When it comes to getting ripped 6 pack abs there are 2 things you need to focus on. Obviously, you need to train and develop the abdominal muscles. The more developed your abs are, the better they’ll look.
However, the real kicker that can make or break your chances of having ripped 6-pack abs is losing the excess bodyfat that’s covering your abs. You can have very well developed abdominal muscles, but if those abs are covered in a layer of bodyfat you’ll never see them. So losing bodyfat is half the battle when it comes to getting your 6-pack.
Now I can help you with the training portion towards getting ripped abs with my killer 100 Rep Ab Workout Routine that’s shown below…
But to really strip away that layer of stubborn bodyfat, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of my good friend Joel Marion’s Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. Joel is former Body For Life Grand Champion, he’s a best selling author, and fat loss expert. So needless to say he knows his stuff.
And right now you can get his entire 25 Day Rapid Fat Loss BLUEPRINT with his new Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.0. Program at:
This cutting edge program is based on Real SCIENCE of how your body and metabolism work to burn bodyfat. This isn’t just some “Eat Right & Exercise” fat loss 101 BS. It’s based on advanced fat burning strategies that you can stack together to achieve a synergistic fat loss effect.
In fact, some of Joel’s coaching students have lost over 20 pounds with just 1 round of the 25-Day Extreme Fat Loss Program. You can see their real world case studies at:
Right now Joel is having a special promotion where you can save $30 off the price of the entire 9 part Xtreme Fat Loss Program. So if you’re looking for a fast and reliable solution to getting ripped 6-pack abs, and you’d like to save some money in the process, you should pick up a copy of this program today!

Click Here To Download Your Copy!
If you order the Xtreme Fat Loss Program via this special promotion. I’ll send you an extra bonus of my own.You’ll get a complete copy of the pre-contest diet-plan that both myself and my girlfriend Patricia follow to get ripped to the bone shredded for bodybuilding competitions!
This would be a great complement to the 25 Day Xtreme FatLoss Program. You could even start the pre-contest diet-plan on day 26 to help take your physique to the next level of rock hard conditioning.
All you have to do is place your Xtreme FatLoss order, forward me a copy of your clickbank receipt via e-mail to: lee@leehayward.com and I’ll send you my pre-contest diet-plan.
Click Here To Order The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Program & Get A FREE Copy
Of My Pre-Contest Bodybuilding Diet As An Extra Special Bonus!
Afternoon Lee, Just saw your 100 Rep Ab workout video. Liked the way you explained about ab workouts are good for toneing your stomach and obilques muscles. I used to do 100 crunches everyday, but since I have seen todays bodybuilders with those huge stomaches, I looked up Arnold, Larry Scott, Frank, and those guys studied under Vince Gironda who threw out a person doing crunches in his gym. Today I do crunches 3 times a week, but 5 days a week I work with the Body Wheels roll outs and I am up to doing 2 min. planks. What can you add to this… Your article was awesome just the same… Herc.
Hi lee….about the cable crunch do i need a lighter or heavier weight for that? and great vid….tnx….
Hey Lee…great video..was wondering tho if the weighted cable crunch and weighted machine ab crunch increases the size of ur abs? Im not a fan of abs that protrude out..you know what i mean. Thanks!!
what about your obliques or side ABs?
Yes, it’s true that bodybuilders today have bigger stomachs, but they are also bigger all over. Some of the top bodybuilders probably have the same proportions of a chest to waist ratio as bodybuilders of yesteryear.
However, some have really big distended stomachs. This can be caused from eating too much and literally stretching the stomach. It can also be caused from lack of control, just letting your stomach hang out all the time causes the belly to stick out. And in some cases it can be caused as a side effect from growth hormone use as the internal organs can also grow in size, as well as the skeletal muscles (Not a good thing).
The cable crunch is a good weighted ab exercise, so you can go heavier with this move.
The obliques do come into play as secondary muscles whenever you train your abs. But you can also do direct oblique work and twisting moves if you like to give the some extra work.
Hey Lee,
Some of us don’t have the advantage of gym facilities and try to get work done at home. Can you give 4 ab excercises you would recommend without use of professional equipment?
When I do serious ab work I get horrendous ab cramps. Any ideas?
hi lee:
i have a question for you:
how can i train the obliques muscles?
thank you!
your friend,
Mike(Team NRG Fitness)
Try doing 3 sets of 20 Reps Russian Twists for working obliques, also Laying Side Leg Raises they’ll work your Obliques, Hip Flexors too, use these exercises with my Bootcampers.
Mike(Team NRG Fitness)
Another great video and workout Lee.
Great workout for those training in the gym!!
I have been working out in my bedroom for about six weeks now. I use a swiss ball (with weights inside), two 10lb ankle/wrist weights, dumbells- 2 5lb and 2 12lb.
I have been doing either two sets of 50 – 60 of bicep curls or one set of 110.
I have, in the past, always gone the route of using higher and higher weights and found myself with greatly developed arms. I really enjoyed the look.
This time, however, I am keen on staying on low weights/high reps, hoping to get a nice cut and lean look.
As far as my abs are concerned, well, I have not had as much luck with my workouts. I am using the swiss balls as well as the ankle weights to add to my other ab exercies like jack knifes and the like. I do a lot of ‘toes out’ squats. I have seen some nice change and firmness in my thighs. Even though I have been exercising like this, on and off for over 30 years, I still need other experiences to make sure I am doing the best for myself.
I am female, 58 years old.
I would like to lose another five pounds, but I am not and I am wondering is this from muscle weight?
hi lee:
i have a question for you:
i wish that you make one day a obliques workout routine
for the side abs with exercises like:” the side crunches”
on the floor, and with other obliques exercises for the side abs?
the side crunches are an exercises on the floor that you have to
twist your right elbow over your left knee and then repeat with the
other left elbow and twist to your right knee?
thank you!
your friend,