This past weekend I had 394 replies to my blog contest for the brand new Total Fitness Bodybuilding
“Inner Circle” Coaching Club.
I took the time sit down and read each and every one of the entries to narrow it down to just 20 deserving winners. I did my best to pick a diverse group of people from different ages, fitness levels, and from different parts of the world to help lay the foundation for the “Inner Circle” Coaching Club.
Here are the 20 winners in no particular order:
– Adnan Alam
– Leigh Cambre
– Tyler Hedderson
– David Bye
– Adiel Rozinov
– Joe Oborny
– Siddharth Gaur
– Lonnie Rogers
– Ronan O Sullivan
– Rosie C
– David Amaya
– Michael Price
– Scott Rowe
– Michael Dahl
– Eric Acevedo
– Chenxiao Gu
– Alexander Duncan
– David (last name left out)
– Jamie (last name left out)
– Kevin (last name left out)
Note: I’ve already contacted each of the winners and confirmed them via email.
Whether you were selected or not I trust that you found this blog contest helpful in verbalizing your goals publically and focusing in on what you really want to achieve with your fitness goals in 2012.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond. Your stories have inspired me. It’s nice to know that all the time and effort I put into my website, videos, and training programs is appreciated and has had such a positive impact on so many people from all over the world!
Frequently Asked Questions:
As you can imagine, since I announced that I would be creating a Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club I’ve been getting swamped with questions, and right now I want to take the time to answer the most frequently asked questions right here:
What Exactly Is The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” ?
The premise of the “Inner Circle” is simple…
As a member you are going to be able to work directly with me and get side-by-side coaching. You’ll get all the tools you need from specialized workout programs, customized diet plans, and supplement schedules. But most important, you’ll get ongoing training and guidance from a “Real Expert” in a small and supportive group coaching environment. |
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How Much Will This Coaching Program Cost ?
I’ll reveal that on Monday when this program goes LIVE!
But let me just say that I put a lot thought into the price. I surveyed my followers to get their feedback, and 77% said that they wanted to sign up as a paid monthly member if I were to offer this type of group coaching program.
“How can I over-deliver and give my followers the most value possible?”
And I believe that when you operate from that mindset, it’s a WIN – WIN situation for everyone. So I made sure to set the price so that it is very affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it.
Why Do I Need A Coach?
Why Can’t I Just Follow Programs From Books And Videos?
Well you can…
There are A LOT of great books, articles, and videos out there that can help you build muscle. However, the gains you make from following them are often short lived. And before you know it the program will have run it’s course and you’ll be left scratching your head searching for the next “Miracle Muscle Building Program” to follow. |
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You see the problem with just following books, videos, and generic online workouts is that they only provide a “One Size Fits All” program. But when you join the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club I can go a whole lot further. By guiding, instructing, and addressing your personal and individual needs that cannot be addressed in a book or video.
Becoming a members of the coaching club will give you an Interactive Experience with a seasoned muscle building coach. My goal is to save you from wasting your most precious resource – Time – and ensure that you develop a lean muscular physique in the quickest and healthiest manner possible.
To Whom Do You Recommend This Coaching Program For?
Literally anyone who is serious about getting in their best shape ever can sign up as a member of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club. The best part about an interactive program like this is that it will be customized based on your individual needs.
So regardless if you are young, old, male, female, or if your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, etc. I will work with you personally and help customize a training and nutritional system that’s Right For YOU and your schedule.
What If I’m Not a “Young Buck”, Will This Still Work If I’m Older?
It’s interesting because as I was reading the blog comments I found that over a third of the replies came from men between 40-65 years of age. And right now I’m actually coaching my father who is 61 years old. Since I’ve been working with him to improve his eating and set him up on a structured weight training program he has been making some of his best muscle gains. Each week he is getting stronger on all his lifts in the gym. It’s really exciting to see that kind of progress, even at his age. Some of my previous coaching students have gotten in their best shape in their 50’s and 60’s. So if you believe that age is just a number than I don’t see any reason why you won’t experience consistent muscle gains by following along with the “Inner Circle” Coaching Club. |
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I’m A Female – Will This Program Work For Me?
Yes, women can follow along with this program as well. Although the majority of my online followers are male. The training and nutritional strategies that I cover will work just as well for women. The whole idea of there being a difference between a Man’s Workout and Woman’s Workout is really nothing more then a bunch of BS to try and sell “female fitness programs”. The truth of the matter is that both men and women have the exact same major muscle groups and those muscles need to be trained with the same exercises.
A prime example of this with my girlfriend Trish. We both workout together as training partners and do the exact same workouts set for set, the only difference is the weights we lift (Trish lifts more then me 🙂 ). This type of training has helped her to develop a national level figure competitor physique. Most women that I know personally would much rather have this type of body, compared to the bone thin anorexic model’s body. |
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So if you are looking for a serious training program to follow, and not some pink dumbbell “girly workout”, then come on board. The “Inner Circle” Coaching Club will be just the thing to help you develop that lean, athletic, hard body physique!
I’m A Complete Beginner And Wonder If I Should Try This?
Man up and stop wondering! Getting quality coaching from someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve is the quickest way to reach your goals. Within the “Inner Circle” I have a complete Beginners Fast Track Program outlined that will help move you towards building a lean muscular physique. Don’t forget, I will work with you personally and help customize a training and nutritional system that’s right for you and your current fitness level.
What If The Coaching Program Doesn’t Work For Me?
Well if you come into the program with the attitude that it’s not going to work… Then it probably won’t work for you… My belief is that a program does not fail you; only you can fail the program.
You see within the “Inner Circle” I’m going to provide you with my very best training programs and customized diet plans. Then we’ll be constantly going through the process of Monitoring Your Results and Modifying Your Program to ensure that you make the gains you want to make. In fact, this process never ends. Because as you become more advanced as a bodybuilder your body will change, and your training and nutritional needs will change as well.
I’ll use myself as an example;
The diet and training programs I followed when I was a skinny teen looking to bulk up varied A LOT from the diet and training plans I followed when getting ripped for competition. And you’ll experience the same type of thing as your body changes, your diet and training routines will have to change accordingly.
Each phase of your physique transformation will require a different approach to diet and training.
It is a constant cycle of Monitoring Your Results and Modifying Your Program. However, you can “short-cut” this process and save yourself years of trial and error by working with an experienced coach who has already achieved what you want to achieve. And that’s exactly the service that I’m going to provide you with in the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle”. So the only way it “Will Not Work” is if you don’t follow through with the program.
But let’s just say that you do sign up as a member and then later on decide that this coaching club isn’t for you, then you can simply cancel your membership at anytime and we’ll part as friends.
There are NO Contracts to sign and NO Loop Holes to jump through. After all I only want to work with people who really want my help and are serious about participating in this coaching program. If you don’t want to be a part of the program, then I’m not going to try and keep you here against your will.
If you have any other questions about the Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club that I haven’t covered, please feel free to post them below…
And keep an eye on your e-mail inbox… We’re literally just days away from launching this interactive muscle building coaching program!
all the best,
Let me know so we can get going! I am interested !
This is a great opportunity and from my stand point it will help.
I am still interested in the program. Please keep me informed.
Great leeimveryinterested in hearing moreabouthis program.
David n Ackert
Lee, could you tell me what the difference will be by joining the inner circle compared to the “Customized diet and workout plan” that I purchased from you?
Hi Lee! I’ve been competing in Muscle Model (Mens Physique) for around 4 years and won several times. I want to join a BB competition. Would you think this program will suit my needs?? Thanks!
Im excited about this program. I have been working with a personal trainer who really helps with the actual lifting, but know Lee’s guidance should really help from a nutrition standpoint. I just wonder how this is different from the $200 customized plan Lee has offered before. Also, is there ever a cutoff to prevent too many people diminishing the effectiveness of only one person (Lee) overseeing everyone…
it would be helpful to not re-injure myself as i workout & increase the weight.
if your coaching program is offered again in the future, and if i think i have a remote chance of winning (not one chance in 500, or less), perhaps i may apply.
Alexander D
hey Lee.
i am happy to be picked is one of the 20, but i might have missed the part where it cost something, i will take a listen thursday, but i just dont have alot of money these days (hard to make money as student here in the DK), so if it is out of my pricerange, then i would be happy if you could pick someone else that could use this program.
Gutted i didnt win but will be waiting by my PC on thursday for the launch & price listing. Keep it up lee coz i’ll always be following you in some form or way
Rosie C
Thanks Lee!!!! I am so excited to find my name on the list!!!!
Guðmundur Pétursson
Hi Lee
I´m 45 and in great shape, been working out for years and years.
THEREFORE i am wery pleased to see that you are going to put some focus on our “older” guys, cause very low reps and very high weight is quite taxing for our joints and ligaments. Tough i dont feel old it has hit me reasently that i somehow i have to back off a bit or change my program so i can enjoy my older years 😉
Rich Palarea
Great work, Lee. Best of luck on this new venture. I know that it will be successful life-changing like the rest of the material you have produced. As a busy CEO, I missed my opportunity to get into the first round, but I will be looking for the open membership period.
Congradulations to all the winners. I know Lee is going to make a BIG difference in your training routines, he has done plenty for me. I am 58 years young, been training for over 40 yrs and I am willing to learn better ways to stay healthy and strong. keep up the good work Lee… Herc.
thanks Lee if i am not one of them
LEE, i am 67 years young, i lift 4 days a week and feel that i am in very good shape, and also know there are room for improvements——— so yes i am looking forward to the inner circle.
I also follow you on your blogs and have learned much from you, thank you so much for starting this.
P.S no one could ask for a better muscle building coach.
Could you post what they wrote?
Jamie Keogh
Hi Lee ,
I’m guessing that Jamie isn’t me considering I don’t think I got an email ! 😛
None the less I look forward to the programme !
I am HAPPY to say I was one of the winners, I can’t wait to get started with you Lee.
None have built such an impressive ‘drugfree’ Physique as you. Your inner circle
is going to be wildly successful!
Aimo Ruoho
Thank you very much for your information, Lee!
Congratulations to all the 20 winners, too. You made a good decision to take part in this hard competition. I am sure that you are worth all the efforts, you and Lee are going to put into this.
Results is the key word here. Look for the best results all the time, endure the hard workouts and have a positive attitude towards all the expert advice, that Lee will put forth.
Rest enough to not get sick and eat only the best foods that you can afford.
Best Regards from Spain from AMI (Aimo Ruoho) a 74 year old Finnish veteran bodybuilder.
Do we get a certificate?
I’m just working on some technical issues with the members website, but once that’s done this “Inner Circle” Coaching program will be up and running.
The training for physique competition is very similar to training for bodybuilding competition. The main thing difference is bodybuilders need to be bigger and thicker. But I could help you with this as I’ve personally coached a lot of bodybuilders.
Through this group coaching program my goal is to go a lot deeper and provide an even better level of service then I did with the customized diet and training programs. In fact, once this program goes live I’m going to discontinue those programs and focus on the “Inner Circle” coaching club.
Just go to my blog post at: this is where everyone submitted their comments.
Adam Blevins
I am very interested in joining your program you are offering, and want to personally thank you for fiting this program into your schedule so each person individually succeeds! My only issue is that I was an idiot young into my Navy career, and accumulated a hefty amount of debt. I was wondering if I was to join the program, could you describe a not so expensive nutrition regimine I can follow, as this is my problem with not being able to afford proper foods to meet my goal of getting bigger in the gym. I greatly appreciate your time and efforts once again with starting this program!
Alan O' Grady
Hi Lee,
really considering joining up to the inner circle program with a friend..
However some concerns I might surround the customised diet, I eat well but there are certain things I wont eat, for example salad… will I be starting off on the wrong foot or are there ways around this?
Thanks a common question I hear a lot. I agree that eating well is expensive, but there are ways to go about it to shop smart and cut down on the costs. I’m going to post up some videos in the near future covering some money saving nutrition tips.
If there is a certain food that you absolutely hate to eat, then you don’t have to eat it. There are literally dozens of different food combinations that you can choose from. With some creativity you can actually enjoy healthy eating.
Darren Lee
Hello lee hayward , mate if I join your inner circle , can you get me ripped ?
Darren Lee,
I’ll provide you with the workouts, nutrition program, coaching, and guidance that you’ll need… But it’s up to you to do the actual work.