Important Update:
I’ve decided to Change The Original Offer…
I’m NO Longer going to give away
10 Free Coaching Memberships.
Instead I’m going to DOUBLE IT and
(This is HUGE and the biggest Give-A-Way I’ve ever done!)
Last month I posted a blog asking for your feedback about a Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club that I’m putting together…
You can check out that blog post below:
As you know, I provide A LOT of muscle building training and nutrition advice via my blog, e-mails, facebook, and YouTube videos. And I’m still going to keep doing all that stuff and continue to make workout training videos, blog posts, etc.
However, as a result of all the tips and advice that I share online, I get several hundred e-mail every single day from guys asking me to help them with their workouts, help them with their diets, and basically coach them with reaching their bodybuilding and fitness goals.
As of this writing there are 35,000+ subscribers following me on YouTube. And 22,000+ followers on Facebook, plus there are tens of thousands more who just follow my website and don’t even have a Facebook or YouTube account.
As you can imagine, Thousands Of Followers = Hundreds Of e-Mails…
And as much as I would like to sit down and answer each and every one of those e-mails, it’s physically impossible, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
So instead of simply ignoring them, I’m going to provide an “Inner Circle Coaching Club” for guys who are really serious about taking their training to the next level and who want to work with me personally.
I’ve already surveyed my followers about what they would like to see offered in this type of Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club and the overall response was very positive. I received some great feedback and 77% of my followers said that they would be willing to sign up as a paid monthly member if I were to offer this program.
I’ve been working my tail off over the past month and putting together my very best tips, tricks, workouts, and diet plans together to create a Kick Ass Group Coaching Program.
Basically I’ll be providing you with all the program templates to follow and then I’ll work with you personally via the private members forum and live video chats to help personalize them to your individual situation. |
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In addition to that you’ll be able to keep your own online training log and track your results. Post your workouts, your meals, keep track of your stats and post progress pictures. This way I can follow along with your training in real time and provide you with on going feedback about your progress. This will help to hold you accountable to follow through and stick with your program and develop the lean muscular physique you want.
To The “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club is almost ready to go LIVE, all I need now is some guinea pigs to help me test it out š
So I’m going to GIVE AWAY 10 20 FREE MEMBERSHIPS right here on my blog!
To enter to win one of those 10 20 FREE Memberships all you have to do is post a comment below this post (reply form is at bottom of the page) with the following response:
In 250 words or less, tell me specifically why this program
is the perfect solution for you at this point in your life.
Share WHY you need and want me to personally coach you
with reaching your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Try your best to keep your response short and to the point, approx. 250 words, and please don’t talk about your financial situation. I’ve already covered price when I surveyed my followers and this “Inner Circle” Coaching Program is going to be very affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Period.
So please keep your financial situation to yourself, and instead focus on your personal fitness goals and how being a member of this group coaching program will help you reach those goals quicker and with less frustration.
I’m going to keep this blog contest open for the next 48 hours and then I’ll personally review all the replies over the weekend and announce the 10 20 Lucky Winners.
So give it some thought and make your answer count!
all the best,
Comment navigation
Timothy Stevenson
Your blog is the only one I follow you are a great coach
trey yeo
Hey lee, I really appreciate it how you send me update on your website and help tips on body building. I’ve been trying to help with a personal trainer and I finish with him on monday and well I’ve paid 2200 dollars and well I’m still chubby, my diet didn’t really get perfected. Anyways so I tried to work out my diet but eating healthy foods in stead of junk. I’m 18 on the 28th, so tomorrow. I want to learn how to eat correctly how I can make the best of a crappy meal. I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life because my parents never taught me how to eat correctly. I’d appreciate it if I won, and if I won I’d like to take the knowledge I’ve gained to take it back to my family and friends to help them active there fitness goals. I’ve been subscribed to your website twitter facebook youtube for more than 2 years and I must say your doing a good job, I enjoy read your reports and everything you have to offer. Thanks a ton!!!! š
Hi Lee. Maybe I don’t deserve to get a free membership, but I’d love to. I started working out 4 months ago and from the 2-month I’ve been following your tips by watching and reading the articles. I really appreciate that. I do believe this membership can change a lot in my life> All I want is to look, feel great and gym is the proper path.
Lots of good reasons in here, no doubt. What I’m working on right now is becoming a CPT. Bottom line, if you’re able to help me help others, we’ve both achieved our goal. No smoke and mirrors or drum rolls, just helping people to live better lives. Its what Canadians do. Thanks.
Hi Lee, I have been following you since 2009 where you inspired me to start working out the right way and taught me that there are loads of B.S in the internet your articles, videos, programs all really inspire me I picked up several free programs of yours and had some gains for the first time of my life. I watch your videos, learn your recipes and I made those “lee-hayward late-night nachos” for my family on a movie night and my parents were pretty impressed cause it tasted good and was healthy as well. Summer is coming now and I have been working my ass off in the gym and the kitchen for the past 12 weeks trying to get the last piece of blubber off, I’m at 14% bodyfat and im trying to achieve 8-9% bodyfat for the first time in my life by summer. I had submitted a comment for almost all of your free giveaway contests but never got to be one of the winners in the end. If I had the slightest chance to be in this inner-circle program I truly believe that a pro bodybuilder like you could help me achieve something I couldn’t before. I cant afford to be the guy on his clothes while everybody else are showing off their ripped bodies at the beach on 2012 like the rest of my previous life š my senior years are about to end and I just need to prove to my friends for once that I’m capable of not being a chubby kid anymore and remove that “fat kid” impression of me off their minds before we part ways. Thanks again for the opportunity Lee!
I live in Brampton, ON, Canada. I have been watching your videos for over an year now. I think that a professional coaching classes will definitely help me achieving my fitness goals and most importantly the mind set, which is the consistency which I absolutely lack. I have been working out for the last 4 years now, but whatever results I have achieved yet are the results I got in my first 6 months as I was really passionate about getting in a great shape at that time. But after that its been in and out of the gym. When a professional gives you advice and help you out on your way to achieve your goals that’s the best thing which can happen to any fitness enthusiast. So I m looking forward to it Lee. Thank you once again for giving all of us this opportunity.
Paul Fargin
Hello lee from Wales in the UK. Over the past several years I have tuned into your talk show and was always gym hungry but I am a typical hardgainer and always have been. I could eat like a horse after a workout. Good food like a whole bag of boiled fish for protein then shakes but my muscle gains were nothing. I have a quite good physique for 39 but it’s more the bodybuilder shape I want. I have just a bit of belly jelly and my legs have shrunk a bit since I was forced out of the gym. Personal family circumstances have forced me out of the gym for a long time as I just was not in the right mind or had the time for heavy workouts. Consequently much of the size and strength is gone now as is my training partner. I am totally directionless on how to get back with a decent program and nutrition that will work. I want results and I think you can help
Hey lee, hows it going? Well to make long story short im 21 and i recently subscribed. Ive been working out since the age of 15 and well i knoticed some gains the for the cuople first of months then all resylts sudenly stoped. I got descouraged and stop my daily rutine a yr ago but in the last month or so ive used some of ur techniques and they really worked ive knoticed gains i hadent seen in yrs thanks alot…
Adam B
Hey Lee, I have been following you for quite some time now…dating back to your old school youtube videos on that brown couch of yours and that soft monotome voice over, lol! So you have come a long way now, and I congratulate you on your success thus far. I too have had success. I made my first transformation from being 140 lbs to now 165 lbs (with a ~3% increase in bodyfat) utilizing techniques from your critical bench program and blast your biceps. My next and goal is to add another 10lbs of lean mass, but these extra 10 lbs have been seemingly elusice as I have ben stuck around 165 for the past 6-7 months. I believe this program would be perfect for me, as it would provide the missing link in achieving my next fitness goal. I feel like my mental game is for the most part what is holding me back, and this program would provide the customized knowledge and support needed to fill in that link. As well, I am a big fan of the members forum, where we would have an opportunity to share our progress as well as critique and provide support to others.
Thanks for the opportunity,
Andy Johnston
Hello Lee Hayward, I’m Andy and I would definitely like to be considered for a membership in your coaching club. At this point in my life (especially since it’s close to summer), I want to get ripped for the summer and also for many years to come. One of my goals is to become a supplement sponsored athlete, and it would be a great help from you to get me there. You have competed many times before (I have never competed) and know exactly what it is like in terms of nutrition and specific exercises to get results you need for a show. Your input, advice, and tips would help me keep track and up-to-date on my diet, training, and rest in order to get the best results I can. Your knowledge in the field of bodybuilding and nutrition would not only give me specific goals I’m looking for, but also the motivation to keep going and striving for my goal. This is an awesome opportunity in my life to join your coaching club. Thanks for all of your assistance Lee.
Andy J.
hey Mr. lee how are you, my name is Moe i have been folowing you since 2004 when i was an exchange student is the US now im in my home country and i practice some boxing and gym the problem is that some times i feel no progrees , a few monthes ago I sent you a plee to fix some muscle problems and your vids helped me , i hope that i would get selected, i my country there isn’t a lot of people that give the training and the help that you do…. thanks.
Frank Martin Lawrence III
ive been roofing houses for the last 6 years. as my father has for the last 40. theres nothing like tearin a roof off in phoenix, arizona. especially in the summer! we love it! so as you can imagen its a little hard to gain muscle mass, atleast for me anyways. i need you to help me out lee. with your help i should be able to tear the shit outta roofs in less time and with fewer breaks. thus increasing blood flow, muscle mass, endurence, lol and should even add up profit. thanks for all the help, concern and knowledge.
your pupil,
Frank III
Well I’ve been working out for years, been one of those start and stop and start people. But the last time I picked it back up now is going on 5 years ago, without giving it up again this time. I’ve never felt more wanting to work out for the rest of my life, the best way I can describe it is like an obsession. My biggest issues though are outside the gym. I love working out, but I know in the run of things that is only like 20% of it. I’ve found it very difficult getting the results I want. I’ve been a fan of urs now for a couple years or more and I’ve learnt plenty from urs videos, to ur blogs, and so on. I have no idea how this would go for me. But I’ve come to see that you far and above know ur stuff and can be very trusted. So I believe anything you’re putting out is worth trying for, and well be a great tool for whoever gets picked.
How she cuttin lee by! (:P)
I am a 17 year old teenager from the best province in the world, yours truley, Newfoundland! A kid with big dreams and a ginormous mind set of taking my physique and nutrition to a whole new level. Ive starting working out about a year and a half ago and cant resist the feeling of being a healthy teenage kid that loves to tear muscle tissue and follow it up with some protein and carbs! Back about a year ago I first heard your named and immediately researched for further detail on what you were all about! I heard great things about you and better yet life changing things about you. After a short bit of research I quickly gathered that all this information I have been told was most deffently true facts and I personally used your step by step videos on youtube to not only keep me motivated but but to push myself harder. In my mind, the life of bodybuilding means everyhting to me right now and at this age its prime for changing life goals and setting high expectations. I would love to put myslef in your shoes just to feel what being a champion is all about.But that is going to take a hell of alot of hardwork not only in the gym but in the kitchen and thats why I would like to have no other but the man himself Lee hayward guide me through maximazing my top figure , hopefully for further competition. So please lee help me out with my number one goal!
Thanks my fellow Newfoundlander, Mark
Sam kreatcharoen
Thanks Lee, I am one of your followers( blast your bench) programs. All of your programs work great, love it. Sam
Hi! I live in Ahmedabad, India.I have started recieving emails from ur websites about 8 months back. I workout regularly at gym. Some of the tips and advices given by u have worked well for me. As i have been working out for a long time now , i have hit a plateau and cant shed the last 5 to 6 kgs. need help . For me to look fit and in shape are very imp for my self confidence and morale. Hope i get ur membership.Fingers crossed.
Emilio Burgos
Hi.. I am a 35 year old young guy “lol” that has never passed 150 lbs wet throughout my life. I need help learning how to eat properly and exercise properly. I have been trying my whole life to get in better shape but always get discouraged when I see myself compared to others. I beleive ur program is what I need to help me look and feel like a new person. I want to wow people I known for years that have always seen me like the skinny guy. I’m actually new following u on line. I’m not like all these other guys who have been following u for years but i would love to b one of the people u chose. Thank you for giving me a chance to win a membership even though I’m new to ur website. Thanks a million for ur emails that have given me a differant view of exercising. Thank you EB
Arvin Pedriquez
Hey Lee, I would love for you to be my coach because I would love to become serious with bodybuilding. I started working out a year and a half ago and have gained 25 pounds since then, with most of it being muscle. When I started working out, I did it to get fit and healthy. Now, I took it to another level and became serious with my workouts (5 days a week with certain muscle groups on certain days) and diet. I try to be as strict as I can be and it’s really difficult preparing my own meals and grilling since I’ve been on crutches due to an ankle injury for a month now. Iām also an ectomorph and I get my braces tightened every 2 months, which makes it difficult to chew for a week. Everyday I eat oatmeal and Iāve been limiting myself to only one cheat day a week. I’m a very persistent person because the day after my injury, I still went to the gym to work out. So far, I have only been able to do upper body workouts. Iām constantly on the internet trying to find information about dieting and workouts, but sometimes the information is insufficient. For one week, I decided to get as ācutā as possible and the website told me to have little or no carbs at all. It was a bad mistake because I actually lost 10 pounds at the end of the week because I wasnāt informed that that program was for people trying to lose weight at the same time. I became weak and found out carbs are what I need for energy and bulking up when rebuilding muscle. And since I was an ectomorph it was difficult to gain back the weight I lost. But with persistence and determination in just a week and a half I was able to gain back 10 pounds even though I had the same workout routine. I really want to become a bodybuilder and set foot on stage. Every time I’m in the gym I give it my all as if it’s the last day I’ll be alive. I’m constantly repeating the words hard work, dedication, and motivation to myself. And at 19 years old, people say I’m really dedicated and serious for how young I am.
Jayanta Sarkar
Hi Lee,
I am a Software professional from India. Truly speaking I have no instructor how can help me in my busy schedule. Then I found your website and started workout by watching your simple and effective exercise videos. I’ve already seen your technique works perfectly on me (last 4 months result). Now I am 40, height 182cm, Weight 167Lbs, not flabby and not skinny kind of guy. Want a good physique. So will you please help me?
Hey Lee. I moved up to Brampton from Downtown Toronto to start a fresh lifestyle. The gym has always been part of my life on and off, since I was about 8 years old watching my father in our basement working out. I fell in love with it and now that I’m 31 with a son of my own, I really try and get the most out of my workouts so my son also sees that his father takes care of his body. Also, when I moved to brampton, I came across one of your videos by chance and have been following you ever since. With many of your workouts I’ve been able to transform my body even quicker and learn many new ideas on how to and what to eat, train and not to do in my workout schedule. You have made many things easier to understand and you’ve also helped me to stay focused. I would really like to thank you for all your advise and videos and I know that I would benefit even more if I was able to be part of this circle. Thanks for everything man!
I would love to win but Like most people you encounter saying I need help and so forth,a lot of it has to do with motivation. And I am one who always makes excuses why I don’t. Go to the gym.
Hi Lee,
I’m 23 years old and in a week I will be graduating from college with a degree in film directing. My schedule keeps me busy and up late and working on set takes quite a toll with long hours and poor nutrition. Often I have to skip the gym to get work done. Over the past year I have gained 25lbs, but I’ve since hit a wall with my training. I switch up my workouts every 3-4 weeks and eat as healthy and as much as I can but my weight has stayed the same. My fitness goals for this summer are to gain 20 more pounds as well as lose my stubborn belly fat I’ve had for so long. I want you to personally coach me because I know that you were Vince DelMonte’s coach when he was starting out. His story has been my inspiration and his workouts were what put me on the path to a healthy lifestyle and got me to where I am today. I cant think of anyone better to push me to the next level of personal fitness than the man that coached another one of my fitness idols.
Adiel Rozinov
Dear Lee,
I have been a close follower of yours for over 3 years, and you have helped me bulk up my skinny frame from 150 lbs to 210 lbs at under 15% bodyfat at 5 foot 8. Thanks to you, I have found my passion and meaning in life, Bodybuilding. I feel as though for the first time in my life I am truly living and fulfilling my destiny one calorie and one rep at a time, and for that I am utmost grateful.
I would love to step up on stage soon and take my physique to my genetic potential and possibly beyond, and with your guidance I have no doubt I can achieve it.
I am extremely consistent and motivated, and I truly believe I can place well competitively. You are the only source I wholeheartedly trust.
Please give me a chance, I guarantee not to dissapoint and make you and everybody proud.
Adiel Rozinov.
Rod Maksimovic
Never in my wildest dreams would I believe that I would be entering to win a weight lifting training program at age 47. But its true. A year and a half ago, my corporate career suddenly got derailed as I was laid off and kicked out back onto the street. To help out, my brother added me as a family member to Lifetime Fitness. Go work out, clear your brain and stay sharp.
Since entering those doors, my life has completely changed for the positive. I have used weightlifting to better my body in preparation for my next challenge. I wasn’t fat but I wasn’t in shape either.
Since then, I have maintained my same weight but have lost 20+ pounds of fat, gone from a 36 to a 33 waist and now can easily crank out a mile run in under 9 minutes. I eat properly, and have exercised and lifted weights religiously. The results I see in front of the mirror drive me every day to push harder. I see the potential that lies below the skin.
Your training has has been an inspiration as I constantly go and try to apply your principles to what I do every day. I have the willpower, drive and desire to make the next phase of my training a reality. This program would give me the technical skills to advance to that next level.
My promise to you is that I will be your best Test Pig and stop of nothing short of making you and the program a success for your advice.
All the best!
i am 19 years living in south florida, my goal is to lost alot of body fat and change my diet to help me live healthy. I have been watching your videos for over a year, and your workouts have changed my mindset of how i enter the gym everyday. I even recomend people who are new to working out to check out your youtube videos online and webstie, I am trying to study to become a part time personal trainer along with other subjects while i am in college, i appreciate everything you have put online for me to view, and you have changed how i workout forever, if you could help me out i would appreciate it. I have worked for everything right now that i have, i was inspired to working out after kids made fun of me in middle school, i wanted to prove everyone wrong, saying that i could never be who i am today, so far i am getting stronger everyday, but i am still yearning to learn everything there is know about getting stronger and keeping a great physical figure as well. Thank you for what you do, Lucas Cantwell
JD in Texas
Lee, you’ve made this out to sound like the perfect solution for someone that has the facilities to take full advantage of your coaching.
To me that would mean having a lot of free time to grocery shop and spend in the kitchen, not to mention the cost of the good food.
It also says to me gym membership or well stocked home gym with the time to fit in multiple workouts each day.
I have a ‘big picture view’ of the fitness lifestyle, that I’ve learned from reading and listening to you, Dave, Vince, Elliot, and Mike W.; Progressively eat and workout in a balanced manner to keep gaining muscle, weight, and flexibility while keeping your bodyfat low and heart healthy. Finding the time and resources in our sociological crap is the problem and I don’t know how your program could fix that. If you could tell me and all the others here, then your program is what we’ve all been searching for.
Good luck with your new program.
Lee Id be interested in the coaching to further myself because Im 60 yrs old and staedy building muscle which is a good thing for a guy my age.I need the nutricianal education as well as the tips in keeping my body in very good shape as I feel like I myself am gonna be a centurion and wanna be the greatest shape I can be in and stay there.And your just the person with all the education in this field I need to do this.
Ive been following your tips now for some year or so now and have yet to feel that you steer anybody wrong with misinformation or the like..Your stright forward and to the point and this is why Id like to have you train me on the do’s and don’ts and all the info I need to build my body stronger.You are my Icon buddy and I know if you tell me its black or its white its right!!
Henry Mears
hello Lee;
Let me begin by telling you I’m 67 years old. Retired after a career in law enforcement last year. I was always in pretty good shape until a promotion put me in front of a computer which happened to be close to the snack bar. Well in November of 2011, I found myself at 6-2″/ 305 lbs and having a stent put in my heart, hence the retirement. After the doctors told me that they see many overweight men continue with bad eating habits along with a seditary life style which lead them to gain more weight and eventually more bad health. Well I said, Not Me!. I set myself some goals, went back to school and got my CPT both for everyone and seniors with an advanced cert in senior fitness. I have decided, I would like to work with others and help them to improve thier health and mobility. Since my retirement one year ago I have been in the gym daily and have changed my eating habits dramaticly, making better food choices. I am now working at the most popular health club in my city and really enjoy what I am doing. I have lost 45 lbs to date with 35 more to lose ( by Jan. 1st 2013 ). I have put on some muscle and it is much easier to tie my shoes now. My problem is that I seem to have stalled and can’t seem to break the 260 mark. If I am chosen to be the reciepient of the coaching program, I promise to be very dedicated and focused to your efforts. Respectfully H. Mears
Hi there Lee, in 2004 I started in a Gym in Bethlehem in the Free State South Africa.I went to Gym 3 day a week but then my drama started. In 2004 my son in law passed away. I tried to stay strong, missed a couple of days at the Gym but eventually went on. In 2005 in July I had another setback, my youngest brother was hit by a truck in Gauteng and was killed on impact. I again lost days at the Gym. but went on again. At the Gym I had a coach and I was doing well. I also had my eldest Daughter That was diagnosed with brain cancer which at this stage were very sick. Later in 2005 I stopped training because my daughter at times landed up in Hospital, In 2006 June 23 she passed away and I never went to Gym again. Me and my Wife together have now decided to gym again and have been doing so a month now at our Home. I just know that I need a fitness Trainer and who better than Lee Hayward after seeing your videos. Would be honored to be able to win this free membership. Thank you. Most appreciated.
Hey Lee,
Im not telling you this for the free membership, but i just wanna thank you for all the tips and techniques that you’ve shown me.You give me not just fitness tips,you give me self confidence. Every day i wake up and i know that i’m ready to face the world and its because of you. I’m happy to have got your advices and i’d be happier if i could continue to get them. Once again thank you for things gone by and things to come.
Hi lee,
I have been lifting weights for several years and strived to get to the upper levels such as your self.
I really need the extra training , the extra coaching because icannot get to the next level onmy own. I have been now reading all of your material . I purchasedtheblastyourbicepprogram.
The coaching alsokeepsyourmind focused and I truly believe I that.. Ihopethatyouwilltakemeonas imreallyatthelevel thattrulyneeds your help.
Thank you
Dales Lukenbill
I got one of your earliest program, and it was very helpful in getting into shape, however, I could never quite enter that elite circle of trainers who gets super ripped and still keep their size. Recently,
I have recovered from abit of a hand injury, and would like to take my physique to the next level, but bodybuilding coaches and personal trainers are too expensive and I am also unimpressed with what they told me for our first intro appointment. I trust you, Lee, because what you have shown me in the past are effective, and I hope to be chosen in your first round of picks, needless to say I’d be happy to spread the word and show off the results that i am sure you’ll be able to show me how to achieve! this year is a big one; I am attempting one of the foundational ‘bucket-list’ goal — to go hardcore and get built-up so I can compete in a local amateur bodybuilding competition. I really hope you’re in my corner for this! So I am keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks!
Oscar Manzo
Hey Lee,
I’m Oscar and i have been following you for about 5-6 years now, since my 8th grade year, i’ve been working out trying to prepare myself to get to the big physique. As of right now, as a 1st year college student, i have kept up consistently with what you have posted on here and tried to put it into effect anyway i can. I can for sure say it has helped but i need a more personally fit workout to get my size to where i would like and not be so “skinny”. I have consistently been called skinny and i finally got tired of it, and that’s how i found your site 6 years ago. Slowly but surely, i have been growing into my 6’4″ stature but i am still missing some weight and size but i want to prepare for the future and be ready now, and the right way. From the results people have had, i know you are no joke and you mean business, exactly why I havenāt given up yet, I have gone from 130lbs(2006) when I started to a present 192lbs(2012), I just need that expert personal training and you can help me achieve my goal of getting to 230lbs to compliment my 6ā4ā frame. It would be really great if you could help me out because I donāt trust anyone else as much as you. Thanks for hearing me out.
-Oscar Manzo, 18years old
hi, Lee i m arslan from Pakistan,.I have been watching your videos for over an year now. I think that a professional coaching classes will definitely help me achieving my fitness goals and most importantly the mind set, which is the consistency which I absolutely i want to get membership of your coaching club
Hi Lee, this is a great opportunity for all people thank you for that. I have been watching your videos almost 6-8 months. I think that fitness and muscle building should be done with a coach help since there are risks and wrong workout programs. I try to gain muscle lose some fat and get healthy but I’m having a bit hard time about my workout routine since I don’t know which workouts best for my body. Also diet is very important too but it should be on routine too. Since it’s my opportunity to take a personal coach from you, I’d like to know more and more about the muscle building and fitness from you. I wanted to thank you again for this great opportunity.
Tyler Nay
I have been training on and off for a decade and while I feel like I’m in decent shape, I know that I’m far from my true goal of being healthy. I have been watching your video tutorials and have already learned a lot of valuable lessons from you. I’d be 100 percent disciplined if I were to receive some more specialized training from you and would then share with others what I have learned and who I learned it from.
Andrew Martin
Dear Lee
I live in the UK. As my reason for choosing me for your free membership, I could use your typical American Idol or X factor sob story saying how much I was bullied at school and throughout my childhood for being overweight and getting in the gym losing my weight gaining muscle making me feel more confident bla bla bla and so on but I am not the type of person to do this. The reason why you should choose me is simple. I am very serious about my training and I want to enter my first natural bodybuilding competition. However as I have no experience I feel having coaching in dieting down, training, and physique will be very beneficial to me. With an expert such as yourself giving me advice I feel I can go all the way and be successful in my first and future competitions. I am keeping this short and sweet but please give me a free membership.
Kind Regards
Andrew Martin
Rabah Khilfeh
hey Lee,
i already wrote a motivation statement. Nevertheless, since i saw you have upgraded your offer and reading the success story of mr alejandro. i thought that you can divide your volunteers into 2 subsets: one for guys who do not use food supplements, like me, and one for people who take protein supplement and comparing the results afterwards.
I live in South Africa. I’ve been skinny all my life and since the passing away of my gran and my uncle I’ve decided to go for every single goal i come up with and i will make sure i get to them. You are an inspiration to me and i would love for you to help me get my life back on track. Thank you for giving everyone a chance like this š
I think the opportunity to be coached by an acknowledged trainer like Lee Hayward is too great to be passed up, whatever the goals, whatever the time of life, whatever the standard. Good Luck with the Inner Circle, Lee.
brandon farron
the program would be perfect for me at this point in my life because i dont have that much going on and alot of free time. i have been struggling to put on size and i would like to get as much size as possible before my life becomes more complicated again but will still continue exercising when it does. i want you to coach me because i have bought a few of books and really like how you try to leave the guess work out of it. sense you werent born with big muscular genes like most people and you were the little guy in the group like me, you have alot of experience in making your body build the muscle you want, and thats what i want to do.
Romesh mirza
I am following your tips tegularly at t thsnkshroug. h age of 54 I still bench with 130 kgs thanks
I live in India and have not missed any one of your videos or blogs ever since i subscribed to you.I got to know about you from a friend who claims to have been instructed by you and he has achieved to build a body that I’ve always wanted.After that I started to follow u wherever i could specially on youtube.I’ve even quit all other workouts and am following yours only and see awesome results but the only thing I’ve been struggling about is a diet that keeps me off the useless stuff as well as fills me up.I realise this is a once in a million chance and I’m only 19 years old.i’m just hoping I can have you guide me personally to achieve what you have achieved with yourself.
Thank you for your time.
Mark Seeley
Hi lee
I Subscribed to your site about 6 months ogo, I was
Looking for some advice and tips on building
Muscle and different training techniques, since
Appling your techniques and watching your YouTube
Videos they have helped me loads. The advice you give works
That’s why I’d like to become one of your members.
Derbyshire uk
Hey Lee,
My name is Tom from New Zealand, I’m 21 years old. I started going to the gym when i was 18 as i was always the skinny guy throughout school. I worked out for about 1 year without much result. Then got a proper plan and started eating more and started to get bigger. Then we had the big 7.3M earthquake in Christchurch on the 4th of Sept 2010, which closed the gym i had been going to. I stopped working out after this.
About 3 months ago i tried to play a game of basketball with my friends and realized i had gotten really unfit and flabby. I have been at the gym again for about 3 months now and am seeing good results after reading lots of the free information you have provided about nutrition and body types, working different muscles etc. I am even starting to see my abs again š
I believe that over time my results will get better as i am still improving, but having a personal training program and help from you I’m sure would help greatly to get the best possible results i can.
I currently work full time and need a change, studying to be a personal trainer interests me and getting trained by you would surely add a load of information that would be immensely helpful towards that goal.
Many thanks for all you do!
P.S. You have a pretty awesome looking car.
Harriet Wilmot
Because you’re Awesome
Because I want to look Awesome
no wait…I want to BE AWESOME.
I feel awesomeish..I just dont look it…its building up inside and I want to set the awesomeness free. I
believe you Sir are the key to releasing the Awesomeness within.
You have the power, I have the mechanics…all we need now is the key to start the engine and awesome will be upon us!
You have awesomeness
I want awesomenss
Kind regards
Harriet Wilmot
My 2012 goals are to build muscle, have better eating habits, get to 12% body fat, gain muscle and get stronger, to do 10 pull ups for the first time in my life and bench 200 pounds for 10 reps. I do not know if my goals here are specific enough or too much. But I know Lee will help me with this goal setting to my transformation. Looking back, I feel I should replace the word āTransformationā with āLifestyleāā¦Because a transformation has an end. Iāve realized that this whole thing is a LIFESTYLE. Not just some āOne month fat loss/muscle gain diet/routineā. ā It has become a way of life for me. In addition to this, Iām really trying to involve my wife in this new life Iāve discovered. Your coaching would really help both of us. She can see the changes Iāve made and how itās affected my outlook and sheās as hungry as I am to change her body. Your coaching would make it easier for both of us. It would get me back on the right path relative to my training.
There is a quote by a silent film actress, Mary Pickford, that I like to keep in my mind whenever I lose motivation, āThe thing we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying downā. I have fallen many times in my journey, but bloody hell, Iām not staying down this time!!
Thanks for the oppurtunity, Lee.
Hi Hayward
I am a varsity student in South Africa and have always been envious about how big some okes get, i used to be a fat kid in school, and i feel that due to the training that i was doing, that i did gain a better physical look, which gained my confidence, but i now intend on taking it further, where gyming is not merely a place to gain that summer look, but for it to become a lifestyle in itself. I am really impressed with your opinions and communication techniques and the tips have helped me so much…
I do not have funds to purchase these videos, as i need them because i know i can rely on your expertise, however, id be extremely really grateful for them should i get it
Thank you
Hey Lee, Iām 24years old as well and Iāve been working out since my sophmore year in college. Once I hit that year I said to myself that I would want to change my performance in building large muscle mass. When I saw your first videosā I was amazed that some of them would even work. Frome then on till now Iāve been using your program to gain that muscle mass and itās helped me in life very much. I was 210lbs when I graduated high school and I gained a bit of muscle because I was lifting during high school. I gained better performance when using your workout techniques and it has gave me a better perspective on how I perform when I do everything and anything in life. I also want to mention that from doing your workouts I got several people from where I go to the gym and theyāve even come up to me to tell me if the exercise worked properly. Surely, I referred them to check out your videos and the next day they were amazed. I would love to be a part of your coaching program so that I could use it while Iām at the gym and sharing that information with other fellow bodybuilding friends. I would also enjoy receiving such information because you, to me personally, inspire me better than any other fitness coach.
Matt Briggs
Hi Lee.
My name is Matt Briggs. I live in Queensland Australia. My occupation is disability support to various clients with different disabilities. i have bought two of your programs which were the blast your biceps and the hardcore muscle DVD. Your knowledge of fitness and bodybuilding is great and of great use to everyone of any fitness level. One of my clients go to the gym with me once a week on a Wednesday to work out. I could really use your help and guidance on sets, reps and exercises.
I would love to take his workouts to the next level and send you pics of great progress. Cheers
From Matt
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