Sorry, Vince and I SCREWED up…

I’ve got to apologize because Vince and I screwed up. What I have to tell you is the God’s honest truth – not some cheesy made up story…

And it’s kinda embarrassing as well…

Yesterday, we waaayyy underestimated how many visitors our new website would receive during the OFFICIAL RELEASE of our 21-Day Fast Mass Building Program.

In short, from the sheer volume of people checking out the site and downloading the programs it CRASHED our web servers not once… not twice… but THREE times!
And that’s just the times we know of.

That equaled… A LOT of our followers getting upset and literally hundreds of customer support e-mails that we are both still answering.

So because of this and the fact that so many of our followers were unable to download their program yesterday. We decided that it’s only fair to EXTEND our speical offer until MIDNIGHT tonight. You’ll see the 12-Month Periodized Training Calendar Bonus back on the site right now!

Again, I just want to you you so much for all the feedback and support we’ve been getting with launching this program! It’s been quite overwhelming. If you haven’t already done so you owe it to yourself to check this out at:

all the best,
Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte
(Your Fast Mass Building Coaches!)


In case you haven’t heard, we are holding a 21-Day Fast Mass Building Physique Transformation challenge where you can qualify to win an all expenses paid trip to go to the Arnold Classic Bodybuilding & Fitness Expo this March 3-6 in Columbus Ohio.

The Arnold Classic is the biggest bodybuilding & fitness event in the world and we’d like to hook our top ten 21-Day Fast Mass Transformations up with VIP tickets!

Win A Trip To The Arnold Classic With Lee Hayward & Vince Del Monte!

You’ll get to hang out with Vince, myself and our top 10 Fast Mass Building Success Stories. Meet all the top pros and do it while you are in your absolute best shape ever!

This is by far the BIGGEST prize we’ve ever given away and we’d love to see YOU win… All the details of the VIP Arnold Classic Trip is outlined on the website at: <<-- Win a VIP Trip To The Arnold Expo!

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


  • santos

    downloading pretty slow lee

  • santos: downloading pretty slow lee    

    Sorry about that, we are moving some of the files over to faster servers to help speed up the whole download process for everyone.

    These download issues were a stupid mistake on our part because we wanted to “over deliver” and provide the best package EVER with 12 hours of video footage!

    We were only thinking about giving the most value possible, we never thought that it would fry our web servers. Lessons learned the hard way, through trial and error 🙂

    Again, sorry about this delay, our tech team is working around the clock to get these slow download problems fixed ASAP. And we appreciate your patience and understanding.

  • Edgar


    So, I just bought the program and I cant download any video :S
    I only got one, then the rest take a lot of time and then it stops
    downloading :S, and some other times when I click save file its name
    appears as “files” and it wont open. Any advice?

  • Just purchased 21 Day Fast Mass Training System, really stoked about getting it going. I’m starting on Monday, 1-17-2011. I’m currently 270lbs @ 6′ 6′ with BF% at 18.7%….really looking to minimize the fat with a little added muscle would be nice. Can’t wait… will post pics when done…Let’s get on!! Round 1!!!

  • I just bought the 21 Day system as well and I’m hoping to gain a lot of mass, I’m a skinny guy at 130lbs, lowbody fat so I’m hoping I can get to at least 150lbs with this system.