Muscle Specialization Workouts

Last week I was hanging out with Elliott Hulse from

Elliott is a professional strongman competitor and one hell of a strength and conditioning coach. He works with a lot of amateur and professional athletes who are looking for that extra edge, as well as average guys who just want to get in their best shape physical shape.

Now as a strength and conditioning coach Elliott focuses more on strength and athletic performance, not so much on muscle specialization workouts. Most of his training is based around working the body as a whole unit with lots of full body workouts.

Total body training is very effective. But when you have a stubborn lagging muscle group you need to do more than just “total body workouts” to target that specific muscle group and bring it up to par with the rest of your body.

Elliott asked me to help out one of his coaching students with some specialization tips for building wide muscular lats and that’s exactly what I cover in the video below…

Now I have a question for YOU…

What are some of your stubborn body parts that you would like help with developing?

You see to help Elliott out with his new Lean Hybrid Muscle Training System I’m going to put together a special “Muscle Specialization Guide” that will show you how to target your stubborn muscle groups and perform specific exercises to help bring them up to par with your stronger muscle groups.

So in the comments section below please let me know exactly what are your most stubborn muscle groups that you would like to get specialized workout programs for?

I’m sure everyone reading this has at least 1 body part that they’d like to improve, so I’m hoping for at least 100 comments to this blog post.

Than based on the feedback I get here I’m going to pick the most popular ones and create a complete “Muscle Specialization Training Guide” for those specific body parts.

So take a minute right now and post your comments below…

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you...


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  • geoffrey

    hi lee my most stubbon muscle group are the tris’ and then thighs’

  • firdos qutbuddin

    legs & abs! find legs are just soo hard to tone up, abs are hard when it comes to getting them to try to show.

  • Keith Lorino

    weak parts lats, and hamstrings

  • john basile

    Back, if you only have free weights available…

  • Hassaan Patel

    Abs and hamstrings

  • danny

    definitely my chest i have been stuck at the same weight for about a year. I have changed my workout routine many times and have seen gains in all other areas except my chest.

  • Daymeon

    My little legs. I was in a wheel chair and I lost serious muscle mass in my legs. I work them till sore. Still little!

  • Shawn

    Calves and Shoulers BIG TIME!!

  • Walter

    Hey Lee, I seem to being having trouble building my brachialis. I’m lacking that 3D effect in my arms. Also bicep peak is another troublesome area. The lateral head of my triceps is small compared to the long head. I was wondering if there is a way to isolate that head or should I just blast the tricep muscle entirely. And lastly another stubborn part is the outter part of my quads, the vastus lateralis. I’ve heard that you can internal rotate your legs so that it targets the outter part. This is good for leg extensions (open chain) but not for squats (close chain). Are there any other exercises that help build this part of the quads? Mahalo

  • Ali Pryce

    I’d have to say my chest for sure!

  • Ali Pryce

    Just watched the video Lee, when you mention hanging from the pull-up bar at the end of the workout is this at the top of the move when your chin is at the bar or at the bottom when your arms are fully extended?

  • Asif

    Chest , its lagging behind despite a lot of effort…

  • laine

    even tho im tall my tri’s lag behind the rest off my arms calves suck hard too. i hit them that hard calves and tri”s they lag they get a great pup and feel like there going to explode the next morning they are fine

  • Ryan


    Hey dude. No i never used any straps or the back workout. Most of the gyms in my country dont have t-bar machine and bent-over bb rows are causing me lower back pain so i m trying Haney s shrugs to hit the mid-traps.As for the forearms i ll try the full range of motion but how may reps work the flexors best?

  • Siva

    Its the abs of course.

  • Isaac Forgey

    EVERYONE WANTS BIGGER ARMS!!!! ME TOO. Inner and upper chest? Shoulders? Slimming the belly, and the spot between the hams and glutes? Lee just give us your BEST 2 or 3 to ROUND OUT the WHOLE body? And of course, PLEASE?

  • Ali

    I would say my Triceps, and this has a negative effect on shoulder and chest exercises!

  • Steve Rivera

    I would definitely say either my arms and calves. My larger muscle groups tend to develp a lot quicker and stronger. I have a big chest and back,big thigs and legs but my arms and calves seem just a tad bit disproportional to the rehst of my body. This may be due to football training in which we focus more on core lifts and not as many auxilaries. However, even when I do a bicep, tricep, or calf workout I get great pumps, but afterward the pump decreases significantly.

  • Rob

    Hey Lee, i would have to say my forarm and Biceps are not big enough chest, back and legs are good.

  • Tyrell McCabe

    definately the calves for me, also would be my forearms and rear delts.

  • Ken Cooper

    Lats and upper chest. I’m 6’2″ with long arms, currently about 225 lbs, and, although in good shape and a gym regular, still have trouble doing pull-ups. Working other exercises to get the lats to grow, and have moved to dumbell work for the chest as the long bar doesn’t seem to worlk for me.

  • Thor-Eivind Hyllnes

    Hey Lee
    my lower legs are very tiny compared to my other body parts, i also think my biceps are a little smal compared to triceps and chest..

  • calves and fore arms suck. Forearms dont get bigger/wrist. Also calves look like crap. Neck shoulders and triceps and chest is ALL good

  • viren

    my chest and my abs seems to have very little development as compared to other parts of my body…

  • William

    Lower chest and neck, trying to build a thick neck so when I get taped it reflects lower body fat.

  • Isaac Forgey

    Hey Lee. It’s me againI just got your email for the link to get your bonus when its ready, THANKS… The more I think about it ???? Once again, if we all realy thought about it, hitting the whole body to get the full meal deal results. If you know what I mean. Strength, size, leanness and not in any order to say, but like atleast the 3 best exercises to attack and get the best results on each and every muscle? I do a fullbody superset program 3 times a week with little rest between sets and have seen VERY AWESOME results… One place for sure I could use more work and options to keep hitting muscle differently is my lower back? Buy the way Lee, this is a REALY AWESOME idea for a bonus and before even seeing it, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND EFFORT TO PUT THIS TOGETHER FOR US!!!!! Maybe ask some of your workout pals what they think the best exercise is for each muscle? You know like take a poll and give us the 3 most common on growth and then strength, and then leanness? Even if some of them over lap? Just a suggestion.
    GOD BLESS and take care,

  • Eh Lee, this is a great study you’ve put together. I don’t know if you remember me, however I’m the rather large endo-mesomorph 264 lb at 5’10”. Just lost 23 lb, my heaviest was 287 lb.

    As far as my most stubborn muscle groups, that’s easy calves, and abs. Some improvement has been accomplished although not enough.


    You and Vince and everyone affiliated with your website and your families are always in my prayers.

    Robert Wilson

  • Rajat

    Shoulders and lats for me…I am 6.3 ft tall and have a beanpole body…definitely want to get bigger around the shoulders. I have a good chest though..

  • Jim


    I’ve been lifting for just at a year now. I am fairly pleased with my progress (though you can never seem add muscle size quick enough). My biceps however are lagging and just not growing at the same rate as my chest and shoulders. Second would be my abs. The muscle development is good however, just can not get the mid section tire to disappear to show the definition.

  • Dirk

    Shoulders and biceps, man.

  • Dirk

    Shoulders and biceps.

  • jim cronin: its my biceps they will not grow. i know a lot has to do with my age im 67 but ther must be a way to make them grow a little bigger then they are. aney hints ill try eneything to help them. thank you

  • Travis

    Chest and lats by far. I’ve tried so many things to ignite some growth but it just doesn’t happen.

  • Jérémie

    Triceps, Hamstring and back muscle.

    I would like all back muscle to gain size. But I don’t talk about the lats here. I would like visible muscle in the back like middle and inferior traps, rhomboid.. These kind of smaller muscle in the back.

  • Sandeep

    My waist, I am doing the jumps, the wood stick turns , lifting weights , lowering on both sides to get the stretch….but no matter what i do , i cant get a slimmer waist….that’s making my whole upper body look unattractive even though i got a bulky chest and shoulders !

  • Isaac Forgey

    O.K. Lee, One more time? How about some good solid results information on evening out our body? I remember you talking about being uneven, cant remember where you said you have problems? But one that drives me crazey is my left lat is noticebly longer than my left. My left arm is about 104 inch bigger than my right, as well. Thats not such a big deal, but maybe afew ways to help the smaller catch up with the bigger on a broken down specific?

    Thanks again for takeing the time bro,


  • limbani chawinga

    the whole of my lower leg(calf muscle) is smaller than the rest of my body seconded by the butt

  • allen

    RIGHT pec and triceps

  • Khan

    I m the begineer and develop whole body parts and reduce fat within short span of time

  • Khan

    I m the begineer and develop whole body parts and reduce fat within short span of time without any use of any artificial things

  • Khan

    I m the begineer and want to develop whole body parts and reduce fat within short span of time without any use of artificial thing

  • dear, coach most kindly i said, that my stubborn muscles part were my arms, means biceps and my abdomen, i will be most thankful to you, if you tell me the solution for this, am thanks in advanced too.

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