Important Update:
I’ve decided to Change The Original Offer…
I’m NO Longer going to give away
10 Free Coaching Memberships.
Instead I’m going to DOUBLE IT and
(This is HUGE and the biggest Give-A-Way I’ve ever done!)
Last month I posted a blog asking for your feedback about a Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club that I’m putting together…
You can check out that blog post below:
As you know, I provide A LOT of muscle building training and nutrition advice via my blog, e-mails, facebook, and YouTube videos. And I’m still going to keep doing all that stuff and continue to make workout training videos, blog posts, etc.
However, as a result of all the tips and advice that I share online, I get several hundred e-mail every single day from guys asking me to help them with their workouts, help them with their diets, and basically coach them with reaching their bodybuilding and fitness goals.
As of this writing there are 35,000+ subscribers following me on YouTube. And 22,000+ followers on Facebook, plus there are tens of thousands more who just follow my website and don’t even have a Facebook or YouTube account.
As you can imagine, Thousands Of Followers = Hundreds Of e-Mails…
And as much as I would like to sit down and answer each and every one of those e-mails, it’s physically impossible, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
So instead of simply ignoring them, I’m going to provide an “Inner Circle Coaching Club” for guys who are really serious about taking their training to the next level and who want to work with me personally.
I’ve already surveyed my followers about what they would like to see offered in this type of Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club and the overall response was very positive. I received some great feedback and 77% of my followers said that they would be willing to sign up as a paid monthly member if I were to offer this program.
I’ve been working my tail off over the past month and putting together my very best tips, tricks, workouts, and diet plans together to create a Kick Ass Group Coaching Program.
Basically I’ll be providing you with all the program templates to follow and then I’ll work with you personally via the private members forum and live video chats to help personalize them to your individual situation. |
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In addition to that you’ll be able to keep your own online training log and track your results. Post your workouts, your meals, keep track of your stats and post progress pictures. This way I can follow along with your training in real time and provide you with on going feedback about your progress. This will help to hold you accountable to follow through and stick with your program and develop the lean muscular physique you want.
To The “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club is almost ready to go LIVE, all I need now is some guinea pigs to help me test it out š
So I’m going to GIVE AWAY 10 20 FREE MEMBERSHIPS right here on my blog!
To enter to win one of those 10 20 FREE Memberships all you have to do is post a comment below this post (reply form is at bottom of the page) with the following response:
In 250 words or less, tell me specifically why this program
is the perfect solution for you at this point in your life.
Share WHY you need and want me to personally coach you
with reaching your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Try your best to keep your response short and to the point, approx. 250 words, and please don’t talk about your financial situation. I’ve already covered price when I surveyed my followers and this “Inner Circle” Coaching Program is going to be very affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Period.
So please keep your financial situation to yourself, and instead focus on your personal fitness goals and how being a member of this group coaching program will help you reach those goals quicker and with less frustration.
I’m going to keep this blog contest open for the next 48 hours and then I’ll personally review all the replies over the weekend and announce the 10 20 Lucky Winners.
So give it some thought and make your answer count!
all the best,
Comment navigation
lewis steinfeld
please consider me. i am a serious trainer. i have been’ bodybuilding’, powerlifting and dieting for over
thirty years. i need some serious guidance to help me figure out what is the proper diet , volume of training and response for someone my age.i am willing to give my all but need to make sure i do not compromise my health
Hey, Lee.
To start off, I am a complete newbie to body-building. I am also the skinniest person I know at about 172cm tall and weighing around 52kg (115lbs). I think that the ‘Inner Circle’ Coaching Club would be a perfect solution for me because you obviously know what you’re talking about (you have the physique to match what you say as well) and by being a part of it I would be able to break past the myths and false information that people tell me. I also need to learn how to squat, deadlift and military press. Thanks.
Alex aguirre
This would be great for me cause I watch your videos all the time. The best part is that you explain in explain everything in good detail to prevent injury and in a year in a half I’ve noticed a lot of muscle gain. More help would be good cause I’m a diabetic and it seems that I have to work harder and with more help I can achieve my goal
Michael Johnson
Hey Lee, I came across one of your videos two and a half years ago. After watching the first one i went on to spend an entire afternoon watching your videos and made up a new workout plan for myself based off the techniques and ideas you offered. I saw a lot of good changes in my physique after that. I have been a regular visitor to your website and read pretty much every email you send out. I took such a liking to you right away because you had so much information for people for free, you can easily poke around your website and learn a lot without being charged anything. Later you can go back and take advantage of the offers you regularly post. I’m in college right now and when i talk to people about lifting i refer them to your website and all your good material. I look forward to all the information you will help us with in the future. Peace.
Jatinder singh
this program is important for me to fulfill my dream of building a perfect body and to pay tribute to my BROTHER CUM MY CHILDHOOD COACH who has passed away 5 years ago. I need you as coach as i’m following you from last 2-3 years on facebook and yahoo emails.
Jatinder singh
Yes its important part for me to be team with lee and health is wealth so i want to become rich so i need lees guidance
Hi Lee,
This is a great opportunity. I love your work and have managed to add some decent mass and considerably increased my strength. Now I’m ready to move to the next level, getting a ripped tone. I’m very serious in both training and nutrition and would love to have a top coach like you to help me reaching this goal.
Keep up the good work.
Matt aka Monster from the Netherlands
don svajgl
Hi Lee, have been following you for a couple of years, you have great information,am 55 ,play a lot of competive tennis,have finally dropped 25 pounds this year been working out with a buddy starting to see results from using your info,but I want MORE, need accountability,dedication, and desire to reach my goals,which I believe that I can acheive with your help.I admire your success .am 6/3 at 245 pounds have a 48 chest 39 gut 16 arms,I finally got 16 arms this year,have just started, to workout for the last 6 months after 25 years of not .I know that I need direction,in all aspects including diet, workout plans supplements, why not learn from from you,you have been around the block more than once,you are a down to earth guy,with a great attitude to help people like me,and most of all I do not want to grow OLD, I want to grow YOUNG. thanks Lee. Don
Norman Burt
Hey Lee,
I’ve only been training for about 18 months and through your training videos I have been able to pinpoint which exercises provide some good results. I have also incorporated many of your meal ideas into my daily diet (I hate that word. Its more of a lifestyle change). However, I am still not satisfied and believe with some coaching I could see some serious results.
I am 41 years old and hope that over the next several years, with some help, I can make some serious changes to my current body shape.
I appreciate all you are doing here and look forward to many more years of training advice.
Adamo Di Caprio
i would really appreciate it if you consider me. i have been training now for a year and a half. started off a skinny dude at 15 (130 lbs) put on 25 lbs of muscle. im a really serious trainer, either its at the gym or with my sport teams. i always wanted to have a proper workout plan at the gym but didnt knopw where to start. watching your videos and reading your articles, really helped me out. thanks.
Ivan Agovski
Hello there , mr. Lee ! I’m into the bodybuilding about 10 months by now , my progress is very good . I started at the weight of 60 killos ( 172 cm tall ) and I gained about 14 killos total , about 9 killos of lean muscle mass . However , 2 months ago i decided to get rid of the extra fat i gained , as for my stomack to be flat and see my abs perfectly . For sure , I got rid of some water too and overall I lost like 5 killos of weight and I’m glad with my definition etc. right now . BUT . I’m trying to gain some muscle mass for about a month , not just that I didn’t gain anything but it’s like I keep cutting ! I dont have really much apetite , I guess I have to eat a lot more , also there’s so much stress for me recently .. I even took 5 days break , still doesn’t work ! I wanna keep proggresing and reach my genetic potential some day … and right now I need your proffesional help to do it !
There have been very few women my age finish the Chilli Challenge Adventure Triathlon in the last several years. I plan on adding my name to that short list in October, 2012.
I am a 38-year-old female recovering fatso. During the last two years I have dropped more than 100 pounds of body fat. I have learned how to run, how to swim, how to bike. I have put on muscle and a very large smile. I can swing a 25 pound kettlebell, squat with 75 pounds of dumbbell on my shoulders, bend over and place my hands flat on the floor. I can run a 38 minute 5K and climb stairs without going into cardiac arrest.
But there is much more I want to do. There’ĀĀs a floaty ring of fat still clinging stubbornly to my middle that needs to go away. There are faster runs to have, more muscle to build, bike trails to follow.
And there’s a triathlon. The training will be intense, the personal requirements and sacrifices huge. I don’Āt just want to finish the race. I want to finish strong!
Kasha Winston
At the max muscle show this weekend have been making use of the info from your emails love this sport and want to excel and be at the top game always.
Hi Lee,
I first came across your site some years ago when I purchased the Crital bench/blast your bench programs & have been following you ever since. I’m 54 years young & 6′ 1″ & over the past 3 years have managed to reduce my bodyweight from 315 pounds to 198 pounds. Unfortunately I seem to have reached a plateau at about 20% bodyfat & need some help & accountability to progress to the next level. Ideally I would like to get my bodyfat below 15% while increasing LBM to maintain weight at about 200 pounds.
During college, I took advantage of the large gym on campus to workout, but I never could seem to gain the muscle mass and look that I desired. This was especially frustrating since my older brother is extremely bulky, and seems to have no issues building and maintaining muscle mass. I have gone to him for advice on occasions, but he does a general workout plan that just doesn’t seem to get the job done for me. Having a personalized plan, tips, and advice from an experienced and knowledgeable coach may be just the thing to help me finally realize some of my fitness goals.
LEE, you saved me from pain and suffering!!! I don’t know if you remember but it was back in 2005 I contacted you after I had a severe case of shoulder pain that I later found was torn cartilage and bicep tendonitis. You emailed me 4 shoulder warm up exercises and my pain and strength gradually improved and now I am more or less pain free in my shoulder area. I can’t thank you enough.
There are lot of people who have similar goals like us but have no guidance and training so what you would do is give them proper guidance so they can maximize their goals and prevent injury. People trust you because you give an honest non biased advise and do not endorse any products rather try to help everyone understand the basics of achieving the optimal body that the person desires. Thank you once again for your support and passion for this sport.
Mike Barlow
No newbie to bodybuilding, I am a middle-aged+ builder preparing for his first contest (Grand Masters) in a few months. I know you are a lot younger than me, but I am confident that with your knowledge and experience, as well as your exposure and interaction with older bodybuilders, you may be able to offer valuable insights and advice to us middle-aged (and over) ones which we cannot find elsewhere. We tend to feel left out of everything in a sport which, by nature, caters to the younger crowd.
I specifically need help dealing with loose skin around the abs, despite the fact I am loosing weight and dropping body fat as I cut up and acquire definition. It just will not tighten up, yet I can see a great 6-pack and obliques developing right below it.
I also need advice on a enhancing few body parts, not so much from an age but genetics perspective. Iāve got good calves, but they tend to grow on the sides and not the rear. I am developing a good quad sweep, but having trouble with inner thighs. I am also having problems getting a Christmas tree on my back.
I sincerely feel that by attracting older bodybuilders in your membership, you will not only be able to make your demographics more comprehensive, you can expand the overall spectrum of athletes who could benefit from what you have to offer.
My wife has struggled with weight most of the last 10 years,so on hwr behalf, anything to help her, she is now addicted to working out and any added help would be a win win for her.
Joe Weisend
Lee, I would like to be coached by you because I am ready to compete. I won’t lie and say I’m a newbie to weightlifting or very skinny or anything like that because I’m not. Truth is, I’m a trainer at a local YMCA and have attained a decent amount of mass on my own, with considerable tone. Lately, people have been urging me to compete in natural bodybuilding or a physique competition. I really want to, but I know I’m not ready. I’ve only ever lifted for fun. I have no clue of the workings of a competition and I have no idea how to get ready for one as far as dieting and lifting. I know I still need to add a considerable amount of size and definition, though, and I feel this is where I need your help as I’m in a plateau. I feel like I hit my genetic limit so to speak. Also, if I received your help, I’d be able to use the dieting and exercise knowledge I receive from you to help even more people that I work with at the Y who may be struggling with not just physique issues but health issues as well. And I’d be sure to acknowlege you, of course! I seriously hope you consider me, Lee. Thanks, Joe Weisend
Lynn Bridges
I am 57. I have been working out at gyms and riding bikes for most of my adult life. More serious the last 4 years. I put a lot of effort into it but I am not getting bigger. I have downloaded your workouts and followed the instructions. I am slightly bigger in the arms and chest but no where near as big as I should be, given the effort I am extending. I don’t want to be huge just look good in a t shirt or polo and slightly bigger in the chest. I am frustrated because I have paid trainers but not a lot of results. Could be age but what do you know about old guys and getting results? Would like to reach my goals.
I would love the opportunity to be trained by you Lee. I am a 43 year old woman who has done one bodybuilding show in the past. I am looking to do another in the fall. I have no workout partner (they never last) and I absolutely could use the assistance, education and motivation needed to successfully compete in another show. I do hope you consider myself as one of your chosen few.
Thank you.
mark baker
hey lee,
i’ve followed a bunch of your videos and it has helped me out a lot but i keep hitting a plateau and i know its because of my allergies i just really need help with a correct diet and it would be great for someone to help me out.
kevin bavelaar
Hi Lee, I am 48, male and weigh 175 lbs, 5ft 8 inches, about 20% body fat, and I think I am an endo/meso. I have been body building since I was 13 starting with a Charles Atlas course. I admit there have been a few years in between that I was not training. About 3 years ago I started serious again. I have never made great gains and if I send you my picture, I don’t think you’ll say this guy is a bodybuilder. I bought your 21 day mass building course and finally figured out that my diet is more important than my training. Then I bought Dave Ruel’s cook book from your referral and am starting to see the light, but either I don’t have the right body type or I am just too old. I don’t expect to look like you at my age but I work hard and I should be able to put some decent size on and lean up a little. What I really need is special training and dieting advice from you and I am sure I can make the best gains of my life, and at 48. Thanks for your help so far and looking forward to what you come up with next, thanks, Kevin.
ashwani prashar
Respected Sir,
Its my pleasure to write about ur program actually i have no word to say about u.I am in bodybuilding from almost one year but i have no powerful result coz in my area there is no proper fitness coach and nothing to say about proper diet and exercise.When i become in contact with ur email my transformation starts effetely.Its about two month i set my schedule according to you.Everything change my diet to my workout and my mates says what happen to u and i say i have a world famous international coach and they all jealous to me now . Sir i will surely post my transformation pic to u. Thank you so so much to change my physique.
Yours follower,
Ashwani kumar
Matthew Costis
You have pointed me to the right direction and could use your services in future. Would be cool to learn more from you.
Hi Lee ,
I always consider myself an athlete , however my genes and my childhood has never been favorable for me. I was hugely over weight (180lbs at 15 years , 5’1) until i decided i want to change it and Be,Look and Feel healthy. I fought with my folks and joined a basic gym. I worked out rigorously without any proper guidance. Different people gave me different methods and advises. Now i am 30 years old, Been working out and take all your health tips and weigh 160lbs,5,9 and look muscular. However my goal is still not accomplished. I need to look the best and need a guru like you to become my best. I still have excess fat on my body and a few injuries from the past. Looking forward to have a mentor like you.
Jim Terhune
I am a 67- (nearly 68-) year old college professor who started lifting weights 8 years ago because I could no longer play basketball. I did not know what I was doing, so I simply mimicked what the men in my collegeās weight room were doing. It has been a little disappointing because it takes me years to make the modest gains that the 18 ā 24 year old students make in a semester. The bench press seems to be my nemesis. My all-time 1-rep maximum is 300 lb. I happened upon your web site and learned that I have been doing it incorrectly since the beginningāI have been holding my arms at 90 degrees and havenāt been able to lower the bar all of the way to my chest. When I read that this technique would eventually lead to shoulder injury, I followed your advice, adjusted my technique and can now press through the full range of motion. However, it was like starting all over again. After a month, I have progressed to only at 225, 6 reps. Of course, I do not want to injure my shoulders, and will not return to my old style, but here is what I would really liked to do: I would like to rep at 315 lb before I am 70. I would like to show the ākidsā in the room, many are my students, that old men need not be weak, to encourage them to stay strong all of their lives.
Abhinav Thakur
I am a graduate student at University of Florida. I workout 3 times a week in the gym with weights. I have had one major surgery for my hand (radius) and have a titanium plate and screws in my hand. I also broke my fibula last year so I haven’t trained my legs for quite a bit. I try and keep myself as fit as possible within the restricted amount of weight I can lift. But I aspire to be strong and really strong. I don’t give up and push myself to the maximum all the time in the gym because I want to be the best there is. I think with my kind of attitude and your coaching tips and skills, we would make a deadly combo!
I am 175 cm, 150 pounds with 10% body fat. I have managed to reduce my body fat percentage from 14 to 10 over the last few months. My performance in the gym is also improving steadily although I feel a bit left out on the diet side coz I am a horrible cook.
Hope you choose me!
I came across Lee Hayward by accident, I was interested in finally doing something for “ME” instead of trying to impress for others. I decided I wanted not only to get fit but also improve my physique. I Googled “bodybuilding” & for some reason Lee Hayward was right at the top of my search. I looked at his website & checked out some of his videos & felt totally inspired so I joined my local gym & put some of his excercise routines to the test. I must admit that even though I hadn’t done any physical training for a good number of years (aged 51 years now), after 4 months of following Lee’s training methods I had lost 1.5 stone in weight & my physique was better than when I joined the Royal Marines at the ripe old age of 17. I am fitter now & have a better physique in my 50’s than I ever had in my 30’s & 40’s mainly because of what I have learnt from Lee. Friends & family have commented positively on my new physique & this has boosted my confidence in more ways that you can imagine. Mental wealth is far more valuable than financial wealth. I can’t wait to take my life to the next level because this is not just a new physique I have gained but a whole new life. Thanks Lee for the inspiration you gave me to make the changes that have improved my health & life so far. Whether I win a free membership or not I will still be following your training & diet advice for many years to come.
I will be starting a new chapter in my life in the coming month; I will be graduating college and starting a career in programming. All my life I was known as the quiet scrawny guy. It wasnāt until this past year that I started lifting to try and put on weight. I loooved it! Although I had school from 8am ā 4pm and work from 4:30pm – 6:30pm every day, I found myself going to the gym after work just about every day because I couldnāt get enough of it. Over the past year, I have added about 15lbs of muscle and become much more toned. All of my friends canāt believe the difference! Although I am proud of this, I want to change even more.
Graduating college is a great accomplishment for me and I want to kick it off by taking my training to another level. With your knowledge and help, I believe the sky is the limit!! I have been following you for quite some time and you always have great information. I just love to shake things up in the gym and try out your new techniques.
I believe you are looking for people who like to challenge themselves and will listen to all of your advice. I am your guy! I will give 110% both in the gym and on my diet.
I hope to hear from you soon,
hey lee i just became a personal trainer but i have not trained anyone one before whats the best thing for me to start doing so i get some experience , i my self use to way 220 and went down to 150 then i added 20 more pounds on my body i know what it takes to loose weight and build muscle i want to open my own business one day
Since 2010, I have run Lee’s programmes repeatedly, and although at first I made gains by leaps and bounces, I find it hard progressing to the next level without being faced with either overtraining or plateaus which are extremely hard to break through.
Does this mean I need to move on to the next level by trying something new?… I think Lee’s new programmes is what I need š
Duhhhh Your the illest to coach and with you training me ill get big period.
In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Jay Watson
I’m an avid weight lifter who has lifted for years and has a good physique by most people’s standards. However, I am now desiring to get to that next level and probably start competing. I desire to improve my body and increase my bodybuilding knowledge. I feel certain that you coaching would assist me in achieving these goals. Go big or go home! š
garrett murphy
hay lee i am new to your blog but i am really stepping up my body building efforts. I am pretty strong in the gym but i would say my problem is proper nutrition. thanks garrett
Robert Carroll
May 2 makes one year I have been pushing hard to get back in shape. I started last year at 332 pounds, I am now 188 and going to join Golds Gym to get muscled up and burn off the flabby belly. Getting the RIGHT nutrition and workout guides will be SO helpful. I would love to get you as a trainer and it would be absolutely perfect for me and totally priceless for me as a beginner. I went from a 52 waist to a 34 now I want to get lean muscle and get as fit as I can. Bulking up and getting the right food is what I am after and you would be THEE coach to get. I am pushing myself to get fit enough for a Triathlon in august so bulking up and getting fit are my primary goals.
after my 12 weeks transformation w/ kris i feel so great and w/ in this transformation i loss about 23lbs thats why i want to continue and i watch your video i looking forward to consider me thanks and more power
Louii Kayyali
I think I’m the dude for this. Why? Well ever since I’ve been working out I’ve been checkin up on your website. I found it extremely helpful and have noticed awesome results for the short time I was able to train. Right now I’m back in the gym and am looking forward to seeing more results. Like the usual, putting on weight’s an issue. I know if I had your help I could really bulk up and pack some muscle on.
david marsh
hi lee, i am a newbie when it comes to proper bodybuiling.I have been watching lots of videos of other bodybuilders to try and learn some technique but to be honest there is a lot of guys out there who just talk nonsense because they are tanked up on steroids, and that is a road i would not go down. I would love you to be my coach and i will give 100% in the gym. I need this so i can train , eat, and rest properly and hopefully with your professional help i can do so. I am 29yrs old with two young boys and if i get the help and experience from you i can lead them down a healthy road and keep them away from drugs please god. I am saying this because i went that way myself until my first lad was born now i am in a position to let bodybuilding be my new and safe drug, thanks a lot kind regards, marshy
Hey Lee, great offer. I will turn 50 years old next week, and I have been interested in bodybuilding theory and art for years but only really serious for the last couple. Unfortunately I am finding now that at my age, that it is not my muscles that limit me, but rather my skeletal system – bones, joints, ligaments, tendons. I have been trying to find a trainer that I can trust to help me manage this, but either they try to sell me something that I am not interested in or just don’t have the advanced knowledge I am seeking. At the local club they want to sell me “sessions” to follow me around and show me exercises. That’s not what I need. I need an integrated exercise/diet/rest plan and feedback on what I am doing. So I am trying to figure out how to manage/integrate my workouts, diet, rest, and other activities so as to still inspire progress. As a scientist I have come to trust your advice, having tested it against sound biology, anatomy, etc. and also appreciate your way of expressing the art and passion of bodybuilding. You like to coach guys like me who like to learn, so I ask you to consider me for a free membership, as I would surely make the most of it. Thanks. Greg
Simon Eton
Hi Lee this is the reason to put myself forward as your guinea pig in the Elite Circle. I am 39 years of age and have always been into weightlifting and various sports to keep myself fit.
As I approach 40 in 2 months time I have in the last 3 months made it my goal to pack on some muscle in a big way.
I research a lot of what I do but there is a lot of misinformation and a lot of variables to consider not just with the bodybuilding itself but also in relation to age. I have used your emails and blog many times to cross check information. It would be nice to have that extra help which cuts through the BS and provide me with a solid foundation of knowledge and technique to achieve my goals.
Furthermore I am currently studying via distance learning my Level 2 and 3 qualifications as a fitness instructor which I am attempting to finish at a high level in the shortest time possible. I feel that it would be also beneficial that I may be able to impart the knowledge that I can learn to benefit others as well as myself.
Many Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Simon Eton
Rob Chang
I’ve been seriously training as a bodybuilder for almost 4 years now. I’ve competed three times with the last two being two weeks apart last spring. I worked with a trainer for the last two competitions, but I didn’t think that I improved that much compared to when I did things on my own. One thing, I really have trouble doing is going from ripped to completely shredded. I also relied too much on my coach last year, and I ended up cutting salt and water extremely hard during the prep week, and I felt like I sacrificed a lot of fullness. I’ve met a few bodybuilders during my time in the sport, but I need to learn a lot more in order to be better every year. You should pick me because I’m highly motivated and honest. If I don’t believe what you say, I will ask you why I should try your way first as opposed to something else that I am thinking of trying. I’m also not a close-minded person, and I am eager to learn, especially when the person has been competing in BB for longer than I have. You can find at more about me from this article that Jim Evans wrote about me. Thanks for your consideration.
Hey Lee,
I would love to win a bodybuilding coaching membership, because I’ve been trying desperately to gain body mass and build muscle, but nothing is working for me. I started getting your emails and videos sent to my email a couple of years ago, and I watch every video and I save every video and email for future reference and to look back on for training purposes. I know this membership would help me work on the areas that I need to focus on to gain the body mass and muscle that I want. I’m currently 26 and I weigh about 130 or so. I can’t seem to get past that weight, and my weight training doesn’t seem to show any results, so this would really help me out.
I’m a 29 year old male.I have a rear diease called sarcoidosis.which I take medicine for which are steroids.that cause me too gain weight no matter what I do.and feel like I’m useless to my family because I’m fat and out of shape I’m one of those people that will do what I’m told because I want to succeed so I would be great for this and if you are good changing me would prove thanks looking forward to the challenge
Soung Gi
I have just graduated from college going into real world right now.
I used to work out all the time, but as soon as I graduated, I have stopped working out. I lost the muscle mass I have gained and just became a lazy person. I don’t feel the excitement of working out anymore without a buddy who can keep check on each other. I think I will be perfect for the membership because of how obligation and my desired to learn will show the difference in myself. I watch lot of work out video even though I don’t work out anymore. Please pick me!
Aimo Ruoho
Hello again, my coach and friend Lee!
You are really an unusual person, as I understand it. You are continuously giving best ever advice to people for no cost or for very low cost. You must enjoy doing it and probably you also make good loyal customers that way.
I have learned to trust you through the years of having been your customer, I now seem to have a full file of your programs, There are about 700 pages of photo copies + a few hundred, which you and your friend Vince del Monte produced as ” 21 Day Fast Mass Building Program” ( which I have been training through 3 times from January this year ).
It has been a great privilege to me to be able to learn a lot from you and particularly the many videos and other personal teaching has been a valuable addition to your programs.
I have been thinking, that it would be nice to train with you together once in my life either in Canada or in my modest personal Gym here in Spain.
My dream is to be once on stage showing, how an old man can still be in good condition…
Any way, good luck to you and the young people, whom you are going to choose to this project.
Best Regards from your Finnish friend Aimo.
Tyrell McCabe
I have been following your tips & advice for 2 years now and have nothing but complete trust in you. I know that you can help me achieve my dream of finally put my skinny body behind me. I’ve been skinny since I was a youngster and always struggled to put on weight, especially muscle which is what I want the most. I’am very tall so I have a very slim body. I’ve been lifting weights for 5 years now so my heart is in the right place but my gains have been nothing more than moderate. Being committed to the weight room has leaded to me looking a little better than most of the skinny tall kids you see around.
Im young and still got my whole life ahead of me, and I believe having the body I always wanted will not only make me feel a whole lot better about myself but also make be better in the things I do in life, such as work ethic, confidence, and attitude. All which are important factors in achieving any goal in life. Being apart of your Inner Bodybuilding Cicle will do just that for me. I believe that if anyone could help me defeat my ectomorphic genes and finally start making a difference in my life, it would be you. From following you for so long I know you do know what you are talking about and hae tried just about everything out there and know what works and what doesn’t.
Thanks for giving up this opportunity Lee, you da man.
sagar sharma
Each and every intstruction given by you were instrumental for me because those were nonsteroid. and i could kick start my career here in india. thanks a lot. lee
Yancey Halbleib
I am the man for the plan. I am the older guy 47 years old. And at only 5’7″ I was at 275 pounds. Yes a fat guy. But over time I got down to an amazing 175 lbs. But I need the coach to help PUMP ME UP. I need that guidance to help me through maintaining not getting fat again and building the MUSCLE again that I had so many moons ago.
Lets rip it up!!
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