How would you like to be able to roll up your sleeves and reveal a set of Ripped Muscular Forearms?
The kind of freaky forearms that bulge with awesome power and unprecedented muscular size!
After all, if there is one muscle group that gets more attention then any other and instantly let’s the world know whether you are strong and muscular – or weak and puny – it’s the arms, specifically the FOREARMS.
What makes having big muscular forearms so desirable?
Well, it could be because they are the most visible of any muscle group. Whenever you wear a short sleeve shirt your forearms are on display and people are looking. It’s human nature, when we see naked skin we just can’t help but stop and notice.
First impressions say a lot and people are unconsciously judging you by the size and shape of your forearms…
-> If your forearms are “Skinny” you look small and weak.
-> If your forearms are “Flabby” you look fat and out of shape.
-> In either case you WON’T get the respect you deserve!
So if you are tired of having puny forearms and a weak grip then you need to get a copy of the Huge Freaky Forearms Program. This unique forearm specialization training system cuts out all the BS and go straight for the jugular!
You’ll learn how to stimulate growth like never before by using special exercises and techniques for developing massively veined and ripped forearms!
- The Innovative 1 Rep System. How using heavy single rep sets can help you tap into those untouched muscle fibers for rapid muscle and strength gains.
- The BEST forearm mass building exercises.
- How to use “Over Crushes” and “Heavy Negatives” to develop bone crushing grip strength.
- The secret old time exercise of immortal Strong Men and Canadian lumberjacks that helped develop their record-size, sleeve stretching forearms.
If you’re up for the challenge then everything you need to know for creating eye catching muscular forearms is contained in the Huge Freaky Forearms Program!

In the Huge Freaky Forearms Program you’ll learn some of the best forearm building tips and tricks. All of them outlined and broken down into a simple to follow training strategy that you can incorporate into your weekly workout routine to finally build a set of Ripped Muscular Forearms!
And the best part is that this Program is 100% FREE!
For this weekend only (until this Sunday September 22) you can get it as an extra special bonus when you order any Heavy Grips Hand Gripper!

Build A Strong Crushing Grip & Muscular Forearms! ->> Click Here <<-
These are the perfect hand grippers for Arm Wrestlers, Powerlifters, Strongmen, Bodybuilders, Martial Artists, MMA Fighters, Tennis Players, Baseball Players, Fireman, Police Officers, Rock Climbers, Gymnasts, Musicians, and anyone else who wants to develop a strong crushing grip and muscular hands, wrists and forearms.
And They Come With A LIFETIME Warranty!
Unlike most companies, our Lifetime Warranty means a “lifetime”. If your gripper breaks 15 days, 15 months, or even 15 years from now, we will send you a new gripper, at no expense to you, right away.
PLUS Get The Huge Freaky Forearms Manual for FREE!
Hey Lee,
I like your website and the content of this …. but I really hate all the goods by saying Order :@
because order facility are not valid in my country … but love to know some tips.
I know you guys will laugh there is nothing available free … 😉
Mike Jones
@ Dan.
Good nutrition helps here. Vitamin C plays an important part in building strong tendons. zinc as well. I myself suffered from tendinitis but no longer do.
Are we able to get the program without purchasing the grips? It becomes very expensive when you include shipping to australia.
Hey Lee great article,
I bought 2 heavy grippers but I’m still stuck with the one I started with: So what the hell’s going on? Could it be my wife, or what?
Hey Lee, I ordered a full set of your heavy grippers some time back but it did not include your Huge Freaky Forearms Workout manual. How do I get this?
Check your e-mail, I just sent them to you.
Hello Lee, I also ordered a set of your heavy grippers through Christmas sell but would like to also get my hands of the Huge Freaky Forearms training manual
Hi Lee,
I had a query. I am 5 ft 7 inches and I weigh 141 pounds (64 kgs) . Is this weight enough to start muscle training or should I gain more weight?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Lee, great article
I really admire anyone who can close the 350lb grippers: I’ve tried many times to progress but failed every time. I’ve now given up and just do the weight training.