Bodybuilding Meals!
One of my all time favorite bodybuilding meals is high protein oatmeal. I often have this for breakfast as well as for my post workout meal.
The thing I like about it the most is that it’s quick and easy to make, it’s tasty, and provides your body with some high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber.
Now there are a lot of different ways that you can go about making high protein oatmeal. In this video I’m going to share one of the ways that I make it, but if you have your own “special recipe” that you like to make, please feel free to post it in the comments below. I’d love to see what you do as well.
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For this quick and easy high protein oatmeal recipe you’ll need:
– 1/2 cup of quick oats
– 1/4 cup of oat bran
– 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
– 1/4 teaspoonful of cinnamon
1. Boil the kettle. Some people like to make this in the microwave, but I prefer to make it with hot water instead. You can try both and do what works best for you.
2. Mix the oats and oat bran together in a large bowl.
3. Pour in enough hot water to soak the oats and mix it up.
4. Let the oatmeal cool for 1 minute and then stir in 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder. I personally like to use Iso-Smooth 4 Blend Protein Isolate but you can use what ever protein powder you like.
5. Sprinkle some cinnamon over the top and enjoy!
Nutritional Facts:
355 calories
39 grams of protein
46 grams of carbohydrates
9 grams of fiber
6 grams of fat
This would be ideal for a high protein breakfast, a high protein post workout meal, or anytime you need a quick and easy high protein snack. Give it a try for yourself and leave me your comments below.
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Hey Lee,
thanks for your awesome video and advise,
please post 5-10 good source hand making high protein recipe so everyone can make their own.
I think it would be more cheap and healthy then can powder protein,
John Halbert
My favorite post-workout meal is half a can of salmon and a glass or two of red wine. (Around here, we like Cabernet.) The canned salmon is a fraction of the cost of buying it in the market and is already cooked. My doc cleared it as not being sodium-excessive. In addition, the canned version is awash in omega-3 fish oil in an amount hard to get fresh-grilled. Just drink it up–it’s as much as free. The wine is a low-glycemic carbohydrate. Maybe a banana to go with it. Works really well for me.
I’ve noticed in many abut three recipes that come to mind (Oatmeal, Hot Chocolate, ??) you alway use water when adding liquid.
What I’m reaching for, is I can’t recall anything that uses fat free milk and I’ve never heard you say anything about milk.
My questions are, do you drink milk? Is milk a big part of your diet or not?
As part of full disclosure, I should say I drink between 2 & 3 gallons of Fat-free milk a week. Mainly, I use it in my protein drinks and oatmeal.
As always, following you website(s) is never a waste of time.
Excellent presentation –keep up the honest 7 sincere work
I usually use steel cut oats b/c I thought instant oatmeal is not healthy, I take it you don’t agree with that? The steel cut oats are a pain b/c they take 30 min to cook. I understand the flavored packets are full of sugar so that is bad, but is plain instant oatmeal a good option? Other than being more processed what is the main difference between instant and traditional?
I love it. I make mine a little thicker and i use rolled or steel cut. I add cut up apple and crushed almonds for more texture and flavor. Sometimes I through in some raisins also. Thanks Lee.
parrish Corcoran
Hey brother, I just thought I would clarify for you the three most common types of oats, and why people say they are healthy and unhealthy.
First: Like you have states, the flavored packets with sugar are usually really high in processed sugars and preservatives, so those are definitely “unhealthy” in comparison to lucky charms but are actually pretty equal to honey nut cherios and most granolas (both oat products)
Now as far as the big 3, we have: Instant oats (unflavored, unsugared) , Rolled Oats, and Steel Cut Oats.
All three of these use the same grain, the Oat, and they are processed a litte differently.
Steel cut oats take the whole oat and cut them in half (traditionally with a steel blade), much like if you were to cut a grain of rice in half and put all the halves in a box. These, because they are only cut in half, they take a long time to cook because there is less surface area than the others, but the benefit and why they are the “healthiest” is because they digest much slower than the other varieties. Slow to cook = slow to digest. This will provide the least response in glucose in the blood. People also like steel cut oats because if you cook them right they have this slightly chewy taste that is enjoyable.
Rolled oats use the same oat grain, and they use a large metal roller and they roll them flat. The flat shape provides much more surface area for the water/milk to absorb in and makes cooking much faster. These have a slightly different taste and are a tiny bit chewy. They also absorb quicker in the stomach and digestive tract. This will result in a slightly faster/higher glucose response (but nothing like what white bread, rice, or sugar will give you)
Instant oats use a combination of the above. First they chop up the oats, and then they roll them really thin so that the hot water/milk will be able to absorb and cook them really quickly. This will cook super fast (less than a minute) but will again produce a slightely higher still glucose (insulin) response. (still less than that of brown rice)
All three versions of oats still use the same oat grain, so there is no difference in fiber, fats, protein or anything. Oats are famous for being super cheap, high in monosaturated fats, slow digesting carbs (even instant) , and high in fiber. The fiber is what makes digestion so slow and the glucose response much lower than most other carbohydrates. In comparison, oats have 4 times the fiber (and half the glucose response) than whole grain brown rice.
Any way you cook it, it is healthy, and affordable. If you want to wait the extra 30 minutes for the steel cut oats to finish, I find they are much tastier and give the teeth something to sink into, you will also be rewarded by about 10 points on a Glycemic index scale (better for diabetics and for times when you want a slow digestion like overnight, or for breakfast to give you a steady stream of glucose throughout the day) But right after a workout, many people prefer a little more insulin response. The oat bran that he adds in the video will slow down the digestion of even the instant oats to a slower point than steel cut oats to begin with.
I’ve been doing this for a long time. I use homemade yogurt instead of hot water, though. I like the boost to my gut flora.
Tony Keenan
Hi Lee oats r great , if u cook your oats but put in some saltanas and a bit skim milk then just at the end put some chia seeds in mate best breeky u came have.