One of the best exercises you can do to help build a wide V-shaped muscular back is the Lat Pull Down.
However, a lot of people will make some very critical mistakes when doing this move that actually limits it’s effectiveness.

Lee Hayward demonstrating the “Close Under Hand Grip Lat Pull Down” for building back width.
Note: if you can’t watch the embedded video clip here on this page,
you can watch it directly on my YouTube Channel at:
Watch the video and give these various lat pull down variations a try in your next back workout.
Then leave me a comment below letting me know how they work for you.
And if there are any other exercises that you would like to see more detailed video tutorials on,
please let me known by posting a comment here on my blog.
Suneet -
Great Vid Lee
I second the use of an arch
We train our lats best only when the chest is completely up
Tavis P
Interesting I always thought wider grip = wider lats. I train both ways but was unaware a closer grip would work your outer lats and vice versa. Good tip
A lot of people automatically think wider grip = outer lats & closer grip = inner lats. But that’s not the way it works.
When you really pay attention to where you feel the muscle tension in the lats when training back you’ll see that it’s the opposite of what we naturally think.
Great video! It can be very useful for beginners!
By the way…would you be interested in making a link exchange? If you want, please add my site with the title Best Bodybuilding Exercises and then contact me to tell me how to add your site.
Taylor Rieves
What do you think about a follow up?
Yo Lee,
you make a lot of very interesting video’s, thanks.
But in these lats excercises I think you over-arch in your latpully excercises..
With over arching you’ll contract more bottom parts trapezius and the erector spinea. But less latissimus.You’ll also convert the excercise more into like say a seated row or let’s say a hig pully row.
So, a little arching is good, but don’t overdo it. Same as some powerlifters try to do with benching, they over-arch and it won’t make you press more. It will only hurt your spinal cord, it’s not made to bend so much backward. Too much arch wil damage your spinal discs.
Hope my view is benficial for you and others.
wish you all the best.
Hi Lee,
Thank you for sharing this video! Now, I have better understanding about the lat pull down and different grips. I just turned 54 and had started my Get Fit Journey two years ago. I do mostly body weight exercises and managed to transformed my physique and stay healthier. Recently, I have access to company gym and I will try to incorporate some machine workouts to my routine. And I find your video very useful!
Thanks again!