Fitness is a lot more than having ripped Six Pack Abs and setting PR’s in the gym. Granted, those things are “nice”, but that’s not what real fitness is about.
It’s much bigger and more important than that…
Being fit means that you are strong, healthy, and have energy to burn so you can be there for your family when they need you… Not being so fat and out of shape that you have to crash at the end of the day from exhaustion, not even able to muster up the effort to be an active participant in your family… Or worse, needing people to tend on you because you can’t even look after yourself…
This message was made clear today when I logged into the private Muscle After 40 VIP Coaching Group and seen a post that one of our senior members, Paul Miller, shared with the group.
With Paul’s permission, I’m sharing that post here with you here because it’s an inspiring one. It goes to show that you’re never “Too Old” to start taking care of your health and fitness.

Two Different Births…
Two Different Stories:
When fitness hits home!
In 2016, my first granddaughter, Ellie, was born. I came, held her, and was soon fast asleep because it had been a tiring drive… 15 minutes! I was rotund and almost devoid of excitement and energy.
Fast forward to 2021… August… my son’s first child, Kyler, is born. I came, held him, carried on engaging conversation, enjoyed a baseball game… and was alert, full of energy, and the drive was 35 minutes. I felt glad to be there.
Fitness is not all about six-packs… and oh! How I long to sport a set of those, but it is about deeper connections, family connections, life events. Thanks to Lee’s coaching and guidance, I did more than lose weight; I thrived. I took up the challenge of no-gyms-because-of-COVID and did something about it.
This year, I entered a Body Transformation Challenge… and became a gold and silver medalist. My granddaughter, happily, will not know me as Fat Grandpa, but my grandson will know a Fit Grandpa who will take him to the gym when he learns how to walk and show him the great world of exercise (Yes, I jest…a bit). I’m glad to be among you, and this week that privilege has been underscored by a tiny little bundle of 7 pounds and 4 ounces.

If you have a big enough reason WHY you want to live a long, healthy, and active life – you’ll find a way to make it happen – and the truth is you have all the tools, strategies, and resources available to you RIGHT NOW to make a life changing health, fitness, and physique transformation… You just have to be open to receiving them and not be too proud to ask for help!
Unfortunately, as men get older – into their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond – most just give up on themselves. It’s quite common to see hard working men spend their entire adult lives working hard at their job to provide for their family, put food on the table, and a roof over their heads – while neglecting their health and fitness in the process.
I realize that putting your family above your own needs may seem like the noble thing to do. But in the greater scheme of things is this really a wise choice?
Neglecting your health and fitness will eventually come back to bite you. It’s like trying to get ahead by ignoring the maintenance on your car. Things are going to break down and fall apart if you don’t look after it. And what might have been a simple routine maintenance repair job – could lead to engine failure if left unfixed.
Now when it comes to a car, you can always get another one. But the same can’t be said for your body – you only get one – so you better look after it now while you still can.
Just think about it…
All the years of working hard to provide for your family isn’t going to mean much if you die before your time, and leave your wife without a husband, and your children without a father, and never even get to see your grandchildren!
That was almost the case for Paul Miller, a 62-year-old English Teacher from Alberta, Canada. The stress of his work caused him to seek relief through “Comfort Food”… Rich, fatty, greasy, calorie-dense foods… And doing exercise was the last thing on his mind.
It got to the point where Paul no longer cared about how fat and unhealthy he had become. At the end of the day, he just wanted the temporary relief of eating junk food while sitting on the sofa in front of the TV.
As the years progressed Paul’s weight climbed to over 240 pounds. The extra layer of bodyfat was circling his heart like a seal in shark infested waters… He was a ticking time bomb and ended up having a cardiac arrest which put him in the ER…

Thankfully, the Paramedics and ER Doctors were able to save Paul before it was too late. And one of the physicians told him afterwards:
“The Universe has given you a gift, you’ve been given a second chance at life! …what are you going to do with that gift?”
Those words burned right into Paul’s core and changed his perspective on the value of life forever!
Paul and I made a video together discussing his health & fitness transformation journey. He shared exactly how he was able to turn his life around after a near death experience at age 62.
Hopefully Paul’s message will help inspire someone who’s in a similar situation to make a change NOW …before it’s too late!
Paul has a powerful message to share, this literally saved his life, and you need to hear it – especially if you feel that there’s no hope, or that it’s “Too Late” for you to make a change...
If you would like some help to re-gain control over your weight, health, and fitness – just let me know and we can schedule a time to chat and come up with a realistic action plan that’s right for you…

I Help Men Over 40 To Lose The Gut, Build Muscle, and Revive Your Entire Body – without starvation diets or extreme workouts – While Strengthening Your Heart and Joints For Years To Come!
If you are ready to “Start Over” for the last time and finally claim the gains you deserve… Without Punishing Your Body… Then let’s chat and plan out a strategy that’s right for YOU!
Click Here to book a Free 10-minute Strategy Session Call with Lee.