Happy 4th of July to all my American friends
and a Happy belated Canada Day to all my Canadian friends… 😉
In celebration of these 2 National Holidays I thought I’d do something interesting and
GIVE AWAY 100 FREE GIFTS right here on my blog!
The First 100 People Who Comment To This Blog Post Will Get A FREE Copy Of My:
“HardCore Muscle Building E-book Program”…
Hardcore Muscle Building
How To Train Beyond Muscular Failure For Maximum Muscle Gains
Take your physique to the next level of muscular development by incorporating high-level training methods from some of the world’s top bodybuilders and powerlifters. These advanced workouts will allow you to instantly increase your strength while safely pushing your body past the point of muscular failure. This kind of hardcore training will stimulate explosive growth in those dormant muscle fibers that never get activated during “normal” workout programs.
All you have to do to get your FREE copy of this program is post a comment below and let me know how much you have benefited from all the stuff that I share via my website.
Regardless if you have purchased a program from me, or you are just following the “free” advice that I share, please let me know how the info that I share here has helped you with your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Please take a couple minutes and write out a detailed response…
–>> I’d like to know your name and where you are from.
–>> How you first found out about my website.
–>> The programs have you followed.
–>> How these programs have helped you get bigger, stronger, leaner, etc.
If you know the specific numbers as to how much muscle you gained, how much bodyfat you lost, how much your strength has improved, etc. please include those numbers as well.
And if you want to earn “extra brownie points”, you can even include Before & After pictures of your results!
Note: you can upload pictures to http://www.imageshack.us
and link to them in your blog comment below.
The first 100 people who send me in a detailed comment below will get a
FREE Copy of The Hardcore Muscle Building e-Book Program!
I’m looking forward to reading your comments below!
I know we’ve gone WAY OVER 100 comments, so to make it fair for everyone. I’ll still give you a FREE copy of the e-book if you post your “Before & After” pictures along with the following…– Your name and where you are from.
– How you first found out about my website.
– The programs have you followed.
– How these programs have helped you get bigger, stronger, leaner, etc.
– The specific numbers as to how much muscle you gained, how much bodyfat you lost, how much your strength has improved, etc.Note: you can upload pictures to http://www.imageshack.us
and post the link to them here in your blog comment.
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Runar Smelvær
I love your ebooks! 😀
Rich Weinreich
“Comment” I would really like one of your e-books lee. It could really help me reach my goals. Thanks for all your help!
-Rich Weinreich
Great website and advice for us novice strength builders, thanks Lee
Rich Weinreich,
thanks will help
Runar Smelvær
Runar, from Norway 🙂 Found ur website thourgh youtube. Currently following Blast your bench, which is totally working 😀 Feeling a lot stronger now 😉
JR Estrada
What’s up Lee! I’d gladly take a free ebook!
thanks one wil help
Brandon Bartlett
Hi Im brandon bartlett from Detroit Michigan. Around here you need to stick up for yourself. Ive followed Lee for a while now, using his advice to increase my size and strength. Im using the 21 day fast mass system right now. I hope to become a more capable person, to fight my own battles.
JR Estrada
JR Estrada,
What’s up Lee your videos have gotten me alot of results w muscle gains and fat loss. Down 70lbs in 6months. And still going strong. Thanks to your YouTube videos and website. Your friend
JR Estrada
Chicago, IL
Hey Lee. Your website has been so much help to me! From informing me about the need for proper nutrition, nutrition advice, exercise videos showing good technique, and also good workouts for building solid muscle fast, and of course great advice about supplements including protein powders and creatine! With your help I’ve made some great gains in the last year of serious bodybuilding training and nutrition the Lee Hayward way. Thanks a lot man! See you at your next video or blog post!
Train hard, rest hard, eat hard!
Best wishes,
Chris 🙂
Daniel Mansour
Hey Lee I have been following website for about 2 years now. I watch your show every week and constantly refer back to you for most of my bodybuilding queries. I have packed on a good 30 pounds of muscle since following your advice and training tips. I would love a copy of your ebook as I would take it seriously and def benefit from it. Keep doing what your doing mate your the best out there.
– Daniel Mansour
need one of these hardcore training e-books lee
hi im from the uk. i first found your page on facebook…….love your talk shows helped me alot
I would really like your book Lee! I’ve hit a plateau and need something to help me reach my goals! Thanks for all your help!
Havent really followed any program before. Ran into your website from a ‘stumble’ search for bodybuilding. I’m looking to find a good bodyweight and low fat percentage. Thanks.
Nice happy fourth of july Lee. I have been following you for a few years now and your information really helps.
marcus carr
ive gained 3stone of manly muscle in ten months.and follow you everyday.ur a great bodybuilding coach mate
Would love 1 of these books. Would help me so much I think To get me to the next step of my fitness. Greatly looking forward to it.
Daniel Mansour
p.s. By the way I have followed the blast your bench and blast your biceps programes. I loved both of these programmes very much. But since my arms were the week points of my physique I guess I had a special place for the blast your biceps. My chest has always grown easily. Oh and I stumbled accross one of your youtube videos, thats how I found you originaly! Cheers
Ps, I’m Chris, from Denmark, live in Ireland. I’ve followed your free advice and videos, articles on your blog and on facebook and YouTube. I downloaded your free reports and learned from them the importance to build solid mass first before focusing on little details. Incorporated serious moves including pull ups, bench presses, hammer curls, dead lifts, squats into my routine, and little by little I got bigger and stronger. Gonna keep following your advice until I get onstage at a local contest, and then follow it some more. Peace Lee.
Would love a book.
Lee, you’ve been a real inspiration to me.
Just to let you know guys, the only comments that are going to get counted are the ones that let me know how much you have benefited from all the stuff that I share via my website.
Please re-read the blog post above for EXACTLY what I’m looking for.
craig cooper
My name is Craig Cooper, I am from the United Kingdom and I first found out about your website while searching over the internet about weight training and I came across your website which I found really helpfull, and i’ve been really interested in reading lots about your blogs on here and I find them really helpfull as well and I have followed your ab routine and that has been my favourite workout of them all, I put my first weight training routine together by the videos you posted on youtube and they have helped me alot so thank you for that, I do find it difficult to build muscle as I do lots of cardio as I am joining the army, but I have increased my strength alot and there are certain tests I will have to perform such as 2 minutes of press ups and sit ups and I can now perform 82 press ups and 89 sit ups in 2 minutes mainly because I came across your website and learnt properly how to put together proper routines and I have learnt alot of tips and exercises from you as well, plus my diet is tip top now as well so I would like to thank you for making this website and videos because otherwise I would’ve struggled to make strength gains and never would’ve known how to even build muscle before!
would love one as well!!
Haha, thats awesome
I have followed you for about a year now. And have gotten to follow Vince aswell who I admire also. I watch ur weekly talk shows which I get sum great advice from every week. I have subscribed to you. And most emails I get tips and great advice which always helps me. At the moment I’m doing your 12 week program. Which I’m finding it good. And once that is finished I’m going to buy your blast your bench.
Hi Lee,
I’m Mark ,from Akron, Ohio. I’m 55 and about 18 months ago, I weighed well over 300 lbs. of mostly fat. Now I’m 225 but still carry about 20-30 lbs of excess fat. I’ve been following your site for almost the whole time. I can’t remember how I found you but I’m glad I did,and if I didn’t have an extreme case of ‘myfundsalow’ I would have gotten several of your programs or even some personal training from you! But, for now, the free e-book will be great. Thanks
Abdeltawab Alaa
when i started searching about workouts , i subscribed to your blog , found your tips pretty useful , like arching my back when i bench press , also to squeeze my shoulder blades together when i bench press , things that i would have never known even when i’m hitting the gym , cause most of the coaches do not really care , also the triceps blaster pushup variation made a huge impact , it made my triceps almost a horseshoe ,on the other hand , you do care , you helped me big time , and i’m sure that it’s not just me , i’m sure that all of the people subscribed to this blog get a lot of useful information Keep the good work up .
Eric from New York in the USA.
I have no idea how I originally found your site.
Some of your videos have been immensely helpful — most recently the stuff about elbow pain. Both your recent video on the elbow twist warmup and an older video on training finger extension seemed to do the trick.
You do a really good job at remembering to talk about things like this that are often overlooked.
I follow you in general because I like the way you commuicate with people (you’re a good businesss example for the things I want to do) — the free bodybuilding talk show you do and all the videos provide so much value while at the same time conveying a lot about who you are. Though we haven’t met, you’re one of the few fitness people that I feel I really know.
You remind me of the book The Complete Keys Progress by John McCallum — except instead of reading fitness articles by you I get to actually watch you on video.
steven saunders
would be a great help thanks
Hey name, I’m Justin from central. I’ve been following ur site and videos for i guess around 2 years now. I honestly can’t remember how I came across you, but I would say it was just luck from lookin around online and researching. But like it;s been said already, as far as I’m concerned you are the best out there. Ur knowledge had really helped me learn new things about everything, and continue to do so. From ur videos to blogs and so. I’m always looking for new ways to hit the muscles and u’ve really helped out there. You’re info on supplements is fantastic. I’m steady mentioning ur name to people at the gym I go to and pretty sure they have checked u out. I have gotten bigger and stronger than I ever thought would happen to be honest. Can actually bench 405 now so not bad. U’ve been a great help. Keep comin with the videos.
Abdeltawab Alaa
when i started searching about workouts , i subscribed to your blog , found your tips pretty useful ,i do wait for your emails , now and then , i even check my hotmail inbox just for your new tips , like arching my back when i bench press , also to squeeze my shoulder blades together when i bench press , things that i would have never known even when i’m hitting the gym , cause most of the coaches do not really care , also the triceps blaster pushup variation made a huge impact , it made my triceps almost a horseshoe ,on the other hand , you do care , you helped me big time , and i’m sure that it’s not just me , i’m sure that all of the people subscribed to this blog get a lot of useful information Keep the good work up , i’m from Egypt btw
My names James and I’m from the U.K. I found out about your website through your youtube videos and facebook page, and currently haven’t followed a lot of programmes, other than the H.I.T training programme. Haven’t really helped me a lot personally, other than allowed me to tweak them a little bit for my own personal benefit. I started bodybuilding at the age of 14, and now I’m 18, 5’9, 70kg, 8% body fat, 15.7″ arms and my max decline bench (I find this bench the hardest) is 100kg for a total of 4-5 reps.
kieran chapman
Hi Lee,i first found your website in 2008 from an advert on facebook,id been basically ‘putting in the time’ at the gym but not really aving any motivation for a long time,anywho,having a look at your sight and seeing you online show did something for me cos i was back with a bang the same week 🙂 I was used the free stuff for long time to mix n’ match workouts and got some killer results! however ,my bench just completely stalled at one point,so i picked up a copy of Blast Your Bench,loved the programme and added 53Lb to my max bench! which i was really impressed with 😀 I have Blast Your Biceps at the moment and will give you some stats and pics when im done with the programme,also i received Your first bodybuilding competition the other day,really fast delivery as im in the Rep. of Ireland…came a week after ordering 😀 seminar was great !…Branch Warren GGRRRRR!!!!…He shave’s his leg’s!!! 😛 LOL the book is great too,i dont plan on competing till next year,but will definitly be referring to this for guidance. So there you have it,think i may have gone on a bit! but anywho,keep up the good work and i look forward to more cool products coming out in the future
Rep. of Ireland
I am from UK and following your tips from last 4 years. Thank you for your contribution. Will love to receive you ebook.
Alex K
Hey Lee,my name is Alex,I’m 18 years old and I am from Serbia.
I found your website buy trying to find out a workout or just
about anything that could help me pack on some muscle
and weight.I have followed your “12 week workout program”
and all i can say is that I gained a lot from it.
I went from skinny 70kilos bodyweight to about
76kilos in my first run on the program.I have done it about
three times and got to 84kilos of bodyweight.Arms
have grown from 35cm to like 38.5cm and legs
have bulked up to 60cm while my waist size wasn’t
getting bigger.Followed your “7 week deadlift routine”
and have gained about 30 pounds on my max.
Didn’t actually followed any more programs,though
I did try out “bench press programe”.I follow your
advices,tune in to your live show,and wanted to say thanks
for helping us to achieve better physiques.I have gained a little
bit of weight so right now I am “cutting and dieting”down a bit,
so I think It would be very beneficial if I had your program,
so when I stop with the weight loss I could start building
some real muscle.As for my stats I’m like 177cm tall
thats about 5’8 i think and I weigh 200 pounds.
Deadlift max is around 405pounds,bench 235pounds
and squat 300pounds.
Hello, My name is Yassen Tawfy. Im from Canada, and I first figured out about Lee Hayward at the beginning of my bodybuilding journey. I used to search up basic routines and workouts in order to obtain mass and cut body fat and Lee Hayward was always a option to click! I followed the 21 day mass program and had fantastic results, As i recall i was able to lose 2% bodyfat and gained 3-5 pounds of lean mass! it also helped me bench in a remarkable way, my max bench was 210 and was able to reach 225! I would recommend this program to anyone due to the results it gave me! In advanced thank you Lee for all your videos, programs and blogs! hope to hear from ya soon
Looks Awesome!!!
i love your tips, and advise because it works, lee has been in my shoes, and really has helped me get in the best shape of my life. the back to basics worksout was just what i needed. it was way tough but it was so worth it.
Rob Humphreys
Hi Lee, i have tried many sites to help me reach my goal, but the only one that i have found that gives all the information i need is yours, it is really helping me. Many thanks Lee and keep up the good work.
alen Timmy
i follow you on youtube and fb and always listen to your radioshow
keep those post comming 🙂
Hi lee, I’ve been following your advice and tips for about 2 years now and can not thank you enough, especially when its free! After a year of following your tip I had gained more muscle than the previous 3 years put together, its basic ‘meat and potatoes’ as you say that really builds muscle. After a year of following your tips I put my trust in you and purchased blast your bench, its genius! When I first saw the workouts I immediately thought “overtraining” but I decided to follow it anyway and I couldn’t have been more wrong, fast results for a fast program, what more could we ask for? Keep the tips coming and I will keep coming back for more!
Thank you Lee for always being helpful and informative! I’ve learned so much about muscle building from you.
Well I hope I get one, LOL
alen Timmy
forgot to mention learned a lot about nutrition, also would love to try out the 21day fast program cause i want a ‘clean bulk’ and just don’t seem to find the right macro’s to bulk on since everyone has another idea about it.
I would love one! I love to read all ur blog posts and articles!
Rob Humphreys,
thank you in advance..
Isaac romandia
Hey this is sickk thanks lee!
Well i like the tips you give and I’ve put them to use. Not ready to put up a pic yet
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