Lee’s # 1 CHEST Workout Tip…

Lee’s # 1 CHEST Workout Tip…

If you were to ask the average guy at the gym what body part he’d like to develop the most. You can bet that the CHEST would rank pretty darn high. In most cases it’s a toss up between wanting to build up the Chest, Arms, or Abs as the main “show off” muscles of the body.

Well in this blog post I’m going to share my #1 best chest training tip for building thick muscular pecs. This particular tip is the reason why my chest is one of my best developed body parts today.

In fact it’s so well developed that I can balance a beer bottle on my chest!
(This makes for a cool party trick)

Lee balancing a beer bottle on his chest!
Drinking beer doesn’t help build up your chest. But the occasional cold one every now and then won’t hurt… 😉

Now the cool thing about this tip is that it doesn’t require any equipment, it can be done virtually anywhere, and it only takes a few minutes per day…

Want to know what this killer chest builder is?
It’s push ups, yes that’s right, basic old Push Ups!

You see before I got involved with serious bodybuilding workouts I trained in martial arts for 5 years. And like many martial artists I focused a lot on bodyweight weight conditioning exercises, one of which was push ups (and lots of em!)

I literally did push ups every single day as part of my martial arts training. This high frequency muscle stimulation made my chest to grow like crazy! In fact at my peak I was able to pump out 100 push ups non-stop in a single set.

Even today I still like to include high volume push ups as a regular part of my chest workouts. And I’ll literally finish off every chest session with 100 total push ups. I’ll just hit the floor and rep out as many push ups as I can, rest a minute, rep out push ups again, rest a minute, etc. and keep going until I bang out 100 total push ups.

Simply doing high rep push ups like this at the end of your regular chest workouts will work wonders for most people in helping them bring up stubborn pec muscles. But if you really want to quickly pack some meat on your chest, than I’d suggest you do what I did when I was younger, and do daily push ups as part of your workout routine.

All you have to do is every morning do 1-2 sets of push ups until failure. Then every evening do another 1-2 sets of push ups until failure. Do this in addition to your regular workouts in the gym.

Even though daily push ups may seem like a lot of training volume, and you may be afraid that it will cause you to “overtrain”, trust me it won’t. Your body is tough and will adapt by building a bigger stronger chest in response to this extra workload.

In fact I challenge you to give it a try for just 1 month. I can pretty much guarantee that if you stick to this on a regular basis for just 30 days you’ll see some major improvements in your chest development.

And if you’d like to get 3 more killer training tips that will help you pack on lean muscle mass while burning off that stubborn lower abdominal fat, be sure to check out this killer video presentation that my buddy Kyle Leon has put together for you at:

Click Play

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you... lee@leehayward.com


  • awesome stuff. im finding things out i never knew. thanks 4 all this gr8t gr8t insight. thanks bud

  • Matt

    Hi, Lee !
    Can we do 100 push ups every day during your programs ? (Blast your biceps, blast your bench, 21 fast mast).
    Thanks in advance 🙂

  • Matt:
    Hi, Lee !
    Can we do 100 push ups every day during your programs ? (Blast your biceps, blast your bench, 21 fast mast).
    Thanks in advance :)

    I wouldn’t do this during the “Blast Your Bench” program as that already has high volume chest specialization training. But you should be able to do it for the other programs with no problems.

  • Extreme Fat Loss DVD Program is a good Shapeing program (It’s like Fat Be Gone.) Thanks Lee

  • stephen

    what if you work out in the morning? would that still make sense to do the 2 sets before your workout…?

  • stephen:
    what if you work out in the morning? would that still make sense to do the 2 sets before your workout…?

    You could do these as part of your morning workout. I often use exercises like push ups and bodyweight squats at part of my pre-workout warm up routine.

  • Alex

    Hey lee ! could you explain how does it work ? I mean, I thought our body needed some rest between workouts to build muscle. How can we build muscle if we workout pecs several times a day, every day ?

  • solomen

    Good news!!!thank you very much^_^
    But I still have the same question with Alex~
    Nomatter that if I was already sore because the chest workout the other day, shouldn’t I give it a good rest to grow stronger?
    Thanks a gain~!^_^