Bodybuilding Supplements Guide

Are you confused and unsure what to take when it comes to muscle building and fat loss supplements? If so, then welcome to the club because I’m confused about supplements as well. In fact I think if anyone tells you that they AREN’T confused about supplements, either they couldn’t care less about them, or they are lying and won’t let their egos admit that they are confused.

I mean every month there are new products hitting the market, some new weird and wonderful anabolic concoction that’s promised to be the long lost secret to achieving the ripped muscular body of your dreams. Or some new loss super duper fat loss diet loss pill that will melt the fat off you quicker then a stick of butter in a red hot frying pan.

And these supplements can be tempting. Especially when you read the glossy full page magazine ads with all the scientific jargon, and the picture of some jacked up muscle dude claiming that he built his body as a direct result of taking “Supplement X”. Then to top it off they’ll stick a picture in the background of a guy dressed as a doctor with a stethoscope around his neck and a clipboard in his hand to make the whole thing seem “official”.

I mean with all that stuff being heavily promoted in an internationally published bodybuilding magazine, how can one not help but to be a little intrigued about this magic muscle building breakthrough miracle that they are selling.

Now before you think that I’m just going to go on a big “Anti-Supplement” rant, I’m NOT. I actually do use and whole heartedly believe there are huge benefits to taking certain supplements. But what I don’t like is the deceptive tactics and BS that most supplement companies use when promoting their products.

My goal with this video is to help you become a more educated consumer so that you don’t fall prey to the lies and misconceptions that greedy supplement marketers use to trick you out of your hard earned money. I also want to help you make intelligent supplement choices that will move you closer to achieving the lean muscular physique you desire. Rather then just getting a lean wallet, which is all most people end up with when buying supplements.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


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  • Colton

    haha that’s great lee thanks, all of those magazines are anoying to read because they hardly ever give you tips on your lifting and nutrition like they should!!! All those magazines are is just 95% supplement props like you said and maybe 5% helpful tips you can actually use ha…. That’s why I don’t even buy the magazines I just read the tips you have on your blog….

  • haha that’s great lee thanks, all of those magazines are anoying to read because they hardly ever give you tips on your lifting and nutrition like they should!!! All those magazines are is just 95% supplement props like you said and maybe 5% helpful tips you can actually use ha…. That’s why I don’t even buy the magazines I just read the tips you have on your blog….  

    I hear you Colton…
    I hardly buy bodybuilding magazines anymore either. It’s pretty sad how cheesy most of them are. Every now and then I’ll pick one up and just shake my head in disbelief at the crap they are trying to hype up and sell and how they whore out all the top pro bodybuilders for BS endorsements and testimonials.

  • serigne

    i agree with you lee, there is surely a lot of hypes out there. But there is one thing for sure, if it wasn’t because of high tech supplements like nitro tech hardcore, hydroxycut, nox, i guarantee you that those bodybuilders wouldn’t be as huge and defined and cut as they are. i do give them credit for busting their ass of in the gym, in the kitchen

  • Hey Lee thanks for all the tips on lifting and nutrition. It’s much appreciated. I lift at home and have screw on dumbell and barbell weights. I also have a machine which has leg exercises like leg curls and leg extensions. Your 12-10-8-6 reps have helped out much and rotate my lifts each time I work a bodypart. I use to be stupid and do everything the old fashion way like upperbody 4 times a week 3 sets of 10 every lift and the result nothing. I’m also going to do my workouts 16-14-12-10 and the next lift I’ll do 8-6-4-2 reps to keep my body guessing. I also take a protein shake after I lift with powder from whey protein like you suggested. Thanks for everything keep making video’s with tips. It’s much appreciated. -Your student (hopefully friend) Curt

  • Bowlby

    Hey lee, first of all HUGE FAN!!!
    Have a few questions for you, I have noticed there is a lot of testerone pills out there on the market, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe etc. Have you ever took any of these Pills? and if so any suggestions on any Huge gain supplements that actually work?

  • Anthony Thompson

    Thanks Lee i always knew that supplements were a toss,lol . Being 42 and training on and off for years i know its all about hard training and eating right , Thanks for being a decent man and trying to lead all those young blokes on the right track

  • Travis

    Yeah, but there are lots of people not confused about supplements. Im perfeclty not confused at all. Supplements make perfect sense, and some of the supplement companies really do have real universities where they make studies like muscletech labs. they wouldnt make that stuff up. COME ON PEOPLE!!!

  • Tony

    Hey Lee….this is a quality video for anyone looking into supplements. I truly have wasted tons of money in the past couple of years on supplements like Nitric Oxide, Glutamine, Amino Acids, and other similar products. Here is something I learned from Vince DelMonte…the only supplement really necessary to HELP build muscle is a quality protein powder…and possibly a type of creatine. After learning this, they are the only two supplements I will use now. I am interested to hear your take on what supplements have helped you make progress. I am currently 180 pounds and looking to add about ten pounds on to my frame…of muscle of course. So I really look forward to your next video Lee…I don’t care what anyone says…I agree with you. The supplement industry IS confusing…and that confusion can flush lots of money down the drain if you don’t know what you are purchasing…Thanks for posting this video. I imagine anyone who viewed it is now going to be more cautious before they go out and purchase hundreds of dollars worth of supplements.

  • rodrigo

    lee when is the next vid is coming out

  • Colton

    Yeah, but there are lots of people not confused about supplements. Im perfeclty not confused at all. Supplements make perfect sense, and some of the supplement companies really do have real universities where they make studies like muscletech labs. they wouldnt make that stuff up. COME ON PEOPLE!!!  (Quote)

    well travis most of the supplements are the same thing but with a different name so I can see why your not confused… Anyways all they really do is give you a short energy rush when your lifting, they don’t make you ripped like they say dude!!

  • Donnie

    Hey Lee, just wanted to say thanks for all the great tips and information about training and the info about supplements I just read. I have visited a lot of websites and looked into a lot of other resources and there have not been many that have really given me any useful information. Just alot of bull shit. Your videos have been helpful to me in making sure that I’ve used proper form in my workouts and given me tips to help make those specific gains I’ve been trying to acheive.

  • Justin

    Your take on nitrous oxide as a pre workout ingredient; the role of the variety of vitamins and minerals in gaining muscle mass and strength; and the question I can’t seem to get an answer to: is fat essential in the digestion of protein? This man says so…

  • Bill

    Outstanding so far Lee.
    Questions on supps, trying to go back to basics on questions.
    Fat burners – what types work best, ie what are the primary ingredients to look for?

    Creatin – which is better monohydrate, esther or a blend?
    (prefer creapure myself)

    Ciccuss – what if any results can be seen/felt?

    of the anabolic supps – what ingredients should be avoided?

    thanks to your work and some hard research across the forums most of my questions that i can readily think of have been answered, i used to take enough supps i either sloshed or rattled when i walked. now I’m down to the basics.

  • Patman

    Hey Lee,
    Here I am trying to stay a “young” 65. I long ago gave up on the magazines and hype. I have tried so many of your suggestions for workouts and been satisfied that I have learned to count on your advise.
    I am passed protein shakes and most “extreme” products that the younger set may wish to experiment with. When you get “up there” between the doctor prescrips and regular supplements, you get tired of trying to figure out just what is helpful or detrimental to overall health.
    Just today, I put in a solid 3 hours at the gym and worked just about every muscle group, then took a short swim. In general, my health is excellent but have experienced test result stating that I sometimes have imbalances that the docs attribute to overdoing both on supplements and excercise. The excercise will continue but will look forward to advise on supplements.
    Thank you for your time and your service to all of us.

  • Tony

    Besides the supplements that are suggested to be cycled, like creatine (I understand you don’t),ephedra, pre-workout NOs, test boosters, are there any others that you would cycle?

  • Ahmed

    Pre Workout, Post Work out, during the day, near sleeping time WTF,,,, so much confusion…….. and when you read the ingridients all seem same and yeah quite frequently upsetting stomach as well…….. Wouldnot it be more feasible to stick with basics like protein, creatine and stuff like that…….. Your opinion LEE, in addition what you recommend as the best brands in market??????/

  • Keith

    I take a t-booster, protein and a multi-vitamin. I also take Anaconda, a pre and during workout drink. I have such a hard time putting on lean muscle. I don’t know if it’s my high metabolism, my genes, or maybe I just need to eat more. Are there any supplements out there that focus on mass building for lean, high metabolic, people? Love your emails and blogs too, great stuff. Lots of hype but even more b/s on the supplement market. If you could steer me in the right direction, that would be great. Thanks

  • Magic Ben

    – Is there anything different in taking a complex supplement like a combination of Arginine+Bcaa’s+Creatine+Glutamine compare to taking those same supplements but separately and at different times of the day ?

    – What’s the major difference between Mono Creatine and EtylEster Creatine, which one is the best (I always thought that Mono Creatine is better, but…) ?

    – I believe in supplements that are from basic sources and that are not already mixed together – creatine, arginine, glutamine, bcaa’s and protein powder. I use them separately – bcaa’s in the morning, creatine during the day, arginine before training, glutamine and protein powder after training. Do you agree with this ?


    Magic Ben

  • chant

    There is all kind of advice out there saying you need a preworkout, postworkout, during workout, protein, creatine, etc. Nobody out there is marketing a full plan for all of the above. I want a simple answer to what is the best to take. Maybe it’s some pre-workout, a post workout and proper protein throughout the day. Whatever it is I just want a simple plan for everything.

  • kevin

    I don’t like how just about all of the supplement powders have artificial sweeteners. I’m trying to better my body and I can’t find a good supplement without nasty chemical sweeteners that will harm me. Just put the little extra sugar in, I’m working out anyway… Or hey, who carea about the taste? Just leave out all flavors and sweeteners and let it taste like crap. No pain, no gain

  • kevin

    I don’t like how just about all of the supplement powders have artificial sweeteners. I’m trying to better my body and I can’t find a good supplement without nasty chemical sweeteners that will harm me. Just put the little extra sugar in, I’m working out anyway… Or hey, who carea about the taste? Just leave out all flavors and sweeteners and let it taste like crap. No pain, no gain

    And my question: when I take a supplement powder that has caffine, creatine, aminos and sugar, how do I know that its all homogenized? In other words, how do I know when I take a scoop, that I’m not getting a full scoops worth of one ingredient, say caffine, but a properly proportioned amount?

  • Tim B. Smith

    Lee.. spreading your good name down here in Knoxville, TN, to as many as I can , who can benefit from your great tips and advice. Myself, I would like to know if there’s anything in particular I can take supplement-wise to improve upper body muscle density and strength – – my size isn’t too bad at this point , and I’m sure definition will come in time – – would just like to give my bench and shoulder strength a ‘helping hand’ .. I appreciate all you do , buddy !

  • Dan

    What do you think about Nitrogen Oxide supplements such as BSN’s NO Xplode or Nitrix AVPT? I will say that I certainly feel harder when I take them.

  • eric

    Hey Lee Hayward my question is what is the protein supplement that you take to bulk up in muscle? I am an intermediate trainer that wants to be over 200lbs of muscle and I need a protein supplement to help increase my protein intake

  • Mike

    Hey Lee big fan!! The question I have for you is, in your opinion is it better to take pre-work drinks with/without carbs. I use and love dark rage but they now have a no carb dark rage should i switch to that?

  • max

    hey right now i am taking myofusion for my protein intake. I am planning on take presurge unleashed for my pre workout supplement since i heard only good comments about it, but i am wondering if a creapure supplement is a good option, i was thinking between optimum nutrition creatine or prolab creatine….


    I’m diabetic, are supplements dangerous for people with diabetes?

  • gus

    hey lee i just started working out for more then 2 months i understand your body needs protein but i was doing some research and some information i found was you need creatine,glutamine,amino acids mineral supplements,faty acids do i really have to take all this what do you recommend, and what products are good to take without getting ripped off THNX LEE.

  • G’day Lee, great vid. Just wondering about negative effects (if any) regarding long term use of KRE-ALKALYN ph correct creatine (with a ph above 12)…
    I have found in the past the strength gains achieved with this product , I was able to bicep curl more than normal causing slight tendon pain. Could it be a possibility that I was experiencing a placebo effect with this suppliment ?
    The reason I ask is that I have viewed scientific papers with mixed results, some say that short term strength gains are made, some say long term gains, some say damaged liver, some say that the liver is undamaged. I am really confused as what to believe, as there is so much info out there. You touched on a very important point in your video regarding the magazines promoting their own products, I wonder if some journals are either promoting their own products or trying to discredit their oppositions products; I just do not know.

    Thanks for any feedback,

  • Dereck

    Apart of all of these great questions people having posting, which Im curious to see the answer of them, Im also curious on weight gainers. Which one is the best and which ones are just gimmicks. I’m struggling to gain even 1lbs and I eat everything I can find and do workout regularly. Thanks


    Hey Lee Hayward my question is what is the protein supplement that you take to bulk up in muscle? I am an intermediate trainer that wants to be over 200lbs of muscle and I need a protein supplement to help increase my protein intake  (Quote)

    just eat a bunch of lean meat ,chicken breast,fish egg whites etc. thats your best source.

  • Jeff

    My concern is taking anything that could be dangerous. I will use creatine when I start more regular workouts but right now, I simply want to fill in the gaps in my normal diet to keep me healthy, feeling well, and energized. So I use whey protien, a meal replacement shake (Isalean), a greens powder (Isagreens), and a Fish Oil/vit. D pill from Purtiy Products called OmegaBerry.

    Once I increase my workout routine I’ll be more concerned about products to help me with quicker recovery.

  • Michael R.

    If you are going to go into proteins you should probably mention something about protein quality. It’s not widely known that a lot of the cheaper proteins use a lot of “whey concentrate” which is much inferior to “whey isolate” which is more rapidly absorbed into your system. They will tout how there is 50+ grams when the quality is complete crap. That is something you should mention.

  • Erick

    what is your take on “intra” supplementation is it really needed, or pre-workout and post-workout the most important?

  • Glenn

    One of my biggest concerns is joint care, as I am more interested in powerlifting and strongman than strictly body building. I have been under the impression that glucosamine and chondroitin are good in this area, but I have also heard about some disturbing side effects, like cataracts. Is there a safe supplement to help prolong connective tissue?

  • MR I

    Hey Lee a few questions about supplements

    Is there a basic regime of supplements that you personally recommend regardless of ones fitness goals ? What supplements would you stay away from because they are useless or maybe even dangerous ? Are you considering maybe starting your own line someday ?………..Thanks

  • What are some of the natural replacements for protein and creatine ? What should be the time gap between the last meal and workouts and the meal after work outs?

  • Kim

    What are the signs that your that body will show you, that you can look for when taking supplements, that what you are ingesting may be harming or helping you? Are there subtle and also right in your face signs that can be noticed? Do some supplements increase blood pressure, affect the heart negatively, cause circulatory problems, skin problems, eye problems, or other tissue or organ problems? If someone stops taking a supplement that helped them increase in muscle mass then what would some of the effects be in regards to the muscles (how they will truly function and whether or not that is good for the body), circulatory system and so on afterward? As a result of stopping (the taking of) some supplements result in permanent or near-permanent problems in regards to the thyroid, pancreas, brain, spine, nerves, nails, hair, and so forth? Have any studies been performed in regards to this?

  • Chuck manning

    Lee, a study was published in June 2010. I’m sure you have heard of it, the study conducted on protein shakes. They took fifteen popular shakes and tested the contents. Nedless to say, my favorite protein shake contained lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury. I was bullish*t!!! My question is, where do you buy supplements that actually have been evaluated by the FDA? Otherwise you have no idea what your really taking or how safe any of it is. You can come back and say, “well the levels of that stuff found in this shakes was minimal.” but I take 3-4 shakes a day. You can’t tell me after 3 years it doesn’t have a negative/dangerous effect! Help! I need healthy supps!

  • David

    hey Lee! thanks for all the information its really helpful. im just confused with creatine creapure. Whats the big point if it says creapure or not? ive bought bottles that say creapure and some that don’t, does it really matter if its creapure or not?

  • Good stuff, keep those comments coming!

    Like I mentioned above, the most “popular” questions and concerns will be the ones that I’ll cover in future videos.

  • Nirmal

    Gd morning, Lee.

    Am Nirmal, does whey protein help in fat loss and are there any side effects of having any protein powder?

  • Kevin

    Lee, along with Chuck- I read the Consumer Reports article where they tested protein powders for the presence of heavy metals. In the absence of FDA regulation, some protein powders had unhealthy levels of the heavy metals. Consumers Reports only tested a few products, do you know what companies have safe products? Also, I hear that creatine products may also contain unhealthy levels of the heavy metals. What creatine products would you recommend?

    On another note- how necessary is a post workout supplement? Right now I drink some barely diluted fruit juice or another quick digesting carb and a serving of whey protein. Is this enough?


  • vikas

    Hi Lee,

    I have been in Bodybuilding from last 1 year and bieng a HUGE FAN of yours BODYBUILDING Blog,read all of your atricles and would appreciate if you could shed some light on Pre and Post exercise supplements like Carb Booster,Protien shakes,Creatine (Buffered) as i need to grow fast to follow right diet schedule.

  • david solomon

    Is there any thing out there that can boost your testosterone levels and be healthy for a 50yr old.
    Is there any thing that burns fat that dose not effect your heart.

  • Gaurav


    Please cover
    Basics supplements for all like protein, creatine etc. and
    Advanced Users like BCAA, Glutamine, Beta Alanine etc.

    I would also like to see information on basics as well as advanced combos.

    For eg: Difference between whey isolates, concentrate, hydrolyzed etc. and use/opinion of each. Then for advanced users combos can be explained like Protein mixed with glucose during workout, or post workout creatine with BCAA etc.


  • Louis

    I’ve heard different things about when to take Creatine and/or protein shakes. Is it good to take them before or after a workout? Also, what are the best ways to gain weight without eating a lot (if any) meat?

  • Reghu

    Is it effective to use, a weight reduction supplement and protein supplement simultaneously….

    I am an intermediate trainee, kindly direct me with this…….

  • Alex

    I would like you to talk about What supplements should be taken for A body builder who works out 5 days a week (a body part a day) and is trying to pack on more lean, sculpted, bigger muscle without putting on the fat.

    I would like to know exactly what to take, how much to take and when to take them

  • Kim Seng

    Hey Lee, just wana ask if a stack containing Animalpak, ON 100% whey protein, Scivation Xtend, Ultimate Nutrition casein protein n creatine mohohydrate is enough? Are any of those obselete in my quest for mass-building? Also, which wud be good choices for a mass-gainer? I’m currently on Ultimate Nutrition’s Muscle Juice. Thanks!

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