Squat Form Critique – detailed exercise technique breakdown…

Just recently one of my subscribers sent me a video of himself doing the squat and he asked for my opinion, insights, and some constructive criticism of his lifting form. So that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this squat technique video breakdown

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“No Squat” Leg Workout

The barbell squat is one of the best leg exercises you can do. In fact, it’s arguably the single best exercise you can do for building muscle throughout the entire body. However, there are times when you’ll need to train your legs without squatting

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Single LEG Press – Get Twice The Workout With Half The Weight!

The Leg Press is an awesome mass building compound leg exercise. Now most folks will use the leg press in the traditional fashion with 2 legs at the same time, but a harder variation that you can perform is the Single Leg Press, this one has some unique benefits

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How To Build BIGGER Quads

When your goal is to build big muscular legs with defined quads, full hamstrings, and firm buttocks… Can’t forget the firm buttocks LOL… Then you need to train your legs from all angles – squats, leg presses, leg extensions, etc. You can’t leave anything out if you want to build powerful thighs

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Alternatives To Doing Squats

Of all the exercises out there I think I get more e-mails asking for variations to squatting than anything else. People will complain that squats hurt their knees, hurt their back, hurt their shoulders, or that they are just plain scared of doing squats.
And you know what, I think every single bodybuilder, weightlifter, or powerlifter out there has felt all these things to some degree or another.

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4 Day Bodybuilding Workout Plan

In this blog post you’re going to get a complete 4-Day Bodybuilding Split Routine that focuses on building size and strength throughout all your major muscle groups. This workout routine can be used by intermediate to advanced lifters

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Build Massive Quads With This Pre-Exhaust Leg Workout!

Do you find it hard to isolate and get a good pump throughout your quadriceps when training legs? A lot of people find it difficult to feel their quads working when doing leg exercises like squats and leg presses. But there is killer trick you can use to help bring up those stubborn quads

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How To Do Full Squats

We all know that we should squat, but the problem is that the squat is one of the hardest exercises you can do. Not just because it’s so physically demanding, but it’s a technical lift to perform properly. Part of the problem why it’s hard to do a deep full range of motion squat is that we generally lack of flexibility in the hips and ankles and just the lower body in general

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Single Leg Workouts

The first step to a great physique is simply training all your major muscle groups equally from top to bottom. But you can step things up and strive to develop balance and symmetry from left to right with single limb training

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Squat Technique Tip – Strengthen Weak Hips

Most guys naturally have weak hips because we rarely focus on training them. One way to tell if you have weak hips is by your squatting form, if your knees buckle in as you squat down, especially as you work up to lifting heavy weight, than that’s a sure sign that you need to strengthen your hips

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German Volume Training – 10 Sets Of 10 Reps

If you are at a plateau in your training or would just like to try something different, you should give the German Volume Training method a try. This is a great program for packing on muscle mass quickly. This was used as an off-season workout to help Olympic Weightlifters gain lean body mass and shed excess bodyfat.

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How To Warm Up Before You Workout

What’s the proper way to warm up before a weight training workout? Should you stretch first? Should you do some cardio? Is a warm up really needed? One of keys to having a successful workout is the mental and physical preparation that you do before you hit the gym floor.

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Bodybuilding Stretching Routine

Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored by most guys. It is just one of those things that seems to get pushed off to the side as not that important. Well, one thing you probably didn’t realize is that when stretching is properly integrated into a weight training program it can actually SPEED UP YOUR MUSCLE GROWTH!

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Strengthen The Hips With The INNER & OUTER Thigh Machine

We all know that a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link, and for a lot of guys the hips are a weak link. Just think of all the workout programs you’ve followed, how many of them emphasized specific exercises to build up the hips? (probably not that many) The hips play more of a role in your overall strength and development than most guys realize.

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Bodyweight Home Gym LEG Workout

This video covers a quick and easy bodyweight leg workout that you do at home without any exercise equipment what so ever!

What we’re doing to do is a circuit routine of bodyweight squats, walking lunges, and standing calve raises. This will target all the major muscles of the lower body.

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How To Do The Good Morning – (Awesome Hamstring & Back Workout)

The Good Morning is a controversial back exercise. Some people will say that it’s a dangerous move that should be avoided. But those who don’t like it are usually those people who don’t understand how to do it properly. When done properly the good morning is a great move that can help strengthen the entire posterior chain (i.e. the back of the body) by building up the spinal erectors, lower back, hips, glutes, and hamstrings.

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Tarzan’s “JUNGLE MUSCLE” Workout!

Picture this… You are out in the middle of a lush green jungle, you are totally relaxed and asleep in a little thatched palm roof villa just off the beach, the soft gentle breeze is blowing in off the water, the sun is rising over the horizon, and you are gently awaken to the beautiful…

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Better Than Squats… Killer Quad Workout!

  Over the past couple weeks I’ve been reading the “Vince Gironda Manifesto” and it’s an awesome book that’s jam packed with the old-school training and nutrition methods that the bodybuilders of yesterday did to build their classic lean muscular physiques. One of the things that really stood out as I was reading the book…

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FREE Muscle Building e-Book!

Do You Have Stubborn Muscles That Just Refuse To Grow, No Matter How Hard You Train Them In The Gym? That’s why I’ve put together my Muscle Specialization Training Guide. This is a FREE e-book that covers unique muscle building specialization moves for each and every bodypart

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Legs and Abdominals Workout Program

This is Part 3 of the Basic Bodybuilding Workout Program – Legs & Abdominals – With the lower body a lot of the moves are classified as pressing exercises, such as the squat or leg press. But some are classified as pulling moves such as the leg curl and deadlift

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Are you making this “Newbie” Workout Mistake…

The next time you are at the gym, just take notice of how many guys are actually making this “Newbie” workout mistake… As funny as it may seem, it’s actually quite common to see this being done in the gym. If you enjoyed this video clip and would like to see more, then Click Here…

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Time-Volume Training…

Guest Blog Post From Nick Nilsson – The “Mad Scientist” Of Bodybuilding. Time-Volume Training is one of my favorite “no brains required” methods for building muscle and strength like clockwork. When you do this style of training, you know EXACTLY what weight to use, how many reps to do, how long to do it for…

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Leg Press Variations To Target The Quads & Hams

One of my personal favorite Mass Building leg exercises is the Leg Press. Now I agree that good old fashion barbell squats are “The King” of leg exercises, but leg presses are a great complementary exercise that you can do along with squats. In fact, if you want to try a killer combo, do leg…

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Leg Workout @ Liberty Gym – Albuquerque, New Mexico

I’m writing this blog post from New Mexico. Almost half way through the old Route 66. My girlfriend Trish and I are having a blast. We’re re-living a piece of history by driving the old road and stopping in to all the towns along the way. There are lots of pics from our road trip…

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Awesome Leg Routine – 100 Rep Squat Workout!

Yesterday I trained legs and did something totally out of the norm that I’m not accustomed to doing… I did a 100 Rep Squat Workout! And let me tell you I’m feeling the after effects right now… I’m literally sore right from right my ass to my ankles. (And just to make sure we’re all…

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Don’t Make This “Newbie” Workout Mistake…

A HUGE Mistake that a lot of guys make with their workout programs is they neglect to train their legs. (Or they don’t train them to the degree that they should be training them.) Generally the primary motivating factor for the average guy to start hitting the gym and working out in the first place…

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Prowler High Intensity Muscular Endurance Workout

The Prowler is a killer workout for building up muscular endurance in the legs, hips, arms, and shoulders. This video is of my initial trial of the prowler and I was impressed by just how hard this machine really is. If you have access to one, I highly recommend incorporating it as part of your…

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Killer Bodyweight Leg Workout… “No Gym Required!”

No Gym? No Problem! You can still get a killer workout using no equipment at all. Just last month my good friend Dave Ruel and I did this awesome bodyweight leg workout while we were on vacation in Cuba and it was a totally spur of the moment, made up on the spot type of…

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Do You Have One Arm Bigger Than The Other?

Do you have one arm or one leg bigger than the other? If so there are certain exercises (that I’ll show you in the video below) that you can do that will force each side to handle an equal workload and help you develop a well balanced, proportioned, and symmetrical physique.

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YouTube Bodybuilding Workout Videos…

I went through some of my best YouTube workout videos and categorized them into “Playlists”. So if you are searching for a specific workout then this will make it even easier to reference and find the exact workouts & exercises you need to train each muscle group: Just click on the link below to see…

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