Lean Hybrid Training @ Elliott’s Strength Camp Gym

This is a “Lean Hybrid” workout that was shot at Elliott Hulse’s Strength Camp Gym in St. Petersburg Florida. Elliott puts Vince Del Monte, Dave Ruel, and Mike Westerdal through a kick ass training session!

You’ll also hear the story of how I Got Beat Up In A Fight With A 600 Pound Tire!
Just watch the end of the video below for all the details…

Have you ever done any Lean Hybrid Training Sessions like this before?
If so please share your comments below…

About The Author


Lee Hayward is a former competitive bodybuilder and muscle building coach who has been online coaching people since 1997. His work has been featured in several international magazines such as: FLEX, Muscle Insider, Muscle Mag International, Testosterone, Ironmag, and Forbes. Lee's main focus right now is with helping men over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape. If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just e-mail Lee to discuss a realistic action plan that's right for you... lee@leehayward.com


  • muz

    Lee wish you luck with recovery. Frustrating isn’t it? I was doing some benching 2 weeks ago and hurt my shoulder only 10mins or so into my workout. Well pissed of, its settled but think I strained or tore something just doing stretches and rotator cuff exercies to try and rehab. Had surgery in my other shoulder 4years ago that shoulder is now solid and strong but just bit freaky and kind of crap how this injury on my shoulder happened. Any advice etc would be great. Healthcare here in the UK is shit. Muz from London

  • Mike

    Don’t think I want to do that stuff if it makes u tear a muscle!

  • rob

    lee u tore your bicep stop being a baby….if i had a dollar for how many times i tore my bicep id be broke…

  • Kartikeya Sharma

    I injured my lower back muscles a few years ago after while playing tennis.My parents were once in a brutal car accident after which my father ended up with a shoulder broken in three different places and major muscle ‘damage’.You know tearing and basically shredding.Doctorts were convinced that he would not regain the full movement of that particular shoulder.Both of us consumed warm milk with turmeric powder every night.1 standard glass of slightly hot milk with 1 teaspoon of natural turmeric powder.Proven through centuries of use.There was another natural powder that we used.Dont know what the english word for it is.Hindi word is ‘sawnth’.Get back if you want to know how it is pronounced.You’ll get it in some Indian market.Hope this helps.

  • Kartikeya Sharma

    Oh and by the way…My father’s shoulder is better than new.Our ortho was shocked at the results.Have X-rays to prove it.I too have recovered completely.Cheers.

  • Just to let you know, the Lean Hybrid workouts that Elliott and Mike teach don’t require flipping tires or any other weird strongman type of exercises. I just wanted to try them because I’ve never done them before. It was just a freak accident.

    But I’m not going to use it as an excuse to not workout. Anytime I’m injured, which hasn’t been very often over the past 20 years I’ve been working out, I just work around the injury. So for the next several weeks I’ll be hammering more cardio and leg workouts that don’t require the use of my arms. And gradually over time I’ll start incorporating some active recovery and therapeutic work for my bicep.

    In the end things like this just make you more grateful and appreciative for when you are injury free and able to workout at 100%. If you’ve never been injured before you kind of take the ability to workout for granted.

    I’ll keep you posted with how things go…

  • walter bozuwa

    i wish you a quick recovery thoose exerises are great something new
    iam going to do.
    your other e-mails with tips and trics realy helpt me a lot it realy motivates me i lost 20 pouns an get bigger muscles.

    thanks a lot

  • Tvan


    How long did you or your father have to take milk with turmeric power? What is the other powder ‘sawnth’? I could look it up on the internet. Should ‘sawnth’ power taken together with the warm milk and turmeric power that you mentioned?

  • Carlos

    Interesting to see experienced strength athletes do ‘new stuff’ and exhibit a sense of humor and humility. I recently began doing exercises like the ones shown for speed and flexibility training. I am a man of advanced years and this training serves me very well. Thanks for showing it and best of luck with your recovery and apologies for our ideologically-anal health care system. Sounds like you will be re-working your legs and abs a lot ! Let us know what you come up with.

  • Kartikeya Sharma


    Just to let you know, my father fractured his left shoulder joint.The ‘ball’ in the joint was broken in three different places and the arm bone was jammed extremely hard into his collar bone.It was a very severe accident.He had to take this concoction for five months I think,its been a while since then.It is an ayurvedic treatment and cannot be compared with chemicals or modern drugs.Yes ‘sawnth’ should be mixed with the turmeric powder.Half a teaspoon.Not very pleasant tasting but add a bit of jaggery to the milk and it becomes palatable.I think it is what is termed as ‘Dry Ginger’.Hope this helps.

  • Barr

    Lee – The behind the scenes shots were great. You muscles gods seem more normal and human. We can now understand that, a magic pill isn’t the answer. Mental and physical committment will produce results. Shot more of these movies the are very entertaining. Oh yea, take good care of yourself, maybe there is something to be learned from this set back.

  • John W.

    Hey Lee, Sorry to hear about the injury, best of luck in recovery. I am planning on joining the United States Marine Core, and will be doing my fitness test in about 6 weeks. I need to be able to do at least 10 pull ups. I can do about 5-6 right now, do you have any tips and tricks I can do to get those numbers up? I’m thinking train back,biceps, traps, and of course do a lot of pull ups in the process.

    Thanks for any advice,

    John W.

  • Alex

    Really hope u get better soon and that its not a total tear.. i’m a big fan of your knowledge and real world experience !!
    Anyway, that is exactly what happens with shitty exercises, bad warm-up and bad form.. u shurelly know about it and what could happen, but too many men together trying to do the big macho thing usually ends up like this.. too much sun also tends to bring testoterone up 🙂
    Mike’s form of doin’ every move is a good laugh…
    Vey good videos on what “not to do”.

  • Adam

    Sorry to hear about the injury. It sucks when your not physically 100 percent and cannot train like normal. I had a similar problem in my hamstring/quad on my right leg during the summer, but just not as bad as what you had. I did the same thing that you did, work around it and easy into things. Hope you don’t have to get it surgically repaired, but if you have to do so. Stuff like that can bite you in the but down the road.

  • Dave

    Lee – sorry to hear about your injury. I know that it can be frustrating – especially when the injury requires time to heal – like a tendon… I ruptured my Achilles tendon three years ago and it was a long recovery – there isn’t much you can do when it’s a complete rupture. And as accidents are, it was a freak accident running up concrete stadium stairs and I had a misstep. I wanted to share that despite the complete rupture, I had the option not to have surgery. Even though the Surgeon was leaning on surgery, it can create problems later on with tendonitis, etc. If you are given the option, I would research it online first.

    I see most comments revolve around physical solutions, but these sorts of accidents can also become “blessings in disguise” as they help bring on a different awareness and approach to how we do things. All the best for a speedy recovery…

  • silviu

    Sorry to hear about thet lee,I hope there’s nothing to nasty…That BS insurance thing is f up, i hope to see ypu on the gym floor asp and making videos. Take care brotha’

  • Ronan

    I tore my rotator cuff muscles about a year ago, i got physio for a few weeks and was given exercises for it the one that helped my recovery was lateral and frontal raises with 2.5KG dumbbells and after a few weeks i started benching again with alot more care.

  • Awesome video. Seeing all you guys together was some sight. Nice to see you all training and giving us the viewer some insight on different exercise that build strenght and conditioning. Lee, so sorry to hear about your bicep. I hope when you get back home your personnal Doc. tells you everything will be OK. I know Eliott can give you plenty of advise on rehaping it. Good Luck and Stay Strong. Herc.

  • richard

    this is SIMILAR to CROSSFIT which I do. this is awesome. thumbs up! hope you feel better lee

  • Jeff

    Good luck to you Lee and everyone else that wants to be right in there working out hard but can’t due to recovery issues. I’ve got some very tough tendonitis in my right elbow and have been dealing with it for the past few months – I feel like I’ve lost 60% of my gains from the last year and am very angry at it and myself – I probably got it from to much mouse and keyboard work at the computer, how lame of an excuse…
    My workouts are mainly based on bodyweight things like pull ups and push ups for upper body stuff – not being able to grip much at all with one hand is tough.

    I got some grip straps to help out and I must say it does help but nothing like being back at 100%. Recovery time just isn’t what it used to be now that I’m over 40.

  • Josh Evans

    Hope your bicep get better soon! i now have a phobia of flipping tires lol

  • Luis

    Hi Lee, sorry to hear about your injury. I’m having surgery on my knee for acl and meniscus injuries and now that you’ll be doing more leg workouts i’ll have new stuff to try when i start my recovery process. Get well soon.

  • Kartikeya Sharma

    Has MR.Hayward read the turmeric advice yet???Only hope that you get better asap,hence the curiosity.

  • ryan

    Sorry to here Lee. I pulled a bicep muscle about six months ago and it still is giving me problems. I can do most pressing moves, but anything that requires pulling still hurts. I’ve had other tendon issues in the past and they are frustrating because it takes so long to heal. But if you don’t let them heal you will be hurting for a long time.

  • Robert Day

    Just got over some weight loss. Starting slow again. Love the results in the first two weeks. HAHAHAHA. Man does lifting weights make you hungry,

  • Jerry

    What a bummer, freak accident. I am nearly 60 years old & always fear an injury that will set me back. Being much younger, your recouperative powers should have you back in peak form sooner than you think.

    I was curious if you did any warming-up exercises and/or stretching before your bout with the tire. I’ve heard that stretching becomes even more crucial as we age and our tendons become less flexible.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  • I’m new to this concept. Lean hybrid training necessary when the individual already has low body fat levels? I’m assuming the answer is yes, as the guy in the video obviously has low body fat levels, I guess I’m just confused as to why one would need to do this if they already have a low body fat percentage.

  • Robert Day,

    It really does. I can really tell the difference in my appetite from when I’m training hard and laying off a bit.

  • leehayward,

    Very true. I broke a bone in one of my fingers playing baseball in high school… Man I tell ya, you never realize how much you use your pinky finger until it’s out of commission. Same thing with just about every other part of the body as well.

  • Glen

    Based on what I am hearing, you might have partial tearing of the lateral or long head. My understanding is that if it completely ruptures, you’ll have asthetic complications only, in the long run. You would recover full strength after three to six months without surgery. Unfortunately, I believe you’ll run into similar problems in Canada. It isn’t life threatening, and you can achieve full function, rather quickly without the lateral head attached. But best of luck on your recovery. You are in my prayers. Hopefully, it is a simple strain that will recover in 4 to 8 weeks.

  • Shane

    Would you be able to turn this workout into a 2-day/wk workout and if so how many set would you do /how long rest in between?

  • Cory


    Right on man! Just keep kicking ass, and take comments like Rob’s with a grain of salt. I wonder how well he’ll be able to move in 10 years or less. I think it’s dumb when people criticize others about their injuries. Every injury is different, even when it happens to the same body part (unless you keep working an injury the wrong way, as I’m sure you know). Get better, and keep helping us! Thanks

  • Pedro Rodriguez

    Hi Lee Hayward,

    There is a good product you can take to help you recover very soon. This product is called CISSUS from PrimaFORCE (Primaforce Cissus Joint Health and Endurance Recovery Formula – 120 Capsules). This is Cissus Quadrangularis Extract (Standardized for 40% Total Ketosterone and 20% 3-Ketosterone). You can buy this product from Vitacost.com or Netrition.com.

  • Spencer

    After a hard leg workout and preceding shower I headed up the steps at the gym headed to my car. I planted on the first step and felt pain on the very bottom of my right knee. After a doctor visit they scheduled me for an MRI with the great news that from my pain it sounded like a meniscus tear. which requires surgery. Went back into the gym after 1 week off of everything and 1 month without training legs. I was training chest and back and benching fairly heavy on the smith machine felt a tweak in my left pec where it inserts into my shoulder. Being my stubborn self I kept working out, then after my muscles “cooled off” the pain set in. I have had a slight pec tear before around the clavical area and the pain is almost exact. So I am fairly certain I have a pec tear and a torn meniscus. Is someone trying to stop me from working out. Feels like it!lol! My leg raining is a no and now chest is a no. I am scared to work around this injury and just train say back, calves, and abs for instance because I fear I will receive more injuries. Do not know why I get hurt so much, I have impecable form and use managable weights. Maybe I just have horrible genetics? I stretch more than anybody I have ever seen at any gym. Any suggestions as to why I have torn my pec twice? Should I be stretching my pec girdle/shoulders more than I am? Taking something I am not? Or should I just quit working out and get a desk job? Thanks.

  • prakash

    two months back I ingured my left back shoulder while i was doing bench press, the whight it was around 200 pounds, I suffered lot with the pain and I was unable to carry out workouts for 2 months, I later got to know from the docter that I had muscle tare up in my shoulder and he adviced not to do push ups or bench press, it was bull shit, I LOVE TO DO BENCH PRESS LOT, I was in despirate those days when I kept myself away from the gym, but finaly I found a solution it was phisiotherapy that reduced the pain in showlder, so now I am back to the track. my advice is to be carefull while when you people lift excess whights durng your work outs.

  • Ken

    Lee I had a torn ligament in my knee and I read up on joints like this that have ligaments.They don’t get much blood circulation so taking large does of Vitamin D3 and C plus cheyanne pepper fruit helps blood circulation and helps to heal.
    Over a period of time it heals as good as new.Plus add heat in showers to the area as much as you can take.Like a so called tennis elbow remedy.
    It will go away but don’t agitate it by doing any curls or anything that that area requires strain to it.Its not a good situation but it will heal with TLC…My knee they wanted to drill and scrape cartillage out..Over a period of 3 months it started getting better and now its like it never happened..Ken

    • Thanks for the tips, much appreciated.