Important Update:
I’ve decided to Change The Original Offer…
I’m NO Longer going to give away
10 Free Coaching Memberships.
Instead I’m going to DOUBLE IT and
(This is HUGE and the biggest Give-A-Way I’ve ever done!)
Last month I posted a blog asking for your feedback about a Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club that I’m putting together…
You can check out that blog post below:
As you know, I provide A LOT of muscle building training and nutrition advice via my blog, e-mails, facebook, and YouTube videos. And I’m still going to keep doing all that stuff and continue to make workout training videos, blog posts, etc.
However, as a result of all the tips and advice that I share online, I get several hundred e-mail every single day from guys asking me to help them with their workouts, help them with their diets, and basically coach them with reaching their bodybuilding and fitness goals.
As of this writing there are 35,000+ subscribers following me on YouTube. And 22,000+ followers on Facebook, plus there are tens of thousands more who just follow my website and don’t even have a Facebook or YouTube account.
As you can imagine, Thousands Of Followers = Hundreds Of e-Mails…
And as much as I would like to sit down and answer each and every one of those e-mails, it’s physically impossible, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
So instead of simply ignoring them, I’m going to provide an “Inner Circle Coaching Club” for guys who are really serious about taking their training to the next level and who want to work with me personally.
I’ve already surveyed my followers about what they would like to see offered in this type of Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club and the overall response was very positive. I received some great feedback and 77% of my followers said that they would be willing to sign up as a paid monthly member if I were to offer this program.
I’ve been working my tail off over the past month and putting together my very best tips, tricks, workouts, and diet plans together to create a Kick Ass Group Coaching Program.
Basically I’ll be providing you with all the program templates to follow and then I’ll work with you personally via the private members forum and live video chats to help personalize them to your individual situation. |
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In addition to that you’ll be able to keep your own online training log and track your results. Post your workouts, your meals, keep track of your stats and post progress pictures. This way I can follow along with your training in real time and provide you with on going feedback about your progress. This will help to hold you accountable to follow through and stick with your program and develop the lean muscular physique you want.
To The “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club is almost ready to go LIVE, all I need now is some guinea pigs to help me test it out 😉
So I’m going to GIVE AWAY 10 20 FREE MEMBERSHIPS right here on my blog!
To enter to win one of those 10 20 FREE Memberships all you have to do is post a comment below this post (reply form is at bottom of the page) with the following response:
In 250 words or less, tell me specifically why this program
is the perfect solution for you at this point in your life.
Share WHY you need and want me to personally coach you
with reaching your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Try your best to keep your response short and to the point, approx. 250 words, and please don’t talk about your financial situation. I’ve already covered price when I surveyed my followers and this “Inner Circle” Coaching Program is going to be very affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Period.
So please keep your financial situation to yourself, and instead focus on your personal fitness goals and how being a member of this group coaching program will help you reach those goals quicker and with less frustration.
I’m going to keep this blog contest open for the next 48 hours and then I’ll personally review all the replies over the weekend and announce the 10 20 Lucky Winners.
So give it some thought and make your answer count!
all the best,
Comment navigation
Adam Goodman
I live in PA, USA. I subscribed to you more than a year ago while still in the clutches of severe, active alcoholism. When I was a teenager in the 1980’s I learned how to work out and eat right in order to save my ass from drug and alcohol use. I had a wonderful several years of solid training, some competition level participation in Golden Gloves events and sanctioned power-lifting meets. I opened a couple of businesses and drew from my lessons learned in the gym about goal achievement, follow-through and getting better over time. In 1999 I was rear-ended by a drunk driver and badly injured. Unable to work out- or even stand up straight for about 18 months, my quality of life totally shrunk. It was all I could do to do a day’s business. My fitness disappeared and I drank, heavily, to try to dull the physical and emotional pains of a life I no longer could enjoy. A disastrous choice for me to have made.
For a decade I tried to battle my way back through a booze soaked haze, clinging to sporadic periods of weeks-in-a-row that I could get in the gym consistently, and make a minor start toward progress since then. But 7 months ago I made major changes. I closed a business that was keeping me miserable and robbing me of more than 15 hours per day, 6 days per week. I separated from the people in my life who place no priority on fitness of any kind and I finally became able to stop drinking. Dude, God has helped me to re-become the guy I want to be. And in the gym especially. I have a good base of fitness, good working knowledge of equipment, exercises, nutrition and concepts entailed with each. I have a kick-ass gym in my home and the time flexibility to work out multiple times per day, if desired.
I’ve always appreciated your real, down-to-earth and experiential presentation/approach and it’s been staggering to me just how much good info you GIVE away regularly. I’d be a worthy subject for your investment because I’m a hard worker, willing to be consistent and looking for traceable, accountable progress that I will honestly, factually and objectively (as possible) report. I turned 42 in Feb and my body is incredibly responsive to: weight lifting routines, cardio/vascularity changes, weight-gain/weight-loss- God has truly blessed me this way. And I have a good & broad foundation level of fitness to build from- even for an aging lifter. I’d like to participate in some bodybuilding events/shows as I sail into my 50’s. Thanks in advance for considering me Lee.
Hello Lee,
I’m very much surprised you’re making this great offer. The knowledge that I obtain from you is awsome. I have learned alot both from you, and about myself. You are no bullshit, you tell it and show it like it is; and in todays fitness world, that’s a hard thing to come by. It’s great getting your emails, and watching your videos. Have even watched your live internet talks several times. Great info. I’m 45years old, very active, and take my workouts very seriously. I have been going at it on and off all of my life. I see results here and there, and here comments, but honestly I feel that I can do more; I feel with your direction, guidence and backing I can take my body to the level it really is able to be at. I’m dedicated, and will work my ass off to make the time you invest in me pay off. Thanks once again for an incredible opportunity!
Lee thanks for the opportunity to share with you why I need this, I am a 35 yrsingle dad of a 6yr old boy and a 9yr girl, since I have started working out I feel better now than I did when I was 20, but it seems like I am not getting any results for about then last months or so, I really need some help, ive plattoed and it isn’t fun any more, is there something you can does to help me out, chris.
Mike G
Lee, I just turned 49 my goal is to be in the best shape of my life by age 50 Im slowly getting there. After reading your blogs and watching your vids I think your Bad Ass program can help me get there quicker.
Lee I need your help to achieve my goal
I have followed your tips,which shows better results.In my view you are the best coach for me.I want to follow you so that i would perform better in competition for which i am preparing.
Siddharth Gaur
I have been following your guidance for 2 years now and also bought your blast your bench program. And I have seen awesome results in my workout routines and gains.
Last year since my car accicent I was not able to get back to my usual workout and has since affected my body shape and muscle. Now that I am back to gym I feel that now I am finding it difficult to regain shape.
I have now set a goal to get more lean mass with nice definitions which I feel this program and your guidance can help me achieve it.
I am looking forward to become part of it and avail this opportunity.
Trev (UK)
Hey Lee can i say firstly say I have watched many of your videos and learnt a lot more than most so called personal trainers at my local gym the way you break it down and explain the importance of the exercises and correct techniques have come in so handy in the past but I have seemed to have lost motivation and drive and stuck in a rut.
This could be the kick start I need to achieve my goal
Thanks Keep up the good work!
Jason Krantz
Hey Lee, I have been lifting pretty consistently for awhile now. I started lifting in my late 20’s. I am now 36 and am fairly happy with how its going. I have never had a trainer or anyone show me any type of programs. I have done it all on my own by figuring things out and reading magazines and websites (for example your website). I have still NOT figured out how to eat or lose weight where I need it to be lost (example belly). I have tried to figure this out and just cannot. I would greatly appreciate this opportunity to learn from you and finally acheive my goals. Thanks.
Ray Keasler
Dear Lee,
I subscribed to your videos and and email in Feb. of this year. Since then I have seen an awesome transformation in my body that blows away the previous 3 years of training on my own. I’m 51 (52 June this year) and very very serious about my training. In my thirties, I was diagnosed with lung cancer and several other physical problems. I spent my first 40 years of my life working on killing myself with untold amounts of drugs and alcohol abuse. I beat cancer in my 40th year and have started on the road to complete recovery since. In Dec. 2007 I was close to 300lbs at 6 ft. tall and way way out of shape. I chose then to do something about my physical fitness. by the end of 2008 i weighed 245, had changed my diet completely and worked out in the gym but had no real training. I suffered through the next 2 years training off and on and seeing no results in building lean muscle. Then I found you. Like I said, I’ve seen more results in building lean muscle in the last 3 months than ever before.
I have a long term goal of being a senior fitness model and encouraging all, especially those who are entering the prime of life that no matter what your physical condition is, it can be turned around to become the best you can be, not only physically but mentally too.
Thanks for the opportunity to train directly under you with a personal experience from the best.
Tanks you a lot for the opportunity the learning more with a person which has the knowledge and skill.
Jesper Axell
Hello Lee
I am going to be 20 this year and live in sweden. Training is not a hobby for me, its my lifestyle, i don’t drink, smoke or anything of that shit.
it would be awesome if you would pick me and i can promise you won’t regret it.
i don’t want a complete change of my life, i just want to get to the next level whit my muscles building. And i know i will achieve that if you could help me there!
Thank you //Jesper
Louis Hemmelgarn
I am getting into my mid 40’s and have a harder time staying healthy while meeting my goals. In the last 4 years I have competed in a bodybuilding contest and strongman contest and done well in both (won my class). Lately I have been lucky to go a month without injury and have a hard time keeping my energy levels up. I have the background, desire, and heart to make the most of this great opportunity to be a good example of what this personalized training can do for a devoted individual.
Hi Lee,
I’m 40, and I have been a fan for a few years, following your Youtube clips and also doing your workouts pretty constantly since I discovered you. Unfortunately, I’m not making the gains I hoped, so I must be missing a piece of the puzzle. I would like to take part in your club to fill those gaps in my program, or at least get some advice and motivation. Regardless, I’m still a big fan and wish you continued success and growth, both physical and personal.
I have learned alot both from you, and about myself. You are no bullshit, you tell it and show it like it is; and in todays fitness world, that’s a hard thing to come by. It’s great getting your emails, and watching your videos. Have even watched your live internet talks several times
Gilles Jacob
Hey lee, im from Belgium and have been training for about 3 years now. The first year didnt feel right for me, since i gained almost nothing in mass and hardly anything noticeble in strenght
I do not remember how i stumbled apon your videos, but i started watching them and using the knowledge gained to improve myself and my training. Now2 years after that, i have gained about 6kg’s in mass and i improved a lot! I mean i was very skinny and had no shape in my body, but now start to get some shape in it! finally!
But i feel like i can push myself even harder, but i am somewhat hesitating since i dont have anyone to ‘hold my hand’ along the way.
Im afraid i cant say much more then that, im just one of the many seeking ways to get in that perfect shape. And fingers crossed i can be one of the lucky ones 🙂
Hello, Short and sweet, 39 years old with past problems regarding makeing the right decisions on what I put in my body. (I’ll save you the dramatics not like others) I have been working out on and off for a few monthes at a time most of life but with nothing to show for it! I have now been dedicated for over a year now making what I think are some pretty good gains in the gym. I work hard and very dedicated when I believe i’m doing the proper programs and diets. Following you is my only gym partner and would love to continue making even better gains with your help! 5’8 185 20% BF Thank you PS Love your ride!
Mark Byers
I am 32 years. I have followed you for 2 years now. Prior to finding your website I had no practical knowledge of bodybuilding. I have always been active but never lifted weights. Due to family commitments and time constraints I am unable to have the luxury of working out at a commercial gym. I am fortunate to have a wife that supports my bodybuilding efforts. Because of her chronic illness she is unable to workout with me, but together we have assembled a home gym that allows me to do pretty much everything I could in the local gym. My training partners are my 6 year old son Reilly and my 4 year old Chocolate Lab Sasha. They keep my workouts very interesting!!! What initially led me to bodybuilding was my son. I wanted to learn as much as I could so I could give him the opportunities with it that I was never afforded. I have learned so much from you over the past 2 years and I know this has been just the tip of the iceberg. This inner circle is the next step for my journey. As my son gets older I look forward to sharing with him the knowledge you have been so gracious to share with me. Thanks for all you do….
Hello, Lee
I won’t give you any hard luck life tale.
I will tell you that i fell in love with bodybuilding/weightlifting when i was 16 tried everything under the sun to get big and strong but always seem to fall short of my goals. At age 34 the big clock is ticken man. Maybe with your helpful advice i can prove to myself i can actually reach my goals.
hi lee .am from Morocco.( a country in Africa ) thank you so much for your advices they were helpful..well i need this program because i want to believe on myself for once , and let other people that am able to achieve any goal.and not only BLABLABLA, your program will be the key for me to believe in myself once long as i yeah i say yes for your program and yes for the change.that i wanna make in my life if i got it.
André Bento
Hello Lee my name is André Bento im a teenager(16 years old). I am seeing you videos for about a month and i really think they will come to get usefull when i start training at gym in May.
I see that you have a great offer here sending 20 free memberships, i was going for buy 2 of your products when i reach the money for it.
I really want to be one of the lucky guys who will afford of the program, because i never did train at a gym and i want to get some good advices from you.
Why i want this and build muscle?
i want to feel a little bit more confident about me that i am now,feel stronger and look in better shape, i want to go for a project that will change my life,change my form of live to better.
I always was doing sport in my life but about 2 years ago i suffered an injury and then i quit from the sport, not because i don´t want to or im desmotivated but because other reasons that i will not mention here.Now i feel like im more body fat then that time not much but i can notice a little and i want to get in on your program for lose that percentage of body fat that i have more and get some bigger muscles.
This program will be a perfect solution because im a beginner in bodybuilding and all related about it, and i want to start whit the right foot on this new project of bodybuilding whitout get too much errors or injurys that can give me several damages and i want to learn the most i can about bodybuilding,meal plant,workout programs and rest time for it and all of that.
Hope i get one answer.
Thanks for your appreciation Lee.
Wow, I’m reading some of these posts. I’m not sure there’s enough time out there to get me in to the kind of shape these guys are in already. Everyone has to start some where, right!
Ken varichio
I am new at the weight lifting game
And have been recieving
Lee haywords emails for a long time now and am really looking for the perfect plans and tips
So i know what to do and how to start and see fast results
Colin Campbell
Hi Lee
I live in the UK
This is a fantastic opportunity for me because at the age of 57 I now realise that I can finally fulfill my dreams to have an amazingly muscular physique.
I have followed you for some time now and I have appreciated what an amazingly good body building coach that you are. I have tried on my own to build workouts an diets for me but somehow they are just not working for me. What I now know is that I need is someone who has found a successful formula for developing and building both strength and big muscle. But also more importantly have someone who can work with my body for the correct diet and nutrition.
That is why I want to be part of the Inner Circle. You are the coach who can help me fulfill my body building dreams finally!!
It would be amazing if you choose me for the Inner circle
Kind Regards
Colin Campbell
jonathan knox
Mr Lee first i would like to say thank you, as a Soldier I got tired of being look at and look over becouse of my size i have tired everything from pills to diets nothing seem to work. but since i have been following you on youtube and doing the workouts i starting seeing better and more results then ever before and its like a drug where i want more cant get enough now if i could i would live in the gym passing on what i have learn so far with my fellow co workers Thanks once again for your help and the opportunity to better myself !
Hi Lee,
I knew about you for the first time in the beginning of this year by your (and Vince’s) program “21 Day Fast Mass Building” that was introduced to me by Vince Del Monte’s news letters.
I’m 28 years old by now, and I’ve been training since 2006. Even though it’s being like 5 years of regular training I’ve only experienced notorious gains probably in the first 6 months of my beginner stage. After that I’ve never had experienced any significant gains, no matter how hard I tried, and therefore since the past years I consider my training as something I do for muscular maintenance. I’ve been awared that the principal reason why I haven’t grown even I have trained was the lack of knowledge that I haven’t being able to obtain from a reliable souse. I’ve been doing the standard regular stuff and I’ve been researching about nutrition, hypertrophy, strength, stamina, etc, but I haven’t being able to make a training plan that works for me. Even though I think I’ve learned a lot about nutrition, in the end it’s very confusing for me, because it’s difficult to find reliable information, and sometimes the information that is available on the net is very contradictive.
However, when I meet your (and Vince’s) program “21 Day Fast Mass Building” in the begging of this year, I was happy to finally find a reliable program that deals with all the aspects that I had having struggles with, as experiencing being stocked on a plateau and gaining too much unwanted body fat as a result of following the old school “bulk” approach. Therefore I happily decided to invest in “21 Day Fast Mass Building” along with all the additional bonuses. However, because I had gained to much unwanted body fat (according to a bio-electrical impedance scale I’m at 24% fat right now) I’m now working with your “Extreme Fat Loss!” program.
I think that it would be awesome if I had the chance to get personal coaching from you, both now under my “Extreme Fat Loss!” and later when I will start on “21 Day Fast Mass Building”. Since I’ve already invested on those programs it would mean a lot to me having the chance to get some guidance from you!
Finally, I would like to say that I do like your relaxed and humoristic approach to Bodybuilding! 😉
Thanks for sharing your Bodybuilding knowledge through your blog and Bodybuilding programs! 🙂
(Excuse my writing mistakes. My native Language is Spanish)
Hi Lee, I’m 43 years old and have been in and out of the gym for the past 6 years. I’ve always struggled to make gains and never thought it possible to make the gains I wanted, until I found your videos on “You Tube” about 1 year ago that led me to your site and I ordered the “Blast Your Biceps” program and made immediate gains by following your instructions and following proper technique and everyone noticed. That left me wanting more and wanting to work harder. I know there is a lot more to access and to build. I find myself in a rut and tend to bounce back and forth and can’t remain consistent. With your one on one coaching I know I can achieve what I want and achieve my goals. Thanks for the chance and for what you provide for us.
Kevin MacDonald
I have learned a lot about proper diet and exercise from you Lee. I would love to continue to learn and reach my goals of total fitness. I am training to become a police officer right now and am greatly benefiting from your knowledge and experience. I am now stronger and healthier.
I feel with your training I would definitely be able to reach the goals that I have for myself. Thank you for all that you do.
Craig Dohmen
i just want to get jacked and without ur coaching i fear i might turn to steroids
Brian Steenhoek
Lee, I am 47 years old and been working out since I was 16 years old. I have never really had any structure just read information, learned by watching, and recently following some on line advice. There is so much information on line and it is hard to believe everything. I have been following you for over a year now and do believe you know what you are talking about. I would love to see you help transform this body to something I have always desired since starting many many years ago. I would love to be your 47 year old success story. Thanks for considering me.
Ebrahim Kheriwala
Hey Lee.
I am Ebrahim, I live in Australia. I am 25 years old. My height is 5.7” and i weight 71Kg. I have started working out about 2 months back. i am a beginner to the Gym and don’t have much knowledge about it. My main goal is to bulk.I am healthy internally and externally. I get most of my exercise and diet tips from your You Tube videos and blog. I am really serious to work with you on your project and help you make it a success. Please include me in your project as I really require your guidance.
Thank you,
Ebrahim K.
Joe Oborny
Hi Lee
I am a 53 yr old male. I have been working out off and on for around thirty years.. Never to seriously and never to much in the way of progress save for the first couple years. I stumbled upon your Blast your bench program. I decided that it sounded promising and thought I would give it a try, remaining skeptical about it, from past experiences. And then Boom! It actually worked!!!!! for the first time in all these years. I actually found a real body builder with real world knowledge and experience, that was willing to share and teach those of us who really want that information. Not to mention ,I like your delivery method and humor as well. And the organized and logical way that you put it all together for us to follow. It has long been a dream of mine to actually compete in a bodybuilding competition. If for no other reason to be in awsome condition and to feel awsome. And quite honestly I dont believe anyone else is really capable of successfuly coaching us to meet that goal. If there are others they are damn few and far between. You are the first I have met in thirty years.. For that I say Thanks !!!!! keep it up !!!!
Win or loose I am with you.
Steven Bacchus
Hello Lee,
First off i want to say thank you for the opportunity to enter your give away, big fan of yours. I am a 19 year old full time college student, Funds are always tight but I make my health and nutrition one of the priorities in my spending. That being said, I can’t always afford the supplements or personalized instruction i need or want. Promotions from premiere trainers such as yourself help reduce the financial strain of buying individual advice/workouts/meal plans that I often want but can’t afford. Not to mention, I am still young and very much in the learning phase of bodybuilding… Very gullible, it is easy to be brainwashed by companies or anybody that makes logical sense at the time, With a membership to your website i can ensure i am getting quality information that will impact my entire life from here on. At times i find myself very much lost and trolling your Facebook with plenty of questions, Not to kiss ass or anything but i really do believe you are the most reliable source on YouTube when it comes to fitness and it would be an honor to be able to participate in your website free of charge! Thanks always!
Your loyal subscriber,
Steven A. Bacchus
Jude De Almeida
Hello Lee,
First off, I was a very chubby kid growing up, and weighed about 185 pounds in grade 6. Once I got to highschool I started running regularly, and fell in love with it. Without even realizing, I dropped down to 148 pounds by the end of my highschool year. Unfortunately, I had a very bad skiing accident in which I tore my ACL and my meniscus, preventing me from running regularly. Therefore, I started weight training around September of 2011, and started hitting the gym 4 times a week for weight training starting January 1st, 2012. I have stuck with it this far, and have learned the basics on my own. I’ve also made tremendous progress in my technique, strength, and amount of weights I could lift. For instance, when I started I was only able to do 3 sets of 8, with 20lb each on the dumbell chest press, however, now I am up to 50lb. I need professional guidance to take my training to the next level, and being a college student, I can’t afford personal training. This would help me greatly in furthering my weight training, and I would be very grateful.
I will also be blogging everyday this summer, about my workouts, meals, and progress to keep myself on track, and motivated starting May 1st to August 31st.
Thanks Lee,
Shawn Jakes
Why me? This is my story. Back in 1995 at the age of 24 I weighed 220lbs at 5’7″ I committed to myself to get fit. I did so! I got down to around 150ish. 17 years later, I’m still here with the weight off. The past two years I’ve refound myself and am a very dedicated person toward health, fitness, and bettering me. I get approached almost daily to share how I did it and kept it off. I look the best now I ever have. I’m not huge by any means, and I think the only reason is my diet is light, primarily due to being worried about regaining any of the weight. My brain is still worried about being fat. I work out 1.5hrs a day. 45 minutes lifting, 45 minutes cardio class. I love it, its who I am now. I wish I would’ve done this right away when I lost the weight. Almost all of my loose skin is gone, but not 100%. Give me a bit more time and it will be. I need your help to make sure I’m maximizing ME and the energy I’m putting into the new me. I’m one of the most positive guy you’ll meet. I love to give back and motivate others every day. Take the time to consider me, it will benefit you as well as me. Thank you for what you have taught me until this point. Every bit helps! Thanks again for consideration.
Hi Lee, i am 53 years old and buy your “Blast your bicep” program about 8 months ago and can see some good results. I struggle to get my belly down, don’t eat right a suppose. I don’t want another coach because i can see your program works for me and i like doing it. I was a long distance runner from 1993-2001 and after that i run on anf off till i bought your program. I would love to build some muscle before i get too old. Please help Lee.
Hey Lee,
I have been following you for the last few years and have learned a great deal from you. At 40 years old I wish I knew this much about working out and nutrition 20 years ago. I have a lot of energy and drive in the gym and have made great gains over the last couple of years. Where I start to fall apart is in the kitchen. As a result I feel like I am sabotaging my progress. If given the opportunity to work with you I know I can do much better. Working with you will give the incentive and motivation to be more disciplined. At this point it is my goal to have visible abs before I turn 41…that only leaves a few months to get there. I look forward to working with you.
Thank you for this opportunity,
My gym routine is more than working out for me. It is a regime for mind, body and soul. It is my personal conviction and commitment to myself to stay at my best. For my family, my soon to be wife and myself. It is me saying, my health and fitness comes first. That I come first and I wish to be better than the 90% of people out there when it comes to my life. I am the best when it comes to my business (I am a self made businessman) and other areas of my life. Gym is about me making the best of what my God-given talents. To truly be the self-actualised man who’s made every attempt to be the fullest he can be, mind, body and soul. I train 5-6 days a week (one body part each day). I love the fact I am making a positive contribution to myself and those I love. I now wanna take it to the next level. I wanna learn from the best — you. so I too can be the best. Others will not understand this. But there is a feeling of satisfaction — almost zen like when you make gains in the gym. When you work hard, live a great lifestyle and achieve the goals you desire. And what is a better goal than your health and your life?
Duane giddensthunder
Lee I am a soon to be 51 yr old grandpa of two. Since beginning weightlifting a little over a year ago i have improved my health and well being greatly. I feel and look better
than I did in my 30s. But I seem to have hit a plateau , with your coaching my nutrition and lifting could only improve and push me to my desired goal. I have the motivation I just need the coaching .
Awesome offer man, lee i read all your e-mail which i get and i learnt a lot from your tips and your workouts. Be it cooking, working out ,you are a role model to me. And if i get a free membership from you i believe my life would change completely.
Hello Lee
First I want to thank you for being the first coach to get me working out again.
Not only that, I have made some decent progress using your advice this last year.
I’ve done my best at getting lean enough to show the abs. I still have a way to go yet
and feel like I need some stronger motivation to move ahead. I am 56, so if you
want to include this “boomer” in your winners, I would consider it an honor!
I love fitness and i would love with this make some money and help others, plus because im poor i dont have mony to buy this.
Mason Henderson
Dear Lee:
I have been following your blogs and website for a few months now and I really like a lot of the information and advice you give. I am a 43 year old single dad, and my time in the gym is very valuable and I need to make every minute count. I have always tried to keep in shape, but the last few years raising my son alone has taken its toll on my life. I would really like to have the opportunity to work with you and get back into shape and to show my son that hard work and discipline can change any situation. Thank you for your consideration
James F Fessel II
This would be an amaizing opperunity. I am a 41 yr old male that has wanted to get bigger and cut i have tried and tried many differant supliments and programs to no avail in Feb of 2006 i became ill and needed surgery that saved my life but with that i was told i would never have a flat stomach nor would i ever have a 6 pack again i would love to prove the Dr wrong and get back what i once had. Also i would love to go from this little guy to the guy people look at and say wow he is in Mr Buffalo comp but you should have seen him a few years ago my diet needs work my work outs need help and well i need to quit smoking and get my healthy life back.
Thank You for your time
kishore kumar
Lee I need your help to achieve my goal
maria Dyment
Thank you for keeping it real Lee. Ive been a fan for the past year. Turning 51 this year and re-entered the body building arena after 25 years of retirement. If I could i would insert my before and after pics. It blows me away at the transformation. Goes to show… What once was can be again, And you helped me get there. I truly appreciate your passion and am grateful that you have decided to share with others.
In health
Tavis P
Hi Lee,
You have provided not only me but others with some of the best training and nutrition tips I have ever found. I have followed you for over a year and still receive awesome new information. It would not only be an enormous benefit, I would love nothing more then to have the chance/opportunity to train with a natural professional bodybuilder.
My step father got me into natural bodybuilding when I was young. I have never taken the final steps in order to compete. I am great in my training now but know there is more that I need to learn. Not only in the gym and nutrition but how to perform on the competition stage. I am at the point in my life and training where I need professional direction in order to achieve my goals. I just turned 24 and have a set goal to compete before I am 26.
I live, eat, sleep and breathe bodybuilding. I am completely devoted to this life. If I was to have a chance to train and have direction from you I would stop at nothing to make it worth your time and effort. I appreciate the chance for this awesome opportunity!
“In order to get what you don’t have, you must go where you have never been”
Victoria, BC, Canada
xmilitary looking for next real thing each course has been jst that,,so i ask you whats next i want to gain more mass.As well,as gain more knowledge of the Anabolic nutrition
I challange you Mr.LeeHayward i want to get bigger i want to learn to eat to build mass i want knowledge to be that bodybuilder that wants out of me can you do that
David Bye
I subscribed to your email updates a few months ago after realizing I needed to change my health.I have always been overweight and wanted some no-nonsense help with loosing weight and gaining muscle.One of the first articles I read from you was your article on bodybuilding nutrition. A clear and concise list of what to do to achieve the body you want.It, along with your other emails, Youtube videos has helped me make a strong start in the marathon of Bodybuilding.In these months since following your advice I have become stronger,have more definition and more importantly, my wife likes the change. I would love to be one of the winners so I can reach my potential with a great coach,whose no-nonsense, down to earth approach I respect and admire.
Hi Lee, I’ve been following your updates for a while now, so I feel now would be a good time to thank you. Your advice has been invaluable to my training, but you as a person have been of paramount inspiration to me. Im 17 years old currently in full time education, I first started working out about a year ago in my school’s gym. Why do I think I should be part of this ‘inner-circle’?, because I’m so dedicated to my personal improvement. I have sacrificed so many hours to find new ways to beat my previous session in the gym, your advice formed a majority of this. If you were to pick me for this program, you would not regret it.
Thanks again Lee
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