Important Update:
I’ve decided to Change The Original Offer…
I’m NO Longer going to give away
10 Free Coaching Memberships.
Instead I’m going to DOUBLE IT and
(This is HUGE and the biggest Give-A-Way I’ve ever done!)
Last month I posted a blog asking for your feedback about a Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club that I’m putting together…
You can check out that blog post below:
As you know, I provide A LOT of muscle building training and nutrition advice via my blog, e-mails, facebook, and YouTube videos. And I’m still going to keep doing all that stuff and continue to make workout training videos, blog posts, etc.
However, as a result of all the tips and advice that I share online, I get several hundred e-mail every single day from guys asking me to help them with their workouts, help them with their diets, and basically coach them with reaching their bodybuilding and fitness goals.
As of this writing there are 35,000+ subscribers following me on YouTube. And 22,000+ followers on Facebook, plus there are tens of thousands more who just follow my website and don’t even have a Facebook or YouTube account.
As you can imagine, Thousands Of Followers = Hundreds Of e-Mails…
And as much as I would like to sit down and answer each and every one of those e-mails, it’s physically impossible, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
So instead of simply ignoring them, I’m going to provide an “Inner Circle Coaching Club” for guys who are really serious about taking their training to the next level and who want to work with me personally.
I’ve already surveyed my followers about what they would like to see offered in this type of Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club and the overall response was very positive. I received some great feedback and 77% of my followers said that they would be willing to sign up as a paid monthly member if I were to offer this program.
I’ve been working my tail off over the past month and putting together my very best tips, tricks, workouts, and diet plans together to create a Kick Ass Group Coaching Program.
Basically I’ll be providing you with all the program templates to follow and then I’ll work with you personally via the private members forum and live video chats to help personalize them to your individual situation. |
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In addition to that you’ll be able to keep your own online training log and track your results. Post your workouts, your meals, keep track of your stats and post progress pictures. This way I can follow along with your training in real time and provide you with on going feedback about your progress. This will help to hold you accountable to follow through and stick with your program and develop the lean muscular physique you want.
To The “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club is almost ready to go LIVE, all I need now is some guinea pigs to help me test it out 😉
So I’m going to GIVE AWAY 10 20 FREE MEMBERSHIPS right here on my blog!
To enter to win one of those 10 20 FREE Memberships all you have to do is post a comment below this post (reply form is at bottom of the page) with the following response:
In 250 words or less, tell me specifically why this program
is the perfect solution for you at this point in your life.
Share WHY you need and want me to personally coach you
with reaching your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Try your best to keep your response short and to the point, approx. 250 words, and please don’t talk about your financial situation. I’ve already covered price when I surveyed my followers and this “Inner Circle” Coaching Program is going to be very affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Period.
So please keep your financial situation to yourself, and instead focus on your personal fitness goals and how being a member of this group coaching program will help you reach those goals quicker and with less frustration.
I’m going to keep this blog contest open for the next 48 hours and then I’ll personally review all the replies over the weekend and announce the 10 20 Lucky Winners.
So give it some thought and make your answer count!
all the best,
Comment navigation
Hey Lee, I’ve been following you for about 4 years now. I’ve gained about 30lbs of muscle with you help. The best part is the bodybuilding talk shows every Thursday when we get to basically get into conversation with you and ask the important questions we have. This program would take this to a whole new level of being able to improve on myself. Your book helped me prep for my first Bodybuilding competition last fall and 8 weeks out from stepping on stage for a second time at provincials. I always keep that book close to me to help me through those tough days. I would love to be able to be coached as being in the military, I have to stay close to home and real coaches are no closer than 3 hours away. Free or not, looking forward to participate in this amazing thing you have to share with us all! Thanks
Hey lee, I’m 18 years old just about to graduate and im 151 pounds. I have an athletic toned body but I really want to GAIN muscle I’ve started incorporating your exercises into my workouts and I can already see a difference I’ve lifted on and off for about 2 years or so. But I’ve really started going regularly this past month and I’ve gained 6 pounds just from your exercise variations and good technique I would love to be in this program as I’m knowledgeable about lifting and what to put in my body how its going to react and ect. I would love to go from skinny to sculpted in 3 months. My ultimate goal is to get to 185 that will take more then 3 months but I would love to see what I could do. Thanks again Matt
Hi Lee. I am a 31 year old “skinny fat guy”. I have been lifting for 3 months with little results. I need your help. Thanks for your consideration.
Dave R
At this point in my life I am in need of balancing out my physique. Over the last few years I have gained and lost around 12 pounds. When I weighed 215 I felt great, but I still had issues with my posture, and my middle delts, and lats were lagging behind. My traps were too big compared to everything else as were my arms, chest, hips and legs. Since then I have dropped down to 194 with around the same bodyfat. I am just not sure if its my training, nutrition, or my environment that is keeping me from widening my lats, and making my middle delts larger thus giving me the apperance of broader shoulders which is my ultimate goal at this point. The kind of program you mention will help me take the guess work out and also prevent me from psyching myself out and second guessing all the time which is really one of my worst enemies. I will admit in the past I have had better results when I would just stick to someone else program given to me as opposed to making my own and sticking to the plan.
Chris Ornelas
Hey Lee, I’m 18 years old as well and I’ve been working out since my sophmore year in high school. Once I hit that year I said to myself that I would want to change my performance in building large muscle mass. When I saw your first videos’ I was amazed that some of them would even work. Frome then on till now I’ve been using your program to gain that muscle mass and it’s helped me in life very much. I was 210lbs when I graduated high school and I gained a bit of muscle because I was lifting during high school. I gained better performance when using your workout techniques and it has gaven me a better perspective on how I perform when I do everything and anything in life. I also want to mention that from doing your workouts I got several people from where I go to the gym and they’ve even come up to me to tell me if the exercise worked properly. Surely, I referred them to check out your videos and the next day they were amazed. I would love to be a part of your coaching program so that I could use it while I’m at the gym and sharing that information with other fellow bodybuilding friends. I would also enjoy receiving such information because you, to me personally, inspire me better than any other fitness coach.
Hey Lee, I thank you for this opportunity. I have been following you for almost 5 years now. I work in Chatham, Ontario away from my family and friends for 8 months of the year. This program would be perfect for me because it would provide me with the much needed motivation, support and overall community feeling which I feel is lacking and preventing me from achieving my fitness goals. I often start to see results during my four months back home, but I find that it screechingly comes to a halt whenever I am away on my work term. I definitely do think your personal support as well as the support from the members forum would be of great benefit to me throughout the year. Looking forward to hear from you.
Rosie C
hello Lee
I am one of your female fans. The last few years I have been on a crusade to look for programs to gain weight, and it has been a struggle and source of great frustration, since 99.9% of women, even the lean ones just seem to want to lose weight or get leaner without putting on mass, but I personally don’t like the skinny look and I am looking to put on serious mass, so I’ve been using programs designed for men, especially for male hardgainers, and that’s how stumbled upon you and Vince Del Monte. Even Flavia’s program is too girly for me, because I’m not one of those women who are afraid of “getting bulky”. I actually need bulk since I only have 80 lbs of lean body mass!! I feel that your personal coaching will help me get the results I want since I also want to put on serious mass and I can’t find one that is designed for petite women to do so. I think if I find the right program or the right coach I will be able to reach my goal of putting on about 10-15 lbs of lean mass to create the sexy curvy body I desire. I believe you can help me achieve this.
Hi Lee ,I,m 41 years old male and weigh 105kg’s and would like to be down to88kg’s and have been married for over just 12 months ,and my wife and I plan on having our first child this year and would like to be a fit healthy father,I’ve been trying to do your 21 day mass and it’s helped me a bit ,but i do shift work and when you do shift work and the times you work are changing it’s a bit hard to focus on building muscle and losing weight that’s why i’m writing this to get your personal help because on my own it’s hard ,and I’m a big fan of yours and read all your emails and go on your website often.
thank you .
Maria Victoria
Hola. I was really obese 2 years ago, I am 32 years old and I’ve lost around 132lbs and I’m trying hard to be as fit as possible, but I’m super lost about how to do that, my lost weight was just by dieting, nobody told me I needed to workout, searching for information on how to gain muscle and be fit is how I found your videos, that are really an inspiration, but I believe that having the chance to have your guidelines will improve all my life really. I can’t thank you enough for the chance anyway and the help, because I believe that I can improve my situation by working out and no with surgery as many others suggested. Thanks in any case!!
George Bush
Hey Lee I’ve been following you for a while now, about 3 years. I’m 20 years old and have been lifting for 3 seriously. I always go to your page for tips. I used to way 500+ pounds I’ve lost 200. I’ve been trying to lift to feel better about my body. It hasn’t helped at all. I know with some help and tips from you. I can do better to feel better please give me the opportunity that I’ve always been dreaming of to make myself feel great.
Hi Lee,
I have been consistently checking on your blog the past months, and here is what I think changed my entire perspective on bodybuilding and muscle development:
through persistent and consistent training, your program dramatically enhanced my arms and back which I mostly targeted since I started lifting. With all the great help and determination you gave me, I added more confidence in dealing with other things other than my own physique. I am used to be 132lbs, now I am 151lbs consists of muscle, mass, and “resident” fats. I believe I still have big room for development, and with this unprecedented and flawless program, bigger development is on the way. Take it from me, this all we need. I want more of this, more than before. Thanks Lee!
Mark Crabtree
This will help because I have been suffering from depression for the last couple of years and by doing bodybuilding and exercising it has made an unbelievable difference towards everyday life, even just the simplest things that people take for granted. In achieving this competition it will give me something to aim towards, look forward to and continue to build by self confidence and self esteem. I have been following your website for two and a half years now and you inspire me to do my best and give 100% with the information you give. Just by winning this competition I will be able to improve my knowledge, nutrition and a healthier more enjoyable way of life. Thanks
Hey Lee, I’ve started taking my life in the right course by eating healthy (as healthy as I THINK it is), Started working out (I try to do it everyday), I’ve been doing this for 2 weeks, before that I was just trying different diets and just random crap.
I’d really love it if someone like you (YOU) could help me with that, Like telling me if I’m eating well, What do I need to do to lose weight and gain muscle faster or more effectively, Tell me if my workouts are good, and just basically give me random tips that would help me with the new life course.
I’m only 18, But I feel like I’ve been doing this all my life, I’ve always been fat from what I remember..
I would really like to change that (I guess as much as every other person from 30% of the world..)
I have a disease (Crohn) and losing weight would really help me get better, maybe even for the rest of my life, I would really like to feel better about my self, and maybe even help other people with what you teach me, I’d really love for you to include me in your program!
Thank you so much, Ross 🙂
Jason Franz
Hi Lee, I have been following your YouTube videos for the past couple of years. I have found them very beneficial and informative. I’ve been in and out of the gym, and been pretty unsuccessful for about a year and a half now. I feel like this program would help me achieve my dream of becoming a natural bodybuilder.
Jamie K
Hi Lee,
I would be honored to receive one of your free memberships for your coaching programme. I watched you from your very first youtube videos . Working out is a religion to me! Being from Ireland working out isn’t a huge thing therefore I have to push myself very hard every day for motivation as pretty much everyone else is not motivated. I need you for the motivation and knowledge to help me go from a normal guy into a bodybuilding machine! I hope you choose me because I could say so much more, you don’t realize how much being accepted for this will change my life ! I’m unhappy in college and want to take up bodybuilding sooo much !
I currently weigh 11stone 6pounds and want to turn every small bit of fat I have into pure muscle.
I appreciate your time man hopefully I here from you soon,
Stay buff,
Charles Lim
Hi Lee, I started out bodybuilding since a few months ago. I was 120lbs and after 8 months, I’m currently 130lbs. Not a big change right? Oh well, I was quite happy of this slight change cause a year ago, when my friend asked my to do a Bench press, I can’t even lift 5kg! Thus, here I am, able to do more than what I was. I was introduced to your website thru my friend, as your 10 days of free training videos. By that, I was able to learn more stuff. I would love to have this membership, so that I could learn more stuff about training or even nutrition plan. (I’m pretty bad at that cause most guide in the web is based on American or European diet, I’m from Malaysia, it’s really a total different diet plan) I hope to see myself at a better physique next year and going on par with my friend. (My gym mate too). Do post more ‘intermediate’ exercise, so I could follow and do it! Thanks a lot 🙂
Ronan O Sullivan
4 years ago I was obesie weighting in at 253 ibs with a 44 inch waist and was in a stagnet relationship with a dead end sales job.
Following you on facebook and watching your YouTube videos has inspired me in many ways over the last number of years and as a result, today I am 187 ibs with a 34/36 waist. I have a decent amount muscle, my bench is 310 ibs but the funny thing with my bench is I only test my self now and again on the bar as all I use is dumbbells. When I started to lose the weight and tone up I completely turned my life around in many ways, I got some confidence and finished a 7 year relationship that was stagnet for years. This dragged on for so long because I never had the confidence to feel I could do better. I also went back to college and will be graduating in a few weeks with a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering Management.
I am turning 30 in a few months and as you can see I have found a new leash of life but I need your personal guidance to get over that all illusive line that is so close and put the final touches to body I have worked so hard to achieve for over the last few years. Even if I do not get this I want to thank you for your inspiration.
Short and sweet. Lee, you are a bad ass trainer and I want you in my life!!! (Not in a gay way! 🙂 )
Hey Lee i have been following you for a few years now and i love trying out your workouts & new exercises. Unfortunately i am a skinny hardgainer and although 1 or 2 people have noticed a slight tone difference in my body i am finding it really hard to gain mass & very frustrating. I find it difficult countering calories & grams of protein etc etc in food, which i thing is where my problem lies, This with you’re combining workout plan (As the 2 have to work synergistically) & general mentoring will help me accomplish my goal of bettering & pushing myself (maybe even to the stage), but also to succeed in my PT business as i think my image doesn’t help gain certain cliental as i believe you should always practice what you preach, thus ridding me of this endless frustration. I study the sport/industry a lot but am just struggling to see where i am going wrong.
Haydn Adendorff
Hey Lee, 3 years ago I had to have a quarter of my stomach cut out due to cancer. I went through 3 years of hell with chemo and other treatment. But all this time, all I wanted to do is get into the gym and get this body healthy, but wasn’t allowed to. In december 2011 my Doc gave me the go ahead, well I didnt have to be told twice, armed with your bodybuilding quick start kit, I started hitting the weights with a vengeance! I’m in my late 30’s and want to prove a point to all those out there who have told me it’s too late to put on quality muscle! Since december I have gone from 71kg (height of 6ft2) to 94kg, and havenever felt better in my life. Now I want to see how far this body will go and what it’s capable of!! Im currently eating 5000 cals a day and have made ood progress. But having you in my corner as a personal bodybuilding coach, the sky is the limit!
Aamir M. Khan
I have been following you from past 2 yrs, you are one of the reasons I started gyming. From the age of 17 I had a craze of getting a good physique which I can show off. So I started googling exercises as I coudnt join the gym, pushups and pull ups was the only thing I could do. One fine day I came across your videos and they were so informative that within 3 days I watched all of your videos. And the next thing I had to do is convince my father to join gym. I joined gym last year and I have no instructors here so I followed all the routines you posted. In about 1 yr and 3 mnths with proper diet and weight training I have gained 10 kgs. Now my aim is to get a ripped physique, but without a guide or an instructor this seems to be impossible. Please help me out to achieve my goals in life. Thank you so much . You have inspired me and will always do.
Hi Lee Sir
Have been a regular gym goer for the past 5 years without much effect, I was loosing out on the fine balance between form and technique.
That is when I realised that the need of the hour was a perfect workout regime that will help me to achieve more effective and efficient use of time in the gym.
And after a frantic search for the perfect online coach, I stumbled upon your videos on youtube and have been hooked on ever since for good.
With an easily understandable explanation of the most complex exercises, your’s is a one stop shop for customised effective body building techniques.
I am definitely feeling a lot of change and my confidence level have recieved a much wanted boost and a visit to the gym now appears to be more fruitful than ever before.
Lee Sir, I would like to be one of your mentees in the inner circle program, kindly guide and train me.
Your fan
Dann Harmon
Hey Lee, my father- in- law told me about you 4 months ago and I’ve used your instructional videos ever since. They have been very helpful so far with everything from proper lifting technique to just providing motivation to get the gym. I’m 28 and have been in and out of the gym throughout high school and the military. I started lifting again 6 months ago and have made respectable gains by adding much improved nutrition plan to my exercise routine which has always lagged because of poor nutrition. I would love to be a part of the inner circle and learn from your wealth of knowledge about bodybuilding because aside from your videos I don’t know anyone who knows much about building muscle. Thanks for the help.
gerry B
I’m a lost cause!
As an airline captain at a major carrier, I find myself travelling all over the world. Gym’s are available at all hotels, so no problem. The issue I have is the food. Airplane food leaves much to wish for, nutritional wise. The challenge for me is to structure my workout and my meals to fit an extremely travelling lifestyle, without loosing quality and intensity. Flexibility is the keyword here, since I cannot rely on the benefits it means of having a ‘normal’ come-home-every-evening job. Programs that rigorously demands ‘do this and that every 2nd day’ wont work. I am committed to do the work, but haven’t found any program that suits me yet… Hope for some guidance pls.
Hi Lee ,
Thanks for the great opportunity. Ive been following you over here in Australia for the past 4-5 years. You wrote my first training program and nutrtion guide when i first started at the gym. My initial goal was to lose some body fat and put on some lean muscle. I really enjoy heading to the gym and over the past few years i have managed to put on a little muscle and trim down a bit but i just cant seem to put it all together and make some solid gains. I am really keen to take body building to the next level and maybe try competing but so far i have never managed to get it right and get that type of physique. I am dedicated and disciplined with my training and diet but need some guidance and coaching to take me to the next level. Regardless of whether i win one of the 20 postions i know i will benefit from your coaching. I am seriously hungry to see my time at the gym pay off i just need help getting it right.
Thanks again mate appreciate all the help i’ve gotten from your website , books and video’s over the past few years. Regards Jamie
hi lee i am 66 years young i am in great shape and never felt as good in my life i got a new lease of life since i started training again and watching your videos and i want to push it to see how far i can go to im prove more good luck
Ben Horban
Hey Lee,
I decided to join a gym at the age of 18 after suffering from a huge mental breakdown due to being bullied at school. Ever since i was eight years old i had been picked on for being small and skinny, i never had any friends, and i lost all confidence in myself. After 9 years of this the pressure became too much, and i contemplated suicide, but was fortunately caught before carrying out the act. After this i suffered a severe mental breakdown due to the fact that i was still at school and the bullies had opened up a website making fun of me for anyone to use. After a year i was allowed to sit my final year of school again, met new friends and joined the gym. I’ve been watching your videos for 2 years now and have seen an amazing difference in myself, but I’ve stopped progressing over the last 8 months and i don’t know what to do. I would love to be able to break through the wall with your help, really become happy again and show the bullies that they haven’t broken me, but made me stronger! ( i know this sounds cheesy and like a desperate attempt to win, but it is the truth, and i am desperate for your help!) Love the videos and keep inspiring people as you have done for me! Thank you Lee!
Brian Harvey
Im just getting back into lifting after eight years off.
I’ve had two spinal column surgeries.
I used to work at the branch level, we were robbed, I was beaten up and shot and required
Two spinal column surgeries within seven months of each other.
I hate the way I look now. I have been using your YouTube videos to help me.
I have list feeling on the right side of my right leg
And my lower back is constantly in pain.
Can’t do dead lifts, squares or standing calves
Your courses on YouTube have helped tremendously.
I can only imagine what I would active with your
Personal help and guidance.
I decided to got my self Happier,stronger and healthier, and I come through one lockal book on body building Exercise and its support on shining ones youth life and even it could let any one look younger.with this in mind I want to boost my Knowledge internationally and I came accross your site and I recieved much supporting feedbacks throuhg mail and video on my face book page. thank you,I learn from you doing good for self satisfaction.
My name is Adeel Akhtar and i am crruntly in dubai always getting upgrades for you for this and its help me alot..
Thank you for your kind attention on all of us..
Adeel Akhtar
Hey lee.Have been following your website since a year.Everyone in my family is fat and survive only on medication and junk.Even I was fat,and reduced 40 kg in a month as I did not want to be like them.The problem was that I reduced 40 kg in a span of hardly 5 months ,and that to under noone’s guidance,doing only cardio and following a general diet.This resulted in muscle loss.4 yrs since then,and I am still fighting to get a tight ripped body,havent succeeded much,but I aint giving up!!
sonny Tablang
Ciao lee, I am so proud of telling you that your advises and some other videos you sent to me are really great and helping me a lot to have a healthy body which i am very much interested. Anyway, i expect more of your keen opinions and recommendation to guide me to continue having healthy living. Thank you very much my good “Instructor “, and more power!
Rodrigo Dal Bo forte
hi lee, i’m ?Rodrigo and working hard to be in a nice shape, man!! is hard but is really amazing when i look in the mirror and i can see the transformation. i hope win . thank you.
Alex Harvey
I would love to receive this coaching opportunity because I believe I’m close to a good physique but cannot find the right recipe to be effective as possible. My fitness is the base to all my decisions. I’ve stared down many bowls of oatmeal and plates of chicken and yams with guilty thought of I must finish. I lifted for 12 years and fight this battle everyday. But I also think I look pretty good in car windows or anything else that gives you a little more size. So come on Lee, won’t you be my car window?
Nick Negron
Hey Lee! I know I haven’t been following you for as long as most of the other guys here, but the advice you have been giving me has been tremendous. I’ve used your advice in my lifting and my friends always ask “how the hell do you know this” and i give them the same answer: Lee Hayward. I may be the youngin here, being only 18 years old and all, but that doesn’t mean i don’t have the heart and desire like every other guy here. I want to be able to continue to look t myself in the mirror and continue to love who i see. I know you probably have a bunch of other people who would kill to get into your inner circle for free, and whatever decision you make will be the right one, but i do hope you an pick me. I am pretty strong for my age and weight (156lbs), but people can’t see that. What i want to gain from this inner circle is to not only continue gaining strength, but also gain in size and have people look at me and think, “Damn, he must workout out” Thank you so much just for evening reading this and hope you pick me. Thank you.
Lee, I crossed the 40 threshold a year and a half ago. But for the first time in my life, I started lifting weights regularly this year. I started following your blog and his tips about two months ago, and you have struck a chord with me. It was refreshing to see honest opinions regarding supplements, not just advertising statements. It was refreshing not only to see how a particular exercise form is to be done, but to hear why that is the case. It was refreshing to see someone lifting in black converse high tops.
There is much to learn about weightlifting, and you always have helpful, thoughtful advice. But what I see lacking is a check to see if I understand it the way you intended. Take your specialization guide. I enjoyed reviewing it and learned from it. However, I am not sure I can identify the problem areas I have, and I am not inclined to send in something in facebook. Having the opportunity to have you, or someone you trust, look over my records to see what is working and what is lacking would be a great opportunity.
Thanks for the education thus far, and for offering the opportunity for more to your followers.
1 – I think that 1 program isnt enough, i need an inner circle wher ei can get new programs once a month so that i can keep progressing..
2 – An inner circle is the best way to keep in touch with you, a p+lace where i can get my questions answered and where i can post my results to be looked at, it’s also a good place for members to share their experience.
3 – I like your hardcore approach on bodybuilding, altough i know i love it and i wanna keep doing this for as long as i can, i also want to “beat the machine” , i just cant help it, i like to train hard, and most trainers these days are comming up with the lightweight, time under tension BS that i dont like..
The horn blows and I dive into the water
Swims over now its a panic run to my bike while stripping out of my wet suit.
Cadence Cadence is what I tell myself on the bike, I fly into transition rack my bike.
My hands fumble with the laces and I don my runners.
One last push as I race myself across the Finish line.
Triathlons are my beast. My name is sean and I live for being outside my comfort zone. I lifted weights seriously for the first time last winter. I got stronger then I ever have. Currently I am doing a more conditioning routine that Is back focused (For swimming). What I would like help with is developing a winter bulking routine, then a summer conditioning routine.
Happy lifting
terry phillips
I would like to win this great oppatunaty as i think it would truely benifit. As i have followed you for some time and you have all the answers that i could never get. i love been in the gym but i believe if i knew what direction to take next i would love more. as i always get the diet wrg. and some of my workouts need freshing back up with some else ideas. i have no limit on the size i want to get the bigger the better. please help me.
adam grieff
lee im going to try ro make this short…
im 32 almost 8 years ago i was 225 12% body fat training for the local strong man contest. I was 24 iron worker forman making 27 an hour just married on june 26 04 life was great my new wife was pregnat wit a boy. I felt great look good n had every thing a young man could dream of. that all changed @930pm july 31st just a month after i was married my motorcycle had broke down i was just stoped rolling lonside a co. road and was smacked by a crownvic at 75mph never saw it comeing she was 68 n drunk. 1-1/2 month later woke up n icu with a broken back little brain damage broken neck and missing a leg the addiction and depresion begain. 7+ years latter very bad on oxy-coton i look and myself n da mirror and cried realized i had lost all material pos. that i ever had but worst of all was losingmy wife that had been a God sent and two boys i was 310 and every bit of 50% body fat my last pill was nov. 13 2011 finally got back to da gym feb.3rd 2012 weighing n at 313 yeasterday iwas 262 when i left the gym n going strong havent felt this well since that allfull night i sure would love sum help getting n even better shape then i have ever been n with n the next 12 months i will be setting my goals at sum ak amputee records u will soon hear my name not to b famous but to prove to myself and family im back better and stronger then ever for now my goals r to just get back n good shape.
adam grieff
jp carter
I have followed you on youtube and out of all of the people in the industry I find you are top notchI am 47 years old and have had a personal trainer for a year, which the he has done wonders for my back and legs . The aches and pains are replaced with sornes from working out . I would benefit greatlyand hope tto have more gains on that to workon myon my body
Hi Lee
11 weeks ago I was in an accident and unfortunately I broke my neck, c7 vertebrate. i was very lucky to have no nerve damage & with the help of a Halo, I am well on my way to a full recovery. Prior to the accident I was due to emigrate to Australia 7 weeks ago and as you can imagine my training was in full flight to prepare for a sunnier climate with the opportunity to have the top off! I’ve been blessed to have a second chance and I will achieve my dream body as well as several other goals I’ve set for myself. since the accident i obviously am limited in my training capability and diet has not been good enough(comfort eating lol) but with your know how and my determination I know I can be one of your biggest ever success stories. Take a chance on me I need all the help I can get
Chuck H.
Hi Lee,
I’ve followed you for a while; I want to thank you for your email tips. I’m 54 years old, 5’8, 175, and have been working out faithfully for most of my life. I eat healthy, and take care of myself very well. The problem I have is that I’ve had some injuries (some from overuse, and some from a car accident 20 years ago. I can’t do heavy deadlifts (225 tops), or heavy benches (used to workout 310-330 for 6-10 reps, now only220 on a “Jones” Smith machine, which moves both moves vertically and horizontally). I workout at home, by myself. It’s hard to lift heavier on the Smith machine because you have to turn the hooks, so your wrists aren’t in the ideal position. I do use Powerblock DBs, up to 90 lbs.
Anyway, I’m getting bored with my workouts, and really need to be motivated again. Don’t get me wrong, I still workout hard, but I don’t look forward to it as much as I alwasy did. When I’m challenged, I workout better, and feel better. I’m in very good shape, have 12-13% bodyfat, but would like to get down under 10%. I know that with your program, I will get the “spark” back into my workouts.again. At this point in my life, I don’t want to lose the mental desire to workout. I think it’s more important now, than at a younger age. Thanks for considering me.
suvendu Kumar sahu
Hello Sir,
I started like you after seen your videos ,and follw by facebook and on your website
I am a man with 80 kg weight but after reading your advise i began to built up muscle and dieting my self
Thank you Sir
Lee – I’ve been following you for some time and I’ve learned a great deal over that time. I’m 39 and 6’3″ with a big frame. On Jan 1, 2007 was just under 270 – a FAT 270. Since then, I’ve gotten down as low as 210 and am currently 229. I have made good progress but feel like I’m stuck. I’ve always admired bodybuilders for their dedication in the gym and knowledge outside of the gym. I believe that, with your help, I could take my progress to the next level and finally fulfill a dream of mine to step on stage and compete.
Thank you for all you do to promote this great sport and share your valuable knowledge with us.
And, thanks for your consideration.
Don Sandt
Dear Lee,
This is really great that you are making this offer. I am 57 years old and have been hitting the gym for about 3+ years and following you trying to get myself back into shape. I am overweight and I do make inroads to lose the fat and gain muscle but then I hit plateaus and stop. I have gone to local trainers but it seems that they have a one size fits all and just spit out what the latest article that is posted. I think it would be great to be part of your program. Thanks for all you do and your consideraton
Lonnie Rogers
Hey Lee.. Ive been following you on facebook ,Youtube , and bought your programs ..
Ive been dieting /training now for about 4 months , Im 41 years old father of 4 work 12 hour shifts and still find time everyday to try to improve my body, My goal is to someday walk out on that stage lean and cut , Im ok if i don’t win but its something ive always wanted to do since in my 20’s but lost track in life with work and kids, I have lost about 36 pounds now and im starting to shape up pretty nicem I know i still have alot of work ahead of me ,My wife and my kids are supporting me all the way with this , I feel with your help 1 on 1 i can reach my goal … I have no problem with working hard for what i want i could just use a little 1 0n 1 coaching to help my better understand what to eat and when , Where to cut back my lifts and when to push heavy … Thanks Lee, Im gonna get the program either way but to win it would be pretty kool … : ) have a great day man.
Hi Lee friend,
as always you will be inspired by your competitors by your new ideas. And as far as seems the new trend will be
James Cochran
Hi Lee, I’ve been watching your videos for a couple of months now and I have learned quite a lot. I am 55, soon to be 56 yrs. old and just getting started with working out again. I used to work out with weight back when I was in my late 30s and I can’t believe how much more difficult it is now. I have very limited time for workouts and have set up a home gym with weghts, a lat pull down machine and a treadmill so far and I’ve been doing a 3 day split routine. I’ve lost about 23 lbs and I can see some muscular gains but it does seem slow to me for 3 months of working out. I would be very interested in information designed for some one in my situation. Thanks, and keep the videos coming!
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