritious.

Steak and Lobster Dinner
A healthy & Delicious High Protein Meal!

Try to avoid foods that are cooked in thick sauces and gravy as this will sky rocket the fat, sugar, and calorie content of your meal. It’s best to ask for sauces and toppings on the side so you can use them in moderation.

Pack Your Protein Powder & Snacks…

Another tip that I like to use when traveling is to make sure to pack your protein powder and a shaker cup. This way you can keep up with a high meal frequency without having to go to a restaurant for every single meal / snack.

As I write this I’m sitting in the hotel and I’ve got a 2 pound container of Blue Star Iso-Smooth Whey, a bag of apples, and some a raw almonds sitting on the table in front of me. They make for perfect healthy snacks. You can pack these things with you when you leave or just buy them while you are on the road.

Blue Star Iso-Smooth Whey Protein

Now I’ll be the first to admit that it is very difficult to eat well when traveling. But following these simple tips here can go a long way in helping you stick to a sensible muscle building diet plan until you get back to your home base.

Learn To Cook Healthy & Delicious Meals…

If you would like to get more killer nutritional tips for cooking and eating to help you with your muscle building and fat loss training goals, than I highly recommend you grab a copy of the Anabolic Cookbook.

This is a must have program for any serious muscle building enthusiast! This program contains over 200 mouth watering Anabolicious recipes that are high in protein, low in fat, and will help you reach your fitness goals while eating delicious food.

If you haven’t already picked up a copy you should do so right now at:

Trust me, you’ll be glad you did! 😉

Anabolic Cooking Cookbook
Click Here To Download Your Copy Now!

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


  • Colin Vander ende

    Love the nutrition tips lee. I’m a very enthusiastic “fit for life” personal trainer and your website is all part of the reason I am who I am. Not long ago a was a whapping 300lbs of potential heart Attack, diabieties and obesity. Now 200lbs 11% body fat. All these nutrition tips and yes I’m a proud owner of the anabolic cook book are helping me to reach my goal of 200lbs 5% body fat. Keep the great tips flowing lee and I’ll continue to tell everyone I meet about your great informative website. Keep fit keep healthy my friend

  • You are the savage beast!

  • Colin Vander ende: Love the nutrition tips lee. I’m a very enthusiastic “fit for life” personal trainer and your website is all part of the reason I am who I am. Not long ago a was a whapping 300lbs of potential heart Attack, diabieties and obesity. Now 200lbs 11% body fat. All these nutrition tips and yes I’m a proud owner of the anabolic cook book are helping me to reach my goal of 200lbs 5% body fat. Keep the great tips flowing lee and I’ll continue to tell everyone I meet about your great informative website. Keep fit keep healthy my friend    

    Thanks for the comment Colin, and congrats on losing 100 pounds. That’s quite an accomplishment. Good for you, keep it up!

  • Hey Lee these are great tips. As you know I have followed you for a few years now and I am in my best shape ever at 5’11 180lbs 8% bodyfat and still improving. In high school I couldn’t register a pull-up. Now I do them in between sets and can do them with relative ease. My dumbbell bench is at 65 per hand on 3 working sets. My seated leg press on the vertical diamond plated platform, which you sit close to and regulate with a handle to release the weight…up to 340lbs on 3 working sets. As a college student and biology major I have combined your advice with my own techniques. I find that drinking ~600 ml of milk, snacking on nuts, almonds, cashews, pistacchios, indulgent trail mix, as well as drinking a protein shake with various caloric signatures (milk or water as a base) and anything that serves as a small meal..I supplement l-glutamine to maintain alkalinity and amino acid availablility, even used it more for sprains…I drink lots of water, mainly distilled water. I have a student meal plan so I get spinach leaves from the salad side, tomato slices, raw broccoli, special pizzas with chicken or increased meat toppings, whole grain pasta, and good protein. I do eat alot but with the added muscle my metabolism is high regardless of muscle growth demand.

    During meals I find that drinking lots of water helps you fill up faster while on the contraey strategic water drinking can allow for more food intake…maybe that’s just me though.

  • Jason

    Great information Lee. I have been working with The Muscle Cook himself for a little while and it has made all the difference for me, health wise, energy wise, and changing body composition.


  • It is hard to define ‘real food’ but I think you have done a pretty good job mate. I still think that as nasty as it sounds, like animals we really by nature should eat raw meats rather than cooking them and killing off the nutrients, and we do eat certain things raw, but it is a thing of the past for the human diet.

    At least its still cool to eat raw salad anyway haha

  • Raul Garcia

    Thanks Lee…….

  • e bongers

    great info i read it all the time u no what your talking about im 52 and ambenching 250 and squating 415 because of ur info

  • Hey Lee,

    Awesome post. There are some great tips that are especially helpful for me when I’m traveling.

    The thing I like best about this post though is your recommendation of Dave Ruel’s Anabolic Cooking. I can not stress enough how awesome this product is, guys. Take Lee’s advice you will not regret it. I purchased Anabolic Cooking and I can honestly say that in conjunction with my new George Foreman grille. It is the best Fitness Product I have ever bought. You cannot go wrong with it.