What do women want?
“The only thing I have learned in fifty-two years is that women want men to stop asking dumb questions like that.”
โ Sigmund Freud
I think old Sigmund Freud was right in his assumption. Trying to figure out the complexities of a modern woman is about as futile as searching for the meaning of life, or trying to understand the ingredients on a package of hot dogs.
I mean why waste your time trying to understand the unknown, when you don’t even understand that which you know? (Enough Said)
However, just the other day I did discover 1 thing in particular that women want that maybe of interest to my fellow muscle building fitness fanatics…
I was skimming through a old copy of Muscle & Fitness as I was doing a light cardio session after my weight training workout.
I like to perform at least 20 minutes of easy cardio after my weight training as a cool down. This helps the body to get rid of lactic acid build up in the muscles, speeds up recovery, while burning off some excess bodyfat at the same time.
Anyway, as I was flipping through the magazine, scanning pages of over hyped supplement ads and re-hashed workout programs, one thing in particular caught my attention. It was one of those little “Tid Bit” information articles that they often post at the beginning of the magazine.
This one had the title: “What Women Want”
Now this wasn’t some corny pick up artist trick, like you would normally associate with such an article title. But rather this article shared the results of a survey they did with their female readers as to which body parts gave women The Most Viewing Pleasure when looking at a man.
(And just in case you are wondering they left out “Mr. Happy” from the list of body parts).
The results are posted below…
Obviously, I re-created their chart using my photo to show the various body parts.
I mean after all what woman wouldn’t want me LOL ๐
The results of the Muscle & Fitness survey were:
Arms = 22% (The number #1 Body Part that gave women the most “Viewing Pleasure”)
Chest = 18%
Abs = 18%
Shoulders = 17%
Back = 8%
Butt = 7%
Legs = 5%
“Other” = 5%
I was actually surprised to see arms ranking so high as a woman’s favorite body part on a man. But it’s just some extra motivation for you to go out there and build yourself a set of sleeve stretching muscular guns. I guess they are right in saying “Curls For The Girls”.
And if you need some help in building a set of ripped muscle arms, I’ve got the solution for you because I’ve literally wrote the book on the topic of Arm Training with my “Blast Your Biceps” program.
This is a complete Mass Building Arm Specialization Training System that will help you pack on as much as 2 inches of solid muscular mass to your upper arms in as little as 8 weeks. And this program covers much more then just arm training. In fact, it’s a complete training system that will help you get bigger and stronger in all your major muscle groups in record time.
So if you are stuck in a rut with your current arm training program and would like to kick things up to the next level… Just head on over to www.BlastYourBiceps.com and download your copy of the “Blast Your Biceps” Mass Building Arm Specialization Program!
The ladies will thank you for it… ๐

Travis Olson
well comming from the ladies man I think that sums it up :). LOL Keep on providing awesome information and providing solutions to the average persons struggle
LOL. What a load of crap. I keep getting emails about what women want, and aint no workout that will increase ITS size.
Then after around 40 they just want a yes man that keeps them happy.
Life sux then you die.
you da man lee !!!!!!!!!
Andrew Kirby
Lee rock on with this post kinda funny interesting fact that ladies like big guns over any other bodypart I would of said abs would be number 1.
Loving the new freshly updated site like I have said many of times!
Hey Lee, I would consider myself an advanced lifter and been training for 6 years. I just finished stage two of your blast your biceps and my arms have exploded. It happened so fast I cant believe it. I did not think I could make gains this fast at the “advanced level”. I cant imagine what it would do for a begginner. Thanks a lot and I’m so glad I got this incredible program.
Cindy Beadlady
How interesting! When I am at the gym and looking at all the guys I tend to check out the whole package. I think the Adonis index is important with chest and arms being big… small waist and nice legs. Oh.. and can’t forget the glutes.. ๐ Today I will do my own survey so I can report back. LOL Someone has to do it.
Remi Gionet
I think womens wants an Adonis looking type of body. Wich is:
Chest: 6.5 times your wrist
Hips: 85% of chest
Waist: 70% of chest
Thighs: 53% of chest
Neck: 37% of chest
Biceps: 36% of chest
Calves: 34% of chest
Forearms: 29% of chest
Those are pretty much the ‘specs’ requiered to be a women hunter.
Thanks lee for your great website.
What does Sigmund Freud know ? He didn’t even know that the brain is between 2 ears and not between 2 legs. What do women need ? What did Sigmund Freud need ? It was plain and simple — Money , Power , FUN ,etc . How do I know ? Ask yourself — When you had great physique no woman came to you but when you had money……..Only when you can separate women from ladies , will you find true love and respect and a proper diet cooked by HER. Wish you all Gentlemen and Ladies a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 !
Michael Pearson
I really like the new look of the website Lee. Your article was well thought out, provides an issue and an answer like all good marketing does. You have great looking arms so following your example is a good idea.
Chuck S
Reminds me of a joke
God appeared to a man and said, “You’ve been very good, so I’d like to do something for you.”
The man said, “Wow, thank you Lord – how about a bridge from California to Hawaii?
God said “Do you realize how much trouble a big thing like that is? all the material and permits, etc? How about something smaller”
The man said “Well then, let me understand women”
The Lord said, “You want that bridge 2 lane or 4 lane?”
Dear Lee,
I am from Iraq and love your feedback and emails that you send me really appreciate it. Really would love to have your blast your biceps book but I think there is no shipping to Iraq available so is there a PDF file available for purchase?
Once again thanks for all your emails ……
Thanks for the comments, glad to hear you are making good gains with the program. I’ve been using this as the foundation to pretty much all my training. I love it ๐
Thanks for sharing.
Chuck S,
The “Blast Your Biceps” program is a downloadable e-book in PDF format. You can order from anywhere in the world and get instant access to the program.
That could be interesting, please do a survey and report back with the results ๐
Thanks, I really like how the website is coming along. I actually hired one of my long term website followers to work on it for me and so far he’s doing an awesome job.
women only want either sex or money vise versa!
Really? you know a woman who actually wants sex?
I thought they only used sex to get what they really want LOL ๐
Lee, that’s the best response EVER haha ๐
Hai Mr.Lee! Thank u for your Christmas gift.
I Wish you and your family a “HAPPY CHRISTMUS’
Jonathan Jernigan
Hey i agree with that because they want a man 2 hold them at night when they are asleep lol
Okay guys…I have 2 things to say- and I will be quick- #1 – I am 46 and I lift weights, and it works for me. #2- my 55 year old husband is still a hottie and has GREAT arms also….enough said. ๐
Personally, I like a nice back, but arms that aren’t huge but have definite muscle are awesome, too. Back muscles though….
Pedro Rodriguez
I think you are missing the calves. Also take in consideration that you are in the beach and have great legs with six-pack abs, these body parts will call the attention by women. A big upper body with a weak lower body would not impress women of good taste.
What I have seen is that I always seen and heard weman usk me how did I build my body and my body is not only big,but build like a cafe mans.so but they only look for mid section.
I’ve always told my students that if you want to marry, you mustn’t go just for the looks; you have to make sure she doesn’t make a slave out of you. Once you become her slave you’ll have to give up your manhood.
Bindesh J Kelaiya
Shoulder 17%…Arms 22%…Abs 18%…. Hey…just look at you in the mirror and be happy. Women are much smarter….They don’t go by looks. If you want to impress women…gym is not the place. Gym is for fitness. That’s it and that’s all. Most women look for status, money, fun….etc. Its what you look for in a woman that matters. And I know most men look for LOVE, care and belonging. Keep doing workouts. Be a cool guy and a gentleman. And cardio is the next best thing to love — for your heart. Ladies must chase you and not the other way around…..And you will be a KING ..not a slave. Don’t give up .. don’t give in .. keep doing workouts. There is someone for everyone… Marriages are made in heaven…you find each other on Earth.The game is set. God makes His own plans. CHEERS!!!
Jeff Lang
Hi! My wife is thirty years younger than me. And she likes to see my muscles moving when we are horsing around.
Bindesh J Kelaiya
Jeff Lang,
Age doesn’t count….fitness with love counts….only love ranks the highest…Lee is only trying to motivate all gym goers to be in shape…. clever guy…
Sometimes, otherwise well-to-do women look for loyalty only ….in men.
A man she can lean-on…in good times & much so in bad times. If you are straight, upright & pious it is an add-on. Go to temple, church, mosque, etc … once in a week or month regularly as you go to gym.
Always remember, Razia Sultan, a monarch of India, married a slave…the only man whom she could trust as loyal and a protector who trained her to be a warrior as well.Unlike Spartacus who was a rebel, this slave had the honour to be a King. You can also workout your way to the throne from the gym.Manhood is shaped in the gym.Long live the King & Queen!
After all these years, this article by Lee is visited every New Year or so… What women want?…… Women only know. Lets leave it at that.