Happy 4th of July to all my American friends
and a Happy belated Canada Day to all my Canadian friends… 😉
In celebration of these 2 National Holidays I thought I’d do something interesting and
GIVE AWAY 100 FREE GIFTS right here on my blog!
The First 100 People Who Comment To This Blog Post Will Get A FREE Copy Of My:
“HardCore Muscle Building E-book Program”…
Hardcore Muscle Building
How To Train Beyond Muscular Failure For Maximum Muscle Gains
Take your physique to the next level of muscular development by incorporating high-level training methods from some of the world’s top bodybuilders and powerlifters. These advanced workouts will allow you to instantly increase your strength while safely pushing your body past the point of muscular failure. This kind of hardcore training will stimulate explosive growth in those dormant muscle fibers that never get activated during “normal” workout programs.
All you have to do to get your FREE copy of this program is post a comment below and let me know how much you have benefited from all the stuff that I share via my website.
Regardless if you have purchased a program from me, or you are just following the “free” advice that I share, please let me know how the info that I share here has helped you with your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Please take a couple minutes and write out a detailed response…
–>> I’d like to know your name and where you are from.
–>> How you first found out about my website.
–>> The programs have you followed.
–>> How these programs have helped you get bigger, stronger, leaner, etc.
If you know the specific numbers as to how much muscle you gained, how much bodyfat you lost, how much your strength has improved, etc. please include those numbers as well.
And if you want to earn “extra brownie points”, you can even include Before & After pictures of your results!
Note: you can upload pictures to http://www.imageshack.us
and link to them in your blog comment below.
The first 100 people who send me in a detailed comment below will get a
FREE Copy of The Hardcore Muscle Building e-Book Program!
I’m looking forward to reading your comments below!
I know we’ve gone WAY OVER 100 comments, so to make it fair for everyone. I’ll still give you a FREE copy of the e-book if you post your “Before & After” pictures along with the following…– Your name and where you are from.
– How you first found out about my website.
– The programs have you followed.
– How these programs have helped you get bigger, stronger, leaner, etc.
– The specific numbers as to how much muscle you gained, how much bodyfat you lost, how much your strength has improved, etc.Note: you can upload pictures to http://www.imageshack.us
and post the link to them here in your blog comment.
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Alvin J.
Dude, I appreciate the guidance you give to those who are just getting started. Keep it up!
I found out about you via Vince del Monte. I followed your free report on how to target and bring out 2 muscle groups and I also purchased your hand grips. Thanks for always being so helpful
Hi Lee,
I’ve been following your blogs for quite a while and have even forwarded some of your advise to my boys – one in the army and the youngest working.
I bought a set of your hand grips for the youngest and myself. For me they’ve helped my grip a lot.
Looking forward to more.
I love your website and all your videos, have really helped me in striving to achieve my fitness goals!
hello, i am 20 years old, i followed your blast your bench program and got my bench up from 100 pounds to 250 pounds and i m very happy with my progress with other body parts aswell
I think would help me out with my workout
comment 😀
would be really great for my upcomming “hardcore” month 🙂
Hi Lee.my name is Arturas I’m live in the UK at the moment.I started 8 weeks ago on Bodybuilding I was in weight 100kg and 29% of body fat at the moment I’m 93kg and 23% of body fat.I can say yours tips realy helping me.Thank You.
My name is Robert Boback.
I’m 29 years old. From Pittsburgh PA.
Found out about your website from the Critical Bench people.
I have used Max-OT and the FST-7 programs.
These programs have helped me tremendously! Large increases in strength and muscle mass. Especially in my upper body.
Love ur books lee!
Would be great to get this ive already learnt so much from you but i bet there’s more! 🙂
I’ve used your workouts in the past and would like to continue ripping it up. Id appreciate a workout book.
Chris Valentine
Hey lee,
You have been absolutely instrumental in my diet and muscle building. I have moved from 95lbs bench (200+ lbs weight loss) to 4 sets 10 reps of 175. I can’t thank you enough for the help.
Alvin J.
My name is Alvin. I am from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I have not purchased anything as of yet but I do follow you by the e-mail’s I recieve from you. I am trying to set up a nutrition plan in order to lose more weight. I am currently 6’2 and 274lbs. Any added help will be appreciated. Thanks a bunch!
Alvin J.
p.s. By the way I have followed the blast your bench and blast your biceps programes. I loved both of these programmes very much. But since my arms were the week points of my physique I guess I had a special place for the blast your biceps. My chest has always grown easily. Oh and I stumbled accross one of your youtube videos, thats how I found you originaly! Cheers
Andrew Miller
This is a sweet deal thanks Lee.
Chris Valentine
Chris Valentine,
I’m from Oregon. I watch your videos (you tube). Read your blog and use as many tips as possible. If I had more money I would buy more of your programs.
Hi Lee, my name is Sayf and I’m from Canton, Michigan. I first found out about you from one of your Youtube videos about 6 months ago, and I’ve been an avid follower of yours ever since. I’ve watched most of your videos and read many of your blog posts; I especially liked your video series on supplements, I found it very informative and it really helped me make some informed decisions on what to buy and what not to buy. Thanks for all your help and great advice, it is greatly appreciated!
Hey Lee my name is Sebastian. Im from the US
I found about your website looking for new types of ways to gain muscle. I came across your blast your bench and your youtube channel. So i subscribed and have been following ever since. I’ve also followed all your free tips and have made some pretty good gains in my opinion. which is good for me thanks for everything and hopefully ill get one of these reports
Boba, 23 from Germany.
I found u on youtube.
Followed ur workout tips and cooking recepies.
It helpt me pack some extra muscle…
Thanx lee
gregg guidotti
thanks a lot lee
Hi Lee – John here from the UK. Have been following your blog and website info for several years now and as a result the %body fat has come down by some 10% to 17.8%; the waist line has shrunk back to 34 inches [from 37+]; arms and chest have expanded [1″ and 2″ respectively]. Have looked at most of the videos you’ve produced – a great help – and most of the workouts [the abs, back, squat and shoulder ones have been the most help]. I now need virtually no assistance with chins or pull-ups; 1-arm rows have gone up to 40kg+; bent-over rows are in excess of 110kg; seated rows are over 140kg; bench weights have doubled. Not bad for a 68 year old?
To get the ebook at this stage would hopefully help me to further reduce %body fat and continue to build upper body muscle – greater definition is there but not the size I would like to get to!
Thanks for all the help and advice.
Andrew Miller
Sorry hit post to soon. I have put on over fifty pounds on max bench. I also lost about 2% body fat while on the Blast your Bench program. I am also building up some sweet lat strength due to your pull up program. I can finally take off my shirt and know that I am on my way to something great
maybe some more details:
Im 22 years old now. Have never been into sports and this showed off in about 140kg of fat at a size of 1,99m.
started working out about 1.5 years ago and was able to loose about 20-25kg of fat and gained some decent muscles. also my lower back issues are gone. 🙂
sadly i took a break and wasnt able to catch up to my workout routine in the last few months.
found out about your site via a youtube video.
havent followed any of your programms yet. just the “basic” stuff.
greetings from austria,
Hi Lee
I’ve used your programs. Blast your biceps has given
me the tools for the job. Keep up the great programs!
Thanks for all your help!! 🙂
Hi Lee, my name is Paul and I’m from New Orleans, LA. I enjoy watching your free muscle building shows on Thursdays. I am 41 years old and just got back to the gym regularly about 3 times a week a couple of years ago. Your nutritional tips and “back to the basics” workout have helped me get back in shape and it is more of a lifestyle change that I have experienced. I’m just looking to stay fit and energetic in my 40’s which is a great thing. Thanks for your contributions to the health and well being of many people. Paul
gregg guidotti
gregg from nassau county, long island
found your site from bodybuilding.com
i have recently bought your blast your bench and blast your biceps programs but haven’t started them yet, but very excited to
and thanks for all the useful info on your show, always learn something new
Andrew Miller
Sorry hit post to soon. My name is Andrew Miller and I am from Waterloo Iowa USA. I have put on over fifty pounds on max bench. I also lost about 2% body fat while on the Blast your Bench program. I am also building up some sweet lat strength due to your pull up program. Your programs have really helped me because they gave me a great progressive routines for me to follow. I can finally take off my shirt and know that I am on my way to something great.Also I found your website from an old facebook ad.
really enjoy reading your web page and e-mails.
best regards
Stefán from Iceland
Anthony from MD. Been following your emails and YouTube videos for the six months – great stuff. Increased my max bench press from 185 to 205 lbs (I weigh 145 lbs) through your guidance and advice. I regularly read your posts and am always energized by your training. Thanks so much Lee.
Hey Lee, my name is Sal I am 35 years from Sacramento Ca.. I recently fell off track and got bored with my normal work out and just stopped, this led to an unhealthy life style. Since Jan. to now I went from 15% body fat to 30%. My body is the type that I can put on weight easy fat and muscle. I need some thing to get me excited and energized to work out. I was recently looking at post from Elliot Hughs on FB and I seen yours on his page started reading your post and started getting excited. I am also interested in taking up personal training and I love to get new info to help my self inturn I will use this to help others. I would love to get a copy of your program and do it. I dont mind sending post on my progress.
Hey lee, would love to have your e book as i do learn from you 🙂
Tyrone Thomas
You are the real deal man.
George Flevotomos
I like your idea of getting other peoples work out routines.
My name is George Flevotomos,
I have followed various routines over the years.
The first one being pyramiding up in weight with lower reps.
Also doing the reverse, By using heavy weight low rep to a lighter weight to more reps.
Example: 6 reps 60 Lbs X 2 sets, 10 reps. 50 lbs x 2 sets, 12 reps x 40 lbs 1 sets.
Cameron Rhoads
My name is Cameron and I’m from Mountain Home, AR. I originally learned about the website and YouTube channel from my brother. I came back home from college one break to see him much bigger than I had remembered the last time I saw him. After picking his brain as to what he did to gain all that muscle mass, he referred me to the YouTube channel. It just so happened that I was starting to get bored with my workout program and was not making the gains I was hoping to make, so I was willing to trying anything to get myself out of my rut. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, but I went into it with an open mind and after watching a few chest workout videos (that was what I was going to work that day and I was hoping for some ideas) I became hooked and watched all the videos. Needless to say, I am a huge fan and have taken a lot of what you advise to heart. What has helped me out the most was the information on diet and nutrition. With your help (as well as Dave Ruel), I am down to 8% body fat from my previous 17% and trying my utmost to keep it this way. I am also about to start ‘Blast Your Bench’ and look forward to the results. Thanks for everything you do.
good staff those e-books !!!
Your blogs and YouTube videos have helped me and no friends a lot.I like the way you cover a variety of topics..supplements, no gym training, food, bodyweight training etc
Thanks a lot
nice and thank you
In for the ebook
My Name is Tony, I’m from New York City.
I found your website while browsing the web for work out information.
I have followed your Blast Your Bench Program. ?
And I have to say, my benching has increased by a significant amount. Thanks a lot! And Happy 4th of July!
Great work Lee. I enjoy using your technics.
Keep up the good work.
alan zhou
Hey Lee! its alan here, ive been a follower of you since january. Thanks to you i have lost 20 pounds and have also packed some muscles. Everytime i have trouble related to working out i can always refer back to you. You have inspired me and everyone else to get their butts off the computer and go head to a gym. im very grateful to have found u on youtube if not i’d still be stuck on the computer to this day. Needless to say, id think this e-book would help give an extra oomf to my workout and knowledge and would help me tremendously.
Thanks so much for your awesome help Lee!! Alan
your workouts have put on 15 pounds of muscle and added over 300 to my totals.
Found your site about 2 years ago, watch and save all your shows and have learned so much in my fitness quest from you. The pull-up workout just rocked my fitness level. Keep them coming!!! I am fitter and stronger at 45 than I was at 25, and have you to thank!
Paul Seaboyer
I’m a big fan dude.I would love this book as free advice from the East Coast Master.
Adrian Armstrong
Hey Lee,
thanks for all the great content you share with us.
Extremely Valuable! I work with a lot of athletes
helping them improve performance and appreciate
your insights.
Mohammad Ali Khan Niazi
hi lee, my name is Mohammad Ali Khan Niazi, and im from Islamabad,Pakistan. Ive been your regular follower from the past 18 months or so .I started working out/bodybuilding around 2 years back but the first 6 months or so were not so full of results and they pretty much sucked as i got the wrong training from the wrong people ,that is when i started surfing the net alot in search of bodybuilding tips and stuff and when i found ur site, i got hooked to the content u provided on ur web as it made sense and i started applying ur teachings in my training ,and now i can proudly say that ive learned the basics of bodybuilding from u really well and also many of the advance tips and tricks which also tell my gym mates and partner and they find it beneficial too!
I was a skinny 63 kg at 6ft height when i started 2 yrs back with 11.5 inch noodle arms.and now, by applying ur stuff into my workouts and diet, im 79kg with 15.5 inch arms! Though i gained some fat along but still im lean, ive 2 visible upper abs..now im planning to get ur 21day fast mass progrm if i want to gain more or else ill opt for your xtereme fatloss program to get a shredded 6 pack ab!
i also regularly follow your online bodybuilding tv show and i love the way u answer the questions in it..
i hope u keep us posted with more and more bodybuilding stuff forever lol..ure doing a great favor to the bodybuilding community keep it up lee thanks alot.
ive followed ur 10×10 workout 5×5 workout and many others u have on ur website and benefited from the exercises ,their correct techniques u post on ur youtube and ive gone through all of ur stuff and also applied most of it and now ive got this great body i love!:D
I bench 200pounds and deadlift over 300pound..and the gains av not stopped still increasing..but the lust for more doesnt end here and id love to have this programm of urs ure gifting;) ..c u around lee.takecare
That’s a sweet deal
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