Yesterday I sent out an e-mail sharing my Top 5 Fat Loss Tips to help you stay lean and ripped this Holiday Season.
If you missed that one you can watch the video right on my YouTube Channel by clicking here.
Today I’m going to do a full 180 and share 5 Killer Mass Building Tips!
Just “Right Click” on the e-Book above to download your copy.
(Note: this is a FREE e-Book Download.)
These 5 Mass Building Tips are curtsey of IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski.
I had the opportunity to meet Ben at this year’s Arnold Classic. The thing I really like about him (besides the fact that he’s a fellow Canadian) is that he isn’t one of those “Meat-Head” bodybuilders who is always going Balls To The Wall – Go Heavy OR Go Home.

Ben Pakulski and Lee Hayward @ The 2011 Arnold Classic.
His training attitude kind of reminds me of a modern day “Vince Gironda” with how he analyzes how the body works and figures out the BEST moves and bio-mechanical positions to train each individual muscle group.
You won’t see Ben just slap the plates on the bar while grunting, swinging, and cheating the weights up. Each and every exercise he does if very methodical and well thought out. He is a “Thinking Man’s Bodybuilder” and I like that!
Anyway, the reason I’m telling you all this is because right now is that Ben is releasing his brand new muscle building program: MI40 – How To Build Twice The Muscle In Half The Time!
It’s a unique training system that’s based on a 40 day program, 40 minute workouts, performing 40 second sets, and taking 40 second rest periods. The number 40 is the MOST optimal number for the most critical muscle-growth variables and for the very first time Ben Pakulski has organized this into a complete structured and progressive muscle building system.
The principles of the program are outlined in more detail in the FREE e-Report Download above. So I would recommend that you read it over and see if it sounds like something you’d be interested in trying out for yourself. Then if you’d like to pick up your very own copy of Ben’s New MI40 Training System, just click on the link below for all the details:

Check it out for yourself now at:
Lee, are you planning on giving MI40 a try? If you do can you please keep us posted via your youtube channel or via updates on your blog? I am very curious to see how much a veteran bodybuilder like yourself would get out of this. Thanks!
The objective should also be to get stronger.. this is totally all show and no go.. sorry
Yeah, I’m going to give this a shot in my own program. It would be a nice chance of pace for a 40 day training cycle. If you have been following along with my stuff you have probably heard me say before that most people make their best gains within 6 weeks of trying a new program and providing their body with unique muscle stimulation. And the MI40 program fits in along those lines perfectly.
Hey Alex,
No need to apologize for anything š
You are right in that this is NOT a powerlifting or strongman type of program. It’s a BODYBUILDING program. Now both powerlifters and bodybuilders build muscle and increase strength.
I mean if you see a powerlifter who can bench press 500+ pounds that guy will have some muscle behind that strength. And if you look at Ben’s arms in the pic above, those arms weren’t built by doing soup can curls LOL
But powerlifters focus on using their muscles to move the weights. While bodybuilders focus on using the weights to build their muscles. It’s a different training system.
I personally believe that bodybuilding programs can complement powerlifting programs (and vice versa). After busting your ass in the gym with a heavy strength phase you can switch things up and focus on a bodybuilding conditioning program and hit the muscles with some different stimulation. And from a bodybuilding point of view, you can use a heavy power training program as a good off season mass builder.
I’m not impressed with big ben. Anyone can swing weights around ang get that big if they know how to use a needle. If his program is so smart than why haven’t I seen him on stage? Personally, I much more impressed with Mr. Hayward’s development as a natural guy. Even though I have read some of his older literature where he suggests the use of prohormones. Have you ever used ph’s lee? I would find it hard to believe that you haven’t at some [point, considering your advice in the “Blast your Bench” report.
why are you hanging out with this loser? you preach drug free bodybuilding then you post photos of an engorged steroid freak on your site. I cry foul !!
he’s full of B.S. and so is his program. Lee, smarten up and remember why your fans come here!!
Hi Slade,
Ben is an IFBB pro bodybuilder. He has competed in numerous bodybuilding contests including the Arnold Classic. But again thanks for the comments I’m glad to hear you value my training advice, etc.
I just wanted to share this free report and info about the MI40 program with you because it’s something unique. And if you are looking to try something new with your workouts it’s worth looking into. I’m going to give this program a shot myself in the New Year and I’ll be sharing my results on my blog.
As for pro-hormones and natural testosterone boosters I’ve used things such STATUS, TRIBxd, etc. You can see these at:
I’ve found them to be beneficial, but again it’s very mild compared to what most of the top pro’s use.
I can see where you are coming from Kevin. But I’m open to learning from different people. And I don’t mind sharing resources here that I feel are worth looking into.
As an example, Arnold Schwarzenegger used steroids to help him win the Mr. Olympia, but despite that he has still inspired and helped millions of people to get in better shape.
I personally don’t discredit all of Arnold’s accomplishments simply because he used steroids. I still believe he has valuable information that can help anyone, even natural bodybuilders like you and I. In fact, it was seeing Arnold at his “juiced up” peak that inspired me to start working out to begin with.
The same applies with what Ben Pakulski is teaching. I’ve read over Ben’s program and it’s something unique to anything else I’ve seen. I just wanted to share this free report and info about the MI40 program with you because if you are looking to try something new with your workouts, this program is worth looking into.
Chuck S
I’ve wondered if it would be good to build a lot of muscle and then strengthen that muscle. Bodybuild, then power train.
Hey Lee, I love the blast your biceps program. I’m on phase 2, week 4. Question. Do you ever perform low reps of preacher curls,concentration curls, or barbell curls, outside of the program? I’m assuming you do high reps for a reason.
Also, is there an alternative exercise you can recommend in place of the Low Pulley Cable Cross Over Curls exercise? Would resistance bands work?
I’m glad I know of a legitimate bodybuilder that takes the to answer questions. You’re one of the people who inspire me to get the most out of my workouts and make a difference in my physique. Thanks Lee!
that takes the *time* to answer questions.
When you build the muscles bigger, they are also going to get stronger. A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle (and vice versa).
But to answer your question specifically, there are pros and cons to “bodybuilding training” and “powerlifting training”. With bodybuilding you’ll become more aware of feeling the muscles working. With powerlifting you’ll become better at generating explosive strength.
It really comes down to what you ultimately want to achieve with your workouts. There really isn’t a “Right” or “Wrong” answer.
Hey David,
I already answered your question in my blog post comments at:
You don’t have to post the same comment question to multiple blog posts. Please just post your comments once and I’ll get to them in due time… š
No problem. Thanks for answering my question Lee. I didn’t know how up to date you keep on previous blogs.
A lot of individuals who have tried this type of diet plan has claimed that they indeed lose weight without having having the need to exercise, but most specialists still insists of heading via an exercise routine since it could be a lot healthier and can help you shed weight and burn fatty acids rapidly.
Rosco Tai
I totally agree with you on Top 5 Mass Building Tips as it has worked wonder for my clients. Your reason for recommending the Top 5 Mass Building Tips for visitors are all true.
Your advice and helped change my life