Everyday I get questions from my online followers asking my opinion on various supplements. Now while most of the supplement questions are related to the basics of protein, creatine, vitamins, amino acids, etc. I do get a lot of questions asking about “Testosterone Boosters”.
Most of the questions I get about “Testosterone Boosters” come from TEENAGERS!
Unfortunately, I think this has more to do with teenagers being impatient and looking for a shortcut to get “huge”, rather than actually solving a physical problem that they have. During adolescence the production of anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone are at their all time natural peak. That’s why EVERYONE grows bigger and stronger during their teenager years, regardless if they workout or not.
If a teenager is looking for the solution to getting bigger and stronger, it is NOT through getting their testosterone levels higher. I mean the average teenage boy’s test levels are already on bust to the point that he’ll pop a woody if a warm breeze of wind hits his crotch.
A teenage boy looking for ways to get his testosterone levels EVEN HIGHER isn’t going to do a darn thing. The key to building muscle for teens comes down to consistently following a proper muscle building diet and training program.
However, once you get past this natural growth spurt and start approaching the “ripe old age” of 30 things take a nose dive…
Just like somebody stole your MoJo!
Unfortunately, most middle age men just assume that this is a side effect of growing old and that the “good ole days” are long gone. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Believe it or not, there are actually 6 Natural Substances that are available to you Right Now!
That can safely restore your testosterone levels to what they used to be like in the picture above!
In fact, just ONE of these natural substances has been show to literally Double Testosterone Levels within 2 weeks!
And you can get the low down on all SIX of the most potent, most powerful substances available to raise your testosterone levels and get your mojo back!
Just Click Here for all the details…

No good to me as its only available in the US an Canada. Does this stuff actually work. I remember you saying in 1 of your blogs that some of there products contain so little of the stuff that its just a crock of sh!t
Actually this is available outside of Canada and the USA. There’s more info listed on the website about ordering from different countries.
But you are right in that a lot of companies will “pixie dust” their products with a little bit of an active ingredient so they can legally say it’s in there. But it’s such a small amount that it doesn’t actually do anything.
But with K20 they actually use the high end extracts to make their products. For example, on the label it reads “Long Jack 100:1.” as one of the 6 testosterone boosting ingredients. This means that 100 grams of the root was used to produce each gram of the extract contained in the product.
For me, Long Jack is better known as Tongkat Ali where I lived. And my local herbal shop do sell them raw or pill form. Hard to say whether it’s effective in the gym since there’s way a lot of factors helping/involving my progress.
Hello Lee
I read your article and the linked Prograde article on K20 with interest, as someone on the wrong side of forty I’d welcome any supplement that would allow “Horace” to remain proud and upstanding as well as improving my chances of developing a lean and athletic phyisique.
Now I’m a guy who having spent more £’s on supplements that do not do as claimed on the tin as to be embarrasing. Supplement companies are continually bombarding an already saturated market with the next must have pill/potion that will miraculously transform a below average Steve Rogers type (me) into Captain America. These wonder supplements usually disappear almost as fast as they appeared, without a trace, often leaving customers feeling jaded, betrayed and plain ripped-off.
Now I’ve been tuning onto your site for some while now and have found your advice, training/nutrition articles to be informative, usefull and refreshingly B.S. free, so if you recommend something I’ll give it serious consideration. Now in your professional opinion is K20 worth investing money on, and do you think that this is a supplement that will stand the test of time like protein, or creatine to name but a few?
Thanks for allowing me to bend your ear.
I just got off the phone with customer service, they are not very informed about the K20 product, the say it has a Proprietory blend 500mg, not exactly sure when to take this product, and for exercise benifits, if it should be taken before exercise> Lee do you have any information on this product that you are promoting?
I hear where you are coming from…
I too have spent more money on supplements that didn’t work then I care to admit.
I’m a lot more picky now when it comes to supplements. I just don’t jump at everything that hits the market anymore. I like to do my homework in advance and get to know the products and the people behind them first.
And this year I’ve gotten to know Jayson Hunter over at PROGRADE Nutrition pretty good. The thing I like about him the most is he’s a no BS kind of guy. He told me about this new testosterone boosting supplement that they were developing back in January of this year and it certainly got my attention.
Prograde has been around for quite a while and they are legit. All the ingredients they use are been backed by real science and they don’t
cut corners by “pixie dusting” their products with a little tiny bit of active ingredient just so they can say it’s in there. They use real world amounts that actually work.
In fact, I’m going to be using this product a go myself during my pre-contest training for my next bodybuilding show in November. And I’ll be sharing my own personal results here via my blog.
If you are skeptical of this (and I can’t blame you if you are) then try just 1 bottle and see how it works. Make note of your strength and energy levels, your sex drive, etc. and actually keep note of everything to see if you make improvements from taking the K20 or not.
You could even get your testosterone levels checked now by your doctor and then again after you finish the bottle of K20 if you really want to be sure it works without a shadow of a doubt.
And if for any reason you are not happy with your results, you can return the unused portion (or empty bottle) for a full refund. Prograde offers a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on all there products, so you can feel safe in trying them out for yourself. They are in this for the long term and they stand behind their products, they are not out to rip anyone off and try to make quick buck and leave you hanging.
Well the phone operators are pretty much just there to process orders. They are not bodybuilders themselves per say.
However, I just forwarded your questions to my friend Jayson over at PROGRADE and I’ll post all the answers to your questions as soon as I hear back from him.
all the best,
I agree we need to know if Lee would take the Supplement him self?
very much expensive…sorry Lee..there are many supplements as alternatively concerning to price and quality..
your fan Hakan
d-aspartic acid has proved to increase testosterone by 37% in 12 days. What are your views on this supplement lee? Its new and alot of companies are starting to include it in their products.
It’s pretty simple to use, just take 1 capsule in the morning and another capsule in the evening. On the days that you workout try to take one of those servings about 1 hour before training so that you can take advantage of the hormone spike that you get from taking the K20.
I agree it’s not a cheap supplement, but at the same time it’s not crazy expensive either. It’ll cost you $2 per day to use K20. I realize not everyone can afford that, but if you can budget $2 a day it maybe worth looking into, especially for guys in their 40’s and older.
I’m going to give it a shot myself and post my results here on my blog.
I don’t have any personal experience with this so I can’t comment on it. But if anyone has used this, please post your feedback, I’d love to hear it.
Hi Lee, I have a Question about protein?
In a nutrition class I took, the said that two incomplete proteins equal one complete protein, do you no if this is true, I am a vegitarian, and looking for complete protein sorces? Thanks Andrew
Lee would take the Supplement him self?
thank you
I really enjoy reading this article for some reason I had the same perspective when I am on my adolescence period. I like the idea of getting proper exercise and healthy diet that’s why I always recommend it to my friend.Nice article…It really helps .
Suneet - SebastianFitnessSolutions.com
ROFL on the pic
Testosterone boosters are good but I prefer prohormones along side t boosters, my fav is rpn havoc and then a natural t booster to help keep gains
I tried this Dr Max Powers Testosterone Booster – my first bottle to see if it works. It was worth to try… I can feel much better than before, my strength increased a lot and my muscle mass too, I also noticed some fat loss but I can’t tell if it is due to this product or because the product is giving me more strength to exercise more. Try it and you are going to remember me. Just take it as it suppose to. Some people don’t see results as described because they start a diet together with it, just keep with your regular life and take it. You will see.