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If you are looking to get in your Best Shape Ever, then you’ve come to the right place. Let me be YOUR Muscle Building Coach who helps you build a stronger, leaner, more athletic physique!

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These are the same training tips and tricks that I used personally to transform my body
from a small and skinny 135 pounds to a big, ripped, and muscular 210 pounds!
Click Here To Download Your Copy Of The “Bodybuilding Quick Start Kit” for FREE…
Hi lee,I was wondering could you do another all you can eat video like you did with musclecook and show your stomach to see if it negatively impacts your abs? I’m just curious about that just in case I ever do a cheat meal like that.
I think that’s obvious…
If you stuff yourself with an “All U Can Eat” your stomach is going to be bloated and you’ll run the risk of gaining bodyfat. Cheat meals like that should be kept few and far between. If you are going to cheat it’s best to control your portions and just eat until you are comfortably full and never stuff yourself.
Thanks lee,But would you do another “All U Can Eat” Video? Because it would be a cool video idea and in that video you can explain what to do if you go overboard on your cheat meal and binge eat and get bloated
excellent website and useful info
Sure, I can make a video the next time I cheat…
But I can’t do anything different then anyone else. If I pig out and over eat I’ll end up laying on the couch like a bloated pig just like everyone else. The only thing you can do is wait it out and let the food digest.
The secret to avoiding the bloating and discomfort and fat gain from overeating is to NOT Over Eat To Begin With… That’s it!
Okay thanks,just let us know when you do make a video of the next time you cheat(And in that video,can you show how you feel after the cheat meal and the whole aftermath)?
Thanks Lee, its awesome.
The hand stand push ups is killer. I feel like blood is rushing into my head and its bit pain full. Can you suggest me some exercises which can make me fit to do hand stand push ups? I’m also feeling hard to keep balance.
Sure thing, I actually have an article about how to do hand stand push ups at:
i am an ectomorph-built type. i would like to know what exercises must i do, what supplements should i take, and what kind of diet should i follow, in order for me to attain the maximum amount of muscle gains?
is it better if i take prohormones as well? if so, what kind of prohormone should i take?
thanks for all your much-needed information.
Jim Cutler
Great free value here. Thanks
Hey Jonathan,
I’ve got a lot of those questions answered in my blog post at:
Sherley - diet community
thats was amazing man.. Cant imagine that you can really transform.
Hey Lee, impressive strength feats.
I’ve noticed over the many years that no bodybuilder has ever been able to get his biceps shredded. It seems to be quite easy to get the pecs shredded as can be seen everywhere. (I’ve also seen triceps shredded.)
I would be very interested if you could come up with a plausible reason as to why this might be.
Iam 38 yrs old. My shoulders are not even. one shoulder is in high position and other is in low position.
I think i did wrong workout during my high school days without proper trainer.
I would like to know what sort of workout that will restore my shoulders in same height.
Dr. J Begovich
In regards to one shoulder being higher or lower than the other you need to make sure you do not have a neurologic injury that could lead to that dilemma. There are a number of nerve impingements that can cause that presentation and I see and diagnose many patients with that same scenario. See a doctor first, because if there is indeed a neurologic injury you may not ever be able to even up the shoulders.
The reason why you don’t see “shredded” biceps is just the natural shape of the muscle. They are a short round muscle that generally doesn’t show striations, even when in contest shape. The triceps, chest, quads, etc. are different, these muscles will show striations when bodyfat is low enough.
That’s an amazing transformation. I didn’t download it yet but I plan on it soon I’m really interested in the nutrition made simple book.
Dr. J Begovich,
Dear Doctor,
Thanks for your comment.
Well, I never had such kind of injury. The shoulders were good in shape before doing workout. I started exercise when i was 20 yrs old, and I never had accident on my shoulders.
Some people said, if you lift your one shoulder while doing workout(with weight),then that shoulder would become higher position compared to other. Is it right?
I actually have one shoulder higher then the other as well. It’s quite common and should not hinder your ability to train. I would recommend using dumbbells in your workouts when ever possible for pressing moves, etc. as this will help to create balance and proportion between both sides of the body. Dumbbells force a 50/50 split of the weight between each side, whereas barbells and machines don’t, your stronger side will often over compensate for the weaker side.
Hi Lee,
First of all, I want to thank you for the FREE BodyBuilding Quick Start Kit.
This is a great site with useful information for those who want to get lean muscle.
Hi Lee, l have been with you for a while around 3 years, l am still able to do what l love doing and thats prospecting for mineral, l can still hike through the bush and carry out 70# of samples,,and for you and your other pupiles l am. 70 years old and in the best shape of my life. thanks again Lee
Hey Lee, I am just curious on what your bodybuilding nutrition diet is?
I actually cover my nutrition program in detail in the download above. I include a FREE Bodybuilding Nutrition Made Simple e-Book as part of the Quick Start Kit at:
hi lee, been following your work for a few years now, very impressed. Was hoping you could suggest a back and chest routine for width. I am mostly interested in maximum back width and love doing pull ups but just dont know how to achieve the best muscle gains from doing them and my benching can get stale, thanks! 🙂
Read through the Muscle Specialization Guide that’s in the free download above. In that e-book I cover some of the best workouts for each and every muscle group (including back and chest).
Hello Lee, I was wondering if you could give me a few good pre-workout meal ideas. I just started going to the gym & I wake up at 3:30a.m. and am at the gym by 4:00a.m.. I need some items that will give me the carbs & protein I need and are quickly digestible. Thanks in advance.
hiii,,lee…my wgt is 190 pds and my hght is 6ft…give me a complete biceps and chest workout routine…it means i want how much wght should i start frm till end….i m eager to know…
hey lee, love your website but i kind of have a question. i have a condition called pectus excavatum and im sure youve heard of it. i was wondering if there were any specific workout to kinda cover it up or make it less noticeable. im in pretty good shape but this bothers me alot and i hope u can help. thx!
hey Dear lee…….thank you so so so….much to help me…i respect u alot….ur guru…i promise to u…i make my body..threw you….thank’s n love
Mahendra….+91 9867813857