Who can forget the Karate Kid movie where “Danielson” got in shape and learned Karate by painting Mr. Miyagi’s fence and waxing his cars?
Well there was lots of “waxing on” and My girlfriend Trish and I checked out the 16th Annual Hickman Motor’s Classic Car Show. |
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This is a local event that’s held here in Newfoundland every year for classic Chevy and Chrysler cars.
Those of you who appreciate classic cars will enjoy this cool highlight video from the end of the show when the cars rolled out and laid some rubber on the road… 😉
You can see some pics from the show on my Facebook page at:
If you have a classic car please post a comment below, I’d love to hear about it.
The different arm movements from the Karate Kid were developed from a Kata and introduced to the film by Miyagi’s stunt double Fumio Demura. Thewaxon wax off and other movements we’re made up, Demura has massive arms, I had the chance to train with him 10 years ago, then in his 60’s and yeahhis arms were stronger than mine were……Good excercise….. John
Cool, I bet he could put quite a shine on a car eh? LOL 😉
Totally agree!
When I wash and seal/waxmy car (I use an RO to machine polish), I get the biggest pump in my shoulders and arms! Pity about the back though… my lower back gets an absolute hiding from having to work bent over!
it’s Danielsan, not son! always winds me up when people get it wrong!! lol
Thanks for the video, Lee. Was refreshing.
Well this doesn’t seem like advertising at all. You are sending us all links about workouts, but its not really a workout. Just a reference to a movie leading to a Car Show. (you were probably paid to give out these links)Obviously none of us want emails about car shows from you. Thats not what we signed up for. Stop trying to lure people to your website, so that you can get more money from all these advertisements on your webpage, with all these videos that are not educational or in any way affiliated to working out or health. Ive been following you for a long time now, but now I’ve realized that your entire website has become a fraud now with so many sponsorships (like bluestar) and advertisements(like workout dvds and hand grippers). I really liked your old stuff where you just shared your expertise for the betterment of humanity. Now its become your getting rich scheme. (also to prove that most of his stuff is fake, he always has at least one fake comment that he responds to on each page, and if you look at his facebook he is mostly advertising for something, and his other statuses always have the same(paid) people liking and commenting) i dont even know if he will let me be seen through his filter, but just thought I’d make an attempt at letting the innocent people know. Hes taking advantage of you guys.
Sorry, my bad… We never covered this in grade 5 spelling class LOL 😉
Hey Zach,
I agree, this post was simply poking fun at the “Karate Kid” movie, etc. and it did lead into a video of a car show that I attended this past weekend. You got me on that one, it really had nothing to do with working out.
This post was basically just sharing some of my other interests outside of the gym. I am a “real person” with interests and hobbies besides just going to the gym and I sometimes like to mention them on my website from time to time. After all it’s my website and I am allowed to post what I like on it 😉
But I don’t think that mentioning the fact I enjoy classic cars cancels out all the instructional bodybuilding videos, articles, Q and A, live video chats, etc. that I share here online totally free of charge… Does it?
Yes, I do offer paid programs and paid coaching services for folks who want to work with me personally and get more in depth training and nutritional advice. But at the same time if you look around there is A LOT of stuff that’s available here for free as well. I’m not forcing anyone to do business with me, and for those that do choose to do purchase my products or services they all come with a 100% money back guarantee if they are not happy. So I find it quite offensive that you are accusing me of being a fraud.
Let me ask you, do you have a job or business where you receive money for the work you do? If so then I guess that makes you a fraud as well who is taking advantage of people.
And where in the world did you come up with the idea that I’m paying people for facebook comments? WTF…
In case you haven’t noticed there are over 14,000 people who “Like” my Total Fitness Bodybuilding Facebook page. With that number of people I’m bound to get some comments and likes without having to pay anyone.
Bottom line is I enjoy what I do and I believe in the products and services that I offer here. I’ve been online helping folks with bodybuilding and fitness since 1997 and I plan to keep doing it. If it upsets you that I’m earning a living by doing something that I actually enjoy doing then I’m sorry (maybe you’re a bit jealous and feel the need to lash out at me, I don’t know).
But regardless of how you feel, everyone who comes here does so on their own and is welcome to come and go as they please. If anyone doesn’t like me or my website they have the right to click away and go to another website. That’s fine with me, I realize I can’t please everyone. And I can’t force anyone to do anything against their will.
You’ve accused me of taking advantage of innocent people…
Well I guess it all depends on your point of view. If you consider helping people build muscle lose fat and get in shape being “taken advantage of”, then I guess I’ve taken advantage of a lot of people LOL
I know you are only trying to help out and save the world from the “Evil Lee Hayward”…
But the fact is that a lot of folks are getting great results from following the advice that I share here. If you want to see some real world feedback, just Click Here to read 400+ comments from people who have shared their feedback on how much my website has actually helped them with their bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Romeo Patel
well said Lee! Love your workouts! Use them ver regularly in the gym! Thank you so much for your efforts and time that you put into this! Just know you are very well appreciated!
Hello Mr. Lee Hayward, My name is Ishaan I am from India I have been following you since the past 3 years now, maybe a little more, this is the first time I am posting on your website, to thank you for the help and advice you have provided me with, I really like the way you help us for free and try to make us feel comfortable by always coming across with workout tips with a warm and friendly approach! Thank you! And please keep writing to us and giving us tips, Oh and by the way how often can I work on my grip? I am a martial artist and rock climber I want a strong grip!
Karate gi
KArate is great but so are all martial arts.
Karate gi
Well thats a karate arm work out all right . If you were to do all them cars !
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