There’s nothing I enjoy more than hearing about the success stories of my online followers. And today I’ve got a good one to share with you…
This one is from 16 year old high school football player, Michael Thomas DiNardo, who has been working out for a couple years now and a regular follower of Total Fitness Bodybuilding since the start.
Michael was one of the very first guys to test out the 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program which worked really well for him. After his very first 21-Day Cycle through this was his results…
Hey Lee.
I just wanted to say thanks. I finished the 21-day mass building program and it improved my mass/strength a lot. I used to weigh 115 when I started your program and now just tipped the scale at 121. My max bench press was 135 but now I after just 21 days I maxed out at 150 pounds! My chin-ups increased from doing 9 and now can literally do 19 in a row.
I have been following the program exactly as outlined right from the start and it works awesome. I am supper happy and very grateful that I used it.
Michael DiNardo
Snellville, Georgia
Since then I’ve been following along with Michael’s workout progress and he has made some amazing progress. He is very disciplined and serious about his workouts and is very well developed for a 16 year old. The pics below show his physique transformation that he achieved over the last 2 years of weight training.
Michael Thomas DiNardo’s 2 Year Physique Transformation!

Below is an overview of Michael’s bodybuilding journey (written in his own words)…
I grew up living by the quote “Hard Work Beats Talent, When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard”. Being a Football Running-Back. I knew there was always going to be more talented athletes along the way, and I had no control over that. The only thing I can control is how hard I work. Which is why I started weight training to help me become a better Football player.
I’m a Sophomore in High school and I’ve come along way from were I started. I have always wanted to start weight training for as long as I could remember. Watching sports movies with my dad every night and seeing the training montages like the Rocky Movies always got me pumped up. So in the summer of going into 8th grade I got a gym membership. Like a lot of people I had no idea what in the world I was doing. So I did tons of research and found Lee Hayward’s Total Fitness Bodybuilding website and YouTube videos. Whenever Lee posted a new video I’d watch it right away.
When I first started I was very small and weak. I was a 14 year old benching 85 pounds. But I didn’t let that discourage me, I kept training and following Lee’s advice on how to workout and eat right. I’d often wake up before school at 5am just so I could lift weights before school because I didn’t have time to workout after school due to Football practice.
With Lee’s help I started making very noticeable gains and I never quit. Over the past 2 years I’ve gained 60 pounds of muscle and drastically improved my strength and speed. My bench press went up by 135 pounds and now I can bench 220 pounds at 16 years old.
Weight training has helped me to improve my skills on the football field tremendously. Thanks so much Lee for all the workouts and advice. My goal is to play Football at a higher level one day and I’m going to be using Lee’s training methods to help me get there.
Michael DiNardo
Snellville, Georgia

Michael showing his skills on the football field.
I’m very proud of Michael for what he’s achieved. He’s a real example of what “Total Fitness Bodybuilding” is all about, which is living a healthy lifestyle and using bodybuilding as a means of getting in your personal best shape and living life to the fullest.
I really wanted to share this success story with you because it’s an inspirational example of
Real People Getting Real Results!
If you have been a regular follower of Total Fitness Bodybuilding and have a success story that you’d like to share, please let me know in the comments below and I’ll get in contact with you.
Lee I have followed you for a few year now and think you are brand new. You have helped alot of people get to where they want to be. I am passionate about the sport to but you take it to a new level. These results in two year are realy good, and it takes alot of consistensy, nutrition plus dicipline so respect to the youngster. I am a fitness instructor myself and wish I could of helped people myself as it was a passion of mine to but persude a diferent career. What I am trying to say is respect as you tell it as it is. All the best
Hi lee beautiful story of success can we get the diet which Michael followed during this time period.
Darshan Weerasinge
What amazing progress! Lee its very important you highlight the fact that all this was achieved DRUG FREE.
Well done Michael!
looks great nearly as good as me
Michael reminds me a lot of myself when I was his age because I started training in my early teens as well. However, he made much better gains in his first 2 years of training than I did š
Seriously?!? The kid went through puberty, I’m pretty sure your workout plan was only a minor aspect of his growth. You want to take credit for him getting taller too?
Michael DiNardo
Hey guys . It’s Michael , if y’all have any questions on anything about my transformation just shoot me a email at
Michael DiNardo,
Well done and great attitude, Michael!
There are a lot of teenagers who have went through puberty and don’t have the muscle development and definition that Michael has. I think he deserves some credit for the effort he has dedicated to his training. Don’t you?
leroy aeschbacher
lee i also have been following your program and have done wonders for me , when i started 2 yrs. ago i was 44 and a fat 255 lbs at 5″10 and was determined to do something about it so i started lifting and followed your e-mail tips and diet and now i’m 46 and are a leaner 206 lbs also put 1 1/2 on my arms and finaly have some seperation in my legs and abs thanks lee your the shit!!!! LeRoy
Lee what do you think of taking Liquid Amino acids ? … i take them during training and to a point find them helpful in giving me the extra that i need to train heavy and hard .
also how long should i train my arms for each week , i watched a video of yours a while back and you said about training bicep and tricep together which i do and i must say it really works but i hate my arms no matter how many people say they are huge .
thanks buddy
Dublin , Ireland .
Franky goes to Hollywood
i agree joe! it’s puberty at its best. give him credit for him growing some pubes around his peanuts too!
I personally take BCAA’s during training to help keep the body in an anabolic state and recommend them to my coaching students as well.
As for arm training, you should check out the Blast Your Biceps Program. This is a complete mass building arm specialization training program that you can follow to help spur on some new growth.
Dude, you’re a fucking idiot. If puberty was solely responsible, why is there an obesity problem in the US instead of a “our kids are too buff and ripped” problem? This kid worked hard to make his gains and got there using advice he got from Lee. You’re not only disregarding credit for the advice Lee gave him, but some serious hard work on Michael’s part as well.
Great progress , but lee’s methods are for bodybuilding , not really for athletes.
Do you think that pure bodybuilding, mainly hypertrophy work, is the best approach for someone whos objective is to become an athlete instead of just having some muscles to show off in a show ?
Is his program adapted to that objective ?