Home Gym Shoulder Super Set Workout

Big wide shoulders are a critical component to a well balanced muscular physique. Having big round deltoids will give you that nice V-tapered look and help you fill out an X-large T-shirt 🙂

What you’re going to get below is a complete dumbbell shoulder workout to help pack on some muscular mass. We’re going to be using super sets in a circuit routine to hit all 3 heads of the delts and pump up your shoulders like crazy.

And the best part is this entire routine shoulder routine can be done with just a set of adjustable dumbbells, so it’s perfect for those of you who workout at a basic home gym.

Click PLAY To Watch The Push Up Workout Video Below:

Note: if you can’t watch the embedded video clip above,
then you can watch the push up workout video on YouTube, just Click Here.

To recap the home gym shoulder workout…

The first super set is:
Front Dumbbell Raises & Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The second super set is:
Side Dumbbell Lateral Raises & Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The third super set is:
Bent Over Dumbbell Raises & Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Do the first super set, rest 1 minute.
Do the second super set, rest 1 minute.
Do the third super set, rest 1 minute.
Repeat for a total of 3 super set circuits.

Shoot for 10-15 reps for each exercise.

Give this shoulder workout routine a try for yourself and then leave me a comment below letting me know how you like it.

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And if you would like to work with me personally and get your very own customized diet and workout program for building muscle, burning bodyfat, and getting in your best shape ever. Then make sure to sign up for the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club at: www.TotalFitnessBodybuilding.com

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About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you... lee@leehayward.com


  • Habib

    Thx coach,
    An awesum shoulder super set workout. It killed my shoulders in no time!!

  • Moe

    Excellent combination.

  • Prabhat

    Great exercise for the shoulder . Thanks again sir……..

  • TIM

    Thanks for reinforcing part of my work out plan. I have been doing almost the same for a warm up usising 25# dumdbells but instead of doing both arms as a lateral raise i bring one arm across my chest as I do the lateral raise with the other. What is your opinion on this? THANKS!

  • Bill Andrews

    Absolutely love this shoulder workout

  • Ken

    LIKe your dog — he lks lk he wents to play — you sorta of wore out that shirt on left side -but nice kp up on the inf – i enjoy learning and achieveing . Thanks again Lee—Ken

  • Farrell

    I don’t know how you got it,but I want my couch back!

  • Prabhat

    Hii Lee Sir

    Gr888 workout, have tried it yesterday, all the 3 heads of delts are pumped up……. Thanks…

  • Taz

    Hey Lee!
    Tried it out and it really starts to hit on the second to third set. Taking slightly longer breaks following your ‘ectomorph’ advice. Result: visibly pumped! Thanks so much!!!

    By the way, your pooch seem quite accustomed to sitting plumb while you do all the work! Awesome! 🙂

    Cheers and Thanks!!!

  • TIM:
    Thanks for reinforcing part of my work out plan. I have been doing almost the same for a warm up usising 25# dumdbells but instead of doing both arms as a lateral raise i bring one arm across my chest as I do the lateral raise with the other. What is your opinion on this? THANKS!


    That’s fine, you can do single arm lateral raises if you like. This will allow you to focus more in each delt independently.

  • Taz:
    Hey Lee!
    Tried it out and it really starts to hit on the second to third set. Taking slightly longer breaks following your ‘ectomorph’ advice. Result: visibly pumped! Thanks so much!!!

    By the way, your pooch seem quite accustomed to sitting plumb while you do all the work! Awesome! :)

    Cheers and Thanks!!!


    Yeah, the dog is used to all this stuff 🙂

  • Patrick

    Hi Lee,

    This little workout was just killer. I started with a medium range weight (for me) but had to drop with each super set in order to make the reps, I’m assuming this is ok right? At the end, I added 5 sets of 12 of the Bradford press just for good measure!

  • David

    Cool nice variation, love it! You can feel it in no time.

  • hi lee great one keep it up

  • Ardhendu Mallick

    Excellent exercise for the shoulder . Thanks again sir……..

  • Tina

    Big wide shoulders are a critical component to a well balanced muscular physique. Thumbs up for sharing this to us. This adds more info.

  • colin

    le why can i not use the same aount of weight useing dumbells asi can when useing a barbell

  • Dennis

    Hey Lee,

    Just wanted to know how many days a week should i be doin this workout and if these workout can be incorporated in a workout with other body parts or shud be done exclusively three times a week or two times a week