I’ve used some “help”…

I have a little confession to make…

You see I’ve been using some “help” to improve my physique over the last several months.

Anabolic Cooking

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About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you... lee@leehayward.com

1 Comment

  • Jeremy Melchor

    Mr. Hayward, my name is Jeremy and i’ve known the sport of powerlifting and have recently decided to start competing. I’ve done research and watched your video on the bench press and the proper way to explode while doing reps. and the spagetti squash pasta dish (i tried it and it was great). I was curious; I have a competition coming up in the mid summer and was wondering if you could email me some day to day workouts to help with my performance. My email is melkwagon15@yahoo.com
    thank you for your time