Muscle Specialization Workouts

Last week I was hanging out with Elliott Hulse from

Elliott is a professional strongman competitor and one hell of a strength and conditioning coach. He works with a lot of amateur and professional athletes who are looking for that extra edge, as well as average guys who just want to get in their best shape physical shape.

Now as a strength and conditioning coach Elliott focuses more on strength and athletic performance, not so much on muscle specialization workouts. Most of his training is based around working the body as a whole unit with lots of full body workouts.

Total body training is very effective. But when you have a stubborn lagging muscle group you need to do more than just “total body workouts” to target that specific muscle group and bring it up to par with the rest of your body.

Elliott asked me to help out one of his coaching students with some specialization tips for building wide muscular lats and that’s exactly what I cover in the video below…

Now I have a question for YOU…

What are some of your stubborn body parts that you would like help with developing?

You see to help Elliott out with his new Lean Hybrid Muscle Training System I’m going to put together a special “Muscle Specialization Guide” that will show you how to target your stubborn muscle groups and perform specific exercises to help bring them up to par with your stronger muscle groups.

So in the comments section below please let me know exactly what are your most stubborn muscle groups that you would like to get specialized workout programs for?

I’m sure everyone reading this has at least 1 body part that they’d like to improve, so I’m hoping for at least 100 comments to this blog post.

Than based on the feedback I get here I’m going to pick the most popular ones and create a complete “Muscle Specialization Training Guide” for those specific body parts.

So take a minute right now and post your comments below…

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


  • Joe

    My Chest never gets any bigger or stronger

  • Raff

    i think the forearms and the middle of my chest are very stubborn

  • Mike

    Chest is my toughest muscle group. It never seems to respond like arms or legs do.

  • Steve

    My calves are probably okay, and I always think that they should be bigger. They look especially small when I’m stretching them.

  • Ok, so my most stubborn part of my body would be my arms. I have tried everything that you can think of to get my arms to match my chest and back. I do understand that it’s a genetic thing but over all I can do legs and my chest and back will grow lol. I also know that everyone is different when it comes to weight lifting and when doing an exercise it changes from person to another do to genetic factors and angels that the specific person hits. I also purchased the 21day mass building program and when looking at it I see that the bulking up routine does not have the arms working on a separate day, you think it would be wise to have a 5th day of working out for the arms?

  • Ryan

    Middle Traps and Forearms!

  • Kurt F.

    Well, from all the weight training I have been doing all this time, I see that the chest is the least muscle that grows.

  • My back ,traps and forearms are small. How to improve it them?

  • daya

    Looks like your gonna have a hard time picking a muscle group with the audience so divided. Im gonna go with abs cause thats what the ladies notice and thats what I cant see on myself yet

  • Luke "cheezn420"

    calves!!!!!!!! i have limited machines to work with. I dont have a standing or sitting calf raise machine. Any tips?

  • Jack

    shoulders and arms

  • Luke "cheezn420"


    try doing some more tricep exercises and also switch between barbell and dumbell press exercises. This may help

  • jaime

    My stubborn muscles are traps and rear deltoids..

  • Ryan

    Calves and forearms, I tryed the heavy griper workout and my foreams got a LOT stronger, but they did not get any bigger.

  • Manny

    I need to get my hamstrings much bigger and stronger. I also have a problem with one of my calves being a 1/2 inch smaller than the other. It would be really interesting to see how you would design a protocol to deal with this. Thank you.


    for me my upper arm muscles and packs are really difficult!!!

  • Donald

    legs, (quads, hams and calves)

  • Frazer Burns

    my lagging bodypart is my triceps. Its odd because my biceps grow like weeds, so my arms look big from the side but pretty thin from the front view.

  • jim cronin

    its my biceps they will not grow. i know a lot has to do with my age im 67 but ther must be a way to make them grow a little bigger then they are. aney hints ill try eneything to help them. thank you

  • Manny,

    Most people have a different size n calves, its mostly the dominant one that is the biggest. I realize that if you are right handed then most of the time your left calve would be bigger than the right and vice versa. And the reason being is that when you play basketball that would be the layup jump leg and when you run that would be the leg you push off of first. The best way to accommodate that is try doing single workouts start with the weak calve first and whatever amount of reps it can, do the same with the stronger one so the weaker one could catch up with the stronger one. I also have my right bicep stronger then my left and my left triceps stronger then my right so I try to keep using that theory every time I do isolation workouts.

  • Ryan,

    do you use straps for every back workout? and do you do a full range of motion when doing forarms?

  • Leo

    shoulders, specially medial and front deltoids for me, and my obliques/abs, i just want those suckers to grow and get thicker

  • s.dawg

    pot belly and arms

  • Luciana

    Hey Lee! I would say my shoulders and my abs.

  • david sweigart

    The muscles that give me the most problems are my arms and legs

  • Tracy Pike

    Biceps & Shoulders…I’ve never been able to get the peaks on my biceps the way I have with my triceps & I’ve never been able to get the separation of the 3 heads on my shoulders the way I want to.

  • Scott Knuth

    I am having a hard time with my traps and lats. I just watched the video and the lats and will definitely do more pull-ups. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong about my traps. I can shrug 3 plates but I can’t get my traps to roll up onto my shoulders.

  • Freddy van Loggerenberg

    My Lovehandles!!!! Don`t know how to get rid off them!!!!

  • dan burns

    deffinatly my abs, i can do loads and loads of cardio and abs exercised but still cant get my abs defined enough to match everything else.

  • Felton

    Hi Lee
    It is the abs? How to git the fat off the midsection ?


  • Marco

    Hey Lee, My calfs DEFINITELY need to grow. along with my shoulders (delts, traps, neck too)

  • Jason

    I believe for most guys the top lagging parts would be calves, chest, and abs. I think diet is more of a problem than the workout when it comes to abs.

  • tomas

    upper back and chest abit

  • mac

    forearms!! everything else grows fine but i have such weedy forearms!

  • Halston

    Chest # 1 with shoulders & biceps a close second!

  • Rich

    calfs……… want more size and thickness Lee

  • harold

    Lee, I really want to develop my calves and shoulders ,!!!! its hard for me to add mass tho this area . !!!

  • Graham

    My biggest problem is my grip strength, I find that my grip is a major problem when attempting many lifts.
    Of the more major muscle groups my triceps and calves are hardest to develop, because I find their is thousands of routines out there for other body parts like biceps and quads, but these two aren’t focused on nearly as much.

  • Steven James

    Definitely calves!

  • shane.F

    i would Definitely say my chest i have really strong arms but my chest just seems to lag behind i would love to find a good way of building it up

  • Beau

    Arms and hands and my weak points. The lack of grip is especially annoying and becomes the limiting factor in most of my back, trap or deadlift workouts.

  • Gary

    Hey Lee, I have a hard time working on the overall width of my arms. The side is alright but when you look at me staright on you cant even tell by looking at my arms that I’ve been working out for over a year. I do hammers curls but they don’t seem to trigger any growth at all 🙁

  • Ali Niazi

    my ARMS(bicep tricep) lag behind my other body parts

  • Jake

    Injuries to my left knee and left shoulder have left me to struggle to build my legs and my shoulders and chest appropriately.

  • Jonathan

    biceps and traps in that order

  • $M$

    My biceps and hamstrings are the hardest to develop. My overall strength is decent with my bench, squat, military press and deadlift but increasing my strength and size in the smaller muscles is becoming a frustrating task.

  • Matt

    would have to be biceps and triceps!

  • Stu

    forearms definatly, and triceps secondly.

  • ash

    hi lee.. my bodys coming in good shape but i want my chest to widen up more. whats d solution for dat

  • mike

    I feel my arms are lacking compared to the rest of my physique.