Would you like to build bigger arms and increase your bench press???
Of course you do, I mean why else would be you spending time on a bodybuilding website 😉
Well one killer exercise that can help you achieve those goals is the JM Press. This is a tricep / bench press assistant exercise that was invented by JM Blakely (elite level powerlifter and record holder in the bench press). It’s a hybrid move of a close grip bench press and a lying tricep extension.
This is how you do it…
Start the exercise the same way you would a close grip bench press. You will lie on a flat bench while holding a barbell at arms length (fully extended) with the elbows in. However, instead of having the arms perpendicular to the torso, make sure the bar is set in a direct line above the upper chest. This will be your starting position.
Now beginning from a fully extended position lower the bar down as if performing a lying triceps extension. Inhale as you perform this movement. When you reach the half way point, let the bar roll back about one inch by moving the upper arms towards your legs until they are perpendicular to the torso.
Keep the bend at the elbows constant as you bring the upper arms forward.
As you exhale, press the bar back up by using the triceps to perform a
close grip bench press. Now go back to the starting position and repeat.
Watch The Video Below To See EXACTLY How To Perform The JM Press…
Note: if you can’t watch the embedded video clip above,
you can watch it right on my YouTube Channel by Clicking Here
Give this exercise a try for yourself in your next arm workout, then leave me a comment below letting me know how it works for you…

Dave Ruel
Lee, is this a ”Dave Ruel Mowhawk” you got now?? ahahahah
Cool vid bro! gonna try it on sunday! 🙂
This is a killer movement that I’ve been doing for years, and which has helped me bench over 300 pounds. I highly recommend it to all.
Nice Mohawk, by the way! =)
Great ideas again!!! Thanks Lee,
Looks like you are about to go eat that guy who was making all the noise with the weights 🙂
Word, Lee has hair! Nice vid, this exercise is actually close to a lot of other exercises but I haven’t done anything like this.
Jay Arms
This is a great exercise. I’m always looking for mass building exercises and I’m always experimenting with different movements to see what best suits my body type. This is definately a good one for tri’s. Try including this with a close grip bench and a skull crusher for one rep. Just make sure you use a reasonable amount of weight. Do 3 sets of 6-10(which is really 18-30 reps)
I’ll try this today! thanks again for another good one Lee! what was up with the weight smasher?
Sweet! Hey, love the hair Lee! I will definitely give this a try. I like Close-Grip benches, so this would be a good one to trade every other week. I also like DB skull crushers since they hit where I am weak, so anything that is hard to do shows a weak point, so I like to stick to it until I get strong with it.
Thanks Lee!
Hey nice vids! Do you have ideas about usefull push up techniques?
Allan Fleming
Hi Lee, Looks like a good exercise- thanks! Diggin the new hair dude!
Huh? Lee always had hair. lol
Lee keep up the good work that is all that i have got to say. Your workouts is nothing new but what blows my mind with you is we have all seens those workouts before but we never think to try them or give it a try for along period of time, but with you, you pick up on the smallest thing where most trainers
would never think of applying it, that is what makes you different to most of the other guys out there. I wish you good healh and injury free year sir.
Thanks so much for the feedback, glad to hear you like the videos!
LOL all I need now is a little goatee, earrings, and apron and I could be the Newfie Muscle Cook ahahaha
When I was going to cut the hair Trish said I should try something different then the standard buzz cut… She says it makes me look like a bad ass 😉
Great mass building reminder. Thanks Lee.
Love the New Year “Bad Ass” hair (:-|
Mike "The Slim Veggie" Gallagher
Sounds good. I’ll incorporate this in my tricep extension exercises.
anand indian
you r above of all GURUS
Lee, I cannot view your videos. Any idea why?
Thanks Lee. The hair is looking great. Good look for you.
Maybe you are trying to view them at work and they have YouTube blocked 😉
Maybe you are using an old computer and you don’t have the necessary plugins installed to watch online video.
Can you see other YouTube videos or videos from other websites?
Don Brovero
Was looking for a new tricep excercise. Will be trying it out tomorrow!!!
jagan leon
hai lee,
how about doing a dumbell biceps workout by pushing the dumbell far more behind than normal. this way i feel i can do more repetitions, like swinging your dumbell behind and flex forward for both biceps and triceps workout.
bodybuilding workout
Great videos! Thanks. I’ve done bodybuilding for years, and even I am learning something. Keep it up!
Ray Davis
Lee:,Been following you for a year now and reading all your material, but i see your catering to a young croud,, don’t you think older guys need advice also. I’m 58 yrs young and working out now for a year and started at 130lbs and now i’m up to 150lbs with about 18%BF with a goal of 180lbs and possibly doing a seniors contest when i hit my 60’s. Naturaly my workouts are no where near as grueling as a youngs mans but any useful tidbits from you would be apreciated. Good luck in your up comming contest, your looking better as time gets closer.
Awesome workout, I love training triceps
Interesting movement there Lee, i can see how it would fry the triceps for sure, its like a CGBP and Skullcrusher Hybrid.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by stephen r, Shirly Bachman, Cory Smith, Holly Haviland, larry preece and others. larry preece said: Killer Tricep Exercise: The JM Press: The JM Press is a killer tricep power move that was invented by JM Blakel.. http://bit.ly/7sCyFo […]