Important Update:
I’ve decided to Change The Original Offer…
I’m NO Longer going to give away
10 Free Coaching Memberships.
Instead I’m going to DOUBLE IT and
(This is HUGE and the biggest Give-A-Way I’ve ever done!)
Last month I posted a blog asking for your feedback about a Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club that I’m putting together…
You can check out that blog post below:
As you know, I provide A LOT of muscle building training and nutrition advice via my blog, e-mails, facebook, and YouTube videos. And I’m still going to keep doing all that stuff and continue to make workout training videos, blog posts, etc.
However, as a result of all the tips and advice that I share online, I get several hundred e-mail every single day from guys asking me to help them with their workouts, help them with their diets, and basically coach them with reaching their bodybuilding and fitness goals.
As of this writing there are 35,000+ subscribers following me on YouTube. And 22,000+ followers on Facebook, plus there are tens of thousands more who just follow my website and don’t even have a Facebook or YouTube account.
As you can imagine, Thousands Of Followers = Hundreds Of e-Mails…
And as much as I would like to sit down and answer each and every one of those e-mails, it’s physically impossible, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
So instead of simply ignoring them, I’m going to provide an “Inner Circle Coaching Club” for guys who are really serious about taking their training to the next level and who want to work with me personally.
I’ve already surveyed my followers about what they would like to see offered in this type of Private Bodybuilding Coaching Club and the overall response was very positive. I received some great feedback and 77% of my followers said that they would be willing to sign up as a paid monthly member if I were to offer this program.
I’ve been working my tail off over the past month and putting together my very best tips, tricks, workouts, and diet plans together to create a Kick Ass Group Coaching Program.
Basically I’ll be providing you with all the program templates to follow and then I’ll work with you personally via the private members forum and live video chats to help personalize them to your individual situation. |
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In addition to that you’ll be able to keep your own online training log and track your results. Post your workouts, your meals, keep track of your stats and post progress pictures. This way I can follow along with your training in real time and provide you with on going feedback about your progress. This will help to hold you accountable to follow through and stick with your program and develop the lean muscular physique you want.
To The “Inner Circle” Coaching Club!
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding “Inner Circle” Coaching Club is almost ready to go LIVE, all I need now is some guinea pigs to help me test it out 😉
So I’m going to GIVE AWAY 10 20 FREE MEMBERSHIPS right here on my blog!
To enter to win one of those 10 20 FREE Memberships all you have to do is post a comment below this post (reply form is at bottom of the page) with the following response:
In 250 words or less, tell me specifically why this program
is the perfect solution for you at this point in your life.
Share WHY you need and want me to personally coach you
with reaching your bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Try your best to keep your response short and to the point, approx. 250 words, and please don’t talk about your financial situation. I’ve already covered price when I surveyed my followers and this “Inner Circle” Coaching Program is going to be very affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Period.
So please keep your financial situation to yourself, and instead focus on your personal fitness goals and how being a member of this group coaching program will help you reach those goals quicker and with less frustration.
I’m going to keep this blog contest open for the next 48 hours and then I’ll personally review all the replies over the weekend and announce the 10 20 Lucky Winners.
So give it some thought and make your answer count!
all the best,
Comment navigation
David Lehmann
I’ve been in and out of the gym, and been pretty unsuccessful for about a year and a half now. At the moment, I have close to no motivation to work out, and I really just want to see gains. I think this would be an amazing opportunity to have someone as knowledgeable as yourself to push me in the right direction, and I’d be motivated to not let you down.
Leif Gustafsson
Well its easy ! nothing has ever worked for me
weightloss or muscle gaining!
until i tried youre exercises and tips on how to prepare meals !
My wife has threatened me , with a beating 😀 if i mention the word “master hayward” in the gym again ! hahahah
karl hagan
I was small and thin until the age of 17, I was picked on in school and made to feel like I had no place in this world. So I changed school and started to follow your youtube guides and this helped me go from 9 stone to 14 stone. I am 20 now and close to 21, But I want to be a pro wrestler/Bodybuilder and any more knowledge i can pick up from you will set me on the path to a new life forever . Thanks lee
I started being serious about bodybuilding and fitness some time ago and I started out with your advice. Through years of pain and growth, success and failure I have managed to become an amateur fitness model. BUT there are problems – muscle imbalances. Such as bad posture, one pec being more developed than the other and having the feeling that I’m missing something in my nutrition that I can’t put my finger on. I feel that having you as a coach, we will demolish the competition and I can start climbing on the ladder to fitness model greatness and may be, some day, stand side to side with you, Vince or any other person responsable for my successes and indestructable motivation.
Im 22 years old and has bee struggling with my weight since high school. i have been following your videos and blog from last 5 years and it really helped. However, working one on one with you will change my life forever and.It will be a great experience for me to learn from you.I know you are the right person who will help me to achieve my goals. You have more than 10 years of experience in this industry and just hoping to learn from those experience.
Typo at my name, it’s Tsvetan.
joey aucoin
Dear Lee,
im an avid followed of your videos and loving every bit of information you give. i am 19 and in fairly good shape but am looking to gain some serious muscle. i love to workout (seriously one of the best parts of my day) but often feel misguided but due to the mass amount of poor quality information available. i need a coach to focus my efforts in the best ways possible and who better at that than yourself. thank you for your consideration,
James Thomas
In the first 8months of going to the gym i lost two and a half stone through strict diet and exercise. i was very fit but wasn’t very strong or didn’t have a strong look about me. For about 6months after this,due to a knee injury from running, i cut down on cardio and i lifted weights, added a bit of strength but nothing impressive, i then discovered your videos and have been making good gains and have added visible muscle, im 4 weeks into your blast your biceps program now so i know that your advice works which is why i’d love to be in the inner circle. Without discovering your stuff i’d probably be still stuck going nowhere with muscle gains and getting frustrated. Cheers.
Scott Hobbs
Hey Lee,
I know it’s been a while since I last spoke to you. I’ve been on the mend for the past year. Slowly coming around. I broke my tailbone a year ago February past and this past September I was a passenger in a vehicle that got rear-ended, so you could say I had a rough go of it. As you probably guessed, my training got screwed up along the way. I am now working back into it again. I am adapting to my injury but it does get frustrating when the pain gets the best of me. I hope that I get chosen because I am hoping to pick up the tips I need to get me back to where I was before my accident. I still follow the info on your site but I just feel that there maybe something in the inner circle that is not posted. Anyway, fingers crossed that I am selected.. Later.. Scott
I’m a 20 year old full time college student and I do also work 30-35
Hours per week with all this on my plate I have lost focus in the gym and have
Drifted away from my goals. I am excited for summer to come to
Have some time to work out and cut like id like to. I really need the help
and motivation I believe you can provide to put me back into shape and
help me become faster stronger healthier me.
Too be honest lee, i don’t know what to say. Lifting weights helped be break through depression not so long ago and your advice helped me massively in doing that. So you should not be giving anything too me, it should be me giving something to you. Once again thanks for everything and i wish you well with your new idea.
Hi Lee
Thank you for this opportunity. I have recently turned 38 and have been training since my early 20’s. i had some success in my 20’s achieving the physique i wanted but in my early 30’s i had a couple surgeries (not training related) that set me back to square 1. i have since been training again consistently for the past 3 years and have been unable to achieve the physique i am striving for. i have been making some decent strength gains following the DC training protocol until one fateful day 3 weeks ago during a rest pause set on my leg curls i tore my hamstring. I need help with diet and a new training protocol as i am not as young as i once was. i am highly motivated and i LOVE being in the gym.
Thank you
Travis Edmands
I have been using your videos and advice fora few years and have seen some tremendous results. You have helped me crush previous maxes and provided tips to getting back into the swing of things after some pretty harsh injuries. Through blast your bench I hit a personal best of 365 weighing 180 before my shoulder injury. While your programs have helped me to an extent I have wanted to go farther. I follow a lot of what you say and recommend, but I am still having a hard time packing on that lean solid muscle that reflects my strength and commitment. When I hit 365 I was big but I wasn’t very cut, basically I did not look like I should be benching 365. For awhile now I have wanted to try and purchase one of your more advanced programs in the hope that I could push my development to the next level, but being a broke college kid it’s hard to afford. I have been pretty dedicated to your advice but it seems to making me testing my limits when I want to blow through them. I think it would be awesome to be able to get this and to have the help that I need to really pack on the muscle that I want and reflects my dedication.
Thanks for your time.
Bruno Martel
Well, I’m 24 and I’m working out since I’m 13. I started working out seriously around 21 and I do not plan to stop it, until I can’t anymore. I’m tracking my meals and their macronutriments since a few months and I’m still training hard to really get in the best shape I can but there’s still tons of things to learn and I have many interrogations. I found your page randomly, to be honest, while seeking bodybuilding advices on the web. I started reading your articles and then my habits changed, for the best. I can say “you are the one that kicked my butt”! That’s pretty much it!
Bruno Martel
Lee, I feel this program is perfect for me at this point because I am just a teen I have been weightlifting for 1.5 years and I I wanted to start doing Cardio along with that, something I haven’t been doing. I think that with your coaching would help me with things like nutrition, and training I would be able to take myself to the next level, and get the physique I really want, with the guidance and knowledge of a pro bodybuilder. I feel I need this program to take myself to the next level because even though I try my best to educate myself on bodybuilding there is much more I need to know and as a 16 year old I want and need as much info and education on this as possible, and I think your help will make me succeed. I really hope you will give me this opportunity to be coached by it would be greatly appreciated, because even though I am young I train extremely and I am very motivated and dedicated to bodybuilding. I appreciate your time, thanks for the opportunity.
Simon Webb
I have trained for 5 years and have found gains very hard to come by, my only gains have been through Lee’s superb tutoring. Lee is my fitness guru and an inspiration to thousands of people out there. Because of my difficult working and training lifestyle, diet plans and training plans indeed are very hard to plan and execute.
Help me Lee, show me the way forward to a bright and prosperous future with gains to be proud of.
I am currently 80kg in weight and 5ft 10inches tall, my goal is to reach at least 95kg with at least a minimal 10% bodyfat.
If anyone can help me Lee it’s you
Your blogs have helped me out a ton. It would be swell.
scott rowe
Hi Lee, My name is scott,I have been following your youtube videos for the past couple of years. I have found them very benifishal and informative. I credit my success that I have acheived physicaly and mentaly to your videos and the advice you give. To where I have past the information on to my friends and family. When I was 46 I was 250lbs with a size 40 waist and I had a hard time walking around the block. Since I have followed your advice in the videos I am now down to 190lbs with a size 34 waist I would love to take it to the next level and eventualy become an over 50 bodybuilder. I belive If I had the chance to be a party of your inner circle I would have a better chance to reach my goal. I have the determination I need to accomplish this and I love workingout. I have alot of support from family and friends. I want to turn my dream into reality.. To be on stage in a compitition.
Well i’d like to start by saying i have been working out for several years off and on..Every workout i do is based on your information and your workout videos on youtube..I have gone serious with this about 2 months ago. Over the past few weeks all my friends are asking how i put on so much size and whats my secret and i tell them all the same thing…Lee Hayward. They started watching your videos and found the same thing i found..Anyway a long story short it would be really cool to be able to work with you hands on and reach my current goals..And really just show up my friends at the gym…Ive learned a tremendous amount from your videos i can only imagine the results i would get working with you personally…All the best
Michael Bieber
I am 46 years young and getting into the best shape of my life. Thanks to you. Your workout’s are focused and motivational. Some days, like all of us, I am not looking forward to the gym. But, it never fails; I either get a email or Facebook post from you and the “Drive” is on again. Thank you for all that you do and I would love the opportunity to show you what a 46 yr-old can do.
jp carter
I have had a personal trainer for a year and he has given me good results ,I now have stronger legs and a stronger back.I know see him once a week 1) to keep me going to the gym , he has the know how to trick the musclesand give me the push I needI watch you on youtube as many and your hands on training , and motivation plus the theory behind what your doing i don,t watch any of the other in the industry because I think your professional and give me the know how of what to do at the gym. my goal is to have a bit more strenghtand a strong core thanks for you input
Joseph Petrello
I’m 57 years old and was forced to sell my business of 30 years due to a heart problem. After a tedious operation that was supposed to correct an irregular heart beat called an ablation failed I thought I was doomed to a quite life. With medication in hand I decided to hit the gym and see if I could achieve and correct my heart rhythm with exercise. Since then I have lifted weights, ride a bike and even achieved running short distances of 1 to 2 miles. My cardiologist is amazed. I want to keep going and know I can achieve the next level with your advice. Keep in mind my next level is no where near your advanced stage of bodybuilding but for me it means the same.
Mohammad Ali Khan Niazi
I just want to be in this program cause i take bodybuilding as a lifestyle(not only as a sports,hobby or a recreation) and i want to do my best at it! Im determined to continue my lifestyle as a bodybuilder till im physically able to.. so rather than going down the road doing alot of guess work,id prefer someone as experienced as Lee Hayward guide me through the path,so i can better myself and inspire others to do the same!
Diogo Graca
I am now 23 and I have been training serious for the past 2 years. I feel like this program would help me achieve my dream of becoming a natural bodybuilder and hopefully better prepare me towards my first show that I am planning to do within 12months. I already give 100% in the gym and I feel like my nutrition is not up to a bodybuilder standard and with your help I am sure I can step up my gains.
Tito Mojica
What can I say, dont seem to get any results at all, Tried to get into shape since my teen years, and been unsuccesfull, dont think its my age (53) cause i have seen people same age as i am really built, some say it takes years, is it to late to build muscle and bulk up at my age? or could it be I dont have the right guidance, would love to see if you can transform me.
Mr Disapointed
Marni Magnuson
I am just graduating college with a bachelors in exercise science and I plan to open my own bootcamp classes, along with working for an insurance business. This is the perfect time in my life because I have been thinking about taking my fitness to a new level and competing! However I am not very good with nutrition for bodybuilding so this would be a perfect chance to learn even more about the fitness world. After I compete I also plan to pass my knowledge on to clients in order to change their own lives and help them live a healthier lifestyle!
Ken varichio
I have been recieving lee haywords emails for about a year now and had just starting workong out i am a small guy with a super fast metabolism and am really looking for the perfect workout and diet plan to help me gain muscle.
Mary Ann Leager
I just turned 39 on the 23rd and actually look better than I did in my 20’s but I do not feel like I am done yet! I entered my first figure competition in September & well I was not happy or prepared but I’m not giving up and am planning another in 8 weeks. I want to go from last to first! I have more determination and want to succeed in figure and possibly bodybuilding but one thing at a time.
It is the perfect solution for me because as a 43 year old i have set myself a goal to enter a bodybuilding competition in 12 months time. As i work full time and a family with 4 little boys time is very important to me. I want to get ccess to the most accurate information in one go rather than everyone tell me something different and waste my time. I want tried and tested routines and diet tips so i can maximise my training efforts to recive the best results possible, and win my division.
David Emerick
With a massive heart attack 4 years behind me, determined to overcome, I gained ~ 40 pounds of hard body by working out-5 days a week-( 136 lbs-172 pounds—arms 9 ‘ to 15 ” )–I am 67 years old and really need assistance going forward. My routine, old school, self inflicted style has me in a “NON-Improvement”State–I need solid leadership from a true professional.Utilizing your professional direction should satisfy my determination for the balance of my life—I am closer to the end than the beginning and would sincerely appreciate this “once in a lifetime” opportunity–
Before retiring from work at 65, I had seen many men retire, sit around doing nothing and and their retirements cut short. I started working out in body building about 2 years prior to retirement and have been following your shows ,adjusting as you suggested, developing my woork out from your shows and demonstrations. My exercises, sets and reps have been taken from your advice. I have been body building now dor about 6 years.
I n all fairness though I have to say that there are certain exercises that my doctor will not permit me to do. I have had a hip replacement and a slipped disc which eliminates me from some of the exercises . My main exercise are weight lifting, usually dumbbells with a bowflex and a stationary bike for cardio.
I made up my ming a long time ago that I do not want to leave this world as a sit around couch potato but will body build as lond as I can.
Hey Lee, I started out at the age of 17 back in 2006. In the first four years I achieved something I thought I’d never possess in my life. Overall I felt like a very strong individual, both physically and mentally. In 2010 everything went downhill for me. I was working a job that required anywhere from 8 to 16 hours per day, sometimes two weeks straight. It was a labor job that involved heavy boxes so yeah it did put a physical toll on me. I had no time to workout and I had no time to cook. I had to get fast food. In late 2011 I gained 50 pounds of fat. I felt terrible about myself, I went from having 8% b/f and being very active to being a 225 pound lazy guy. I already lost about 7 pounds in the past couple months but it’s still a struggle. Usually I’m the one to give out advice however this time I need guidance and a completely fresh approach to get not only my body back on track but my life as well.
I’m not looking to become the person I once was, I’m looking to become a different person that’s more successful than ever before. I am very hungry, this is something I absolutely need to do. With guidance and help from somebody I know I can rely on would be the final piece to get me going (for good).
Derek Chase
Above is my website for NCSA recruiting. I am a committed linebacker who lives and breathes football. I want nothing more than to be strong enough and fast enough to play elite college football and possibly join the NFL. I need someone to follow me and push me and encourage me to stay involved in my dreams and goals. I will be a senior in high school next year and I see all my fellow peers playing with women and drinking and I want to have some fun too but desire football more. I want to know that I am doing the right thing and can achieve anything. If you could help me, I think that would be one more asset in my corner. Thank you for considering me for this honor.
Tyler Hedderson
Hey lee, as a fellow Newfoundlander, this would be an amazing opportunity. I have trained for two years, and you were the first fitness channel I seen, I’ve purchased and used your blast your bench, 21 day fastmass programs, and they work wonders, right now I am trying to cut weight and would love to have a seasoned bodybuilder help me structure my diet to my needs since that is my biggest problem
S. J. Wallace
Hi Lee, I have been following everything you and Trish have to offer for over a year now and I am very impressed with what I have actually been able to take to the gym and improve on. I am the type who needs a step by step approach, exactly what, how many and when I need to do whatever. I have been weight training for about two years and made great strides( I am 5 ft. tall and 108 lbs.) I have always been “tiny” but I strive to look like Trish, developed and lean, i need to get to the next level. I think with your inner circle, you could help me get there. I really enjoy your common sense approach and the professional level you offer. I am 59 and in better shape than I was 15 year ago, being a life long athlete in many sports, I have always looked “good for my age”. Weight training is relatively new to me and I LOVE it. I feel you get the most BANG for the buck, so to speak.
This would be perfect for me. THANKS anyway, for all you share, I have learned so much!!!
Alex Vermont
I’m 26 years old and for 26 years I have been extremely unhappy with my physique. To say that I am lost would be an understatement. This unhappiness seeps into other areas of my life going as far as affecting my self esteem. I want to make a change. I am determined to change and get the body I’ve always wanted. I know that with hard work, determination, and the right coaching I can go far. I would love to learn from you.
David Daniels
I am 47 years old. Last year I competed in my first body building contest. I relied heavily (in fact almost exclusively) on three resources to prepare for “the show.” These include Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Body Building, my personal trainer and YOUR blogs/emails/youtube etc. Your advice through this media was extremely relevant, helpful and in a very user friendly format. (But, I must admit, Trish is cuter than you!!!!)
I have signed up to compete in my second show on August 25th in Lake Tahoe, CA. I had planned and have been using you and your media as a “go to” resource again during my training. Having access to your Private Body Building Club will surely assist me as I make my way down this new journey!
Hi Lee, I am getting back into the gym (after 20yrs) and already have tried your Blast Your Bench programme (which is a fantastic programme) And this time around I want to enter shows, I feel with your help not only will I accomplish this but I am confident you will be able to help me become, through your knowledge, one of the top 10 in my country. So far your workout advise and nutritional information has helped a lot and I hope to have a lot more help from you in the future. All the best. Marcus
Mark king
I would really appreciate the opportunity of a legend helping me in my life has it seem to run a course of obesity and weightlifting, obesity I know that there’s many benefit. But the opportunity to be coached with it pacific diet plan Pacific cardio plan the Pacific weightlifting plan would be a huge blessing in my life but however it would transform my life it would give me the freedom to feel fit the freedom to feel appreciated the freedom to love my self for the first time in my life! Thank You for all you do.Â
I’ll be 60 in October 2012. I’ve been following your tips, videos, and televideos for 3 years now. I never worked out with free weights until I was 57 and I’ve made great strides. My stated goal was to be in better shape than I was at 30 when I turned 60. I’ve used your Blast Your Bench and Bicep programs with some moderate success. I’m on track Lee, but I’m stuck and am beginning to wonder if at my age I can obtain my goals of increasing my measurements and strength. I know my diet can be improved but I’m confused about what and how to do it.
I actually sent you an email about a 1 1/2 years ago offering to be a ‘guinea pig’ to see if a 58 year old could be transformed through your programs. In fact I suggested we could do a book! We didn’t hook up but I’m still working out and believe this offer would be the perfect opportunity to show the world Lee Hayward is the MASTER of TRANSFORMATION !! No one will out work me or be more dedicated. I’ll meet my goals and you’ll meet yours; it’s a win / win!
Your friend and follower, Richard
Matthew Williams
was always the fat kid. No matter what I did, I was always ridiculed for it. As I grew older and my body changed, I began to realize I was not nearly as overweight as I thought when I was a child. I began at about 35 to work out regularly, but I was still soft. I gained muscle, but always kept a layer of flab. No matter what diet I tried or meal plan nothing worked. A year ago I began to consume all that I could in regards to bodybuilding. I want to be the best I can be with what God has blessed me with. Your Youtube page has been a great benefit to me and a blessing for my workouts. But I am still not where I need to be. Your private coaching program would be a great help to me for the chance to literally pick your brain and have your focused attention to help me through my rough spots and shape my body and health the way I want it to be. At 43 I believe life is just starting for me, and I am determined to have the body and level of fitness I crave.
bob g
Lee _ The chance to have you design a workout routine just for me would be an answer to my prayers. I have tried many of the routines that have been sent out to the masses – most with only minimum success. I also get confused on how to ‘twick’ these programs so that they will workfor me. To have you design a workout routine just for me would move me into a entirely level of fitness. I have tried to incoporate many of your workouts inot what I have been doing, but felt confused when the exercises did not ‘fit’ into the routine/schedule that ws provided when I obtained the routine. Just as right now I have a question as to where does the bradford press go into the routine I am on my 8th week? The new mptpvatrion I would get out of a ‘personal’ routine woudl be great.
Leigh Cambre
Hey Lee,
A fellow Leigh here! GO LEEIGHS!
Let me start by giving you reasons NOT to pick me:
*My vision for my body is crystal clear. That is what has kept me motivated for FOUR CONSISTENT YEARS. It may seem superficial to people.
*I’m an ectomorph and I’m tall.
*I’m extremely focused/dedicated to my success. (i.e. I might wear YOU out with my focus.)
*I’m active: I work at a TV show and as a Life Coach for Actors, in addition to multiple side jobs.
If that doesn’t deter you, then read on. A little history about me: I’m a graduate of both Vince Del Monte and Anthony Ellis’s programs. And, get this, my current program is 21 Day Fast Mass Building! I’m compLeightLee serious! I started out a skinny guy and have gained 15+ pounds of muscle since I started working out. I’m extremely dedicated to my goals and success and let nothing get in my way. That said, my progress has been on a slow and steady pace (and I’m proud, but I WANT BETTER RESULTS!). With so many different reasons why this could be happening, the natural next step is to get professional help from a seasoned expert (and one that I trust could truly help me). With your help, I’m positive I could get significantLee closer to my shredded vision.
RealLee and AbsoluteLeigh motivated,
Colby Schroeder
Hey Lee,
I am 25 years old 5 foot 9 inches and weigh 279 lbs I have been trying to get into shape for about a year know and when my wife got pregnant I knew i needed to do something about it cause every kid deserves there parents (dad) in there life as long as they can, so I bought a weight bench for the house and have a membership at the powerhouse gym I just do not want my son growing up thinking that its okay to eat whatever you want so i need your help Lee.
Thank you,
Colby Schroeder
Avihai Moyal
To tell the true?? I have been working out for a while, and for some reason everyone telling me that I seems like I worked out in my past…and it’s really frustrating…. I’m allwayes trying hard -very hard but I don’t get the results that I want… I think I need some help to improve my work out and my nutritional plan… And it’s could be great to get this!
I also get and read all the e mails but I can’t gathering all the info for one good plan…
Thank you very much!!
Avihai Moyal
Russell Lee
Dear Lee,
I would like to thank you for making this offer to help us in our quest to physical betterness and self-respect. Very few coaches offer free courses.
I have been working as a chef since my teens, and have completely been absorbed in the kitchens of various institutions abroad, working like a commited workaholic.
Just this year, I quit everything and decided to stay at home, and find a simple job, with more flexible timings. I have decided to make a change in my life, and enjoy being a married man, a son to my parents and find the real me.
I cannot explain to you my physical state, who would trust a skinny chef, eh ? So with your help, I could change a lot in that aspect of my life. I honestly feel ashamed walking on the street with my “stuff” wobbling about. I would love to walk tall, feel light and fit, and have that super self-respect.
I can achieve all this, with your help. Please choose me to be one of your students. I would be ever-grateful.
Thank you.
Ali Pryce
Hi Lee, my name’s Ali Pryce and I’m a 23 year old soon-to-be university graduate from Nottingham, England. I’ve been working out since I was 18 and have made good strength gains over the years, but I believe this programme will transform me from just being a guy in the gym, to THE guy in the gym. My physique and nutrition is better than average, but I want to be in that top 1-2% and the personal experience on offer in this programme will hopefully achieve my goal.
I’m 5 foot 8, 170lbs and hover around 11-13% body fat. I bulk and cut ok to a point, but then I plateau and I think this programme will help me take things to the next level. Nutrition wise, I’ve tried no carbs (just getting them from veggies), complex carbs split between all 6 meals, eating carbs specifically around workouts, milk and squats, plain old eating clean according to my goals but I have never been able to get my body fat lower than 8%. Additionally, I seem to really struggle adding any significant bulk, I might get stronger but I don’t look it and my weight only really changes as a result of my fat %. This is despite trying a vast range of different sets, reps, rest periods, etc.
I’d love to be able to compete on stage one day, and hopefully your experience and the community that this programme would create will help me reach this goal.
Adnan Alam
I always tries to work with professional trainer for long-term basis to get the ideal body. But it never happened. I started programs and in few months could not able to follow religiously. Lee Hayward website has a unique flavor; somehow I have been a regular visitor; also bought one of the 21-day program; and got great results. I believe the honesty of advice and tips. This is a great opportunity for me to have personal training from Lee to reignite the passion of workout. I am looking forward to this time go all the way to finally attain the best shape of my life.
Growing up I’ve always been on the larger side of the peers and could never really get myself to do anything to change it until about 2.5 years ago. I got tired of being out of breath and not keeping up with my friends so I joined the gym where I loss about 35 pounds of fat in 2-3 months and looked great. From 260 down to bout 222. No 6 pack but best shape I’d been in. I was, however, not very strong in the weight lifting and so I decided to lift hard. Unfortunately I decided to start eating more lift like an animal but stopped the cardio work. The muscle piled up to a 400 bench and so did the fat. I went from the 220s to 270s within a year. Although not very cut, I was damn proud of my pecs. Stuck out a good 2-3 inches over my stomach giving me a descent look. Right now I’m starting my cardio dropped 5 pounds in couple weeks but my muscle mass has decreased tremendously. I am a new graduated nurse work 6 nights a week, night shift, hit the gym at 6 am wen I get out and run an average of 3 miles 3-4 times a week. Train until I drop 3 hours later after work but I can’t seem to get the right fat burn to muscle gain ratio. The tips I’ve learned from Hayward are great and have helped me every step of the way since I signed up and I know if chosen for this with an amazing trainer like you I’ll be able to reach my full potential. I’ll train until 2 hours after I drop and nothing’s gets in my way of the gym. In the 2.5 years I’ve put into training I strongly feel I’m worth your time and won’t let you or myself down
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