How To Build a V-Shape Back – Dumbbell Back Workout
This workout routine will show you how to build a big, wide, v-shaped back by working out at home using nothing more than dumbbell and bodyweight exercises. Give it a try for yourself and leave me a comment letting me know how you like the home gym dumbbell back workout.

The BEST Deadlift Grip – Overhand Grip vs. Mixed Grip vs. Hook Grip
For most people their grip strength is the weakest link when pulling heavy weight. But there are some unique grips that you can use when holding the barbell to increase your grip strength. Find out the pros and cons of the overhand grip, alternate grip, and hook grip.

How To Use Lifting Straps To Re-Enforce Your Grip.
Straps or No Straps. A question that I’m often asked by my followers is about lifting straps to re-enforce your grip when lifting weights. How do you use them? When should you use them? etc.
How To Build A BIG Muscular Back
Bodybuilding Back Workout. The old saying in bodybuilding competitions over the last 20+ years has been that the contest is won from the back. And with very few exceptions most bodybuilding contests are won by the competitor with the best back development
How To Do Pull Ups for Beginners
Pull Ups are one of the best exercises you can do for building up your upper body. The only problem is that they are hard as heck! So if you suck at doing Pull Ups & Chins Ups, then you should give these assisted pull up variations a try
Deadlift Form Critique – detailed exercise technique breakdown…
Just recently one of my Inner Circle Coaching Club members sent me a video of himself doing the deadlift and he asked for my opinion, insights, and some constructive criticism of his lifting form. So that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this deadlift technique video breakdown
How To Build BIGGER Lats
When your goal is to pack on muscular mass and build a wide V-shaped back, then you need to train your back from all angles… Rows, Pull Downs, Wide Grip, Narrow Grip, etc. You can’t leave anything out if you want to build an impressive back. So If You’re Looking To Build Wide muscular Lats With A Nice V-Taper, Try This Back Workout
Deadlift Workout for a BIGGER Back
Today you’re going to get a full back workout that focuses on training the deadlift and various assistance exercises to build mass, strength and power throughout the lats, traps, and spinal erectors
Uneven Muscle Development
Do you experience uneven muscle pumps between your left and right sides? For example, does one arm pump up more than the other? Does one lat, pec, shoulder, etc. get a better pump than the other? In this blog post you’re going to learn a quick training tip that can use to help fix these uneven muscle pumps
4 Day Bodybuilding Workout Plan
In this blog post you’re going to get a complete 4-Day Bodybuilding Split Routine that focuses on building size and strength throughout all your major muscle groups. This workout routine can be used by intermediate to advanced lifters
JUMP SETS to Increase Training Volume & Intensity
As you get more advanced in your workouts you need to look for ways to progress past basic beginner weight training and get your muscles to perform more work in the same amount of time either by upping your training volume and / or training intensity. One killer trick for doing this is using “Jump…
100 Rep Pull Up / Dip Workout!
I did something interesting during my “weight training” workout yesterday… And I’m using the term “weight training” loosely because I never actually touched a weight per say. My entire workout consisted entirely of just 2 body weight exercises: – 100 total pull ups – 100 total dips Now while I’m a big fan of including…
48-Hour Back Pain Rescue Guide
Have you ever thrown your back out so bad you had trouble walking around and had to stay in bed or sitting down for a few days? It’s hard to know what to do when you first hurt yourself. But I have some good news for you
When Should You Use A Weight Lifting Belt?
Wearing a lifting belt ALL The Time is a mistake. You should only use it when you really need it. Over using things like belts, wraps, and straps will actually make you weaker and increase your risk of injury, rather than protecting you. There is a RIGHT and a WRONG time to use a belt
German Volume Training – 10 Sets Of 10 Reps
If you are at a plateau in your training or would just like to try something different, you should give the German Volume Training method a try. This is a great program for packing on muscle mass quickly. This was used as an off-season workout to help Olympic Weightlifters gain lean body mass and shed excess bodyfat.
How To Warm Up Before You Workout
What’s the proper way to warm up before a weight training workout? Should you stretch first? Should you do some cardio? Is a warm up really needed? One of keys to having a successful workout is the mental and physical preparation that you do before you hit the gym floor.
Bodybuilding Stretching Routine
Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored by most guys. It is just one of those things that seems to get pushed off to the side as not that important. Well, one thing you probably didn’t realize is that when stretching is properly integrated into a weight training program it can actually SPEED UP YOUR MUSCLE GROWTH!
Seated Low Cable Row Variations
A great exercise to work the back is the seated low pulley cable row. The thing that I really like about cable exercises is they provide constant tension on the muscles throughout the entire range of motion.
Killer Back Workouts For Mass
This is a hard and heavy back workout that works the back from top to bottom. Lat thickness, lat width, as well as the spinal erectors.
Killer Trap Workout – Barbell Shrugs Pyramid Sets
If you are looking to add some “muscular meat” to your traps and upper back, give this unique pyramid set shrug workout a try! When it comes to building up the upper back you can’t beat Barbell Shrugs. They are one of my all time favorite mass building moves for the trapezius muscles, but they…
Do you SUCK at pull ups & chin ups?
It’s no secret that the key to building a huge V-shaped back is mastering pull ups and chin ups. Show me a guy who is really good at pull ups and you’ll show me a guy who has a HUGE muscular back!
If you struggle with performing pull ups and chin ups then you need this
Lee’s Revenge Against The YouTube Critics!
If you are a serious muscle-head then this video is a “Must See” because I’m poking some fun and getting my revenge against all the “YouTube Exercise Critics” out there who constantly bitch and complain about my form when lifting heavyweights.
How To Do The Good Morning – (Awesome Hamstring & Back Workout)
The Good Morning is a controversial back exercise. Some people will say that it’s a dangerous move that should be avoided. But those who don’t like it are usually those people who don’t understand how to do it properly. When done properly the good morning is a great move that can help strengthen the entire posterior chain (i.e. the back of the body) by building up the spinal erectors, lower back, hips, glutes, and hamstrings.
New Instructional Video: Lat Pulldown Workout
One of the best exercises you can do to help build a wide V-shaped muscular back is the Lat Pull Down. However, a lot of people will make some very critical mistakes when doing this move that actually limits it’s effectiveness. Lee Hayward demonstrating the “Close Under Hand Grip Lat Pull Down” for building back…
“Beat The Machine” For Maximum Muscle Growth
As you get more advanced with your workouts a good goal to shoot for when doing machine exercises is to “Beat The Machine”. Now what I mean by this is to stick to a particular weight stack machine exercise as a regular part of your workouts. Each week strive to better what you did the…
Gironda “Lat Pulls” for a wide V-shape back!
If you are looking to build a wide V-shape muscular back… Then you should try the Vince Gironda Lat Pull in your next back workout! Vince Gironda Doing The Low Pulley Lat Pull Variation. He also did a ‘high pulley’ variation of this move, which I demonstrate in the video clip below… Vince Gironda is…
FREE Muscle Building e-Book!
Do You Have Stubborn Muscles That Just Refuse To Grow, No Matter How Hard You Train Them In The Gym? That’s why I’ve put together my Muscle Specialization Training Guide. This is a FREE e-book that covers unique muscle building specialization moves for each and every bodypart
My Very First Muscle Up!
I just set a new personal record in the gym the other day! You see I’ve been working on doing a “Muscle Up” for quite a while now. And just the other day I finally was able to do my very first Muscle Up! If you are not familiar with a “Muscle Up”, it’s basically…
Back and Biceps Workout Program
This is Part 2 of my Basic Bodybuilding Workout Program – Back & Biceps – You’ll notice that all the exercises you do for back and biceps involve some form of pulling or rowing movement
Time-Volume Training…
Guest Blog Post From Nick Nilsson – The “Mad Scientist” Of Bodybuilding. Time-Volume Training is one of my favorite “no brains required” methods for building muscle and strength like clockwork. When you do this style of training, you know EXACTLY what weight to use, how many reps to do, how long to do it for…