Important Update:
I’ve decided to Change The Original Offer…
I’m NO Longer going to give away
10 Free Coaching Memberships.
Instead I’m going to DOUBLE IT and
(This is HUGE and the biggest Give-A-Way I’ve ever done!)
Last month I posted a blog asking for your feedback about a Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club that I’m putting together…
You can check out that blog post below:
As you know, I provide A LOT of muscle building training and nutrition advice via my blog, e-mails, facebook, and YouTube videos. And I’m still going to keep doing all that stuff and continue to make workout training videos, blog posts, etc.
However, as a result of all the tips and advice that I share online, I get several hundred e-mail every single day from guys asking me to help them with their workouts, help them with their diets, and basically coach them with reaching their bodybuilding and fitness goals.
As of this writing there are 35,000+ subscribers following me on YouTube. And 22,000+ followers on Facebook, plus there are tens of thousands more who just follow my website and don’t even have a Facebook or YouTube account.
As you can imagine, Thousands Of Followers = Hundreds Of e-Mails…
And as much as I would like to sit down and answer each and every one of those e-mails, it’s physically impossible, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
So instead of simply ignoring them, I’m going to provide an “Inner Circle Coaching Club” for guys who are really serious about taking their training to the next level and who want to work with me personally.
I’ve already surveyed my followers about what they would like to see offered in this type of Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club and the overall response was very positive. I received some great feedback and 77% of my followers said that they would be willing to sign up as a paid monthly member if I were to offer this program.
I’ve been working my tail off over the past month and putting together my very best tips, tricks, workouts, and diet plans together to create a Kick Ass Group Coaching Program.
Basically I’ll be providing you with all the program templates to follow and then I’ll work with you personally via the private members forum and live video chats to help personalize them to your individual situation. |
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In addition to that you’ll be able to keep your own online training log and track your results. Post your workouts, your meals, keep track of your stats and post progress pictures. This way I can follow along with your training in real time and provide you with on going feedback about your progress. This will help to hold you accountable to follow through and stick with your program and develop the lean muscular physique you want.
To The “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club is almost ready to go LIVE, all I need now is some guinea pigs to help me test it out 😉
So I’m going to GIVE AWAY 10 20 FREE MEMBERSHIPS right here on my blog!
To enter to win one of those 10 20 FREE Memberships all you have to do is post a comment below this post (reply form is at bottom of the page) with the following response:
In 250 words or less, tell me specifically why this program
is the perfect solution for you at this point in your life.
Share WHY you need and want me to personally coach you
with reaching your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Try your best to keep your response short and to the point, approx. 250 words, and please don’t talk about your financial situation. I’ve already covered price when I surveyed my followers and this “Inner Circle” Coaching Program is going to be very affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Period.
So please keep your financial situation to yourself, and instead focus on your personal fitness goals and how being a member of this group coaching program will help you reach those goals quicker and with less frustration.
I’m going to keep this blog contest open for the next 48 hours and then I’ll personally review all the replies over the weekend and announce the 10 20 Lucky Winners.
So give it some thought and make your answer count!
all the best,
Comment navigation
James Butterfield
I think that I would benift from this because. I live in a small town were hardly anybody body builds.
I have been hitting it hard for 3 years now. I have gained a lot thanks to your e mails and videos. There is nobody to model or look up to let a lone get tips and tricks from. I am ready to go to the next level. Even if I don’t win I would like to thank you for taking me this far.
Thanks James
John Simoes
Hi Lee,
I have a home gym and train alone most of the time. Your coaching program would answer questions, provide very useful information on tips and dieting as well as help me break down barriers to move forward with my training. I’ve been reading your e-mails and following your blog for some time now and have benefited from your experience already.
Hopefully you’ll select me as one of your guinea pigs for this program.
Best regards,
Rabah Khilfeh
Hi Lee,
i’m 28 years old guy, i was a soccer player and in acceptable shape. Nevertheless, graduating and working in office behind the screen gave my life a different course. i felt really bad and it was not good for my body nor for my mentality so i decided to do something. as i was searching for information via the web, i found out your website beside other websites. i followed combination of your instructions for exercising and other materials for diet and eating programs. results was good and i went down from 107 kg to 91 kg. i still need to lose more fat and gain some muscles as i’m 1.88 m tall. i believe my body can accept changes quickly and maintain the results. i would like to thank you anyway cause your tips were great and volunteering in this program to help you is a good way to say thank you.
hey lee
I have been working out since i was 18, back then i was 55kg, now i am 21 and weight 72kg. I did this on my own with no personal trainer except watching videos online.I have followed a lot of different training program available online, Now I am at a point where i am not getting any results and getting personal coaching would be great because I really want to put some serious muscle on my body and i have to work on some imbalances that i have.I have been trying to get to 80kgs for a year but was in vain. At 72kg(now) i look flat but not very muscular, but look much better than before. So customized training would be great to achieve my goals.My primary goal is to work on the imbalances first then add mass.So basically if i got this coaching, i would like to know which body parts are lacking and how to improve them.For the nutrition part, I think i am doing pretty good.
Hi Lee, 🙂
I followed ur program after the winter-break. That’s what kept me goin’ again and was a very good re-entry for me after my diet! Now I increased my Training more and more, and the idea of a coaching club is cool! I’d find it awesome to be trained by u personally. So I hope, I win one of the 10, heheh! 😀
So keep on pumpin’,
yours, Sig! B)
Edward Rafuse
HI Lee, I am an older male (59) and while I have worked out seriously over the years and seen some good results, I suffer from loosing interest. It would be great to have someone to keep me accountable so that I don’t slip along the way. I have been following you and Vinny D for the past couple of years and consider that you are leading in this industry and by the way along with the great info you give, you have a contagious personality to boot which makes it even more fun.Keep it going my friend.
EH Rafuse
Samuel Lam
Hi Lee
I have been a student/follower since your original Blast Your Bench at the 90s. I have transformed myself through the benefits of your programs. Right now, I can bench between 205(Free weight) to 250lbs(Machine) which thanks to your programs.
I am finally getting close to my goal. I am down to around 12% and starting seein lines of my 6 packs. My goal is down to 10%, getting rid of all my love handle and my small tiny portion of man boob which annoy the hell out me. You coaching would help me reach my final goal.
Brian Shultes
Dear Lee,
What an amazing opportunity! I will be turning 52 in a little over a month and I would be thrilled to be a part of your coaching club. I have made tremendous strides on my own, but I really want to step on stage and compete in my first bodybuilding show. I have followed you for years and you always provide useful and practical information, so it is my hope that we can team up and shoot for the stars.
Your teammate,
Joel Redmon
You didn’t know it but you have been training me for the past 2 years now! I am 36 years old and currently weigh 226lbs when I started your program I was at 216. My biggest issue is keeping the body fat off, but I make strength gains easy. I get up 4 days a week M, Tue, Thurs, Fri @ 4 a.m. and drive to the gym and hit the weights before I go to work. Wed & Sat are pure cardio days & Sunday is a rest day. Due to my job and family I have to keep this type of schedule. I don’t have time to get on face book (my wife does that), so I pretty much follow you on my breaks at work and check in on the weekends. I know that with your knowledge and my will power I can get cut and ripped….the info that I get from you is great but with better direction and supervision LOOK OUT!
Thank you for all of your time, dedication, and knowledge that you share with all of us looking to improve our health & bodies!
I would like to receive this free membership to see significant changes on my body. I have been training for years, followed various programs online, but after a few years where i gained significant muscle mass my body is now to a halt point. My weight (5’6″ cm x 176 pounds), bodyfat (21%), body measures have been pretty much the same in the past years. Would really like to increase my arm size also (now 14 inches). thanks
Ahsen Chowdhury
Dear Lee, I find your emails, postings and blog very practical and useful. You approach every topic very scientifically and well and easily understandable for us “mortals”. I am returning after a 20 year hiatus, and I look forward to , very eagerly, your emails. I find you very personable, competent, and caring. Keep it up. I am eager to join your coaching club. I know I’ll be in good hands.
Daniel Mansour
Hey Lee,
My name is Daniel and I’m a 27 year old PT.I’ve been working out for just over 4 years now. I’m 6ft 2″ 220lbs about 15-16% bf. Over the years ive made some fantastic gains and people have often accused me of taking steroids. In reality I was just folowing your training advice and eating alot of good food. Blast your biceps was a routine I came back to several times with lots of success. My gains however have come to a screetching halt! I’m working on getting stronger at the 3 big lifts. My hope is that aslong as i get stronger my body has to grow, I’m just worried that I have maybe reached my genetic potential. I’m at the point now where i think that i just really need some extra help and guidance. I’d hate to think I’m done making gains! Anyway please pick me as a guinea pig and i will bust my butt to get the best results possble.
Your student Dan mansour
Hi Lee,
I have been working out since I was 30. When I did start off, I weighed in at 120kg and I stand at 5″8. Way overweight 🙂 !! But since then, I have brought it down to 102kg in the past year and half. Your videos were an inspiration for me and I have modeled my workouts around it. I have always wanted to take the expert of a personal trainer but the one’s around here hardly know a damn thing which was obvious from the way they were training the unfortunates who enrolled with them !! To get this membership would mean I get personal help from one of the the best, you Mr.Lee 🙂 !!
Thank you for the tips and for taking out time to provide with those great videos. Keep it going.
Cheers !!
garcia a robinson
well at this point in my life,i am all alone you see my wife left me for the guy next door.for the last year i been doing a lot of self heart has been broken,i lost my family, i have a 9 year old child that now we live apart.i started drinking and druging ,i now been clean for 37 days.trying to get my life back,i have lost over 45 pounds.i now go to A.A. every morning at 6:30 am.i am starting to feel some what better with each and every day.if i could build my body up alone with my mind and heart.that would be a beautiful whole life is so different now.i really need something or someone to believe in at this moment in my life.can you really rebuild a broken man?that would be a real task.but today i am willing to try anything to save me…if i could afford to pay i would have done so already.i am at a very low point in my life….i feel God has a plan for me so i am trying to line my will up with God’s will today..I know i must keep doing the next right thing…I KNOW TODAY IF I DONT US ,I CANT LOSS.I dont have 250 words to say today all i can say is i really could use some help….So if your will GOD’Swill and my will line line up just maybe i can get the right help to let me start my new life the right way.mind body and soul…Thanks for taking the time to read my story.GOD BLESS.
Remi Gionet
I am 21 years old, from New-Brunswick. I have around 7 years in gym membership (I trained with my dad since high school) I have trained 5 years without any proper dieting and got a lot of fat in the bulking process, now I have lost that fat because i have a very good healthy diet (thanks to you) and I started doing cardio (my before/after pics in the last 3 years are impressive). I’m now at 170 pounds in the morning and I have little body fat (maybe 10 pounds to loose to be competition ready) I believe I can still pack some good amount of muscles on my legs. I’m 5”8 mesomorph. I would be pleased to send you pictures of my progress to show you my determination. Thanks for this opportunity
I am eager to join your coaching club. I know I’ll be in good hands.
What a pleasure it has been to receive your e-mails over what seems to be several years . I’m an over 50 lifter. A hard gainer with a passion for specific goals to be met. Goals are important to meet your mental and physical changes. Help me meet these goals by your specific personal training regiment. I’ll work my ass off to comply with your expectations.
Eric Acevedo
Hey Lee,
I’m 22 years old and I weight about 145 lbs and I’m 5’8”. I’ve been following a lot of your workout materials for quite some time now. I got into working out around a year and half ago and for a while I didn’t see much results but after I changed my diet and attitude I saw major improvements. But after that, I plateaued and I think somewhere along the lines I lost motivation after seeing little to no results day after day in the gym. It’s been quite frustrating so right at this point I decided to take a couple weeks off to get my mind right. My brother just got a new job so no more night shifts so we both want to start a program together. I guess you can call it a little brother bonding time. I trust a lot of your methods and your mind set when it comes to working out so I know something from you will yield results if we stay committed and hard working. I don’t want to do this for girls or anything like that or for anyone else. I want to do it for me. I want to be able to look back and feel good about myself for sticking to something and achieving the look I want. I want to set a goal and go for it. This will not only help me with working out but in everything I do in life.
Roger Miller
Lee, I’ve been a ‘Hayward Disciple’ for over a half-dozen years now. For me, it began when I was searching for a workout program that would incorporate my entire body and found your 12-week program. I started it the next day and have been utilizing your workout plans ever since. In fact, most of the folks where I work out know who you are because I love to pass along tips from your programs and emails.
I’d love to participate in this program for two major reasons. The first is to learn how to do a better job varying my workouts. Like a lot of people I get stuck in ‘my comfort zone’ and am reluctant to change my workout as often as I should – and am not really sure how often that should be. The other reason is to get me on the right track with my diet. I have two boys who are active in lots of things, so we tend to eat on the go a lot. I try to plan ahead for all of us and can be very disciplined with my diet, I’m just not sure if what I’m eating is the best choice.
Hope I get the opportunity to participate! Thanks for all you do!
When I was getting back into working out after to many years of not, your instructional video’s and blog were perfect to show me new ways to hit the muscle groups and more importantly to pay attention to form. At first I thought with me nearing 50 that it might be to much, but the progress was quick and the gains in strength and size have been a welcome site. Your instruction on the deadlift workouts have been invaluable. Win or not, good job Lee.
I’m 54 years old and have been training for approx. 30 years and the last 15 years have been serious training and really trying to put it all together. I’m a police officer and the physical fitness person for the 22 man department. I’m constantly searching for new and improved ways to train myself , my fellow officers and my daughter who is 25 and my son who is 23. I check out many fitness websites and yours has got some really good stuff that I’ve tried and liked. It’s hard to find good, to the point and up to date information when it comes to training. So let’s see good,up to date and free ? It doesn’t get any better than that.
Scott Maher
I am 43 I’ve been working out for 21 months. I’m not new to weight lifting. I started when I was approximately 20. I started by memorizing the only material I could get my hands on back then, you guessed it, Arnolds Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. It helped me gain 25 lbs of muscle and still maintain 9.5% bodyfat in 18 months. The reason i stopped back then was the book fell short on diet. I was eating 6 times a day,but didn’t know how many calories i should take in etc. I asked a docter how many calories i should take in and was told approximately 2,000. So i did this on less than half the calories i should have taken in. I stopped seeing gains, and no one to help me break through the barrier, so i got discurraged and stopped. I came to the conclusion that to go any further steroids would have to be involved( no thanks). Now 20 years later, after the family has grown, I decided to try and reach my goal before it’s to late. I found a book about suppliments and read the new improved Arnold book( no name needed) and have put on an additional 24 lbs of lean muscle mass. The issue is age, I started at 18% bodyfat. I’m now at approximately 13% and weigh 246 lbs on an empty stomach. The diet and suppliments (whey, caseine, colostrum, l glutamine, the list goes on) have helped me achieve some pretty awesome size and strength gains. The size gains have slowed to almost nothing? But im still gaining strength like crazy and gaining muscle mass. Sorry for the long intro…. I think this membership and your 20 plus years of experience will help me get to my final goal. 230 lbs and 5% bodyfat. I would like to be one of your “guinea pigs” for this Coaching Club venture. Maybe you can get me past my weak “wide grip pull ups”. Back is strong as hell, except this area. A second goal is to it 4 sets of 12 pull ups.
Scott Maher
hey Lee!!!!
Its My pleasure here this. and simply i say its great and keep up the great work lee. i would like to join you as a student because i like to build my body and be healthy also if i get a chance to live in a gym ill live there that much i love to work out.
My interest in personal coaching would be to have a review of what I’m doing/eating and my schedule.
I workout at home in the morning. My breakfast is my pre-workout drink. My post workout drink is my Snack #01. This is not going to change. -At 78.5 years old.I workout 3 times a week plus 1 session of cardio. My medical stress tests put my age at least 10 years younger.
My workout needs and guidance are few, but probably not quite off the shelf. My present goal is to cut some fat and maintain my strength. I’m about 55 days into the cut and don’t have much to show for it.
-Your personallized responses to the above should be valuable to my efforts. I already know your free and purchased advice is valuablle and your personally tailored information would seem to be a potential bar-raiser.
Best of Luck in your latest effort -Jim.
Jim Durden
I am 53 years old and 7 years ago was diagnosed with COPD. Then 3 years ago I went in for my annual physical and after all of the tests, including a stress test, my doctor told me that I was at the functional age of someone that was 64 years old. That scared the heck out of me and quite frankly “woke me up”. Weighing 207 pounds at 5’7″ I decided to first start with diet. I then started incorporating some weightlifting with dumbells. Within a year I was down to 142 pounds, which was way to thin. Over the last couple of years I have put together a home gym that allows me to perform just about any excercises that I want. The first program I purchased (about 2 years ago)was the 21 Day Fast Mass Building by you and Vince. I still follow the diets in that book fairly closely. Today I fluctuate between 165 to 169 lbs and I’m seeing some muscularity that I have never had, thats the good news. Last year I retook the stress test and I’m happy to say that my functional age was down to 46 years of age. Although I am proud of the progress that I have made I am no where close to where I want my physique to be. I am finding it very difficult if not impossible to put on much size. If I increase my eating (which I only eat healthy food) I simply add to my waist line. I truly feel that the personlized coaching that I could recieve from you would be just what I need to take my body to the next level.
Miia Suuriniemi
Dear Lee,
I love bodybuilding and finally made my dream come true when I step on the stage at the OCB Presidential Cup 2010. I competed in three OCB shows since then and won my IFPA pro masters figure card at the OCB Iron City Classic show last spring. Now I need to gain some serious mass to be successful when doing my first IFPA pro show, hopefully next year. I have troubles in gaining mass and would truly benefit of being part of your coaching group. I really appreciate all your advice and I also miss your bodybuilding chat show!
I am looking forward to being one of the lucky ones to be chosen to be your team member!
Best regards,
Rob houle
Hello lee, ive watched you grow from when you first started till now. Congradulations on your achievements. Im 18, 155 pounds. I can lift ALOT but seem to lack the size. I need a coach to build my muscle! Inspecially my chest shoulders n calves. 1rm deadlift- 425lbs bench-265lbs squat- 325 lbs
Michael Dahl
Hello Lee, I would like to share a little bit of my story, feb 2011 I started at 268 lbs. I am 5′ 10″ tall so lets say hello jello !!! I committed to making a change in my life regarding my health and used sean Ts ‘ insanity and Tony Hortons p 90x to get down to 200 lbs./Users/apple1/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Previews/2011/2011-02-09/IMG_0086.jpg Before,/Users/apple1/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Previews/2012/02/13/20120213-052723/IMG_0591.jpg after. I have no issue with motivation, I now need knowledge and wisdom.I have been following you and your buddy Vince. I really appreciate the simple practical way you tackle building your body with workouts and diet. There is no flash, just simple common sense and hard work in both areas. I realized I can change my body for the better and would love your wisdom and knowledge to bring me to the next level. I am 47 yrs old and heading to be in the best shape of my life, I know you could help my get there!!!! Thanks Michael Dahl
HI, lee i am Joshua from India.. I am 19 and 75 kg .. I followed many programs in online which helped me some what only.. And my aim is to become a pro fitness model… for that i am sure that this program will be useful to me to get my goals… and i know that You are one of the best coach..
well , to say least what i like about this program is focussing on the right technique to build up muscles in less time with more hard work rather than usual. The exercises posted on this site plus the programes comprised of are well and good even for an experienced person.
Hey Lee,
I’ll be the perfect guinea pig for you and… An amazing business card too.
I’m back from some major surgery and still weight around 215 but I dramatically change going to body fat index of 7% to an ugly 29% right now. I’m still impressive with arm size and shoulder width but look more like an out of shape power lifter!
I use to be an MMA fighter and right now I’m a little confuse since I can’t train the same way then I did before. I’ve turn 40 in March and now completing my convalescence period and I’m ready to hit the gym hard but I’ll train at home first. Got allot of equipment and want to get back in shape ASAP. I also need help with my nutrition; I use to eat whatever I want and never pay the price for but now, it’s a whole different story…
Regards, Sly
Clearly I would like to help my son better in his goal. Here’s my dilemma. 4 weeks ago, my Son who has lifted weights for wrestling and football, decided he wanted to compete in a local bodybuilding contest. Although I have lifted on and off for over 30 years, I feel woefully under experienced in properly preparing him for the contest. Cleary I have put together a plan to get him there that includes 6 days of training, 1 day rest, hitting one major bodypart for session. He also does Cardio and works out a second time focusing on smaller, harder to develop bodyparts like forearms, calves and Abs.
Lee I want my son to have the greatest position for success and know that you can help. I incorporate some of your training in our routine to keep it fresh and shock our bodies. And YES he has me back in the gym after a 2 year hiatus.
Lee, We need this!
Jim Berryman
I’m 50 years old and have been training for approx. 25. Every since I switched to full body 5 rep sets I have made great gains. Even to this day 5 rep sets work the best. Of course with age you have to watch your recovery. I would be nice to have a coach to help out with routines, diets etc.
Rene Fernandez
Dear Lee: I think that this presents a great opportunity to really gain the utmost value in your being my body-building coach given the possibility of contacting you for personal info regarding our training doubts. I find your programs very realistic in their execution and belive that with this new value added they will become even more valuable. Regarding the time element I want to optimize my development since I will be 71 years old next August and I sincerely think that the exercise I am doing has been a significant factor in my overall well being, having lost over 20 pounds of weight and gained a good amount of muscle. I will be lloking forward to this new endeavor of yours. Sincerely, Rene.
Alan Burns
Hi lee, alan burns here. im a 26yearold male studying construction in dublin ireland.My main reasons for following your training tips and nutrision is to bulk up. All my life i have been tall and skinny. im 6f 1inch and weigh 73kgs. For someone my height and that has been training the lenght of time i have thats very light!! Iv been training on and off since i was about 16years old and have made very little progress. The main reason i think this is, is bringing it to the next level. Every time i hit a certin stage whether its with my weight or with strenght it all just stops and i can get no heavier or get no stronger so i end up giving up and losing what i had gained up till that point then 2 months later i go at it again for 5months and the same thing happens and believe me this is not down to lack of determination i live for training!!!. I eat like a horse train like a horse but can not understand why i can never reach them goals iv always dreamed of. I really think im the sort of guinea pig your looking for because if you can get me to reach my goles you could get anyone to reach theirs!!! Thanks for all the training tips as always 🙂 Alan
alan wark
hi lee ,
im a 36 year old male that has been following your advice and hints for a few years now, my biggest problem when it comes to training that although i might be in the gym sometimes my head might be elswhere , not in a bad place , just in the mindset is not causing me to perform as well as i know i can and push myself that little bit further. I feel that with your help i would be able to achieve results that my mind has been dreaming about and with your knowledge and your coaching i could become the best student that would take all your expertise and advice on board and in turn would show others that with the correct advice and coaching then results can become a reality. I feel this would be the best way to learn from you due to the thousands of miles between us and i would certainly adhere to any plan that came my way.
Keep up the good work
Rickey Minton
I have been power lifting for about 6 years and feel that I have hit a wall. I would like some professional advice to get to the next level. I have written you before with no response. I hope this will be different. I am 52 years old, 236 lbs, bench 305, squat 425, dead lift 405. I work out six days a week balls to the wall. I do cardio about 3 days a week. Can you help me get past this wall?
Dear Lee,
I’m a 63 yo man who has several health problems but I now have the best body of my life. I’ve been working out at the gym for over 35 years but never knew the important information that is needed to gain muscle size. I have been making greater progress since I purchased and read your blast your bench program a few years ago. The biggest thing that has helped me as a “hardgainer” is learning to eat and sleep more and do compound movement lifts! I have developed rheumotoid arthritis and have to make some modifications to programs because there are certain grips I cannot do with my hands and my knees are weak so I cannot do squats with any heavy weight. I would appreciate the personal coaching to learn proper modifications of exercises so that I can not only grow and get bigger, but at least Continue the progress I have already made. ( I think a special program of alternate moves and lifts for handicapped folks like me would be a great benefit and big seller for any online trainer who would undertake the task especially as so many of us baby boomers who want to stay fit and healthy are beginning to experience limitations.)
I have had low Testosterone and now that I am getting replacement, I’d really like to lift heavier and ramp up my calorie intake so that I can actually get bigger and not just defined. I also need more help with nutrition timing and balance requirements of carbs, fats, and protein.
Your inner circle of private coaching would be of great assistance.
Keep up your great You Tube posts and I hope that I would be chosen for your private coaching club.
I am 35 and new to body building. For the past one month I have been following your Beginners Upper Body and Lower Body workouts for a start along with the initial Cardio. I weigh 96Kg and 176cm in height. I feel since I have been following your instructions for my workouts it will be best that I completely follow your body building programme. I do not want to buid huge muscles but average, my goal for body building is to stay fit, follow a proper diet and live a healthy lifestyle. Your videos have been a real inspiration. Having you as a coach will also give me the discipline to stay focused and achieve my goal. Most importantly you are the only person I have listened to when I decided to start body buiding so your programm is best suited for me. Hope you can guide me all the way until I get to the right weight and physique for the my height and age with proper training with the greatest muscle building coach.
Hey Lee.
I’ve been bodybuilding for 8months now and I have gotten so so much from it: confidence, dedication and a six pack 🙂 It is my passion. Im hoping to do am exercise phiosology at university in 2years time. i hope to be one of the most sought after personal trainers in Ireland. If I want to be the best I’ll need to learn from the best. That’s you Lee. This program would help me immensely with all my goals.
Thanks ,Tomas
darnel street
Since my spine surgery i had when i was 18 ive been trying to show people no matter what you can still do what you want. I have managed to take my body from using a cane and weighing 140 lbs, back to playing sports and a good physique at 180 lbs. Now its time to go that next step and show people now matter what they can have the body they want too. I believe your system can do that.
Dear Lee,
Hearing about this fantastic opportunity has filled me with great joy to say the least. I’m 27 and have worked on my body several times in the past, however somehow in the last few years I have let myself peter off and obtain the start of what could be an unsightly beer ponch. Now that I see the error of my ways, its time to get my meat suit the absolute best that I can possibly get it to look and that’s where your wonderful coaching program would come in if I am chosen as a winner.
Thank You,
Bryan Holton
Hi Lee,
I’m a 31 year old with the classic hard gainer physique. I’ve been following you for the past 3 years and benefited greatly from your advice. However, in the last year I’ve lost a lot of motivation in the gym. Basically, I felt that I was wasting too much time in the gym and missing out on a lot of social and personal progress as a result of inefficiencies at the gym and in my diet. This has caused me to go from a solid 180 back down to 160lbs. To some, this might not sound like such a bad thing, but as someone who stands 6 ft, it has caused me to become self-conscious of my skinny, boyish frame. I’d really benefit from the one on one coaching you’re offering and knowing what to eat and when to eat it. I hope you pick me, I’m excited to be your next success story.
Hey Lee, I’m regular guy who works out at home with a power rack, free weights and some other stuff. I feel invigorated almost re-born because I finally decided to join a real hardcore gym, and I’m very, very excited. Everytime I think I have taken this working out thing as far as I can ,somehow I seem to get deeper into it, which truly amazes me. And somehow constantly there is always something new I’m learning. I feel joining a gym has coincided with your new program perfectly like fate or something because you have been instrumental in my life. Working out in the gym making gains, and being part of your team is like a dream come true, no bs. I love the bodybuilder lifestyle. I need information because I train hard but that doesn’t mean smart. You help me use better techniques to maximize my muscle gains, and help me stay injury free. If it comes out of your mouth Lee, I believe it, so I would be honored for you to coach me. My goals are many but firstly to increase the size of my legs, and then bigger overall without getting sloppy and to then cut up. I am excited for this potential opportunity. Thank You
Aaron Apperley
Hey Lee,
This coaching club would of great benefit to me currently as I have just returned from travelling around Asia and have lost some of the gains I made before I left. Before I left I completed the Blast Your Biceps programme with some excellent results, and now I would like to receive in depth help/information with my other muscle groups to achieve my target of becoming 190pounds. I have been incorporating your techniques and tips into my training for a number of years and have found them extremely useful. However, as I train alone it is sometimes difficult to get that extra push to squeeze out that last rep, and I feel that the personal coaching and information within the ‘Inner Circle’ Coaching Programme will help me do this and achieve my personal targets. Furthermore, to have a place where I can record my results and actively gain advice on where I need to improve would be great, as I revel in targets set by others.
Many thanks for all the advice over the years Lee.
Hi Lee! I’ll start by just saying that I stumbled onto your site about a year ago while looking for info on weight training. It took me about a week to realize that of all the sites I visited, yours was one of the most informative, least bullshit, straight to the point, and simple to follow sites on the web. I am always looking forward to your emails, I won’t win crap for my submission because I never win anything, but I just wanted you to know that at age 31, you changed my life for the better, gave me inspiration and guidance to move forward with my goals. Nothing but hard work has been put into my on-going transformation. I don’t want your coaching to make my transformation easier – that would imply that I’m not enjoying it. I want your coaching as it would assist me in achieving my main goal of maximizing my potential; physically, mentally and spiritually. To exploit my potential, effort is an obvious essential- One that I will never stop putting in. A lot of effort has been put in by you – It is only fair, that I give it my all… It will be put to maximum use – I’m sure that is what you want to see too… Maybe I could even give you a 60-Day satisfaction guarantee. I would be so thankful if you can guide me along this journey. Thanks.
Dr. King
I’ve come to reality! I’m 487lbs pounds I need your help I need to know what to do and how to do it I’ve been doing it wrong for 28 years whatever I do doesn’t seem to be enough. I think it would help knowing that a legend of your short is there behind me. Free membership would be a blessing and appreciated your years of experience knowledge that you have in that this would be enough to help me lose weight to get fit and to share my stories with others and finally be able to go down the beach just with shorts on thanks for all you do God bless.
Hi lee: I ‘m from Algeria ,i m 57 old and i have been training since 30 years or more.i follow you since
4 or 5 years.i learned too much from you and i ‘m very gratful to you.i tried nearly all the system of
training and i’m still learning.thank you lee for all what you are doing for bodybuilding.
i just think i should get it, because i need help in bodybuilding i have been skinny all my life with a big belly and i could use your help, i have trained and seen no result.
I recently looked at myself in the mirror and said, “look jerky, you’re bumping fifty and you have a 4 year old and a special needs child that you’re going to be looking after for a long time and you want to be healthy enough to give them the best dad available. They deserve it. So I started the paleo diet and joined a local gym.
The reason I’d like one on one direction is im nearing geezer status and don’t have time to hit and miss. I don’t have time to screw up, unlearn and relearn technique. Youtube only goes so far. If you’re going to spend your time learning from another make sure they are a professional is my mindset. I’m thinking personal training per se from you would knock years off my learning curve. I’m passionate about lifting and am absorbing everything I can, I just want to make sure I’m absorbing the RIGHT information.
Thanks for the opportunity.
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