I’m sure you’ve heard about Skip La Cour’s new Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition program by now. But if you haven’t, then you can check it out for yourself over at Skip’s website: www.SimpleBodybuildingNutrition.net
Anyway, the feedback from this program has been very positive. Skip has been coaching bodybuilders to get in top contest shape for over 20 years, so he really knows his stuff. He’s a master when it comes to effective nutrition strategies for packing on lean muscle mass AND getting ripped.
In fact, the only real “negative” thing that we’ve been hearing is some people don’t believe that
Skip La Cour is REALLY Natural…
A lot of people just assume that because he’s in great shape and a champion bodybuilder that
“He Must Be Taking Steroids…”
So the question a lot of people have been asking is:
Is Skip La Cour REALLY “Natural” ?
Now I was actually chatting with Skip about this very question today. After all, he’s been in the bodybuilding limelight for years so he’s been asked this question a thousand times before. And he had a very good answer to all the steroid accusations…
In natural (drug-tested) bodybuilding, there has to be “cheaters”. People who use steroids in the off-season or even during their contest prep and go off it in time for the drugs to clear their system. This is very evident from reading message boards and talking to people, there are plenty of cheaters in natural shows. Steroid users who compete in the drug tested shows and get away with it (you rarely even hear about anyone getting caught).
Even with this problem obviously existing, many natural bodybuilders get very upset when you “attack” them and say that they are liars. I can understand that, if they truely are natural and work really hard to get to where they are at they will obviously get upset when someone call them a cheater. Still, they have to realize that they will be subject to great scrutiny when there are cheaters present in the sport.
To get to my question now: Since there obviously are plenty of steroid users competing in natural bodybuilding; how are we supposed to believe that the very best show-winning guys are natural? A good steroid using bodybuilder will certainly beat a great natural one in a competition.
Skip’s Answer:
In every man’s life, he eventually must use his own intuition and instincts, man-up, and make his own decisions.
You have to do that when choosing a girlfriend, business partner, doctor, and even taxi cab driver.
Is every extremely attractive woman a gold-digging, manipulating whore? Some men believe they ALL are–and they create a set of patterns and actions based on that belief. Are SOME extremely attractive women gold-digging, manipulating whores? Yes. Can you always judge a woman’s integrity based on her looks (meaning the more attractive she is, the more “corrupt” she is)? No.
Is every extremely competent and successful potential business partner an unethical, con artist? Some people believe they ALL are–and they create a set of patterns and actions based on that belief. Are SOME extremely competent and successful potential business partners unethical con artists? Yes. Can you always judge a potential business partner’s integrity based on how much money he makes (meaning the more money he makes, the more “corrupt” he is)? No.
Is every doctor incompetent and does extra work on you only to fraudulently charge your insurance company? Some people believe they ALL are–and they create a set of patterns and actions based on that belief. Are SOME doctors incompetent and fraudulently charge your insurance company? Yes. Can you always judge a how competent and ethical a doctor is based on how many patients he has (meaning the more he has, the more “corrupt” he is)? No.
And, not every taxi cab driver is going to take you the long way to your destination just to rip you off for a little extra money–although many people believe that ALL taxi cab drivers are corrupt.
Just like choosing a girlfriend, business partner, doctor, or taxi cab driver, use your own instincts to believe who is truly drug free and who is a “lying, cheating, con artist.”
Get a feel for who they are by how they communicate–and then make you own decision. The internet, with all of the articles, blogs, videos, and podcasts that the bodybuilder communicates with will make your job of using your own judgement a lot easier.
Here’s another piece of advice:
I would guess that 10% of the human population would consider THEMSELVES happy and successful (and that is probably a stretch). I would guess only 50% of the human population would even say that they are even “satisfied” in life (again, that is probably a stretch).
The VERY WORSE thing you can do is make your personal decisions in life based on what random people who you don’t even know have to say (the “masses”). In fact, if you think and take action (or don’t take action) like the masses, you are going to have some serious challenges in life. No doubt about it. I would try to find out what the top 10% are thinking and doing–and take that route.
If you have an experience dealing with an unethical woman, business partner, doctor, taxi cab driver–or even a “so called drug free bodybuilder”–just MOVE ALONG and find someone you can TRUST. Don’t whine and complain like the unhappy, disgruntled masses do.
Successful people in life move on and find a good woman, business partner, doctor, taxi cab driver–BECAUSE THEY ARE FOCUSED ON GETTING WHAT THEY WANT IN LIFE and NOT WHAT THEY DON’T WANT.
Only whiners want to hear other people whine.
And, yes, there are extremely attractive truly good women, savvy and honest businessmen, competent and caring doctors, fair taxi cab drivers, and accomplished and well-developed drug free bodybuilders in the world who live with integrity JUST LIKE YOU DO–despite what the “masses” may think.
One more point:
Don’t ever waste your time trying tell an extremely attractive, good woman that you think ALL extremely attractive women are whores; telling a savvy and honest businessman that you think that ALL savvy businessmen are crooks; telling a competent and caring doctor that you think ALL doctors are all “quacks”; or telling an honest taxi cab drivers that you think ALL taxi cab drivers are crooks.
They don’t really give a damn what your issues, beliefs, or bad experiences are because they don’t apply to them. They just focus on the people in this world who know who they are and what they are all about.
That’s YOUR world–not theirs. They’ll just go ahead and let you live in the world you’ve chosen to live in. The more confidence they have in themselves, the less likely they’ll even step into your world and explain anything to you because they are so focused in living with purpose and direction in their own world. They won’t make it their personal responsibility to get you to cross over.
You know who does want to hear what you have to say about “bad” women, business, doctors, taxi cab drivers, and so called drug free bodybuilders?
The “masses.”
Use your intuition and instincts, man-up, and make your own decisions. Just remember that the beliefs you adopt will determine how you proceed in the future–and your level of success.
Train hard. Think BIG.
That’s some potent food for thought, isn’t?
Not just for bodybuilding, but for life in general.
(Note: I hope you actually took the time to read Skip’s Answer above and never just skimmed through to the bottom. It’s worth taking a few minutes and actually reading what he has to say.)
Bottom line, I fully endorse Skip and his programs. This guy walks the talk and has competed in top level National Drug Tested Bodybuilding Shows, not only that but he’s maintained a lean, muscular, and healthy physique for over 20+ years now. That’s the kind of bodybuilding role model I look up to!

Dave Munden
Lee Hayward and Skip La Cour are two of my role models and exemplify everything that is good and positive about bodybuilding. I even have them listed on my facebook profile as people who inspire me. I can think of no two other people that exhibit the best of bodybuilding and what being a man is all about more than these men. Thanks Lee and Skip for all you do to further natural bodybuilding and for your integrity and commitment to live what you preach. You guys are top shelf in my book!
Excellent article and well said! They are also known as the “naysayers”. As long as you believe in yourself,stay away from them,work hard and never give up,I truly believe that anyone can get to their destination.
Thanks for sharing Lee!
Wow, I find myself agreeing with EVERYTHING mentioned by skip in this article
So…where in the article does he straight up say he has not taken steroids?
Misery loves company and people are always looking for an quick easy way to get there. Well as a natural bodybuilder there is no quick easy way- it is hard work and dedication. Because they do not have the commitment it takes to achive such goals they have to try to drag down those that do. The problem is people do not want to take responsibility for their own actions- always looking for an excuse or someone to blame things on, Thank god for people like Skip, Lee and Brian Cannone and many others who share their invaluable knowledge that has taken years to develop. Skip said it best- “Man Up” and take responsibility- the results may suprise you.
j o d
does he say anywhere in the article that he doesnt take steroids
Pretentious, superficial, middle class waffling from Skip and YES, he DEFINITELY has been on steroid cycles in the past.
Lee, you spell REALLY wrong and no he REALLY isn’t. Business partner? The VAST majority of people are working class and spend their lives making their bosses rich, this is a fact. The narrow, patronising, middle class mentality that comes from certain internet fitness ‘gurus’ is cringeworthy and not relevant in the real world. All this hot girlfriend, crap get a life!
Thanks Dave, really appreciate the comment and I’m glad to be one of your bodybuilding inspirations… đ
Skip has been telling people he’s a natural bodybuilder for 20 years and I believe him. I know several guys personally who are in killer shape, successful competitive bodybuilder’s, and natural. In fact, I coached a fellow Newfoundlander last year, Zaid Adamo, who went on to win the lightweight class at the 2010 Canadian Nationals and he is 100% drug free.
This response Skip gave here was meant to give a big picture point of view to show that not everyone who is successful in life is a liar and a cheater. Dispite what you may think, there are actually some people who succeed because of good old fashion hard work.
It’s a rather long discussion, isn’t it? A simple “yes” or “no” would have been helpful and direct, unless he doesn’t want to give a clear answer.
Thanks for pointing out the spelling typo, I appreciate that… đ
Don’t take the examples Skip shared in his response personally. He’s just trying to make a point and he used several different examples; a girlfriend, business partner, doctor, and taxi cab driver. I’m sure you must be able to relate to at least one of these…
But you are missing the point, Skip’s response was meant to give a big picture point of view to show that not everyone who is successful in life is a liar and a cheater. Dispite what you may think, there are actually some people who succeed because of good old fashion hard work.
Skip has been answering “NO” to this question for the past 20 years. But despite this some people still don’t believe him…
The response Skip gave here was meant to give a big picture point of view to show that not everyone who is successful in life is a liar and a cheater. Dispite what you may think, there are actually some people who succeed because of good old fashion hard work.
I’ve read his post and I understand his position. It just seems that with such a lengthy response, he is not coming right out and saying yes or no. Of course it’s nobody’s business and he could have ignored any suggestions or claims, but the way he’s answered it is might cast some doubt to some people. I’m not saying I don’t believe him.
I thought I had missed his ‘no’ answer, but it appears I am not alone in ‘missing it’. He didn’t actually answer the question here, whether or not Lee has heard him tell others that he has not taken steroids in 20 years.
Sorry for any confusion here guys, but for those of you who have been following Skip La Cour (like I have) you’ll know that he has been competing in natural bodybuilding competitions since the early 1990’s and he has always claimed to be drug free.
This response here we meant to give a broader perspective on the topic rather then simply answering with a one word reply of “No”. He’s been saying “No” since the beginning of his career, but still some people disbelieve him.
But regardless of what you want to believe, he still knows his stuff when it comes to nutrition and has a lot of valuable info to share on the topic in his Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition program.
Bottom line if you are looking for steroid advice, you are not going to find it from either myself or from Skip La Cour and you’ll have to seek elsewhere. But if you want honest training and nutrition advice, then you’ve come to the right place.
The problem with skip’s answers is that he gives these over complicated and convoluted disertations. He should be more direct and to the point like others
here have stated. Look at his blog where he took a group of commonly asked questions and put them together with his answers. When someone asks him about how many sets or how many reps he goes of on this “look inside yourself and be all that you can be crap”. Just simply answer the question, no fluff, no filler. Lee I would much rather ask your advice than his. I bought your blast your bench program and I’m in the early statges of it. I wouldn’t buy products from him because of fear they are riddled with the same zen master crap.
This is my opinion and it’s worth what you paid for it đ
Dave Munden Well said could’nt have said it any better myself agree with you 100%
LOL Zen master…
Skip used to work for Anthony Robbins so I guess some of that inner game stuff can’t help but sneak out. I agree that he does cover a lot of deep info, but he also covers a lot of solid to the point “Do This… Don’t Do That…” info as well.
But thanks for your honesty, and I’m glad you enjoy my style of coaching and training advice… đ
David ROCK Nelson
I BELIEVE Skip La Cour “IS” ALL-Natural, drug-free, as, after hearing him out at his website & in what he said above, I am convinced & I trust him. He DOES look All-NATURAL & I’ve even told others that: “You CAN be built like the pro bodybuilders withOUT steroids! Just work out hard, eat good, get enough protein, carbs & other nutrients in your diet, drink lots of milk & snack between meals good food or snacks that promote muscle growth. Do “resistence” training about 3 or more times a week, working different body-parts on different days(Don’t do the “same” exercises day-by-day), get a good “muscle pump” on work-out days & even supplement with a scoop or 2 of whey protein powder right after your work-outs, followed by a good meal of meat, carbs & a vegetable. I also say “coffee is ‘Good’ for you” as a drink with your meals -& drink a glass or 2 of milk between meals or/and as a bedtime snack & mix scoop of whey in glass of milk for a good protein drink! Yes, i BELIEVE in my HEART that “Skip La COUR” IS ALL-NATURAL! Keep up the Great All-Natural body-building, Skip, Lee & all! Your fellow All-Natural bodybuilder, former Marine & former Chicago “Golden Gloes” boxer during 3 decades(70s, 80s & 90s), David ROCK Nelson- Monster movie-maker, actor.
SEE my movies/videos on youtube, facebook. Search for: David ROCK Nelson.
Aaron B - MusicForMuscles.com
Some great points made in the q&a. I respect Skip’s answer, trust his claim to being natural, and respect all of his knowledge and hard work.
I believe that everyone can go as far as they are willing to allow their mind to take them. The inner game is so important, and the fact that Skip has worked with Anthony Robbins and has reached his level of success demonstrates just how important it really is.
Dan Raydon
I respect the blurb. Great points BUT……..did not answer the question.
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Your fresh take in this material has a lot of thought-provoking ideas that really took me by surprise. I share your thoughts on many points. You really made me think. I will shurely make a link to https://leehayward.com/blog/is-skip-la-cour-realy-natural/ on my site.
Although I agree with a bunch of the points he made in this article, I wasn’t expecting ‘success tips’ as an answer to a question of whether he’s used steroids. Actually, the question wasn’t even direct; you asked about believability of other guys instead of directly asking Skip if he uses steroids or other bodybuilding drugs.
The thing I find most amusing about people’s gullibility on this topic is based on this:
If Skip LaCour is really a life-time natural, he’d be the biggest genetic freak walking the earth. The logical question from this assumption would be the following:
Why is there such a huge chasm between his bodybuilding outcomes and those of millions of truly natural trainees? In a world of random variation in genetics, there wouldn’t be. You’d have honestly drug-free bodybuilders running the gamut between poor/average results and Skip’s results. Instead, we’ve got Skip displaying results that make your honestly natural trainees scratch their heads and wonder why they’re not even halfway there. Meanwhile, he’s putting ‘natural’ in front of his name while not even directly answering (or directly being asked) an inquiry about his natural status.
My advice: Use ‘positive thinking’ to propel you in life, but never let it drown out your ‘critical thinking’ skills.
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Hilton Ealy
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Kevin, I don’t know where you get that Skip LaCour is vague regarding training strategies. Try the MAX OT training DVD, there is no “zen master crap” in it, you must have him confused with Kai Greene. MAX OT training is very specific, 4-6 REPS. Then again if you want to grow in any field you don’t want to listen blindly to advice or guidance. It’s good to experiment and find what works best for you. If you look at his training ebooks or DVDs he is the opposite of “hey do what you feel is best for you” type of training.
As for this question of is X or Y on steroids seriously who gives a damn. Whether or not you believe Skip was on juice is pretty irrelevant to the big picture. What is relevant is that he has amazing experience in the field of natural bodybuilding competitions and that you will learn a lot from his teaching. From his own experience, his own trial and error, not just theory.
chips a great guy,, he reminds me of lance armstrong
Having read this I thought it was really enlightening. I appreciate you finding the time and energy to put this informative article together. I once again find myself spending a lot of time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile!
Funny shit. Never mind the fact that Hayward and La Cour do business together, they’re both clean!
Unintentionally hilarious comment.
Joe S
I will give a point-counterpoint
If he has truly been drug-free his whole career that is truly remarkable and commendable. I say drug free because there are a number of compounds available that are non steroidal a provide enough of a benefit along with hard work to reach the level of physique he has attained.
On the other hand, he goes through a full diatribe without giving a straight answer which a high percentage of the time points towards someone Justifyingba lie. instead of saying hey I have drug tested regularly to definitively backup my status as a drug-free bodybuilder, he goes into describing other people’s views of different situations. That is classic deflection.
I personally could care less if he took drugs or not to obtain his physique. Only skip knows what skip does. Again if he’s done all of that natural he is part of the one percenters that can obtain that type of physique he would be considered a true genetic phenomenon and my hat’s off to him. But based on his response I guess we will never know.
I totally agree, there are so many “gray” area substances out there that bodybuilders can take. But natural or not, he is in amazing shape and has maintained that shape into his 50’s which is very respectable.
Snow me one bodybuilder in history that’s worked harder than Skip?
The guy is in his late 50s and in top shape.
Certainly none of the pros have come close to his work ethic. 10 intense workouts a week(weights and cardio) ,attention to nutrition. Not even close.