How To Build Big Muscular Triceps
With Atomic Tricep Push Ups!
When it comes to building Big Muscular Arms you need to focus on building up the Triceps!
The triceps make up 2/3’s of your upper arm development. So if you want to stretch the tape measure and get Bigger More Muscular Guns than you need to pack some meat on to those triceps.
This exercise here, The Atomic Tricep Blaster Push Up, is a great move that you can include with your arm workouts that will really work the tricep muscles hard and stimulate high levels of Neuro-Muscular-Activation.
Just watch the video to see how it’s done & give it a try in your next arm workout. I bet you’ll be surprised by just how effective (and hard) this exercise really is!
If you’d like to get some more killer muscle building training tips like this, be sure to check out my website and download a copy of the “Blast Your Biceps” program. This is a complete Mass Building Arm Specialization Training System that will help you pack on rock solid muscle mass to your upper arms in record time!
Click Here to check it out for yourself & Download Your Copy!

Hmm so do you do this IN ADDITION to your weight training days?
You would do this as part of your tricep workout. So in place of tricep extensions or tricep push downs, you could substitute this push up variation instead.
Nick Nilsson
Great exercise! Next time you do it, try it on the sides of your fists. The ball of your fists makes it easier to roll and also puts your hands in a neutral grip type of position to target the lateral head of the triceps even more.
Do you think that this is more effective than tricep extensions?
Great Video Lee, This exercise along with the diamond push-ups are great for your triceps… keep those video’s coming Lee your doing an awesome job of informing us readers to the many exercise available for at home Warriors… Stay Strong Herc.
So you are saying that regular weighted dips would be more effective than doing seated dips in a plate loaded Hammerstrength piece of equipment- ?
The reason I ask is because my tri’s are lacking and some guys at the gym say the Hammerstrength is better because it isolates more and you can’t rock forward and cheat etc… but what you said about pull ups being harder so probably better than pull downs got me to thinking -thanks in advance!
Try this using a barbell as a roller. You can really isolate the tris this way, but you limit the range of motion unless you can roll it between some elevated rails.
Looks like a good way to hurt your elbows
Cool, thanks for the tip Nick. I’ll try that out next time I train triceps.
It’s a lot harder than tricep extensions. In fact this exercise is too hard for beginners, so they’ll have to stick to tricep extensions. But this is a good move for more advanced lifters.
Thanks for the comments, they’re much appreciated 🙂
I personally think bodyweight dips are better than doing machine dips…
But to each their own…
Try it and see how it feels for you. I don’t have any elbow problems with this movement.
I have been doing this for some time now on a folding chair and had no problem on my elbows
Ken Elliott
Hey Lee I just tried that tricep push-ups, but I mixed it up from doing normal push-ups to tricep push-up now my arms fell the jello but also I can feel my biceps and triceps working good, Thanks Lee.
Looks great, but be careful not to lock / hyoerextend the elbow. As with all exercises, keep the joint flexible. Can’t wait to try it tomorrow with my tricep workout. I love getting your videos. They really freshen up and challenge my routine.
Ken Elliott
And also something else that I havn’t did push-ups for a long time so that makes me a beginner again lol, but question is by doing push-ups or triceps push-ups will it give my more muscle or just tone my arms
Get my to me thanks Lee
My tricep workout is last after chest and shoulder,so cn I begin with the push ups before I do my chest workout or before I do the tricep workout???
You can build muscle with bodyweight exercises. Some people have the misconception that bodyweight moves are for “toning” and weight training is for “building”. But there really is no such a thing as “toning”… All you can do to change your physique is build muscle and lose fat.
When it comes to any strength training exercise the key is placing stress on the muscles so they respond by getting bigger and stronger. And bodyweight exercises like these are very demanding. In fact, I find this push up variation harder than doing free weight tricep extensions.
You can do these at the beginning of your workout instead if you like, chances are if you save them until the end you probably won’t have the strength to do very many.
shhh and try.
Nice video Lee. More like this please! I did your variations on the rowing machine-the biceps sure felt it. I will give this tricep exercise a try too. Triceps really not responding much otherwise. Thanks
Rather than “more effective” or “less effective”, I’d say each exercise plays its own special part. Weighted dips, and bodyweight exercises in general, tend to have more neuromuscular activation than isolation exercises which stimulate more testosterone production, resulting in overall more muscular growth, including the target muscle. I would include both myself: body weight exercise as part of the “main course” meat-n-potatoes stimulation, then the isolation exercise as a finisher (“dessert”) for that extra stimulation hit to the target area.
Hey Lee ,
How hard is that ???
I can do about 20 dips but not a single triceps blaster push up .. Do you think it is a strength issue or technique issue.
Great set of exercises. I just want to add some tips from me, very basic. I think that the biggest problem with getting flat stomach is that people often do not continue doing exercises or keeping diet. It is very much in our brain. We would like to have it flat but it is hard to sacrifice for it. And even if one get it then often do not maintain it so after couple of months everything is as before.
parth rathod
hey i am new to workout so should i do these exercise or go to beginners level
I recommend that you download my free pdf report called “The 3 Keys To Building Muscle” this will explain how to workout, how to eat, and the proper mental mindset that goes into building a muscular physique. You can download it at: