Bodybuilding Supplements Guide

Are you confused and unsure what to take when it comes to muscle building and fat loss supplements? If so, then welcome to the club because I’m confused about supplements as well. In fact I think if anyone tells you that they AREN’T confused about supplements, either they couldn’t care less about them, or they are lying and won’t let their egos admit that they are confused.

I mean every month there are new products hitting the market, some new weird and wonderful anabolic concoction that’s promised to be the long lost secret to achieving the ripped muscular body of your dreams. Or some new loss super duper fat loss diet loss pill that will melt the fat off you quicker then a stick of butter in a red hot frying pan.

And these supplements can be tempting. Especially when you read the glossy full page magazine ads with all the scientific jargon, and the picture of some jacked up muscle dude claiming that he built his body as a direct result of taking “Supplement X”. Then to top it off they’ll stick a picture in the background of a guy dressed as a doctor with a stethoscope around his neck and a clipboard in his hand to make the whole thing seem “official”.

I mean with all that stuff being heavily promoted in an internationally published bodybuilding magazine, how can one not help but to be a little intrigued about this magic muscle building breakthrough miracle that they are selling.

Now before you think that I’m just going to go on a big “Anti-Supplement” rant, I’m NOT. I actually do use and whole heartedly believe there are huge benefits to taking certain supplements. But what I don’t like is the deceptive tactics and BS that most supplement companies use when promoting their products.

My goal with this video is to help you become a more educated consumer so that you don’t fall prey to the lies and misconceptions that greedy supplement marketers use to trick you out of your hard earned money. I also want to help you make intelligent supplement choices that will move you closer to achieving the lean muscular physique you desire. Rather then just getting a lean wallet, which is all most people end up with when buying supplements.

Part 1:

Part 2:

To keep up to date with all my latest videos, make sure to Subscribe to my
Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube Channel at:

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


  • James

    Hey Lee, does Creatine actually play a role in increase of muscle size…And does taking supplements help in increasing size….Wat about overall strength…Also if supplements do actually help, why do people take steroids….

  • Patrick

    Great read from great coach. Sure you intervened in time before i hit the supplement track with a bang. And surprisingly, my muscle response has been amazing without the hyped chemicals. Do they have hormonal side effects like in reproductive health?

  • Jai

    Hey Lee,

    It’s your follower for muscle building coach Jai here and i would like to know about if supplements are good i didn’t take any kind of supplements i m doing for last 1 year please cover all the aspects of supplements i.e what exactly the supplements do and what type of supplements are needed how much and when it is good to take ext. ext.
    looking forward for your next publishing

  • Murphy

    Yeah, but there are lots of people not confused about supplements. Im perfeclty not confused at all. Supplements make perfect sense, and some of the supplement companies really do have real universities where they make studies like muscletech labs. they wouldnt make that stuff up. COME ON PEOPLE!!!  (Quote)

    haha dude those studies are pretty bogus to be honest, lol coming from a biology major that looks into scientific studies I can tell you they use these supps are tested on people who don’t workout, and as soon as the study starts they’ll begin to use a lifting program and supplement “x”. they record all these increases in testosterone and size etc. which would have happened naturally from beginning a workout and nutrition program for the first time. so lol and yea they don’t eplain the studies in depth so it is just like if they were lying. If these studies were done on bodybuilders it would be a diff story.

  • Murphy

    I want to know of heart healthy supplements???????????

  • Ts

    Howsit — I agree 200% that there is lot of crap out there. Also keen on knowing your opinion on which supplements work best. I am in South Africa and I use USN product that seem to get the job done. The stuff like BSN EVOX are very expensive and I don`t if its work.

    It will be graet to here your opinion

    Regards Ts

  • Sjaak (Holland)

    Hi Lee,

    Been around for 18+ continuous trainingyears and at the age of 47 I am noticing that it gets harder and harder to pack on more mass and lose fat. I train 5 times a week, eat well and supplement with protein and WMS (Vitargo) during and post training. I’d like to have some answers to increase my natural testosterone levels. There are a lot of hyped supplements around there to increase these levels. Which of them work, which of them don’t. I understand that a combination of Zinc and Vitamine C also increases testosterone levels. What are your thoughts about GlycoCarn ?

  • Anders Franck-Nielsen

    Hey Lee. I have tried too order your Blast Your Biceps program, but I have problems because I do not have a creditcard. I also live in Norway, and that is another problem, as I usualley order stuff that I can pay when I get it at the post office. I don`t now if you can arrange for me to get it on the post, and that I pay you when it arrives. Ther is maybe another way to fix this problem, but I will have to find the englush word for it first and then I will mail you. Thank you for the best guiding on training I have ever had Lee. See ya.

  • Peter

    My questions relate to creatine:
    1. How often should someone take creatine and for how long; and is a loading phase required?
    2.Is a standard no frills monohydrate creatine as good as anything on the market?
    3.Should you drink a lot of water?

  • Soumik

    Hi Lee,

    I want to know that although supplements are required for proper diet but will they have any side effects in the process? Also can you pleae tell me which one of them are the best and also the proper dosage.

  • Anthony

    Hey Lee,

    I’m 16 years old and have been lifting for about a year now. I’m just about to start my German Volume Training program and am confused about which supplements I should be having. I’m a lean guy (6″2, 166 lbs) with fairly good genetics, but I was just wondering whether I should go with a weight gainer or just a normal whey protein powder. Also, what’s the go with creatine?? Everyone talks about it like its some magical muscle building powder, but is it really as good as everyone says it is and what does it do exactly???


  • Perry Robey

    Hello. I am curious on what multivitamin you take. There are so many out there along with very wide price ranges. What multi-vitamin(s) are decent quality for a good price?

  • Widi

    Are suplements nutrition fact is a fact?

  • Rhyno

    Hi Lee from Down under,
    I take an N.O supp pre workout and a Creatine blend during my workout. After workout i take L-Glutamine and a WPI protein before bed i take WPI and Test Booster… Any comments on my stack would be welcome..
    Cheers mate Rhyno

  • Derrick Mahon

    Hi Lee,

    Love all your training and information videos. Keep up your great work. Hope you get a chance to read this.

    I would love to know more about Pro-hormones and testosterone boosters. There is a lot of information about pro-hormones/steriod clones and testosterone boosters. Do they really work? Are they dangerous and do you need to go on a PCT after taking them.

    Would also like to know Lee if you have tried them, did you get any results from them? Would you recommend them?

    Best regards,
    Derrick (Ireland)

  • Cody

    Hey all you guys.. I have a good question. Ive been takin all those supplements (perfect protein, Black powder, Red Back, Creatine, 100% Whey) for almost 2 years now ive been trying to get to the gym regularly & workin out at home aswell every chance i get, & yet i have only put on bout a cm on my arms nd thats it.. what on earth am i doing wrong? I follow all the stuff im told by lee nd what not from the Gym instructors nd yet still no results??

  • Waqas

    Hello all there,

    Nice time having a look at all of these comments in here, let me introduce first, I am a professional body builder trainer and have been training for like more than 7 years and have competed in more than 30 contests with award winnings. Let’s come to the topic now…

    See, what your body needs to grow the muscles and lean muscles is protien, essential BCAA’s. For few reasons or so, people get worried about that should they consume only the protiens all the day, the answer is NO, becuase your body can only synthesize protiens to an extent, but for being a hardcore absorber, you need proper fats, carbohydrates, which act as body fuel for the conversion and processing of protiens into your muscles…
    In case you take only protiens and no essential fats, carbohydrates, make sure that you won’t ever be able to a hardcore builder and that’s exactly what LEE teaches in some of his diet programs.

    Let’s cover the whole diet plan for a day from a bird’s eye view.
    You get up in the morning, now this is the time where your muscles really need something to have on as they have recovered from night ” the longest period of starvation for body “, so you’ve got to take a proper protien drink alongwith some of the carbohydrates. Now it doesn’t mean that you try to take up tons of carbohydrates in the morning, everything in certain amount is good and adequate… In the end I will let you know about the per gram per pound weight of body requirement of carbohydrates and protiens essentially.

    Goto office/work/or whatever you do, be sure to take proper meals all the day long, as the question is of not making your body starving in any case, as when the body doesn’t get anything to eat after every 4-5 hours, it goes into STARVATION MODE and then it starts accumulating your muscles rather precious muscles and starts storing the fat as it’s reserviour for fuel in emergency use. So now the question is what should we eat.

    Mostly recommended, in the noon time, you must take a light lunch, may be few snacks or a sandwitch or something light like that and most of all you should do is try to have a protien shake during or after lunch.


    Whenever you train, be sure that you don’t eat anything within 3 hours atleast before excercise, try to have a preworkout drink and then goto excercise and according to your need and training program, proceed in the gym.
    After your training, it’s the timeframe where you should consume some protiens accordingly for your depleted muscles to recover and make this idea in your mind, that if you take like more than required protiens after workout, it will simple waste.
    be sure that you use post workout drink including certain amount of protiens and carbohydrates and other essential acids for body to recover.
    Try to have a meal after like 2.5 to 3 hours of excercise, it will further make reserves for your body for whole night and when you go to sleep try to have a slow digesting protien shake, which will allow your body to consume it for whole night and stay working and burning fat.

    Normal Builder:
    1 gm of protien per pound of body weight devided in atleast 4 meals a day.
    1.5 gm of carbohydrates per pound of body weight devided in atleast 4 meals.

    you’re 150 lbs then
    35 gm of protien 50 gm of carbohydrates during/after breakfast
    35 gm of protien 50 gm of carbohydrates during/after lunch
    35 gm of protien 50 gm of carbohydrates after workout
    35 gm of protien 50 gm of carbohydrates before sleep

    Hardcore Builder:
    1.5 gm of protien per pound of body weight devided in atleast 4 meals a day.
    2 gm of carbohydrates per pound of body weight devided in atleast 4 meals.

    you’re 150 lbs then
    50 gm of protien 70 gm of carbohydrates during/after breakfast
    50 gm of protien 70 gm of carbohydrates during/after lunch
    50 gm of protien 70 gm of carbohydrates after workout
    50 gm of protien 70 gm of carbohydrates before sleep

    Please make sure that these diet schedules are based on approximate practices and can vary to little extents.

    Protiens/Carbohydrates Source used by me:
    Morning: 100% Gold Standard Whey Protien by ON
    Lunch: 100% Gold Standard Whey Protien by ON
    Preworkout: Creatine MonoHydrate (Any company as they use same monohydrate formulae) [Nitric Oxide Explode by BSN before excercise as I have to excercise very hard]
    Postworkout: 100% Gold Standard Whey Protien by ON
    Before Sleep: Casein Protien by ON

    100% Gold Standard Whey Protien by ON is a fast release/digestible protien formula worldly recognized and our body needs fast absorbable formula during the day devided in time frames
    Casein Protien by ON is a slow release/digestible protien formula where your muscles can’t be fed for more than 7 hours.

    Whey Protien Disgestion Period: 3 to 3.5 hrs
    Casien Protien Digestion Time: 6.5 to 7 hrs


    Hope my post helps the deserving…

    Stay happy and cheers…

  • jake

    I don’t really use supplements, i prefer to keep natural and drink water. But i was told that the supplements may have some sort of drug in them to increase muscle mass. This is why i don’t have them.

  • Bruce


    My questions are:

    1. Whether Kre-Alkalyn actually does work?
    2. Is taking a high GI carb with whey isolate first thing in the morning following by a low GI and solid protein 30min later a good idea?

    Thanks a lot.

  • Liam

    my question is when is the best time to take creatine? Is it before or after a workout. The creatine i take is Green MAGnitude by controlled labs.

  • Hey Lee. I used to get sucked in by all the ads like ‘Cybergenics’ etc and wondered what use, if any, these stacks really are? Should I really just find a decent protein supplement (and if so, what should I be looking for in the formula – amino acid balance etc, whey or other) and a good creatine? I’d like to create my own stack and find advice on good nutritional diet – especially the best time to take everything. I also use fish oil, multi vit and add spirulina to my shakes… Thanks, Jonathan

  • Panda

    aha i thought supplements were steroids, but seems not, still they sounded like bullshit as soon as i even heard the word “supplement”

  • mark

    Hello Lee, my experiance with supplements is that aslong as you take a good protein, amino acid and a multi vitimin/mineral along with your normal food, that is all what is needed. Ive tried all the fancy stuff but found it did not work. I think good protein shakes (eggs & whey)are a must if you want to put weight/muscle and you need that extra meal unless you are lucky enough that you can eat 8 good balanced meals in your day, where then you wont need them. I think the fancy stuff is all physilogical, you read what it does which is their selling point and you think you are going to get bigger/leaner because you are taking something what they says works.
    Hope my comment helps in some way and thanks for all your training tips well appreciated.

  • Tony

    I have a two part question. First, I have tried creatine mono with little improvement. I have read about Kre-Alkalyn and was wondering if that would be a better choice because of the pH and it’s solubility. Second, what would be a good post workout supplement?

  • Aknyemi Sunday

    I want to really thank you for for liht you’ve thrown into the ue of suppleents, years ago I was ino the use of some but realised i was no ood because Ifelt no change. Now my questions are :
    1. Does supplements wors at all ?
    2. Doesn’t it have after effects ?
    Please Coach I wait annciously for answers

  • Hi Lee. I used to get sucked in by the ads for ‘Cybergenics’ etc and think that was the only way forward. My question is, rather than spending so much money on the ‘fancy’ stacks, can I create my own with a more reasonably-priced protein – and if so, should it be a certain amino balance and should it be whey or ‘other’? Can I use a creatine alongside and how and when should I be using proteins and creatine in my daily intake? Nutrition advice – on foods and measures – wouldn’t go a miss either. I supplement with fish oil and mult vit, as well as mic spirulina with my protein when I can too… Thanks, Jonathan

  • Aknyemi Sunday

    I want to really thanks you for light you’ve thrown into the use of supplements, years ago I was into the use of some but realised it was no good because I felt no change. Now my questions are :
    1. Does supplements wors at all ?
    2. Doesn’t it have after effects ?
    Please Coach I wait annciously for answers

  • Randolph

    I don’t think this will be answered by Lee himself, as it doesn’t seem to be too popular on this board, but if anyone else knows and has time, I hope they can give an honest answer.

    I’ve heard several times that supplementing with fish oil capsules as well as a basic multivitamin like Mark said, can help give you a small boost in your muscle building. Is this fact, or fiction?


  • grant

    Hey Lee,
    I am 17 years old and I have been weightlifting pretty consistently since I was 14. I have always taken whey protein powder and glutamin occasionally. I have always been interested in creatine as well because a lot of fitness experts recommend it (as long as you drink tons of water), but I asked the people at GNC and they said that it wasn’t good for me. So I am not really sure what to believe. Can i take creatine? or does it have too many chemical properties that make it unhealthy for teens? Thanks Lee

  • joel

    Hey man ! i just want to say thank you for your help on giving us important information and great muscle building videos about many exercise we can achieve in order to loss weight … i have a question ,, Is it good to run a lot everyday ? am talking about 7-9 miles per day …

  • Shaun

    Hey there Lee, should be a great post. I would like to see your take on supplement cycling, timing, doseages and any layoffs that you would deem effective. Personally I take spirilina, maca, wheat grass and barley grass for multi-vitamin/mineral support. As for as an edge in performance I use kre-alkalyn, tribulus and l-glutamine. I take all these supplements both pre and post workout. Glucosamine HCL and flaxseed oil for joint support. Whey concentrate during the day and casien at night. ZMA with another dose of glutamine before bed. I currently cycle my rep patterns ie. Week 1: 12,10,8 (x 6). Week 2: 12,10,8,6 (x 6). Week 3: 12,10,8,6,12 (x 6). Week 4: 6,5,4 (x 6). Week 5: 6,5,4,3 (x 6). Week 6: 6,5,4,3,6 (x 6). Repeat. Take 1 week off from all training and supplementation. (Break every 12 weeks.) Each set taken to failure with a 5 day split. Mon: Delts & Traps. Tues: Bis & Tris. Wed: Legs. Thurs: Back. Fri:Chest. Abs are trained Tues & Fri with same rep patterns but total sets performed are halved. Sat: Cardio. Sun: Well deserved rest! Keep up the grest work champ!

  • Philip Elliott

    Interesting comments.

    When I first started going to the gym, age 51, I was trying the N.O’s, etc. I just found they made me moody, while potential some gains, as I found out, the body gets used to these things and eventually ineffective.

    My other BIG concern was with protein powders. The BIG thing I have with most things is SODIUM. WHY must there be so much?? I ended up cutting out that out.

    The only 2 things I take are l’arginine and Tribulus. L’arginine just does wonders ALL ’round.

    If I were you, Lee, I’d try to concentrate on doing things ‘all natural’

    In a just over a year and a half my body fat has plunged, but weight consistant at 145lbs at 5′ 7″ at age 52.

    The one thing I note about supplements and I chuckle with this are the perported gains they promise. Based on my experience, everyone reacts differently. So don’t promise the moon!!!

  • Foreman

    ALright Lee I really want to know how i can be sure if the protein powder i’m consuming is really safe… there may be minute traces of heavy metals present which may not show any symptoms now but could accumulate over the years and form toxins… HELP!!!!!!!! Is there an alternative to protein powder?

  • cole

    hey lee, i was hoping you could name off a bunch of supplements that really WORK! is creatine safe to use if used under the instructions they are given with? what are fatburner supplements that work really well? any coverage you give on any of these topics will be greatly appreciated, i look forward to hearing your next video.

  • Keith Laramee

    Simple question – with the myriad of supplements that are out there, I’ve only seen any real results from creatine monohydrate & protein powder… does anything else actually work, or is it all hype. I’ve tried ZMA & HMB w/no appreciable effect. Any advice is much appreciated.

  • Marc

    Lee, I would like to know which supplements you recommend. eg. protein, creatine, etc… and what you feel are the top brands out there. thanks

  • Mark

    Hey Lee, i am using MAXS muscle growth GTE at the moment, and i usually have 1 shake per day. i was wondering is it worth taking MAXS Nitetime aswell? Or should i just stick to one? And also how many grams of protein do i need a day? And finally, what different proteins are there, do they all do the same thing?

  • Alan


    Firstly thank you for all your advice. For me it’s a more fundamental question. How do I maximise the number of good/great days of health in my life time.

    1. In terms of supplements what has a positive effect, in what circumstances and quantity.

    2. What are any side effects and what are the detrimental extremes.

    I can see you are in great shape and what I consider in the extreme spectrum. From your research do you anticipate any negative consequences in your later years. Or do you consider everything you are doing now to have a net positive effect your entire life. The obvious one is joints are there supplements to protect ware and mobility. As with all these types of issues we are all individuals with the definition of a good day subjective, but hopefully you get the idea.

    Thanks Alan

  • Lee

    Hi Lee

    I am 19 years of age and I was on holiday 6 months ago and came back overweight since then I have lost 30lbs and am feeling good. I done so by playing sport roughly 4 times a week and going to the gym 4 times a week. I have them whole conflicting issues of loosing the weight but wanting to put on the muscle ino my muscle’s are denser now compared to the start and im noticably stronger.

    I am going out to purchase a tub of ON gold standard whey protein and my question is during a cutting phase will taking this whey supplement help me keep the same muscle mass or maybe even put on a few lb’s or lean muscle aswell as loosing weight? (note I will probabaly will only be consuming 1-2 scoops post workout and none in the morning to keep calories down) and will any other supplements be required I regularly drink green tea and take a multi vitamin? I am not relying on the protein however I know good nutrition is key as is a good workout plan. Ive got about 3 months till summer here in australia and wanna loose about 15lb’s more. But I dont wanna look like a twig on the beach any suggestions in regards to supplement use?


  • Jordan

    Hey lee,

    got questions regarding creatine and fish oil. I heard something about creatinine which is the waste substance that creatine turns into when it’s not absorb and can be toxic to kidneys any truth to that. Also fish oil I heard anything over 4 grams a day can thin the blood and cause blood clots so I usually take 3 grams a day and I eat fish like 3 times a week could you clear that up for me as well since you said you take two with every meal

  • Tim

    Just want to thank you for your coaching and encouragement. I am 67 and have resolved not to be in the condition of a lot of men after retirement who let themselves go and become completely unfit. I have exercised fro years. I lift weights (up to 400 lbs) for 4 hours 3x/week/ride a stationary bike 23 miles 2x/week do 100 push ups 4days/week except on Thursdays when I do 225, do 500 of various crunches 6 days /week. Based on your advice I have recently started on protein shakes,greens and creatine (all approved also by my M.D.). I have taken multi-vitamins ,fish oil and glutamine for years. I have had one hip replaced but I am not letting that stop me ;just taking some precautions.

  • Gary

    Hello Lee. You asked for my opinion so here it is. We all want to size, Thats the reason for weight training. But the down side of size is the additional weight that comes with it. This weight comes from a variety of things from additional carbs in a meal to supplements like creatine and weight gainer protien. I like most people have a hard time controling the amount of meals I eat simply because I have a full time job that really hinders my ability to eat every 2 or 3 hours. What I would like to see from sites like yours is what supplements I can take between meals to keep my body burning fat and not attacking muscle mass. Thanks again for taking the time to read my comments. I enjoy your site and look forward to seeing what you have to say about my question. Thanks again Gary

  • Richard


    Thanks for ALL of your great advice. I have come to rely on your frank, honest input.

    I use creatine 189 (5g in 2 pills), a multivitamin pack, super cissus for joints, and take a GNC product called Igniter 4x prior to working out, and AMP60 protein after. Having said that, how could anyone possibly take all of the supplements shoved in our faces? I’d be popping pills all day!

    I do know this; Part of taking supplements depends on your objectives. If you’re skinny and are trying to pack on muscle & weight, you’d be taking one course of action. If you’re looking to lose weight and make small gains of muscle you’d take another. Age also plays a huge role in what plan you take. Everyone is different and every objective is different.

    i’m looking for guidance on any supplement plan that would allow me to minimize aches and pains in joints, make some gains in mass, AND minimize fat. Obviously I need help.

    Thanks again for all of your help.

  • Richard Probert

    I see that a contributor above, over 60, claims that protien, creatine, etc. are not helpful to men who engage in resistance training. Is this true?

  • Jay

    Hi Lee,

    Question: Are there real differences between the different brands of whey protein (i.e. what makes one brand “better” and why)?

    Thanks for the opportunity to have questions answered, and also for all of the great advice you provide!

  • John

    Hi Lee,

    I’d also like to know whether Kre-Alkalyn should be cycled – I’d understood that as well as no loading continuous use was the best … but is it?

    Secondly, weight training 3 times a week and HIIT cardio twice or three times separately, I’ve been taking a protein drink post-exercise on weights days but the waist-line remains 2 inches more than it should be, upper and lower body have remained reasonably well-defined. Should I cut out the drinks? The diet otherwise is quite good.

    All the best,

  • what i really would like to find out is how many times a day do i take these supplements ie.protein.Because i see these guys in my gym that are all muscle on their chest ans bis and their stomachs are just a big blob of fat…when i say it to the gym instuctors they either say its from lack of cardio or they consume too much protein shakes a day…so i would really love to find out how often i should take these a day??

  • Joël


    When your in a bulk up phase, does mass gainers worth it ? Or, just using regular protein powder and adding ourselves carbs and good fat is a better way to go ?



  • Ray Navarrete

    Hi Lee,
    I do have a question that I would really appreciate if you answer it. When it comes to Protein powder (let’s say whey protein), does quality matters and if yes how so? When I buy protein powder I just look at the amount of grams of protein per serving in the package and multiply it by the number of servings to find the total number of grams in the package, then I compare brands to see which has the cheapest grams of protein per dollar ratio. I know some claim that they have extra nutrients that one may want to have, but I like to think that I take care of those things with my own nutrition program (regular foods), so when I buy protein all I care about is the amount that I’ll receive for my buck. Do I need to consider other things, and if so which ones?! Thanks man!!

  • frankie

    hi Lee,

    My question should be this: Are supplements really needed in body building process? formuscles to grow? to get huge? I`ve read a lot of muscle magz
    and all i saw was all about supplements. the`yre all the same. These come to my mind that, if they`re saying the truth, why bust my ass to the gym while i
    can get ripped and huge by just taking those. You Lee, are you taking any supplements before you`ve got your ideal physique? Tell me, I`m only a beginner.

    We will live stronger,
    Frankie boy